#it’ll be a short one this time (unlike the thousands of worded madness that went down with the richter fic . .)
pinkmirth · 7 months
callin’ all the isaac fuckers!!!
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redrosesartcabin · 3 years
Self indulgent series Part 2.2 (last part for now)
Life part 2
(And here’s the link to Life part 1: https://redrosesartcabin.tumblr.com/post/643294968092442624/self-indulgent-series-part-21 )
It was two months since they had been in New York City.
Y/n was recording her newest album in her favorite studio in Dublin. She had felt a little strange in the morning but had just brushed it off as being especially hungry after eating had made the strange feeling almost entirely disappear.
But as she was getting into recording the songs, she felt it come back, and this time much, much worse. It converted into illness.
And in the middle of the sentence, she just couldn’t do it anymore; she ran.
“Mrs.Kon”, the producer, Mrs.Long yelled, “where the fuck are you going? You can’t just-“, but she stopped herself as she heard the singer throw up in the toilet.
“Dear god”, she uttered, getting up from her seat as did the other musicians. They had already noticed something had been wrong with Red Rose. She was usually very much into her songs and nothing could break her from that, so her just running out was very concerning.
“Mrs.Kon. Are you ok?”, the producer asked carefully, standing before the stall. She felt bad for having cussed out the singer so quickly.
“Yeah, I’m fine”, y/n answered, slowly getting out of the cabin, “I must have caught some bad bug or something. I should better go… I don’t want to, but I really don’t want to spread whatever I have either”
“That’s probably a good idea. Let’s meet next week then. We’ll talk about when over the phone, I still need to check the schedule”
“Ok. Thank you so much!”
“No problem. Get well soon!”
 That however didn’t happen. Over the next few days y/n continued throwing up in the morning. She also had to go to the toilet much more often, had terrible headaches in the evening and slight back pains. And on top of that she noticed her period had skipped.
Eventually she decided to google the symptoms… and it all lead to one thing. (Not cancer luckily like google usually did!) The first article that popped up was-
“Pregnant?!”, she yelled out to herself.
Could it be?
But after thinking it over there was just no other explanation for the collective of strangely specific symptoms.
Immediately, she got up, went to the pharmacy and bought three different pregnancy tests.
“I want to be sure. This wasn’t planned you know?”, she told the pharmacist who looked a little surprised.
“I hope it wasn’t just a fling”, the pharmacist answered.
“Oh god no! I’ve been together with my husband for eight years and we’ve been married for two and a half. I’m good on that front. We’re however very busy people and-“
“It’ll be fine”, the pharmacist reassured her, “you’ll see. A pregnancy won’t stop you from too many plans I’m sure”
“Yeah… thanks”, y/n smiled back nervously.
“No problem. And good luck!”
 With wide eyes she looked at the three positive tests.
“Christ… I actually… wow”
She loved Kenji and he loved her, but it wasn’t the best timing.
“So what though?!”, she yelled at herself, “then I’ll drive to his set and we’ll talk. But what if he’s disappointed? What if he thinks it’s inconvenient? What if he’ll get so scared- NO, don’t even go there, y/n, how dare you?”, but still she felt nervous.
She almost felt like throwing up again but decided she didn’t vibe with that.
“I have to be strong”, she whispered to herself.
So, she packed her things and drove off.
 “Mr.Kon, your wife is here”, one of the staff members told Kenji as he got ready for the next scene.
“Oh ok”, he answered clearly surprised. He was happy to see her, because of course he’d always be happy to have her near him, yet at the same time he was annoyed she didn’t talk to him about it. He had a tight schedule, and he wouldn’t be able to tend to her as much as he’d like to and as much as she’d deserve, “send her in please”
“I will sir”, the staff member answered and only a couple of seconds later she entered. She was beautiful and radiant as always, yet something about her felt a little off.
“Hello, my darling”, he greeted her and gave her a passionate kiss she only returned shyly “, what are you doing here?”, he asked a little too annoyed. He hadn’t meant to sound like that, but her strange return of affection rubbed him the wrong way together with the fact she hadn’t talked to him about coming.
“Can’t I come surprise visit you without going completely off the rails?!”, she asked unusually aggressive.
“I mean sure; But first of all, I didn’t go off the rails and secondly: the way you act you barely seem like you actually want to”
“Which is partly true”, she answered. For a moment a moment of shocked silence passed before he took a deep breath and asked, very passively aggressive.
“Now, what is that suppose to mean?”, but before she could answer he was called for the scene.
“We’ll talk about this later”, he answered, glaring at her, which she returned with an equally angry stare. Of course, in actuality, they were both pretty hurt by this short yet very heated conversation. He was hurt because she seemed to be angry at him for something and was only here to announce that and she was hurt because she hadn’t meant to be like that.
