#dc x dp
hello-eden · 3 days
Sitcom Normal
The Justice League is sent to look into Amity Park.  When they get there it is normal. not in the sense that it looks like a normal town but in the sense of a sitcom sort of normal. There are friendly and nosy neighbors and you can spot the occasional young delinquent. They can see family picnics in the park and kids going to school but if you look deeper it gets a little unsettling. there is no crime other than the occasional speeding ticket.
when they look into everything they find surface level Mysteries. The mayor got into office through bribery. There are cheating scandals,  and a group of kids try to shop lifting to look cool.
The magical energy of the place is off the charts but the only thing that seems weird is how normal the place is. It's not until they hear Danny complaining about Vlad being weird, That they find out about the cameras and surveillance that the mayor has on a young Danny Fenton. 
They try to contact the proper authorities and they brush him off. He's the mayor. 
They try to tell the parents they don't believe them. 
They try to talk to the sister, she gives them a pitying look and then pretends they didn't tell her. 
They try to talk to Danny and he tells him to drop it. 
They try to confront Vlad; he has already deleted everything.
On the Amity Park side Amity has been peaceful for over a year. Ghosts have been cohabitating and helping with any rebuilding that needs to take place after the occasional ghost fights. Vlad is getting mostly redeemed.
The fentons are less shouty about ghosts as they know what Danny is and are working with Team Phantom to keep the GIW out of Amity Park's business.
Tucker has been hacking into the Justice League Files for years. It's one of the first things he did when Danny started to do the super thing. Team phantom then spread it to everyone and are now having a lot of fun messing with the Justice League. 
The reason the Justice League was able to overhear Danny complaining about Vlad is because the Fenton parents asked Vlad to turn on his trackers because Danny decided to go to a party without telling them.
With the amount of times Danny has been kidnapped or thrown through a portal to another dimension you'd think he would learn to tell people when he leaves for a couple of hours. 
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seronefada · 2 days
"Batman come closer I'm dying"
Dp/DC promp
Danny and his friends were checking some things out in Gotham.
They just heard of Batman, but he sounds kinda suspicious to them.
They want to keep a low profile, so they break in one of Vlads office, and sneak out again.
But Batman catch up to them.
Danny doesn't want to use his powers to clearly.
But his friends need to run with the informations they stole.
So Danny gets over to plan b.
He puts his hands on his chest. Then starting to slow down his pulse and his breathing.
"Batman help im dying."
Batman turns to to person who is starting to sink to the ground. The thief he's almost a child.
His puls is falling rapidly, his breathing is slowing. The child is dying, he needs to do something.
The other two just run off, but Batman stays by the boy, he can hunt the two an other time.
"Don't worry kid, I'm here I'm gonna help you." Batmans head is racing what can he do, chest compression doesn't seem to help. Does the boy have a heart failure? He needs to do something.
Batman doesn't want to give up, but nothing seems to work.
Suddenly the boy opens his eyes and says:" look man I just wanted to distract you, but now I feel guilty about it."
Batman just stares at him for a moment. The boys sit up again and looks normal again. Batman checks his puls but there is nothing. "I need to take you to the hospital."
"no, breathing and heart beating is optional since my dead. I'm fine. I just needed you to don't chase my friend's. But I actually feel guilty, since you seem so nice. And didn't even hesitate to help me. Should I treat you to a coffee?"
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rinriniisthekatch · 3 days
Danny runs from Mr. Kent.
After finishing editing Danny's resume. Jasmine had sent it to the Daily Planet and as every job requires in high public places. Danny needed to take a drug test to make sure he can get hired. It goes really well, the first time. He's able to get the job.
The second time, well... Danny has been running away every time he sees Mr. Kent. Mrs. Kent scares him, but Mr. Kent keeps fainting in front of him. At first, he thought it was just an accident. Then it kept happening repeatedly to the point it's actually kind of worrying now.
So, anytime Danny even hears Mr. Kent; he runs and hides from the older man. The second time his blood is taken is when his probationary period ends. His ghost blood is considered concentrated kryptonite and he's not sure what that had to do with Mr. Kent until the Big Bat came to interrogate him. Then he figured it out who Mr. Kent's alter ego was and the Big Bat's... honestly, he could have gone all his life without knowing either of their identities.
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breannasfluff · 3 days
A dark shadow jumps down from an upper-level catwalk, a red hood obscuring the person’s face. The butt of a gun is slammed into a goon’s head, dropping him. Another tries to jump the hooded figure and an elbow is slammed into the thug’s gut. 
Danny’s pretty sure they are here to help, so goes back to his own fighting. What he wouldn’t give to ectoblast every one of these guys off his butt. Pandora’s training comes in use though, and he can use their larger size against them. 
Danny is…slim, for his build. Lean in a way that wouldn’t hurt to have a few more meals, but defined muscle. Ghost fighting burns a lot of calories and it’s not always easy to eat as much as he needs to. Even at home with his parents, it was a struggle. They had no basis for why their child was suddenly eating twice as much as anyone else. And when you outpace Jack Fenton at the dinner table? Eyebrows start to go up. At least he grew up a few more inches.
