#it’ll also undo a bunch of old stuff i will now have to privatize to ensure character consistency stays true
homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome (again) to the Order of the Phoenix, Seb!
You have been accepted for the role of MADALÉINA WARREN with the faceclaim of Sirena Warren! We really enjoyed how Maddy, while being a fighter against injustice, is also still a young adult. We truly can’t wait to see how she blossoms into herself and finds out who she really is as a person. We also love that she’ll be joining the ranks as a Muggleborn witch, as this is a group fighting for people of her blood status and doesn’t actually have many of them within their organization. So excited to have her on the dash! 
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Seb he/him
AGE: 21+ (not getting younger, lads!)
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I’m here! Usually I’d do at least a round of replies every morning (either 1 reply per character or a full round of 1 character) but at times I’m a bit anxious about spamming people with too many of my replies at once, so I hold off. And now that I’m on a holiday until October 15th, I’ll definitely be able to keep that regularity going so what am I to do? Find another roleplay? Never!
ANYTHING ELSE: Triggers, still: under-water sequences
NAME: Madaléina “Maddy” Warren
AGE: 18
Cis female. She/Her. Hetero.
To turn things around a bit, I like to think that Maddy is quite endeared by the idea of being bisexual, of just loving everyone and anyone regardless of their gender, and she definitely clings to the girl-crushes she had, but really, she’s just straight. She hasn’t had any serious relationships yet but I think the day she meets the right guy, she’ll realise that those feelings are very different from infatuation. For a while it’ll make her seek the same emotional depth with a woman for a while, but eventually she’ll realise that she’s fully straight. This being said, she was raised Irish-Catholic and this whole ‘I’m open-minded and bisexual!’ might ironically stem from that; a way to distance herself from the conservative world around her. So it’s less observation-based and more a head thing, where she’d just rather want to be on the side of the ostracised than the ostracis..ers. 
BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn.
HOUSE ALUMNI: Hufflepuff.
ANY CHANGES: No, please stay the way you are!
Maddy’s heart is big, open, and full of love. That is the first thing you must know.
She sees the good in people before anything else, and when there is no good, she dreams of planting it into their hearts, seed by seed, smile by smile. She’s the epitome of ‘kill them with kindness, giving everyone second, third and fourth chances, and truly believing that everyone can change for the better, that no one deserves death, that everyone deserves a friendly hand, helping them. The second thing you must know, is that she’s a clever little fox, and when she asks: What Would Jesus Do?, she doesn’t mean the glorified white Jesus people misuse for the prejudiced bullcrap, but the actual Jewish Jesus who yelled at the rich and kissed prostitutes regardless of their reputation. She’s got an innate sense of justice, and it can turn her into an American Honey Badger if ever she encounters someone being treated unfairly. The third thing you must know, is that she’s still very much searching for herself. She knows who she wants to be, she knows she wants to spread love and eradicate injustice in the world, but in between those goals, she’s an 18-year-old mess who’s not really good at what she’s doing. One minute she’s talking about the importance of unity amongst the Order, the next minute she’s talking about how cool it would be if they all wore the yellow-black X-Men uniform. One minute she’s angry about big corporations exploiting the poor, the next minute she’s babbling about how much she loves coca cola. One minute she’s talking feminism and how every woman should be allowed to do what she wants, the next minute she scoffs at a roommate wearing too short of a mini-skirt. She’s young, Christ-damnit – oh yes, she also truly struggles with cursing in a non blasphemous way – but she’s trying.
Derry, 1972. The infamous key-event of The Troubles of Northern Ireland called Bloody Sunday, which caused the IRA to grow and radicalise further, makes the mother of 9 children a widow. The youngest of those 9 children has just been born in the hospital and Maddy is watching over the other younger siblings with only mild interest – after all, the Addams Family is on TV! – and she knows not to expect her mother to come home before tomorrow night. What she doesn’t know, however, is that while her mother returns, her father never does.
From that day on, the Warrens’ life is no longer the same. Were they a wild, jumbled bunch of messy but cheerful people, they are now scraping at the stone of their personal rock bottom hell. Maddy’s older siblings are off to find work, so is their mother, and Maddy is left to slowly become a second mum to her younger siblings.