At first, she pretended she was mad at him and sat down on the stool he had sat on to get ready, almost fuming.
How dare he be annoyed she was here without announcing her presence! But the more she thought about it, the more she recognized she had messed up. She had converted her nervousness and fear into pure ratchetness to appear right in the situation. And the more that became clear, the more she felt tears build up. Her emotions were all over these days. She was an emotional person under normal circumstances, but with her condition it was even worse. When she had seen him after two weeks of not seeing him in person, she had wanted nothing kiss him and spend hours hanging around and whispering sweet nothings. And at the same time, she almost fainted with how nervous she was about this whole thing.
“Gosh I’m a mess”, she whispered and couldn’t hold back the tears.
 Two hours later, Kenji had finished with the scene.
He stretched himself, cracking his neck and shoulders and putting on a serious expression.
He was ready to face whatever she was mad about, even if it hurt him, even if it wasn’t true.
Opening the door with a bit too much force, he felt how worked up he was. But as he saw his wife bawling her eyes out on the couch in the right corner of the room, his facade he had built up to prepare for an argument dropped.
He was confused and concerned. She wasn’t angry? What was wrong? Yet he also asked himself what had her in such distress.
He however didn’t dare to touch her yet.
“Darling?”, he asked softly instead, his right hand hovering over her.
She turned around in a quick motion and threw herself in his arms.
“I’m so so so so so sorry”, she whispered, “I was wrong. I shouldn’t have been like that”
“Hey, hey”, he answered, wrapping his arms around her protectively, “It’s ok. Just tell me what I did wrong”,
“That’s the thing: You did nothing wrong.”
“Then why were you so angry at me?”, he asked, genuinely confused
“I’m not angry at you: I’m scared”, she explained, barely able to say it.
“Why? Have you done something wrong?”, he asked
“No… or well a little maybe… I don’t know. It depends”
“On if you will be ok with it”
“With what? For Christ’s sake y/n, talk to me” he said, frustrated at the guessing game.
She stepped back, looking at him and wearing a sad smile.
She opened her mouth slightly, but not a word came over her lips. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and finally she spoke, “I’m pregnant, Kenji”
Deafening silence filled the room. Kenjis mouth and eyes were wide open in shock and surprise and for a while, he himself felt he was at a loss for words or even thought as he heard his heart hammer in his chest.
 “By me, right?”, he asked after a couple of minutes.
“Yes, by you! Geez … You seriously chose that as your answer?”, she retorted, disappointed at the reaction.
“Of course: Why else would you think I’d be angry at you for being god damn pregnant?”, he asked his voice loud and unusually squeaky
“I was scared you’d maybe find it inconvenient and-“
“Y/n! I told you a thousand times not too overthink too much!”, he scolded her, but with a smile that indicated it was meant in a fun and good-hearted spirit, “I love you. You are my everything. You and especially not a life we created together could ever be an inconvenience. I love you and even if we were still too young, or too poor or at war, I’d be happy.”
She started crying again, but this time of happiness.
“Gosh I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have doubted you again… I should really stop overthinking. I love you so much”, she answered and gave him a salty kiss he still gladly accepted.
 After a couple of months (after the mark where it was sure the baby would live and a miscarriage was unlikely), Kenji and y/n announced the pregnancy publicly which was received with a lot of well wishes and happiness by the fans as well as the family.
Plus, Kenji announced he’d take a break from participating in acting roles for the last three months of Red Roses pregnancy as well as the first six months of the baby’s life.
‘I want to be there for my wife in the hardest times of the pregnancy and the beginning of our childs life to help her and me adjust to the life of a parent as well as bonding as a father’ which was also very much supported by most, though some thought it was stupid since income was needed with the expenses that came with having a child. Kenji however assured those that Red Rose, and him, had earned more than enough to live comfortably even with him not being active or as active as an actor for a little less than a year.
 “So, you didn’t have the stomach flu back then?”, Mrs. Long had asked, amused as Red Rose had returned for the last recording session before the would go into maternity leave.
“Nope. Definitely not that”, y/n laughed as she carefully petted her now slightly, yet clearly rounded belly
 Six months in, it was figured out they would be having a daughter. Kenji Kon and Red Rose however decided not to reveal the name until she was born.
“That’s bad luck where I’m from!”, Red had explained to her fans.
 After that doctors visit Kenji had come home permanently for the time being. He had officially gone into “parenting vacations”, so to speak.
Y/n was happy he was going to be home for so long. She respected his work a lot and was fine with being alone for long periods of time, she had become tired of it real quick though as she advanced in her pregnancy with their daughter. Partly because moving around and about became more exhausting the more her belly grew, and she just felt she needed his support… but mostly because she was extremely hormonal. She missed him a lot more than usual…
 It was a picturesque morning as y/n woke up by little kicks inside of her stomach.