New person raises the guns, but there’s no one left. Everyone is on the ground moaning, or out completely. 
“You okay, civilian?” The voice is modulated through the mask, but it’s a low rumble that sends a shiver up Danny’s spine. 
He gives two thumbs up, which is a bad idea because the ground is still swooping around him. He lists to the side and his hero is there next to him, holding him up. 
“Come on, let’s get out of here. I’m Red Hood, by the way.”
Red Hood? The vigilante? The one that Danny hasn’t heard about over the past month? What the heck is he doing over here?
Read the rest here!
(If you need more bait, how about Danny pranking Hood with soda?)
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Space Fae- DCxDP prompt
So ending up in another dimension wasn't necessarily part of the plan. The plan was to stop the portal from being opened and letting countless demons flooding the mortal realm.
Constantine had said portals were finicky and interrupting the summoning can throw off the destination that the portals go to. But not the hell sounded pretty good.
So Tim might have "accidentally" ended up on the other side of said portal after attempting to see what was in it. He didn't actually think he'd fall in.
On the other side, he ended up in what he thought was a lounge. It looked like one or maybe it was a living room.
Regardless 4 tall luminescent figures looked at him from their reclined positions.
Their bare starry skin was bearly covered by translucent shawls. Their bodies were dappled with constellations against their colarshifting skin, it was like looking at space itself but cut out and melded to humanoid forms. It was clear they felt no need to cover themselves when they were so radiant as is.
The figure in the center of the room who was reclined on a fainting couch laid her eyes on him. Her eyes were a glittering blue surrounded by amber lashes. Her long hair was a metallic copper that moved like molten metal. She was the tallest as she stood up reaching 10 feet. You'd think she was a goddess at first glance. Her shroud covered her head to toes stopping short of the floor. She donned copper rings and necklaces around her with form.
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The other 3 figures gazed at Tim with curiosity.
The tallest male had red patterns of stars on his skin like a dying cosmos against his dark skin. The main difference between him and the tallest female was her skin glittered with hues of purple stars against the black space. But he was mostly void. His eyes glowed like blazing red dwarfs determined to not go without a fiery blaze of glory. His ashen-tinted shroud was wrapped around his hips with a silver pin. His hair was a metallic silver. The only part of him that caught the light. He crossed his arms as he stared down at Tim at 9 feet tall.
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The smallest girl stood only 7 feet tall. Her white hair flowed upwards in a ponytail that moved like a cloudy mist. Her skin was a bright cluster of colors like fireworks. Her skin was so bright the black spaces of her skin didn't exist yet because the space she embodied was so young and new. She mainly shined shades of blue and white of new stars Her green eyes were so bright they glowed a mint green. Here shroud was tied around her like a dress with a golden chain. She bounded towards Tim only to be stopped by the last of the figures who leaned down to meet Tim's gaze.
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The last one was male...kind of. Male and female of these beings were judged only by their outlines so far and their way of wearing their translucent coverings. But this last one was neither but completely breathtaking. Their Lazarus green eyes framed by silver eyelashes like fresh powdery snow. Their long white locks reflected like the morning sun shining off untouched snow making holographic like rainbows ripple down the hair. His skin was a swirling mass of cloudy green stars. The center of their body made up the center of a rotating galaxy around a star. His shroud was tied in a toga that fell off one shoulder. He accessorized with jade bracelets and earrings that glowed eerily on his arms, legs, and neck.
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The 8-foot-tall being placed a finger under Tim's chin and smiled kindly. He said something to the others and a language he didn't know. It sounded like humming.
There was something in that sound like it promised everything Tim had ever wanted could be found here. Limitless knowledge, love, and someone who understood him in every way.
Then Tim was thrusted back into his dimension with faint memories of his time there. Learning, flying, a warm embrace, and the faint taste of nectar on his lips. The memories faded to vague dreams when he crossed the threshold and only minutes had passed since he left.
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demonic0angel · 2 days
Can we See Dani and/or Dan curb stomping Vlad whilst jazz and Danny applauding them both in the background<33 (possibly with Dick and Jason or Tim and Kon)
Sure thing 😌
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If you're wondering why Vlad is posed like that, they tossed him to the floor after several beatings and now they're going for the kill 💀
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babbling-babull · 23 hours
DP X DC Prompt #86
Vlad realizes that he's hurting "his" Maddie and "his" son so he jumps through random portals until he is thoroughly lost. He ends up as a minor Rouge for the local child Vigilante/Heroes.
@hdgnj @evilminji @itshype
@dragonsrequiem @killianariel18100
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Chapter 1 : One Sided Family
Big TW:(thanks for reminding me;-;) sensetive stuff such as graphic SH and CSH.
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(yes, this is the fic title <33)
Danyal Al Ghul, A child that shouldn't have existed, a child capable of sunny sweet smiles and empathy despite the harsh environment of the league. No one understood how he could still smile and make subtle small jokes, a warm presence that he gave off was eerie for the league. It made Talia much more favorable of her other son, the much superior Damian Al Ghul.