Before that, she was one of many, forgotten and forced to scream and scratch for attention – now there’s not even that much left. Who she is doesn’t matter, what she wants doesn’t matter. All that matters is that the family survives, and a fun and quirky personality brings laughter but not bread to the table, so what’s it really worth?
The TV is sold, so are all of Maddy’s comic books and the cool earrings she got for Christmas. When it’s time to even sell her father’s clothes, she steals the jeans jacket he was shot in, never bothering to repair the hole on its back. A reminder, perhaps, of the injustice in the world. Of how dangerous it is, to let people know who you really are. No one notices. No one ever notices what she’s doing. Much like the big jeans jacket eats her entire frame, her father’s death overshadows everything she once was. By the age of 10, she’s lost her identity and personality, becomes ‘one of the many Warren children’, and people in the streets address her by her father’s name, not her own. And then she turns 11. It’s Dumbledore himself who appears in her living room, explaining Maddy everything, and her mother cries the whole time through. Why? That’s something Maddy learns only a few years later. And quite frankly, in that moment? She doesn’t want to know. Here is a real whole Wizard who looks like Gandalf the Wise and says she’s a Witch and says she’s special and says she has a life away from all of this. And then he says: “It’s okay to be scared,” and Maddy hears herself admit that, yes, she is a little scared. After all, she wasn’t raised to be special.
Suddenly she’s an individual, her own person, and the possibilities are endless. Who does she want to be? What’s the plan? Where will this adventure lead her to, and why is no one there to guide her? She’s lost. Alone and lost. Her dream has become a nightmare. Her first year, she is focusing on being a good Witch at Hogwarts, carrying the burden of her destiny as good as she can while keeping her head low and fearing the sound of her own name. It’s only been a bit less than a year since her father died, but a year in the life of an 11-year-old is a lot, and it scarred Maddy. Hogwarts isn’t a big school, people quickly know her, that Irish Mudblood, as they call her, and even though she hears the snarl in their voice she’s too afraid to correct them. “What is it, muddy Mudblood? Don’t know how to use your wand to defend yourself?” Then the Summer holidays come. She’s can’t wait to be back home, one of many, ‘one of the Robert Warren kids’, back in anonymity. But it’s too late. Things have changed. She’s the special one now here, too. In Derry, people know her as the girl who got a scholarship in a private school in Scotland; everyone is proud of her. Her older siblings are glad they don’t have to feed yet another hungry mouth all the time, to see at least someone get out of here unharmed. And her younger siblings have, for the first time in years, hope in their own future again. Hope that they, too, might become special at the age of 11. None of them are.
Maddy remains the only Witch of her family.
For a while, as the years pass, she tries to fit in even better. Look less catholic, speak less witchy, smell less like a Mudblood. She’s long stopped screaming and scratching for attention but now she’s actively trying to never stand out. And why would she want to? The English don’t care about the beauty of the green. The Muggles don’t understand the full scope of the marvel that the Wizarding World holds in store. And the Purebloods can’t even grasp the greatness of using a damn – sorry! – telephone. People live and exist in in- and out-groups, and the walls are high, causing cold wars in the world and amongst possible friends. She’s special, yes, but in a way no one truly understands, and she realises that there is loneliness in being different. And that’s when Maddy, fourteen years old, walks into the second-floor bathroom at Hogwarts and into a long-deceased family member: Myrtle Warren. Her father’s sister and her mother’s childhood best friend. Killed by bloodpurist ideologies. Safe, nowhere, not even in the hopeful life she’d been promised here. And Maddy understands. People die because they’re different. It’s not just lonely. It’s dangerous. But ducking one’s head and letting the un-different people rule will never undo the danger. Only being visibly different, outspoken, unashamed of one’s specialness can tear down the walls and help people familiarize themselves with the cultures on the other side. She’s special, goddamnit – sorry! – and she’d rather die teaching people how beautiful that is rather than pretending she’s not! With determination, she puts her wooden cross back around her neck. Stuffs her Wolverine T-shirt into her jeans, tosses her dad’s jeans jacket over her shoulders. Then she marches up to the Slytherin table and smashes her fist into Avery’s face. “See, the thing is, we Mudbloods don’t need a wand to defend ourselves.” So, while the war in Northern Ireland gets worse and worse, Maddy makes a name for herself at Hogwarts by selling Muggle-trinkets (sending the money home), playing on the Quidditch team, excelling in various classes and just being a good sport altogether. People listen to her ideas and even laugh at her jokes, and she makes sure to learn about everyone else’s specialness as well. After all, if everyone realised they’re worth of attention and love, maybe they’d grant the same blessing to others as well, and no one would have to fear being different anymore. 