‘She always does this’ she thought a little annoyed yet endeared. She loved feeling her daughter like that. It assured her again and again that she was alive and healthy.
“Good morning little one”, she whispered, knowing it was early and Kenji probably wasn’t awake yet, he was a long sleeper…
Kenji…. Kenji… thinking about him made her feel all giddy inside. She carefully turned around to face him (she found she was more faced away from him these days since she was very conscious of her belly not getting in the way of him being able to move around. He was a very active mover in his sleep, just like his unborn daughter).
He looked so peaceful as he gently breathed through his strong looking yet pointy nose. His hair looked perfect, as always. Only a couple of strands hung loosely from the top and low onto his forehand, which she honestly loved, because it made him look so… himself. He wasn’t all charming, not all dolled up and prepared to look perfect every second of the day. He was himself. Kenji and nobody else. Just like he was with her, but maybe even more relaxed. His lips were slightly open, though he wasn’t drooling this time. She had to hold back a giggle as she remembered several times where he woke up embarrassed and in denial.
“That’s just a humidity spot from the sweat we produce whilst sleeping” he had said with a childish pout and she had simply laughed.
She didn’t care, she loved him all the more for his faults even though he tried to deny them oftentimes.
Gosh… she loved him so much it almost hurt.
  “Good morning, love”, Kenji heard his wife’s sweet voice as he slowly awoke.
“Good morning?”, he asked, his voice still a bit groggy. As he opened his eyes, his gaze immediately fell upon his wife.
She stood there, her blond hair shining y/h.c in late morning sunlight. Her pregnant form was in a comfortable looking, but still form hugging black dress, her lips were painted red and her eyes were framed in her iconic winged eyeliner.
She looked stunning.
Merit came forward slowly and put a tray that had some pancakes stacked on it, some orange juice and a cup of coffee on his lab.
“I woke up early and thought why not make you a nice bed-breakfast for my wonderful husband?”, she explained even though he didn’t ask, though he also couldn’t deny that he hadn’t wondered about that. He smiled in gratitude.
“Thank you, beautiful, I appreciate it”, he said, giving her a quick, but passionate kiss before digging in.
 “I’ll go shopping-“, she started, but was immediately interrupted by a coughing Kenji, who in is hurry to stop her from going almost choked on the piece of pancake he had been chewing.
“No wait! I’ll go after breakfast. You’ve already been so kind to make this for me, you should really take it slow”
She giggled at that.
“I’m not that fragile darling. I’ve been shopping on my own last week when you were still at the shooting too.”
“All the more reason I should help you out now!”, he exclaimed. She swooned how adorable he was acting.
“Thank you darling”
“Anything for you”
“I’ll go sit in the garden for a bit then”, she said, trying to hide her blush. This had been one of these cheesy conversations that just made her head spin.
What a life.
 (Warning: It’s getting a bit less Pg here, but I still wanted to keep this scene)
Labor was painful.
This was worse than anything she had ever felt.
It was the 16th of November 2028.
A week after what the doctors would predict was the birth, so pretty on time. Everything also seemed to go very well.
But still birthing was so painful.
She hated being alive right now.
She hated being a woman, which she honestly never had: Her periods were very kind to her, and she had never been disadvantaged in her life because of that… except right now.
And oh she LOATHED having been seduced by this mother*cker: Her husband.
That beautiful, charming man.
The devil himself in his holy form, impregnated her to make her suffer.
One of the nurses couldn’t hold back a snicker and thought, and luckily could refrain from saying out loud ‘that’s what they all say. And in two years they’re back with a new baby’
And of course, the nurse was right. And of course, y/n knew deep down she’d forget the pain later and have sex three weeks later, if not earlier.
Though not right now. Oh no, right now she’ll scream and blame him for her pain whilst crushing his hand.
The doctors had explained Kenji beforehand that y/n will be quite distressed, so he had been mentally prepared to be cussed out.
Though wow did he feel bad right now. And not because of the fact he thought his fingers would break any second.
 Twelve hours later it was finally done: Their daughter was born.
Their red headed flame of joy: Tove Kon.
And as expected: When y/n got to lay her eyes on her, she immediately forgot the pain, because whatever she had just gone through brought this little angel to earth. An angel she had made with the man she had loved for over twelve years.
And Kenji… oh Kenji fell in love with a second girl. This, he said to himself, is the second love of his life. He’d do anything for her. He’d be there as much as she could. He wouldn’t become like his father.