Danyal himself didn't understand how he could be himself, whenever he greets someone they ignore him, he tries to open up to his own brother hoping for some closure between them but that only left him with a deep scar in his cheek, he had to tend to his own wounds from fighting with his brother, his existence felt like a mere stepping stool for Damian Al Ghul, Also known for being the Real Heir of the Al Ghuls. Danny slowly felt disappointment in himself, blaming himself for being the way he is.
Was Danyal wrong? Was Danyal a mistake? Danyal asked himself gently placing his small palm on the mirror, a slap of the Mother he is bound to with flesh and blood visible in his cheek, his small hands pressing on his reflection, 'Why am I.. wrong?' Danyal mentally asked himself trying to hold back to tears who wanted to break through his calm act, his chest heavy with questions yearning for the warmth he was not even familiar with.
Danyal saw a new guard for them, he resembled someone... Danyal couldn't pinpoint who, He always greeted the guard despite them not greeting or saying anything back, but Danny felt as though they were watching him, softly. Danyal smiled at the guard every so often despite being told by his superior twin that there is no use in taking notice of the guard. Danyal always snuck books to the guard and often puts it in his hands or Danyal would sit beside him and read slowly.
The guard used to only stare at the books but now he's started reading them which made Danyal's heart leap in joy as he had finally found an interest of the nameless guard. At some point Danyal had approached the guard and slowly got used to sitting on the Nameless Guard's Lap, Danyal no longer felt lonely in the league. Getting attached to his new found friend despite Damian's disappointment in his attachment atleast his twin is now learning more stuff from observing the guard.
It was occasional that Danny get a scrape or two from the harsh training and the guard would come by the boy the kneel, staring at the scrapes as if it would go away with just sight trying to 'intimidate' the wound to stare it away, unable to process on how to properly 'repair' or heal the injury. It made Danyal laugh as it portrays that the guard has a sense of care for the boy but just didn't know how to act on it, knowing nothing as to how he'd be able to help Danyal.
As time went on Danyal has grown fascinated with the stars, His newfound friend has noticed sure, often nodding along with Danyal's Chattering about what he's learned and what books the boy has read, Danyal wishes that this silent friend of his would stay with him for he is the only one who's ever listened to the boy. "Can I know your name?" Danyal blurted out to the guard, "Oh wait sorry Right— you can't speak—" Danny was interrupted by the guard's deep Voice.
"Jason." He said, Danny perked up and his eyes sparkled and he nodded with a wide bright smile, it made the guard flinch and just nod back, now it was just another day for Danyal hoping to read more books with the guard but upon entering his chambers... He was not there.
Danyal felt his heart crack at the sight of his friend not being present. Where is he? Danyal looked around silently in the league searching for his friend desperately but he never found the Man, Danyal held back his tears as to not show any emotion. He thought maybe the guard was a test from Grandfather to tell Danyal that he could take what Danyal loves the most if he continued to be... Weak.
Slowly he built up walls around his heart, his soul, secluding himself and becoming lone, Although he still trained even under harsh conditions he continued fighting through, not because he had a purpose but because it's the only thing he thinks he's useful for, he could never surpass his superior twin but the best he could surpass would be his own self. But deep inside him his heart aches at the loneliness he felt, he felt alone and gradually his mind was filled with thoughts of usefulness and what is... What is he?
What was wrong with him? Not even grandfather liked him, rather grandfather nor mother looked at him, Neither did his twin. 'Maybe I really just wasn't supposed to be born...' he whispered under his breathe holding back tears as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He pulled up his sleeves and unsheathed his blade, "Maybe.... Maybe the pain will make me forget...?" Danyal asked himself staring at the mirror, moments after he hissed in pain feeling his blood trail down from his wrists.
He couldn't hold back his tears as he continued to let the blood drip, he stared at his tear streaked face, "Yeah... The pain does make me forget.." Danyal smiled in the mirror slowly getting himself used to the mask, Putting on a poker face is better than... Him. Danyal washed his hands and pulled down his sleeves, hiding the wounds just like always as no one would really care nor notice a few sliced in his wrists. No one will ever love him back in this place, his devotion and love will never be.... Acknowledged either way.
Another day passed, and another, and another, normal days until assassins who had been, practically with the league for a long long time who still held their loyalty to the former leader whom Ra's had executed didn't stand by. In an act of revenge, the remaining assassins had tainted the food of the two heirs to the Demon Head with poison and immediately committed death to themselves afterwards.
Danyal laid on the cold floor, his body slightly pulsing slowly losing consciousness in their private chamber, Danyal looked over to his twin and reached to hold the boy's hand, he felt his consciousness fade slowly as the pain began to began it's work. Thinking death will finally take it's toll on Danyal, he wishes upon a star, a myth of the children, tell no one and it will come true, Slowly he fluttered his eyes close and wished upon his last gasp of Breathe he wished that in If ever there is a next life, someone to love him with all his heart the way he loves back.