Nowadays, cheer has returned to her family. With four children out of the house and two already capable to work, the Warrens are much more relaxed, enjoying watching everyone’s path unfold, while still waiting curiously to see if the youngest, Robert Jr., will receive a letter for his 11th birthday or not. Some resent never having received their letters, others are just happy for Maddy, and others prefer not to think about it at all. What matters is that they’re now all individuals thinking for themselves, allowing each other, at times together, to be happy. And all would be good… Only that Maddy’s no longer part of it now, is she?
Entrepreneur (Business for Muggle-trinkets sold in the magical world).
What started as an act of desperation (bringing ballpens to Hogwarts) suddenly turned into its whole own thing, where first Muggleborns begged for more objects from home and then the other kids got interested in it, too. Seeing how Hogwarts’ magic didn’t let electronics function properly, those objects were usually of mechanical banality or just plain cultural stuff like magazines, blotting paper, alarm clocks, a special type of cereals, etc.
Maddy was more than ready to stop her business after graduating, but the fact that her clients graduated along with her and now still preferred her shop than hunting through Muggle cities for the things they never really had to buy for themselves in seven long years just had her continue the thing. And now, since she has to make money somehow, she’s looking into buying an empty shop at Diagon Alley.
Maddy was attracted to the Order by Maurice’s radio show and his subcultural references calling out for more Muggleborns to join the war. In all honesty, up until that point, she wasn’t really aware that a war was going on..? She understood that she was being discriminated against, and that Muggleborns were fleeing the country, but, Jesus – sorry! – she’d grown up in Derry, a bit of oppression is neither a proof of war nor a reason to run away, is it? But when she learnt that there was a vigilante group trying to fix the racist bullcrap that was going on, she found herself quite interested. “I don’t really know what I bring to the table, though,” she told Maurice after meeting him before anyone else, and he replied: “You bring perspective, and that’s exactly what we need.”
She doesn’t really support the more radical notions of some Order members, and would rather see them figure out a peaceful way to end the war (the idea of seeing someone be shot in the back like they did it to her father is haunting her at all times, unfortunately) but she knows that not doing anything won’t fix things either. And at least these people understand the beauty of diversity. In fact, she’s more than proud of the Purebloods who have joined the cause, and takes it as proof that everyone can change if given the chance.
She’s still very new in the Order (therefore still full of hope) and is mostly trying to find her footing. But I think it won’t take long until she will come forth with her first pro-active, constructive suggestions: it’ll be less about killing Voldemort and more about educating those who could become potential followers. Teaching them of the Muggle World, of how fun the culture can be, how there’s not such thing as blood dilution, etc, perhaps going all the way to even dismantle the Statue of Secrecy.
She lives in a flat with some Muggleborn and Halfblood friends in Muggle London. Gerry and Charlie started a university degree and Kathy is currently doing an internship at the Ministry of Magic. None of them really know what’s going on, what they’re doing, and how to subscribe to a newspaper, so while they do face daily discrimination in the Wizarding World (very much a reason why Gerry and Charlie went back to the Muggle World for the time being), they haven’t really paid attention to fixing it yet. And while Maddy knows it’ll be a bit difficult to keep the Order thing a secret from them, she also knows that they wouldn’t really care. In a way, that’s what’s also keeping them safe: they’re just a bunch of kids, so no one would ever suspect Maddy to be a danger to society. Right?