“Are you ok love?”, y/n asked him concerned as he was laying, next to her, caressing their daughters little head. At first, he was surprised at that question but then noticed tears running down his cheeks.
“I just… I love her so much, but I’m afraid I’ll become like my father and I don’t want to. I want to love her and give all I can of myself”
Y/N smiled brightly at that. This man truly was so full of devotion and kindness.
“You won’t become him. You couldn’t: Because you love us too much. And that kind of love can’t be broken. You are you, not him. And if you even so much as stray a centimeter away I’ll make sure you stay, ok? I’ll take care of us and I know you will too”
“Thank you. I love you”
“As I love you”
(I’m so sorry, this stuff is so cheesy xD But I hope you liked it anyways. I really wanted to share this with you, just because I know that I’m pretty much the only one who writes Kenji x reader stuff and I spent so much time on this.
Also: If you are interested in the unedited, less Pg version, lemme know. Also don’t worry: They are either both underage or both adults in these scenes, so nothing to worry about)
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caffeinechic · 4 years
Good Omens Fic Recs 1/?
I went to fix a link in this post and managed to delete the entire thing like an absolute fool. 
But my complete annoyance with myself won’t be bested with my determination to post this lot. So here I go again. I am so sorry if this has shown on your dash a million times. And sorry for the double links / tagging as I honestly went half mad over even the basics. This is where I am with life.
I have about 300 Good Omens fics bookmarked at this point to trying to pull out my absolute favourites sent me down a re-read (and in many cases a re-re-re-re-read) rabbit hole, which was an absolute joy so no complaints here!
These are just some of the ones that have just really stuck with me for one reason or another so I’ve gathered them up under the cut
4 Authors I just need to do like a HUGE rec for as they’re life ruiners. How dare they be this good. HOW DARE THEY.
@princip1914 @princip1914
Yeah I started pulling out the bookmarks I had for @princip1914 and realised it was...everything they’d written. All of it. Just...all of it.
But my particular favourite out of an outstanding batch is the following - which I have read approximately 70 squillion times. It stuck with me for so long in a way that I don’t think many fics have, ever. I actually can’t recommend this enough:
Doubt Thou The Stars Are Fire
“But how,” Aziraphale gasped, agonized and close to tears. “How can you be sure. Crowley, dear, you got thrown out of heaven for questioning everything. How can you be sure about this?”
Crowley loves and Aziraphale doubts. God intercedes. A groundhog day kind of situation ensues wherein Aziraphale has to fall in love with Crowley over and over again as a human until he gets the point. Highlights include: delivering medical care in rural Louisiana, stargazing in Vegas, strangers on a train, and teaching middle school.
@bestoftheseekwill @bestoftheseekwill
Same “problem” with @bestoftheseekwill - READ EVERYTHING. Oh my god, the human AUs, THE HUMAN AUS.
Special shout out to Acts of Service which was the first Human AU I’d read and got me completely hooked and now whenever seekwill posts I immediately read.
Acts of Service
"You seem very familiar to me. I can’t say why that is." As Aziraphale spoke, Crowley turned away from the fire, and Aziraphale was momentarily concerned that the spell had been broken, that he had crossed some invisible line. But Crowley smiled and brought his beer to his lips.
"Maybe we met in a past life. Does your lot believe in that?"
"Past lives?"
Aziraphale smiled into his wine. He was sure Crowley was poking fun, ever so slightly, but he liked it. "Not strictly speaking. No."
Crowley shrugged, taking another long sip of his beer. “A mystery then."
After receiving direct instruction from God, village reverend Aziraphale leaves his countryside congregation to serve the underserved and in-need at an urban church in London, a transition made all the more complicated by the mysterious and handsome Crowley, who always seems to appear when Aziraphale least expects him.
OH!! but also
That this could be the kingdom
- this one sat with me for a while. Stunning
I have lived my whole life with a wrecked heart. Fr. Aziraphale Fell’s present mirrors his past, as long ago roommate, classmate, and former friend Anthony Crowley reappears in his life in an unexpected and disarming way, challenging Aziraphale’s choices, and bringing him back to the breaking point, when he made a decision he couldn’t take back. It isn’t temptation, it’s revelation.
@mygalfriday @mygalfriday
Ah here, listen - I went to get my bookmark list for @mygalfriday and just ended up re-reading all 12 fics this week.
i can't say the words, so i wrote you into my verse
Aziraphale blinks as it slowly dawns on him exactly what he’s looking at. Crowley has a tattoo. Well, another one anyway. Unlike the small serpent curled just beneath his temple, this one takes up far more space.
And listen if you don’t read the blind date au series then I don’t know how to help you!
I couldn’t find Rend_Herring  Found @rendherring @rendherring on Tumblr but I had to put my phone and my head down after I read both of these.