He blinked, he opened his eyes, he had been reborn, his body now regressed back to that of a baby. He was born in the family of the 'Fentons' , parents that are scientists(?) he wasn't quite sure as to what the Fenton's really are. Although they weren't always present he could feel that they loved him, loved him as their son ofcourse. They spent their time tinkering away and chattering about their latest project. It did not bother D̶a̶n̶y̶a̶l̶Daniel as they took their time to teach Danny the basics of 'Tinkering' away.
Jasmine Fenton, Jazz as she preferred was different than his past experience, instead of leaving him behind and going on her merry way and watch their parents 'raise' him she stayed, rather she acted just like a mother, despite being the more favored sibling among their parent's favor, despite her being just allowed to leave the boy to fend off for himself, she stayed.
She read many books, thick and thin, so many infact it surpassed her already tall frame, all books surrounding the topic of parenting and how to take care of a child that is Daniel, It confused Daniel, all this love and attention they are giving is new to him, like a radiant glimmer of hope that shines brighter than the sun itself. It was warm and Comforting, a new sensation he didn't want to let go. He clutched onto his Sister..? Mother. Like a chickling to it's mother hen.
Whenever he was in distress she was there to console him, comfort him that he did nothing wrong, whenever something didn't go his way she'd teach him how to understand how not everything turns out the way he wants. She taught him many things, Jack and Maddie did too but Jazz taught him nearly everything. She was there, she filled the roles of Mother and Father despite her having the talents to run away and become successful, her intellect leaving her with many open doors she could take yet she looked behind and stayed... For him.
He fumbled and sometimes felt shy with all the love he is receiving, along with his new two best friends Samantha Ingrid "Sam" Manson and Tucker Foley and some mutuals, they too were with him through thick and thin despite... Despite that accident that left him scarred. They cared for him and loved him even tho they knew, they all knew he changed. That he died but they stayed and helped him through the memories and the pain, slowly gaining more friends in the school despite his difference.
Even getting a suitor that is Dash Baxter, although Jazz was very protective of Danny at first for The Boy was a Former Bully and A Jock that jazz didn't trust he didn't give up on trying to court Danny that it made Danny laugh, Jazz finally let the boy Court Danny after so long of fighting jazz for the 'right to love' as Sam would call the whole ordeal. They stuck through everything, the mess and the new appearances.
Even when Ellie appeared! Although she was a surprise to him he accepted her wholeheartedly seeing her as his little sister, although it started rough because of some complications with Vlad... they got through it and slowly going somewhere together. Then he saw himself, a future version of himself from another timeline where he had lost it all, He knew everything, every secret he kept hidden and locked away. Dan knew every thought he made, every action and every strategy. Both eventually clicking with each other and Dan realizing he still had that soft spot in his 'core'.
The bond between them becoming brothers just as well, it was perfect, D̶a̶n̶i̶e̶l̶Danny had people who loved him back, the way he loved them with all his being. The way he gave away his heart to them. If only Maddie and Jack never found out what he became after the accident, maybe he could've stayed. He felt so much pain being strapped to the table and opened up like some... Animal. The last moments he's seen being his Older Sister, Jazz screaming out his name in the Lab before his eyes fluttered close due to exhaustion and pain.
Why was he back? The walls of the league surrounding him, His breathe Hitched and his eyes frantically looking around slowly processing that he was.. back. Back in the league, he felt his walls instantly guard his 'core' his heart. "What?" He blurted out as he breathes in and out trying to compose his beating heart. 'Why? Why? Was it all a dream? Please. It wasn't a dream right?!' he asked himself under hushed whispers and clenched his chest, he saw the scar he retained from the accident still in his hand, he traced it on his body and the Lichtenberg Scar was still trailing along his palm to his chest to his eye.
D̶a̶n̶y̶a̶l̶ couldn't understand, how does he remember the years he was Danny? Perhaps a past life? That couldn't be as he gained back the scars from that 'past life' , it all felt like a haze in the mind, a barrier of fog into memories he couldn't access. He knew to himself it wasn't dream. It couldn't be at all! There was no way! The only proof he had to say to himself that it had been real was a neon green sticky note that appeared Infront of him in the mirror.
"Time Will Tell.'
Danny grit his teeth, he felt the last of his tears flow out, a silent scream escaping his mouth as he for the first time in what felt like years, let the blood trickle down his palm from his wrist, from that day froward he didn't care no longer. He thickened the walls around his heart and do what he was told. 3 days after his awakening Damian himself finally woke up, but remained indifferent as always.
"Danyal?" Damian took notice of Danny for the first time. Damian noticed that the Boy... Stopped smiling at Damian, Damian didn't understand at first but he just thought to himself that maybe it's just that Danny has finally realized his softness will not get him anywhere in the league. Danny stared at Damian for the most part and never responded to his twin's questions, always lost in thought in those eyes devoid of any emotions, eyes that used to shine at the sight of stars now dull and... Dark.