As you just saw above, there will definitely be a strain put on Maddy’s relationship with her friends. She knows that she’ll eventually have to leave them, if the secret becomes too much of a burden or Death Eaters could put them at danger just for being close to her, or tell them the truth and let them decide whether they want to join the Order as well or not. In a way, she already knows they won’t. After all, they chose to go back to the Muggle World for a reason. The same goes for her family – who, admittedly, are less close to her these days, but who are still very much family, and she’d never forgive herself if something happened to them. Other than that, I think joining the Order will open a lot of new relationships, seeing how Maddy will be surrounded by people who are equally as invested in wanting to make the world a better place.
The Bang Gang (Chaos Trio): Maddy went to school with them and has a complicated relationship with them. By the type of personality, she’s similar to Dorcas, her roommate, and you’d think that’s a great basis for a friendship. But that’s definitely not what happened. From the day Dorcas revealed herself to be more on the ‘I’ma fight everyone!’ type, Maddy decided to go against that and be of the ‘I’ma befriend everyone!’ type. The Bang Gang seems loud and obnoxious and not at all on the peace-path to fix discrimination with love. No wonder the Order is so radical! Sure, deep down, Maddy admires them at least a little, for being so cool and brave, but on the outside she’s mostly annoyed. After all, if Maddy had wanted to join a terrorist group, she could’ve picked the IRA.
Caradoc: Big Grumpy Man, Maddy is not a fan. While he’s surprisingly civil to her, compared to many other Order members, she doesn’t agree with his radical notions. Sure, Purebloods are the ones who started it all, but Christ – sorry! – give them a chance to change! It’s not by antagonising them that you will end up making friends. From the outside, their relationship must look like a tiny dog yapping at a benevolent old man who just smiles back with patience.
Dedalus: Funky Funny Man has a shop on Diagon Alley, and while Maddy absolutely despises Wizarding Candy, she wonders if the flamboyant (and very handsome) Wizard might want to give her a corner of his shop for her to set up her own. Just until she has enough money scraped together to buy her own shop. And if the poor Muggleborns entering this world had to suffer through ear-wax jelly beans, then it’s about time that Purebloods experience the greatness that is Muggle candy.
Maurice: Feisty Pretty Man is the one who attracted Maddy to the Order. His voice drew her in, his face made her stay. Who can blame her? When she asked him what the Order could possibly want from her, he said: “Perspective”, and it was what Maddy needed to realise that her whole thing about changing the world one kind deed at a time might’ve just found a home to grow in. Whether Maurice knows it or not, he’s become her mentor, and Maddy couldn’t look at him with any more heart-eyes if she were a cartoon.
I direly need Maddy to have a crush on every boy she encounters, be they gay or racist. I don’t care how far it gets (I don’t think she really wants anything serious anyway, even if she whines about being single all the time) or how many rejections she’ll receive, I just need her to constantly be distracted by the urge to snog, thank you.
I think by nature of who they are, how they grew up, Muggleborns are less prejudiced towards people and creatures from the Wizarding World. Because on the one hand, everything is weird and different to them, on the other, it’s just fairy tales! Werewolves are cool as hell – sorry! – why would you be mean to them?! Why not befriend them and learn everything about them! And while obviously Maddy finds herself kind of tense around Purebloods, it’s not at all an innate thing like her hate towards the English. And then there’s the whole thing where she believes in the good in everyone that just makes her actively fight any prejudices she might have. So while I’m sure she’s free of bias, I think of all my characters, she’s the most open-minded one.
For Maddy:      - have her fight for a spot on Diagon Alley while bloodpurists try to keep her from it.      - have her kill the Basilisk at Hogwarts (it’s personal, okay)      - have her get some snogs      - make up with Dorcas and Benjy? For the RP:      - telephone station at House of Bones for Maurice to actually receive responses from the Muggleborns he calls out to (Pride style)      - Generally a branch of the DTF actively recruiting Muggleborns (and it causing discussions in the Order)      - maybe a law passing at the Ministry related to her shop in Diagon Alley, taking away the right for Muggleborns to have their own shops, and the Order managing to prevent the law from passing (but before they manage, perhaps there’s a surge of refugees the DTF has to take care of?)