The Lightness of You
God should not have built them with such discrepancy, made them need for love, and long for wholeness, then left them to their own devices.
This Soul Outstreaming
“Why did you come here?” Aziraphale interrupts. “Why do you keep doing this?” All the saving, he means, all the chasing after Aziraphale he does. It can’t only be that he’s not keen to endure a replacement. That can’t be it, not anymore. He’s going to get himself in trouble, and then it’ll be Aziraphale’s fault.
Crowley’s mouth shuts with a click. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, reaches for the handle of the fork and taps his fingertips against it before setting his hands in his lap.
When he speaks, it’s very soft. “Don’t you know?” he asks.
Aziraphale, unaccustomed to his heart refusing to translate why it throbs with such haste, shakes his head.
Fics that, to me, are just stunners. I love them so much.
Slow Show - @mia-ugly @mia-ugly Honestly if you’re seeing a rec list WITHOUT slow show...I’d be legit surprised In which temptations are accomplished, grand romantic gestures are made, and two ineffable co-stars only take four seasons of an award-winning television program to realize they’re on their own side (at last, at last.)
Barriers, and the breaking thereof - @cardinaldaughter @cardinaldaughter Ezra Fell has long been comfortable in his loneliness. He’s content to simply run the Soho Public Library and otherwise keep to himself. However, when a handsome stranger bursts in one evening with a baby, frantic and in need of help, Ezra finds those carefully constructed barriers he’s long maintained begin to crack.
Perhaps it’s time to let them fall.
Anthophilia - @fortinbrasftw @fortinbrasftw Anthony J. Crowley's life seems like it's finally falling into place: his floral shop has begun to gain an undercurrent of appreciation in the design elite of London, and he might have even finally found a boyfriend who looks just right lounging on his Tenreiro sofa. Things seem almost perfect, until one day the empty shop across the street is leased to frumpy fellow Oxford alumni, who doesn't seem to remember Crowley nearly as well as he remembers him, which really shouldn't bother him as much as it does - it was ten years ago after all, and it wasn't even that good of a kiss.
The road to rapture has a lot of pit stops - @emmagrant01 @emmagrant01 Five times they kissed over four thousand years, and one time they actually meant it.
Demon and Angel Professors - Ghostinthehouse - not 100% sure that this is also their tumblr handle so if anyone can confirm that would be great! They're professors. They're married. Their students don't realise. Cue shenanigans.
Multiple short arcs with one-shots (and often pauses) between them. Characters continue from one arc to the next. It's marked as complete, because each short arc is complete in itself, but there will be more arcs and one-shots in the future.
The Grinch Who Sold Christmas - @forineffablereasons @forineffablereasons Anthony J. Crowley, a big-time attorney from London, is sent to small-town Tadfield to close a deal before Christmas that would sell out half of high street to a fancy developer and put him up for partner at his firm. The deal will run the local businesses out and change the landscape of the town forever, but that’s none of Crowley’s business; he’s just doing a job.
But as the town invites him to share in their lives and their hopes and their holiday celebrations, and as the enigmatic Aziraphale invites him to share in something more, Crowley starts to wonder: if everything has its price, is he still willing to pay what this deal will cost?
Slow - write_away It started like this: A boy with the ability to warp reality met an angel and a demon and he made assumptions.
You might say it started like this: An angel and a demon found a marriage contract hung on the wall of the angel's bookshop. They didn't question it.
It also could have started like this: Once upon a time, the angel told the demon he went too fast. The demon took it to heart.
Aziraphale and Crowley find themselves somehow married. Crowley fears going too fast. Aziraphale forges ahead. Neither know how to ask questions of each other.
You, soft and only - @thehoyden He hadn’t expected a sudden lapful of angel.
“Very sorry about this,” Aziraphale said, and kissed him.
A Bushel and a Peck- @thehoyden  Sometimes, a family is a demonic nanny, an angelic cook, and a kid who isn't actually the Antichrist.Or: Crowley helps Aziraphale secure a different position at the Dowling Estate.
Long is the way, and hard - Kate_Lear The first time Crawley meets the angel, the celestial being is twisting its shining white robe in its fingers and looking wretched. It hardly spares him a glance as he shifts from snake to human, and Crawley is a touch put-out. It’s taken some practice to be able to do it so fluidly.
A story of Crowley's thoughts about Aziraphale, from the Beginning to the present day.
And also of temptation, and want, and whether - for a Fallen Angel - redemption is possible after all.
the 21st century, in which they finally work it out - @fieldbears @fieldbears This is light speed in comparison to the last few centuries of their relationship, but Crowley is barely holding on to his patience.