Ra's was pleased by Danyal's new self, for this dull knife was finally sharpening itself to be a deadly dagger, Talia remained as indifferent as always but Damian had a slight hint of concern he shut out. Danyal remained indifferent, setting himself to be the loyal tool he was expected to be keeping his hands in his back and his head moderately high but not higher than his superior twin's. He was the tool they always expected him to be now, Damian's supposed stepping stool to success and greatness as the next Demon Head Heir.
'Right, this is how it was always supposed to be...' Danny whispered to himself, Damian hearing only faintly and glancing at Danny who didn't look back, Danny didn't look 'scared' or 'nervous' Infront of Ra's or anyone anymore as he shouldn't be, he acted like a doll with no emotion, complete contrast of what he used to be. He thinks it's for the betterment of himself to completely lock his emotions in the empty space in his head.
For his 'Mother' is no longer there to receive his love.
When they turned 10 years old Talia sent them off to their Father in Gotham in an effort to disrupt their work which didn't really succeed.
Richard "Dick" Grayson immediately took a liking to Damian seeing Jason in the young boy and someone who needed 'care' and guidance. Danyal... Danny was just following them as they cemented their immediate likeness to Damian after they had thought Bruce Died. Dick immediately decided that he would put his all into guiding the young Damian.
But what about Danyal?
Danyal tilted his head as he paused in the doorway of the Manor, "Oh my... Hello there Young Master..." Alfred Pennyworth, the Butler of Wayne Manor greeted Danyal and lowered his knee to Danyal's height, "Oh.... Hello..." Danyal merely greeted meekly as he looked up at the older Man, "Come on in.. May I know your name?" Alfred asked holding out his hand to the poor boy. "Danyal... But... Please call me Danny.." Danny, smiled.
Alfred Nodded and lead Danny in the Manor, "Do you want to eat anything young Master Danny?" Alfred looked down at the new ward and Danny stared at Alfred for a moment, "do you know.. how to make.. Burgers or Pierogi?" Danny tilts his head, "why Ofcourse Master Danny, how about beverages?" Alfred asked softly, "Just some... Soda is fine." Danny gave him a small smile as Alfred held the boy's hand and lead him to the kitchen to wait and eat.
Danny knew they weren't exactly food that Danny should be familiar with in the league, Danny asked for them either way to remember the taste of Illinois in his tounge. To remember When Jazz would cook him pierogi or when him and his friends and 'suitor' would eat at Nasty Burger with their food, he merely wanted to remember the 'past life' that he so loved.
Alfred served him his food with a smile, a pierogi and a burger with soda, Danny brightened up and smiled at Alfred, "Thank You Sir Pennyworth..." Danny muttered shyly and Alfred chuckled amused, "Please just call me Alfred, Master Danny." Alfred slightly ruffled the boy's hair gently and Danny nodded so.
After some time Danny yawned whilst telling Alfred stories of Amity Park, Alfred just listening intently despite the confusion on how Danny would know this, or the fact that Amity Park didn't exist... Alfred listened to the small boy's chatter until he grew exhausted and fell asleep leaning on Alfred's arm. Alfred's eyes softened gently carresing the boy's cheek and grazing over his visible Lichtenberg scar that tainted his innocent small face.
Alfred gently carried the boy and heading over to an empty bedroom that was promptly kept clean by Alfred everyday, Alfred tucked the boy in and looked over his shoulder, "Alfred... That's the other one right?" Dick asks, "Yes Master Dick, This is.. Danyal, but he prefers the Name Danny." Alfred just bows slightly at Dick who nodded.
"I see... Jason and Damian are at the living room, do you also want to meet Damian now too?" Dick asks and Alfred nodded following Dick out of the room, Alfred carefully and quietly shut the bedroom door letting Danny sleep peacefully. Danny's Scars spread, revealing more of it's leakage to Danyal from Daniel, Danny felt his dreams manifest.
Days, Passed, maybe even weeks, Danny lost count on how long it has been since he's talked to one of his 'brothers' or Damian as it seemed they're always busy, Damian was also building connections with them and Danny being once again left behind to himself... 'maybe I could help Tim with Father?' Danny asked himself slowly perking up knowing he can ask Clockwork for a Favor. Although it may change some things in the timeline because of his favored interference. Maybe they'd finally acknowledge him.
Danny snuck inside the Batcave with ease using his Phantom Abilities, He wrote on a small sticky note that he found by Tim's usual Desk and drew a summoning circle to ask CW. Danny looked up at a clock "Clockwork... Can you do them a small favor?" Danny asked the clock softly and it ticked loudly by the minute and Danny knew that meant a 'Yes'. Danny smiled softly and put stuck the note in the computer where Tim would easily see.
Danny was organizing the files after seeing the mess and even putting other sticky notes to help Tim, Danny's heart fluttered at thinking of how he could help Tim through small clues, all notes he put had the initials "D.W." on them with a smile. Eventually he even got a Coffee Ready Thermos by the Desk for Tim before leaving the Batcave with a happy smile and a light heart.
