#it wouldn't be a problem if he didnt keept fighting the rogues
p0ssym1lker · 10 months
Danny would go to gotham and just, not care that people know he's a half ghost, just uses his powers and transforms whenever he wants
He's in a different universe! There are laws that protect him! (Not his fault they all assume he's a meta)
And when Batman shows up like "we can't have metas here because-"
Danny just, he just walks away
What is Batman gonna do then huh? Try again? Try a different tactic? Guess what
Doesn't work, Danny just leaves and continues being a menace in gotham
He keeps picking fights with different rogues (and has put the joker into the ground so many times the clown will run when he sees him - he started a petition for the bays to remove Danny by force) and has like, zero respect for any of the bats
It's driving them insane
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