A Few More Rescues - @poetic----nonsense @poetic----nonsense 5+1 Times Crowley Rescued Aziraphale According to the Romantic Tropes of the Era, and One Time Aziraphale Turned It Around on Him (plus Prologue)
The Cottage, the Husbands (series) - Dragonsquill A demon and an angel fall in love and decide to take on the monumental task of living together in a cottage by the sea.
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hartthews-rilaya · 5 years
Sunshine On A Cloudy Day
"I love you" she says with a shaking voice, she’s been saying it for years. Each time meaning it more than the last, meaning it in a different way than Riley does, because she’s Maya Hart and she cant let herself be happy.
She’s been trying to tell her how she felt about her for weeks now, she’s said those 3 words that used to terrify her more times in the past month than in the entirety of their friendship.
But she still doesn't understand.
It took her years to finally say those 3 little words to her, unlike Riley who told Maya she loved her a week after she first met her in kindergarten.
It was a particularly muggy day outside, a rarity for October in New York, Maya and Riley were currently playing make believe on the playground, when stupid Tommy Flanagan started marching up to them.
It wasn't really a secret he was the kindergarten bully but until today he had left Riley alone, it was probably safe to say Maya hated Tommy Flanagan, the only problem was she didn't know why but she was sure there was a good reason.
And then he did it, the thing that made her hate him, he told Riley to "ditch the dumb blonde" and come play with him by the swings, Riley looked at him like he had just said the worst curse word she could think of, her mouth hung slightly agape before she recomposed herself and in true Riley Matthews fashion replied with a short polite "no thank you."
Apparently Tommy didn't accept this as a good enough answer, and continued to pester her, "Hey! It wasn't a question!" he was closer now and his face looked like a tomato, but Riley just continued to ignore him, Maya actually kind of admired her right now if, it were her in this situation she probably would have already punched him by now. But Riley just keep playing with Maya pretending he wasn't currently yelling at her and calling her names no 6 year old should know.
Taking notice that his insults and words were making no visual affect on Riley, he did the one thing he really shouldn't have, he pulled her ponytail. Riley screamed and told him to "knock it off!!" but he just pulled harder. She was crying now and that's when Maya learned she would rather eat 1,000 pieces of broccoli than ever see Riley Matthews cry.
It boiled her blood in ways she couldn't yet explain, and without even considering the consequences she tackled Tommy Flanagan to the ground and started hittinghittinghitting him. Soon the teacher pulled her off him but not before she broke his nose. That was the first time she ever got detention.
As Maya made her way back to class she were surprised when Riley attacked her with a very tight hug.
"oh my goodness! Maya are you okay? Are you hurt? Did you get in trouble?"
She was talking a mile a minute which truth be told wasn't unusual for Riley but she sounded out of breath and so deeply concerned it confused Maya to no end, why would she be concerned about her? Maya thought she would be mad at her for hurting him or at least disappointed that she used violence instead of her words which Riley hates, but she just stared at Maya with slightly glassy eyes that were darting all over her searching for any signs of injury, she was still holding on to her hands abnormally tight as Maya tried to ease her worries.
"Riles, shush i'm fine, okay i'm perfectly fine I just got detention no big deal."
Maya said shrugging her shoulders to show how completely cool she was with that fact, as if she wasn’t currently freaking out about how she was going to it explain to her mom, who was already dealing with so much after her daddy left a few weeks ago for a business trip he hasn't come back from.
However her attempt to ease Riley’s worries only seemed to make it worse as her eyes widened like saucers and her voice raised a few octaves higher.
Riley practically yells pulling her back in for a hug that was somehow tighter than the last, it made Maya’s stomach flutter and cheeks heat but she didn't know why.
"Oh, this is all my fault I shouldn't have let you tackle him, I should have just dealt with it myself, oh peaches i'm so sorry!"
She sounded like she was on the verge oh tears, how could she think this was her fault? Maya was the one who broke his nose she didn't do anything!
"Riles this isn't your fault, its mine I did this to myself don't blame yourself." Riley loosened her grip on Maya ever so slightly and maneuvered to look at her.
"peaches, why did you tackle Tommy?"
"because he was hurting you and id rather have detention everyday of my life than have anyone hurt you."
She said it like it was obvious, but something filled in Riley’s eyes that she couldn't quite place, it looked almost like affection? Her eyes refilled with tears and this time they ran down her face.
"thank you, thank you, thank you, oh peaches that the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me, I love you."
She froze, unable to know what to do, her muscles tensed involuntary, did Riley just say what she think she just said?
"You what?" She ask completely caught off guard her heart racing,
"I love you." Riley repeats a confused look on her face,
"y-You do?" She asks unable to process what she said.
"of course I do peaches you're my best friend."
Riley said it like it was a fact of the universe, you were best friends and she loved you.