"Clockwork should I tell Alfred?" Danny asked the grandfather clock and it ticked by the minute initiating another yes, Danny hopped happily and heading to find Alfred but promptly stopping in his tracks. Danny stared at Jason and Damian 'hanging out' in the backyard. "The Guard..." Danny muttered under his breathe, he leaned on the Window from upstairs as he watched them play.
"Maybe... I'm not meant to be loved her—" the Clock ticked loudly as if aggresively saying that it was not the case. Danny just stared at the clock and sat by the window. "I miss my mom..." Danny mutters softly his voice betraying him and breaking. "Damian?" Dick places his hand on Danny's shoulder, "O-Oh! It's you... Your name is Danny right?" Dick asked with a worried face wiping the tears in Danny's face.
"Am I... Not wanted here..?" Danny asked straightforwardly tears sliding down his cheeks, Dick froze, "W-why would you say that Buddy?" Dick's face contorts into more worry and disbelief. "This is... The first time I've been here that any of you talked to me..." Danny sobbed out, unable to hold back his heavy emotions any longer, Dick just embraced the small boy in his arms. "It's not that you're not wanted... That's not it, I'm sorry." Dick softly whispered as Danny continued crying.
"I'm sorry we made you feel that way..." Dick just comforted the boy, He didn't notice that his 'favoritism' towards Damian was affecting the other boy, they always thought of him as the unmoving wallflower that didn't seem or look that he cared at all about it, they always thought Damian was the one who needed more care since he seemed more expressive and aggresive.
Dick took Danny outside hoping he could know more about the kid, although Danny only stayed quiet as they watched Damian and Jason play, Damian dragging Dick to play as well, Danny being.. left behind again.. atleast he's gotten used to being left alone that it stopped hurting too much. Danny stood up and left without the three noticing his presence disappearing.
"A promise is just a slurry of words that can always be broken..." Danny muttered softly under mostly broken breathes as he headed back to his assigned bedroom. Tommorow dawned on Danny as the presence of Clockwork dropped the temperature of the home, Danny felt himself shivering slightly and breathe puffing out frost as he was in the halls.
He had forgotten that 'Danyal' and 'Daniel' are different bodies and that he himself is not used to this sudden coldness that felt like Winter inside a frozen cave. "Danyal!" Danny heard Damian call out his name and a jacket being wrapped around him, "Wear this." Damian clicked his tounge as he helped his younger brother cover up and wrapped his smaller frame with a large and thick blanket.
"I've been looking everywhere for you." Damian sighed and hugged Danny tightly, "Huh? What do you need Damian?" Danny just asked and Damian grabbed the boy by the wrist gently and dragged him to the Batcave, "I think that green creature is looking for you." Damian says breathing out a puff of frost as he does so, Ice trailing along the walls the longer the temperature stayed low.
Damian dragged Danny to the Batcave, Damian trying to resist the cold but Danyal getting concerned and Wrapping Damian in the blanket he has given him, "I already have a jacket Akhi." Danny sighed and forced Damian like a burrito before being the one to drag him to the Batcave instead.
As they arrived at the Batcave they saw Tim on his knees on the floor staring up at the large green portal atop the summoning circle adorned by stop watches and candles, other heroes such as The speedsters and some Danny doesn't recognize also present. The higher being wore blue ghastly robes holding a staff. It was hard to properly see the being with it's full glory due to the brightness of the Lazarus Green portal.
"This Interference will cause some.. major and minor changes in the future... Do you want to proceed?" The being asked, but it didn't seem to ask Tim. Tim looked over his shoulder and saw Danny and Damian, Danny nodded. "Very well little Badger~" the higher being laughed amused at how this world is proceeding instead of it's original course.
[Clockwork Favors his Grandchild too much to not do the bidding of changing a Realm's timeline course.]
The higher being that is Clockwork slowly approached Tim who instinctively covered Danny and Damian with his body, his action made Clockwork smile enthusiastically, "atleast you have the mind to care for both boys... Hmm... Yes yes I'll help you..." Clockwork motions his hand dismissively slowly turning his body to face the other leaguers and John Constantine. "Oh my. I came early didn't it Hellblazer?" Clockwork tilts his head smiling and approaching John.
John felt the weight of the room become heavier than before, the pressure from the god of time's presence weighing them all down, John lowered his head as a bow and the other leaguers followed his motion knowing well if they even offend the god they'll have no other choice now and Bruce will surely not come back. Clockwork taps his chin with his finger a smile still plastered in his face. "The children shouldn't be awake for any of these." Clockwork said and before anyone could respond, he turns his head to Damian and Danny's direction and flicked his finger.
Their eyes shut close, sudden exhaustion overwhelming both their bodies.
Danny opened his eyes suddenly and sat up near immediately, gasping for air and frantically looking around, he found Damian slowly waking up beside him, Danny could hear his heart racing in his ears as he slowly took in slow deep breaths. "What time..." He muttered trying to track the clock hanging by the wall and soon his eyes landed on the clock reading the time at exactly 8:00 AM. It was already day and the sun was shining through the gap of the curtains.
