#it wouldnt eem post earlier
tkos-doll-blog · 8 years
“Deb I promise you I'm not worried about none of that shit dawg. My whole life bitches have felt all types of intimidated or froggy in my presence. You think I'm going to let someone take this opportuni- better yet money from me? Really?” Arkeisha scoffed and folded her arms, no matter how many times she's proved herself to her manager Deb Antney, Deb is never satisfied. Arkeisha is starting to question why she's even around her at this point, it seems as though Deb is always chastising her.
“Alright Chicago we have a special guest hitting the stage, some may know her as KD, other may know her as the bitch with that ass out, but we all know her as Kashdoll!” The DJ yelled to hype the club up. In a tough city like Chicago she wasn't expecting the loud roar she got from the crowd, but none the less it amped her all the way up. Deb went to grab her before hitting the stage, but Arkeisha swiftly snatched herself away with an enthusiastic grin.
“Don't be stupid out there, this is their city, this is their hood, and this is where you could potentially lose it all. Have fun and kill it.” Deb warned before turning her back.
“You know I do this and I do it well, I gotta put on for the Motor- Do not bring Detroit into this… It could turn things hostile Arkeisha. Now go.” Arkeisha rolled her eyes and hit the stage, she looks over at the DJ and he gives her a reassuring nod. As she whips her hair back and flashes her smile, her TKO chain glistens in the light. This is the moment she lived for. This why she got into the business, this why music was her outlet, to let all the basic bitches who fucked with her to know she's the baddest to do it.
“What's good Chiraq? Y'all ready to get this shit crackin? Now usually I would do some of my old shit, but I just signed a new deal with TKO and I feel like y'all deserve something a bit more special. This song right here is called 304, DJ fuck it up one time.” The sample of Ginuwine’s “Pony” fills the club and KD starts to feel the beat and excitement in the air. Then those butterflies she had disappears as she begins to feel like real performer for once.
“Uh we did it in my keep, like every fucking week, he kiss me on my cheek, he kiss me underneath, my boy sure to keep it tight, most nigga keep it tight, like every single night.” As she scans the crowd she sees everyone vibing to her music, except one particular individual. It's hard for her not to say something but, she doesn't want to cause a scene as Deb had already warned her about the possible outcome of things. She looks down and begins to finish the rest of her verse. Looking directly at the chick as she raps.
“On sight, never with a freak bitch, downtown on some freak shit… had me feeling like I never did before it was cool until I found out yous a ho— stop the music, cut the beat, cut the beat. Bitch am I not amusing or entertaining enough for you? Why show up if you're just going to just stand there like you got something to say? Do I know you?” Usually a hating ass bitch wouldn't phase her, but the Hennessy had been flowing and she is not for them games. She sees security slowly approach the confrontation so she takes the time to walk over the edge of the stage to get a better look at the girl.
“Bitch what you're doing is not impressive if we wanted to hear a watered down Nicki I’d have no issue coming to see you, however you're talking a little too much for someone with no credi- You can't compare me to the next bitch ever especially if she's obsolete…” she says before hopping of the stage to be face to face with the girl “... You're just like her, delusional. Especially If you think even a second she can compete. I'm not worried about no lame ass, flip floppin, goofy ass ho such as her and apparently her. You think she gives a fuck about you ma?” Every time KD talks she's stepping closer and closer to the girl, and every step she takes the farther security drifts behind her.
“Look I actually just wrote a song for not only her, but her pressed ass fans too, it goes a little something like this.” She looks back at the DJ and mouths the words “track 2”. “Let me tell you a little thing about me, I'm a boss bitch, straight up out the 313, the only thing on my mind is getting rich, I go hard on a nigga and a bi-” before she could finish her opening lines she was struck in the face. Within a matter of seconds a full on melee ensued. With it being so dark in the club she couldn't really see where she was swinging, she just knew someone was going to get hit. As she cocked back to throw a brutal punch, that connected, the girl grabbed her by the hair and attempted to throw her to the ground. But since Kash had a grip of her own they both fall to ground just in time for security to rush over and gunshots to ring out.
A disoriented Arkeisha is being dragged to the back by security, in a daze she looks around pissed and confused. “I booked you to perform not start a fucking riot in my fucking club, are you out of your mind? We could get shut down for something like this you know this right? Oh so you can't hear me fucking talking t- My chain.” Arkeisha looks down and starts to panic. “What, what are you even talking about a chain? Like- My fucking chain I got for signing it's gone. Did that bum bitch really take my fucking chain? Move.” Arkeisha tries to push her way pass the club owner but security and the owner push her back. “You've endangered your life, our life, and everyone else's lives in this club you need to leave and be happy that you're still breathing. Now go, before we get the police involved more than they have to already be.” With that being said Arkeisha walked out of there rich in pride, but broke in shrewdness. She feels her phone buzz and she looks down to read what’s on the screen.
 “50 thousand for the chain ho.”
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