Maya’s heart felt like it leapt straight out of her chest for reasons unknown, she had never had someone tell her they loved her besides her parents, and it felt so new and soft that she couldn't quite believe it. Riley looked at her expectingly but before she could say anything the teacher and Tommy stepped back in the room, she told everyone to sit back down and Maya’s never been more grateful for class to continue.
She didn't know why it scared her so much to say 'I love you too' to Riley, she did love her she knew she did, then why couldn't she say it? Her mind kept traveling back to her dad and him telling her he loved her before he left, and how he hasn't come back. Maybe if she tells Riley she loves her and gets attached, she'll leave too.
But Maya’d never been so sure of something in her young life, she loved Riley Matthews. She just couldn't tell her.
"I love you too, peaches" Riley replies, not even glancing up from her homework, to engrossed in the 'fascinating science' to really pay attention to her.
They’ve been doing homework for the past hour, or rather Riley’s been doing homework and Maya’s been watching the light move over her face as the sun goes down.
This is when it gets harder to bite her tongue, when its 5:37 p.m and her hair's amber, her skins golden, and her nose is in the homework Maya doesn’t understand. The sight reminds her of the that song she loves.
" So this is where I leave you .. sitting in a palace covered in gold inside my head .. this is where I see you .. on a bed of roses when I want to kiss your silhouette"
Maya started humming it absentmindedly, and her face was overtaken with a grin as she heard Riley start humming too, very low, she doubted she even knew she was doing it.
Maya watched the sight in front of her, Riley had her 'very serious concentrating' face on, a purple cat pencil in her mouth, humming to the song, and she was lightly swaying back and forth. The sight made Maya’s heart clench and twist, and she was overwhelmed with the urge to say it again, to say it a thousand times until she was sure Riley knew, and even just a couple more times to see how her face lights up.
But she refrained, she held her tongue, she’s already said it four times today and soon Riley’ll start to catch on and then what will she do? Tell her? No. It'll ruin everything, she'll hate her, she'll think she’s disgusting, and Maya can deal with a lot of shit in life but Riley Matthews hating her is not one of them.
She looks back to the homework she hasn’t even started and sighs. She has too much on her mind to even think of school right now. She lets her mind wander and finds herself thinking about the first time she told Riley she loved her.
Its been 3 years since that fateful day in kindergarten when Maya got detention for the first time and Riley told her she loved her.
Since then Riley tells her at least 3 times a day that she loves her, she never makes Maya say it back and she doesn’t.
Riley pretends it doesn't hurt, but Maya can see it in her face, the anticipation after she says it waiting, hoping she will say it back, and the way her eyes fall and sulk when she doesn’t, she tries her best to keep the smile on her face but Maya can see right through it.
She wishes more than anything she could tell Riley just how much she loves her, but its now been 3 years since Maya’s dad left and went off and got a new family, and she’s pretty sure its her fault because, isn't everything?
And Riley's too good, Maya already knows she don't deserve her, she’s just waiting for the day she realizes she can do so much better, but until then Maya needs Riley with her for as long as she can have her, and she won't do anything to make her leave sooner.
Its selfish, god its so selfish, not telling her, hurting her, so she doesn't hurt Maya, its wrong and mean and it kills her. But she can't lose her, not yet.
Riley is the sun, she makes her world turn, her plants grow and her life have light, and if she leaves then Maya will lose everything, her sun, her life, her world, her warmth, and her light.
But still no matter what, with out fail Riley still manages to tell her she loves her everyday, and more likely than not multiple times a day, and Maya still stays quite.
But today is different, today is the sun's birthday and she couldn't buy her anything cause, she’s 8 and jobless, and her mom barely has enough money to keep the lights on and food on the table. Maya tried to tell her mom she would happily starve in complete darkness if it meant getting Riley the present she deserves, but her mom just laughed, ruffled her hair, and told her that Riley wouldn't want her to starve.
She figured she was probably right, but were still bummed. She decided to paint Riley a picture because she always told her how much she loves her art, even though she doesn’t know why her art isn't special, but Riley likes it and that's whats important.
The only problem is what do she paint the girl who looks like a painting herself?
She tries to paint something as beautiful as she is but its not possible, nothing is as pretty as her. She tries to ignore how that sounds, because shes her best friend don't all best friends think each other are the most beautiful thing in the world?
She brainstorms a lot of ideas and finally land with painting how she makes her feel, its cheesy but she knows Riley’ll love it.
She gets to Riley's house at about 8 am. She wasn’t supposed to come till noon, but she couldn't wait any longer to see her. she drug her mom out of bed and had her drive her to Riley's. She drops Maya off outside Riley’s apartment building while she runs to get breakfast. Maya pretends to be going to the front doors till she drives away then she B-line to the back alley way. She climbs up the oh so familiar fire escape that leads to the sleeping suns room and parks herself right outside her window.
