#it would probably just be like a oneshot of astral getting experimented on and suffering lol
OKAY i just had a bit of a Yugioh Zexal Moment and it made me remember a theory I had when I was watching Zexal for the first time (I went into it w/ basically no spoilers), some of yall might remember it from my liveblogs
This was all mostly based off those memories Astral had of the Astral World getting destroyed (sidenote, but wtf happened to those memories?? Like, they were initially Astrals whole motivation and then the writers just kinda forgot about them lmao) and Number 96
Basically, I thought that Astral was created as weapon to fight the enemies of Astral World or whatever so they made this insanely powerful synthetic being who was just like, A Guy personality-wise and since that obviously doesnt make for a good soldier/weapon, they had to like, inject him with negativity and destructive impulses or smth in order to change his personality. My idea was that whenever the higher ups in the Astral World cough Eliphas cough even though I didnt know abt him when I was spinning that theory cough cough wanted him to go out and destroy something (possibly for like, colonizing purposes but that wasnt really based on anything in the show, I think I was just influenced by how many serialized kids shows feature stuff like that) they would trigger that Fucked Up And Evil part of him and he would basically act like Number 96 and when they were like "ok thats enough destruction for now" they would recapture him and do some stuff to make him revert back to his 'base" personality and idk, just kinda keep him in a cell bc I like it when Astral suffers and is lonely and isolated
And I assumed that the reason Astral World got destroyed (and to a lesser extend the reason Astral has such vivid memories of it, although its yugioh so details like that dont really matter tbh) was that they kinda lost control of him one day for some reason and he started destroying shit, although Im pretty sure they made it clear that the Astral World was being attacked by some other forces so its like, more of a joint effort ig. And yeah, thats kinda it
The main reason I bring that up is bc while I was scrolling through the Astral tag just now I also stumbled upon some more critical posts about the writing and how certain things were handled and there were also plenty of Dark Mist posts included there. and it made me remember the profound disappointment I felt when they revealed that Dark Mist was never "really" a "part" of Astral like the other Numbers, he was just kinda created by Don Thousand to fuck Astral up ig
And yeah, now that I wrote this down and thought about it for a moment I realize that Dark Mist just kinda being created by The Astral World Higher Ups to fuck Astral up isnt that much better, but like, it makes the Astral World seem less Pure and Good and dare I say, °•~Heavenly~•° and thus makes the conflict between them and the Barians a lot more interesting
But whatever this is just some stuff I remembered hope you liked it
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