"Ugh...." Damian groaned beside him, slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Danyal...?" Damian muttered his gaze landing on his brother beside him. "Hello.. morning..." was all Danny could mutter slowly catching up on his breathe. He fixed his eyes on the door suddenly as it opened, Dick entered the room to check on them and he froze upon seeing them finally awake.
"Oh my Fucking god— YOU'RE AWAKE!" Dick had tears in the edge of his eyes as he pulled both boys into a bear hug, dick trying his best not to cry of worry, "Unhand me Grayson! It is far too early for this!" Damian complained and tried to push Dick away but soon gave up, Danny just slowly softened and buried himself in the hug, loving the physical attention. "You've been both asleep for almost a week, Jesus Christ..." Dick just curses under his breathe, hugging them both tighter.
"You saved Bruce..." Danny perked up at his statement but soon realized he was looking at Damian, Danny was confused and Dick suddenly pulled Damian up and hugged the boy only. "C'mon Dami! You have to see Bruce! You saved him after all with that tip!" Dick dragged Damian, "I did not do anything GRAYSON!" Damian sneered and cried out looking back at Danny who's eyes were slowly losing it's light once more.
"Dan—" Damian was cut off by Dick suddenly tossing the boy in his arms and carrying him in his shoulder, "C'mon now Dami! Don't be shy about helping!" Dick exclaimed. Danny heard their footsteps slowly running far from the room.
Danny's breathe Hitched as he tried to hold back his tears, slowly lowering his head and his gaze landing on his hands. He buried his face in his hands as broken sobs soon broke through his defenses. "But... I'm the one who helped Tim..." He muttered under sniffled and muffled sobs. He slowly pulled on his head as he kept his head lowered on the blankets, slowly curling up on the bed kneeling still. "I was right.... No one... Loves me here..." Danny... Danyal cried out softly. His heart growing heavy the longer he cried.
Danyal laughed as he pulled on his hair and dragged his hand down his cheeks, leaving small red marks as he dug his fingers on his neck and slowly wrapping his arms around his shoulders letting himself fall back in bed, knowing he's been left and forgotten once again. He buried himself under the blanket and cried softly, muffling his sobs with the thickness of the blanket.
"I helped..." He says, feeling childish for being jealous and feeling that it was unfair that Damian is the One getting credit. He Felt childish, Undeserving. "Right... He's the superior Twin... It's inevitable." He scoffs, 'reminding' himself that he's not the loved twin for a reason, trying to tell himself that he's not worthy of their love because he's not someone even worthy of being Damian's Brother, not worthy of being an 'Al Ghul'. Let alone being worthy of being a 'Wayne'.
He just slowly closed his eyes letting tears flow out, "I miss my mom..." He softly mutters.
"I miss my family..."
Tags for the OP of this prompt and someone else lol:
@unadulteratedsoulsweets (OP)[I tried my best to recreate this OP]
@yoopsity <33
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found-pham-ily · 1 day
A little thought about a swapped at birth thing with Danny and Damien. Only for Danny he's been de aged.
We all know Damian was dunked in the pits and Fandom wise it's pretty agreed the pits are a form of ectoplasm. What if after a particularly *bad* battle or the GIW doing something horrible to Danny Clockwork decides the only way to save the timeline and Danny is to pull a fairy on someone.
So a de aged Danny is swapped with baby Damian in the pits. Essentially taking a role of a changling. A child who looks like your child but *isn't*, who behaves oddly and feels *off*.
Danny acts like Danny even as a small child since he remembers. But he also remembers Clockwork frantic in dragging him from the GIW/Fight and telling him this was the only way to save him. And when a cryptic bastard is that forth coming you don't protest...too much anyway.
Talia who knows the child isn't her own. That the pits returned something else in his stead. Yet who grows to love him regardless. She had told Ra's but the older man had simply said if the pits gave them this child instead then he was the worthy one. She still mourns her Damian.
Ra's who knew the child wasn't the same as the one they put in from the start. Who watches this being grow, a deep part of him says the boy is a danger but also to be protected. An unknown influence from his liminality in the form of the realms itself trying to protect her favored child/king.
Danny who waits for himself to be stronger to return. Missing his Fraid but finding additions here in the league.
Meanwhile Damian just a mere babe is given to the Fentons. Jack and Maddie knew of Danny and accepted him as he was. Rewriting their whole beliefs on ghosts. But they couldn't protect their boy. So when Frightknight under orders of Clockwork approaches them telling them Danny will live they cry.
Given the baby with a deal. Care for the young child and someday their true son would return. Frighty couldn't tell them *when* or *how* just that Danny was out there and this child would be important to his return.
Jack and Maddie who don't even need the promis of Danny's return to care for the baby. Though the promise their son would be back fueled them to persist on. They aren't the best parents to Damien, no matter how hard they try, they are hyperfocused on ghosts and forgetful. But they do better, and Damian is loved.
Damian is told the truth from an early age but is reassured by the Fentons that they love him. Damian who grows up being doted on by Jazz and told stories of his big brother. Damian who decides even if he finds his real family he will always care for the Fentons.