Maddy is Low-Level. I’d say she joined fairly recently, seeing how Maurice’s radio show plot hasn’t even been made official yet. So maybe Dedalus’ plan of that buddy-system [x (first paragraph)] for new Order members could take effect on her as a test dummy? :’ D
PAST: Born and raised as an Irish Catholic in Derry during The Troubles of Northern Ireland, young Maddy learnt from a young age that there are people who will kill you based on something you cannot control. Born and raised amongst a family of nine children, however, she also learnt that being different is a gift and not something you should hide. Being the same as everyone else, one of many, might make life easy, but it certainly doesn’t make life honest and good. This realisation came when she met the ghost of her aunt in the second-floor bathroom at Hogwarts – known as Moaning Myrtle; Maddy didn’t know why she was the only one of her siblings to have been granted magical powers, but she sure as hell – sorry for the swearing! – understood in this very moment that keeping a low profile like Myrtle had done fifty years ago would neither protect her life, nor change the world for the better. Thus, in the span of four years, she grew to be the most honest version of herself that she could possibly be: an Irish Catholic Muggleborn Witch with a love for superhero comics. Selling Muggle trinkets at Hogwarts (ranging from ballpens to comic books) she was known as the proud Hufflepuff who knew how to befriend about anyone. ‘Kill them with kindness’ became her motto, and while she still had a lot to learn regarding how to be as self-assured as she liked to present herself to be, she was, for the most part, succeeding in her mission to introduce Purebloods to Muggle culture, building bridges for those two worlds in ways she knew she’d never be able to do it for the English and the Irish at home.
 PRESENT: The cat who dragged her into the Order was Maurice Creevey and his radio show. Her “What do I possibly have to offer them, though?” was answered with a “Perspective,” and it was all she needed to hear to be convinced. Had he said ‘your wits’, ‘your optimism’, or ‘the stakes you have in this war,’, she would’ve declined and gone back home to her Muggleborn flatmates who have turned their back to the Wizarding World after graduating from Hogwarts. But he said: “Perspective”, and that was the one thing Maddy has always believed is in her range of capabilities. After all, she does have a different perspective on it all, and she is more than willing to teach people of this perspective, of her side of the story, to make them empathise and want to tear down the walls of cultural divide alongside with her. She firmly believes that everyone could be friends if they only understood each other, and she’s not afraid to grab her megaphone to have communication happen. Either way, she does not care for another war like there is at home, does not care at all for seeing more people she loves be killed by being shot in the back, the way it happened to her father in 1972. So her main focus right now (except finding an empty place in Diagon Alley to set up her Muggle shop) is to identify the more radical members of the Order and explain to them that they shouldn’t hurt anyone on behalf of the Muggleborns, or there will be direct retaliation against exactly those. And once she’s got them in her pocket, she wants to update the Hogwarts curriculum to educate Wizards about Muggles to finally end the divide – and perhaps even the Statue of Secrecy, one day. 
FC CHOICES: Sirena Warren as found here: [x], [x], [x]. Alternatively: Meta Gewald [x], [x], [x] or Faith Jaggernauth [x], [x], [x] . I must admit, none of them have very good resources, though…
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girlwsoftsound · 7 years
Prom Night Jitters || Adam Hann Oneshot
Word Count: 1,878 Summary: "Can you write something along the lines of you and adam were getting ready to have sex then you start feeling very insecure so you rush into the bathroom and try stop yourself from have a panic attack, but adams really sweet and calms you down?“ Author’s Note: Holy crap this ended up being really, really sweet <3 Be sure to throw in a like or comment if you liked it! I love seeing feedback from you all. Please feel free to read my other work here! Enjoy!
“The night of Prom is such a special night!”
All eyes fell on your friend Lindsay. You, her, and four of your closest mutual friends sat in a circle of pillows. It was the night before prom, and everyone agreed to spend it together sharing stories, gearing each other up for the long day ahead, and sharing outfit plans. The night had fallen to the story sharing portion, and Lindsay had the spotlight with her giddy exclamation. Sensing she had everyone’s attention, she spoke up.
