#it would heal the rift between their houses by making all the parents equally mad
cryptidlark · 1 year
I think Kennitson and Boy-O should kiss. For the sake of teen rebellion that is
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scenariosofkonoha · 8 years
I didn't see any Hashirama in the masterlist. :( Could you do some Hashirama political au headcanons? About him and how he interacts with s/o :)
Oh- there’s so much of this AU that’s been developed and mapped out, but my general following doesn’t know about yet- you all literally have no idea whatsoever; it’s ridiculous. (Like Shisui has a lil sis named Luna in this AU bc Kagami totally would have had a second child if he hadn’t been killed, ya know?) There is literally pages upon pages of just this AU and everything that goes with it; very detailed omg. Guilty pleasure, I guess? Anyway originally, I killed Hashirama off; you’ll see that in my very first set of headcanons for this AU, but maybe like two weeks ago, we decided to keep him alive, and turns out he is a very nice filler to this AU, so here we go.
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Hashirama ran for president in a very, very pivotal time for the nation; they were coming straight out of a world war, so the future of the country was very open and could go many different ways depending on who became president and led this new era. That being said, this is the time where Hashirama is going up against Madara, and it is an extremely cutthroat race, because both politicians are very capable and qualified of the presidency, but they have two different stylings and plans for the nation, and it ends up being one of the closest races in history.
This is where that rivalry between the Senju and Uchiha deepened a bit more and became the rivalry that is known now. There was a lot of controversy over what direction each candidate was going to take, and whether or not the nation as a whole wanted to be known as that. This is the time where the public is very much like, “You either support the Senju or the Uchiha; you must pick.” There was almost no middle ground in this election at all. Now of course there had always been that rivalry between Hashi and Mads, but it’s really the public and the media that amplifies it, and makes it a lot harsher than it truly is- after the election it doesn’t get any better, the rift becomes greater honestly and that friendship that Hashirama and Madara had is nearly destroyed.
Hashirama ends up just barely winning, but this win was probably in the best interest of the nation, because compared to Madara, Hashirama was more rounded and more prepared to handle the nation in a time of peace and rebirth. If the situation calls for it, then he most certainly can be that unfaltering backbone that is not afraid to strike in protection of his nation, but it’s at this time that the nation doesn’t need that constant aggressive force like Madara, but instead a guiding and supporting one, and that is something that Hashirama embodies well. 
The nation honestly thrived so much during Hashirama’s presidency; economy soared, equality become common practice, advancements in social, economical, and academic fields were a constant. Hashirama was truly one of the greatest presidents that ever served; and the nation absolutely loved it, because he’s leading them all into one of the most successful times in history, but he was still very relatable to the everyday person.
By the time re-election came around- there wasn’t a single doubt that he was going to win. Hashirama was the most successful presidents ever, and everyone knew it. 
He was already married by the time he took on the presidency, and his S/O is such a perfect First Lady, she brings a new standard to being the First Lady that all of her successors have to strive to be on par with. Now, this is still a time where politics is a male-dominated profession, but his S/O starts to be that driving force in changing that, bringing more women into the profession, and proving that a woman can do the same job and give advice equal to a male counterpart. Without her, there wouldn’t have been as much social reform and equality created amongst her peers. Hashirama very much relies on her to give opinions on more difficult topics in hopes that it’ll help him make a decision.  
Obviously things progress as time goes on, because 20 years later Tobirama’s political team has Koharu, Mito, and Kagami’s Wifey as major components of it, and that is something that wouldn’t have happened if Hashirama’s S/O wasn’t there. 
Both Hashirama and his S/O are very supportive of each other, and they are this very ideal couple that the nation can look up to. They are a bit old fashioned, but during the time in which they served, the nation needed that steadiness in a very fast changing society.
Hashirama’s such a gentleman too. You won’t see anyone more polite than him when it comes to his wife. 
In this AU, there’s at least 7 or so years between Tobirama and Hashirama, and there are two different presidents between their terms, so the nation that Hashirama handles and the one that Tobirama handles are different. But, regardless, they both will help each other if they need advice or a different outlook on the situation, because Tobirama and Hashirama see things in very different lights, but sometimes that is very helpful when dealing with an issue. 
So I’ve said this before, but Kagami’s Wifey’s dad was Hashirama’s legal advisor all throughout his political career/presidency; they are very good friends with each other. And since her dad was a single parent for a good chunk of her childhood, he had her almost all of the time, so Hashirama became very acquainted with Wifey throughout the years. Hashirama cares about her like he cares for his own children, and he’s was one of those few people who pushed her to chase after a career in politics. This connection is one of the main reasons that Tobirama and Kagami ever became acquainted, so it’s very important in this AU.   
There was definitely some controversy when Wifey started dating Kagami while Hashirama, Tobirama, and Madara were all political forces, because it was two very young, but very informed individuals from opposing parties who could or couldn’t be leaking information to the opposing party. Tbh is was mainly Tobirama finding something trivial to bicker about, because there was nothing better to do, but still Madara’s nephew and Hashirama’s goddaughter? Tobirama didn’t like it- stop corrupting his supporters, Kagami ;p
Lol, Tobs, staph, they’re going to be your VP and foreign affairs advisor in 10 years; you’re not going to be able to function without those two. 
Anyway, my point in this is that it’s Kagami and Wifey’s relationship that kinda gives Madara and Hashirama common ground where they can reconnect a bit after all that hell that their friendship went through with the election and everything else. Hashirama sees it as that rift between their two parties finally starting to heal a bit- especially when Tobirama and Kagami run for office, and also sees the public’s new view is that it isn’t “Senju vs Uchiha,” anymore but instead two very capable politicians running to make sure that the country’s leadership in under good hands. Madara just kinda likes the fact that his family is getting the recognition that it deserves and Wifey doesn’t deal with Tobirama’s BS and will put him in his place if need be. 
OML HASHIRAMA LOVES SHISUI AND LUNA SO SO MUCH. When Tobirama’s in office, he spoils those two kids like none other. All of his kids/grandkids are grown, so now he spoils Kagami and Wifey’s two kids. Whenever their parents are out and they have to deal with Tobirama, Shisui and Luna will always go to Hashirama when Tobirama isn’t giving them what they want (aka vanilla cookies)
Hashi and Mads also laugh about all the shit and trouble Shisui and Luna cause Tobirama. Who knew it would be two children to test Tobirama’s ability so much? 
By Tobirama’s term, Hashirama keeps a very nice distance from the White House and politics where he is very much in tune to what is going on, but where he doesn’t truly have to worry about making decisions etc. He did his job, now it’s Tobirama’s chore to keep the country running.
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