Maybe he hears stories of Danny fighting and protecting even those who hurt him and gets a small case of hero worship. Which fuels him into training.
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ufotomars · 2 days
The Boy, The Ghost, & The Revenant
"Can you tell us why the G.I.W. origination arrested you, as well as kept you in their custody?"
Danny paused.
"Because of what I am. I am a ghost—and ghosts are nothing but evil in their eyes. They hunted and trapped their monster and did as they saw fit."
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bet-on-me-13 · 22 hours
Ghostly Host AU
So! Ghosts need a physical Anchor in the living world, or they are liable to fall apart and fade away if they stay for too long.
In Amity Park, this usually isn't too much of a problem. Sure most Ghosts can't stay for a week without a Host, but the ambient Ecto-Levels in Amity Park are enough that they can stay for a few days or so at a time with little worry.
This changes however, during Reign Storm.
When Pariah Dark awakens, Tens of Thousands of Ghosts use the Fenton Portal to escape the Rule of Pariah Dark, running away into the Human Realm.
If Amity Park had stayed where it was, this would have been fine. They could have stayed in the Living Realm for a few days, and maybe the Weaker ones would need to find a temporary Host, but that was fine since Amity was filled with thousands of Liminals.
Unfortunately, Pariah Darks first move was to suck Amity Park into the Ghost Zone, alongside all of the Ecto-Energy that had accumulated there.
Now left trapped in the Living Realm with no way back to the Zone, thousands of Ghosts suddenly needed Hosts or they would start dying off by the Hundreds. In a Panic, they spread out across the Planet in search of viable Hosts.
Any normal Person wouldn't do, they needed a Living Being that could actually handle their Power, or someone who matched their Soul. Preferably both. Liminals were the best since they had a durable Body and a Malleable Soul, so any Ghost could use any of them as a Host.
But outside of Amity Liminals were very rare, and finding someone who matched their Soul was time-consuming and hard. Thankfully, in recent years the population of Aliens, Metahumans, Enhanced Soldiers, and even extra durable baseline Humans had spiked across the world.
All across the planet, People suddenly found themselves stuck with a new Passenger in their Bodies.
Those new passengers thankfully weren't malicious, for the most part, but it was still annoying. The only good thing was that they now had new Powers, which neat.
They could summon the Ghosts in their Body outwardly, and then command the Ghost to use their Powers in whatever way they wanted. Only other Hosts could see another person's Ghost, which meant they looked very awkward to normal people when they fought. Generally, Hosts seemed to act more strangely after getting a Ghost, as if they lost a few of their Inhibitions.
Why did they feel the sudden need to strike a flamboyant Pose? Or over dramatically scream?
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breannasfluff · 19 hours
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nightingale-prompts · 22 hours
Ghost Nests-DC x DP prompt
So ghosts have haunts. We all know this. This is their haunting ground and territory. Every ghost carves out their own haunt once they get strong enough or band together with ghosts of similar strength.
But there is more to it. Inside every haunt there is a nest for lack of a better word.
It's a space where a ghost usually resides when they aren't haunting. It is like the bedroom of their house.
A ghost keeps the location of their nest as their deepest secret. Ghosts spend a lot of time decorating their nests and keeping everything in perfect order. The only beings that will ever see the nest are their closest friends and family. Even then friends may not be allowed to touch anything. Perhaps only their young are allowed to enter as they please since the nest is where they were formed. Once they reach maturity they will find their own haunt and nest when they are ready and willing.
One thing to keep in mind is that a ghost always knows when someone crosses into their nest.
Pray that the ghost might mistake you as a friend.
So what if someone invaded an occupied next?
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demonic0angel · 3 days
Hi. What are your thoughts on Gotham city spirit Danny?
Danny doesn't remember how it happened. One moment he was fighting a ghost in Amity Park and the next moment he was in Gotham, and now he was bound to the city, unable to leave, and all those curses weighting down on him :(
Ooh, I've heard of Gotham City Spirit, but I don't think I've heard of Danny being the Gotham City Spirit! I think it's very interesting, I love cursed inanimate objects :)
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I imagine he looks something like this, with a starry veil over his head (please don't mind the quality of the sketch, I just whipped it up rq). If he came before Batman, he probably struggled underneath the curses to be able to help his new city for a while. When Batman started getting rid of crime, that's when he started being able to move! If he came after Batman, I think he'd have no restraints and just starts helping the Batfamily whenever he can.
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ten-shiriya23 · 3 days
DC!Void core au art concept
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Basically drawing Danny in Sirin poses/scenes on the second eruption comic
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A random paranormal romance fan (who lives nowhere near Amity Park), while doing some research on ghosts for their next project, comes across the Anti-Ecto Control Acts.
And as they dig deeper, they start to realize this is a way bigger deal than they were ever imagining.
One thing leads to another, and they end up publishing a whole exposé on the matter.
…they just have to make sure no one ever learns just how they got started down this rabbit hole in the first place.
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