“If all goes well, you get to sleep with your prom date. Duh!”
The girls around you all giggled, while you stayed silent. The thing was, you knew you were less experienced than them when it came to boys. Very much so. They all were so calm at the thought of a night spent intimately together with their dates. You, however, could not be more nervous.
“D-Do you have to?”
Lindsay smiled. “I mean, I guess you don’t have to if you don’t want. But like...it’s something most people do. At least as far as I’m aware.”
“I know me and my boy will be getting busy,” your other friend, Grace, said with a wink as the girls ‘ooooo’ed at her. “We’ve rented out a hotel room and everything.”
“A hotel room?” you asked, eyes going wide. Grace nodded.
“Charles said he knows a few guys who already got one. Has Adam not gotten you one?”
Adam. Your first serious boyfriend, and the sweetest of boys. His sandy brown hair and beautiful green eyes made your heart flutter, along with his British accent and roots. You loved everything about him. You especially loved how much of a gentleman he was to you. Hearing that other boys had gotten hotel rooms in anticipation of the following night’s activities, you wondered if he held to those gentlemanly ways and not gotten one, or if he did and kept it secret. You shifted uncomfortably in place, hugging a pillow to your chest.
“I...I don’t know.”
“There’s nothing to feel worried about {Y/N},” another girl, Sandy, added with a smile. “Sex is fun! I’m sure it’d be even more fun with someone you care about like Adam.”
“Yeah,” Lindsay laughed, “I’m just hoping my boy is good in bed. I’ve got no emotional attachment really to help me if he isn’t, ha!”
You laughed back nervously. You had no idea how to feel. What if Adam wasn’t good? What if you weren’t good? You had no clue of his history. What if he had had a bunch of girls before you? What if he thought you were more experienced than you were? He was a gentleman, but what if he had high expectations of you tonight? What if that gentlemanliness was something he did for all girls, regardless of experience? You didn’t want to let him down. You could not imagine letting him down.
Patting your back, Lindsay giggled. “Lighten up, love. It’ll be a fun night, I promise! Now, let’s move onto something else! Let’s talk about how we found our dresses!”
Dresses. Because you could breathe long enough to be able to speak about dresses when your mind was racing. Sure. Definitely.
You needed to think some things through before seeing Adam the next day.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prom was fantastic. The music was good, the food was good, the venue was good. Adam looked absolutely stunning in a black tux, and you looked gorgeous in your royal blue, flowing dress. It was fantastic, a night that you frankly never imagined would end up so well. By the end of the night at the last slow song, Adam had you close with his arms around you and his lips on yours, kissing you sweetly. You never wanted it to end.
But then, it was the time you dreaded. The time when everyone left and those you knew went off to hotel rooms with their boys to do lord knows what. You and Adam stayed quiet, walking hand in hand out of the large venue until the cool spring air hit your skin. He turned to you and smiled.
“What do you want to do now, love?”
What did you want to do? You had no clue. You knew ideally you would just sit with Adam and relax, loving him and kissing him with maybe some soft music or a cute movie on the TV. However, you remembered what your girlfriends all told you. Prom night was the night for getting it on with your date. You hardly felt ready, but if it was what everyone was supposed to do…? You didn’t want to disappoint. Sucking up your fear, you tuned to Adam and let out a deep breath.
“Can...can we go somewhere private?”
It took him a moment, but you noticed a change in Adam as he caught on to your meaning. He looked at you as if to ask if you were sure, but when he saw you were not budging, he nodded and took you to his car. His parents apparently were out of town for the weekend, so instead of a cheap hotel, you at least had the comfort of knowing your venue would be more personal and homely. It still freaked you out when you stepped out of his car to see that the moment was actually upon you. Seeing the home made it all real. You hoped you didn’t hold Adam’s hand too hard as you walked inside.
It was a nice place - very homely, and covered in cute family photos. You smiled as you saw little Adam in photographs from anywhere from Christmas to when he was back in Britain, bundled up. You fell in love with it almost to the point where you did not even remember what you were bringing the both of you there for. However, you got a gentle reminder as the tour of his house ended in his bedroom. Adam shuffled inside after you.
“This is my room,” he told you, his voice quieter than usual. It was a nice room. Simple, with grey and white bedding. You looked around and then looked back at him, biting your lip. He gave a shy smile.
“It’s nice.”
“Yeah, it is.”
And then, his hands met your waist. His face got close to yours, and he paused slightly to let you catch up a bit mentally before leaning in for a kiss. The kiss was sweet, but you could tell that it had more behind it. You could tell he also was backing you a bit towards the bed, which pooled up a bunch of nerves in your stomach. You let him do it though, and before you knew it, the two of you were laying on top of each other, Adam hovering over you placing sweet kisses all up and down your neck. It was so much all at once. You were fine until his hands started to feel down your sides. That was what stopped you from keeping cool. Panic hit, and although Adam did nothing wrong, you found yourself pushing him off you.
“Get off!”
Hustling into his adjacent bathroom, you ran inside and slammed the door, locking it behind you. He hurried after you, knocking on the door and gently calling your name to make sure you were okay, but you couldn’t stop the tears from flowing and your body from shaking to go and face him. This was happening, whether you liked it or not. You sat on the toilet and obsessed over the moment, your mind especially focusing on how you probably ruined it and the night as a whole by freaking out. You got even more worried at the idea that that scared Adam off. Facing him after yelling at him and locking yourself away into his bathroom? It did not even seem possible. You were shaking.
“Love, are you alright?”
Love. You hoped that meant he was okay.
“Can I come in?”
Trying your best to get yourself off the toilet, you worked to undo the lock and then hurried back. When Adam peaked in, you hid your face, the tears still falling. You thought he would sit there forever, but you soon found him walking up to you and kneeling on the ground beside you. You peaked at him underneath your hair. He gently smiled.
“Hey there, beautiful.” You gave him a brief smile back. “What’s wrong? Why did you run out like that?”
“I...I know you’re supposed to have sex with your prom date, and I tried, b-but I’m not able to,” you mumbled pitifully, shaking your head. “I’m not ready. I like you, but Adam I’m not ready. I’m sorry, please don’t hate me for ruining the night.”
Shaking his head, Adam took your hands into his. “Hey, don’t say any of that sorry stuff. You don’t need to apologize.”
“I-I don’t?”
He grinned. “Of course not. I wasn’t expecting anything. You don’t have to have sex on Prom night, first of all. Maybe in movies,” he added, chuckling to himself, “but not in real life. Second of all, you didn’t ruin the night. I’d rather you yell at me and push me away than you go through with something that you are not comfortable with.”
Adam tucked the hair out of your eyes and smiled. “Really. I wouldn’t ever hold you to something like that.”
“But the girls said-”
“They aren’t us,” he replied, squeezing your hand. “If the other guys are having sex with their dates, then good for them. I don’t care. All I care about is that you, my beautiful date and girlfriend, are happy and enjoying yourself. I’d sit out in the middle of a field and do nothing if it meant you were happy.”
“You...I don’t deserve you.”
Adam’s lips met yours. “Nonsense. I don’t deserve you, silly.”
“I...I love you, Adam.”
You watched as Adam’s eyes widened for a second, taking in your words with shock before his face softened once more and gave you an expression you had never seen from him before: a look of pure love. Your heart soared.
“I love you too, {Y/N}. You know what?”
“That made this night perfect.”
Beaming at him, you brought him in for a sweet kiss, one that left you wrapping your arms around his neck. Pulling back, you looked into his eyes. “Hey Adam?”
“Can we watch a movie and make s’mores?”
With a chuckle, Adam stood up and brought you to your feet to lead you out of the bathroom. “I would love that. Would you want to change? I have some old sweats of mine that you can borrow.”
You smiled. “I would like nothing more.”
From there, the two of you went on into a lovely night, full of delicious s’mores, cuddling in comfy clothing, and watching only the most adorable of Disney movies. Even though you were sure your friends would be disappointed that you would not have any stories to tell about getting busy with Adam, you knew that you were having more fun than any of them. You had a man you could happy say you loved, and you had him all to yourself. How much happier could you get?
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