Maya takes a moment to calm herself down. She doesn’t know why she suddenly got so nervous, what if she doesn't want you to come early, what if she doesn't like her present, what if-
Her inner tangent is cut off by the sound of a bed shifting, she sees Riley turn slightly, still asleep with a dopey smile on her face, Maya wonders must happen in her dreams that could make a smile that bright. Her heart flips upside down in your chest at the sight, and she can't help the smile that appears on her own face because of it.
Maya gently and quietly opens Riley’s window; which she leaves unlocked just for her, and crawls inside trying not to make to much noise. She lays her now wrapped painting down on the bay window and makes her way over to Riley’s bed. She climbs under the covers on the opposite side of the bed, this would be consider weird and slightly creepy if this wasn't an almost daily occurrence.
They had both become very used to Maya climbing in through her window without warning and just falling asleep next to her. She’s never minded though. In fact she always cuddles into her whenever she notices she’s there whether awake or asleep, this time was no different.
She had barely finished laying down before Riley’s small arms were wrapped around Maya’s torso, she smiles to herself at the immediate warmth that fills her heart at the touch. Her stomach feels like she ate butterflies for breakfast and she can't understand why.
She stays there for 20 minutes, perfectly content to just lay next to her best friend all day, when Riley finally stirs awake, she looks at Maya with sleep worn eyes and hair covering most of her face, she smiles at her with that heart melting grin and Maya swears in that moment, Riley’s a masterpiece painted by someone more talented than she will ever be.
"Morning peaches," she says in a whisper that probably wasn't intentional.
"Morning sunshine," she smiles at the nickname "hows my birthday girl?" Maya asks.
Riley buries her face into Maya’s shoulder, and she ignores how the butterflies act like their cage was just shaken, "tired." Riley replies, her voice muffled.
"Well we can stay here and sleep in for a few more hours if you want, orrrr we can wake up your parents force them to make us breakfast and get the best birthday in the history of the world started." She perked up, shouted an over enthusiastic "okay!" then jumped out of bed.
Maya smiled for the like hundredth time since she’s been here, watching how jumpy and happy Riley was. She had already made her way out of her room by the time Maya managed to get out of her bed. She found her in the kitchen sitting jittery on their usual stool, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews were already making chocolate pancakes, looking entirely exhausted, but she could see how happy they became whenever they looked at Riley.
They all ate breakfast, and then went and got changed, Maya who had already been dressed upon arrival stayed in the living room waiting for Farkle and a few other friends from school to show up. Riley came down in a bright sparkly yellow dress, she looked even more like the sun than usual.
Farkle showed up about 20 minutes later, and Maya’s mom 10 minutes after that. At around 3 p.m everyone else showed up, and they had cake, which was decorated as a purple cat Riley's favourite animal, and then opened presents, well all except Maya’s, she were waiting to give Riley hers till they were alone. Everyone played games until about 6 p.m when everyone had to leave, Farkle stayed for another hour until he too had to head home.
However Maya’s mom had brought her clothes from home so she could stay the night because she had to work late, and also Riley begged her to the point of near tears until she gave in.
It was now 7 p.m and Maya and Riley had just made their way back to her room. They were sitting on the bay window discussing the events of the day, Maya was growing nervous over the anticipation of giving Riley her present. Finally after 20 minutes of chit-chat she pulled the wrapped painting out from behind one of the pillows on the bay window were she had hid it this morning on her way to breakfast.
She announces that its finally time to open her present and Riley squeals, and grabs the present out of Maya’s hand before she can say anything. She opens it carefully like she always does, and she just stares at it, an unreadable expression on her face.
The painting was of a field in the summertime, there were flowers of every colour, and grass swaying in the wind, bunnies running amust the field, and trees casting shadows all around, but the most important thing in the picture the center piece was, yes you guessed it, the sun, breathing life and warmth into everything else. She used practically every colour she had to make the painting and Riley's uncharacteristic silence was gnawing at her anxiety.
"I'm sorry I couldn't buy you a present Riles, I tried to paint you something but its not very good im sorry" She looks down at her shaking hands feeling like a failure for not being able to get Riley the present she deserves. She’s startled by Riley’s small and frail voice when she finally speaks up.
"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen peaches." it couldn't have been more than a whisper, barely audible. Her voice was wet and her breathing uneven, and when Maya looked up she could see tears in her eyes threatening to fall at any moment, but she was smiling, she was happy, she liked it!
Riley pulled her into the tightest hug imaginable, crushing her bones along the way but she didn't care, Maya would give anything to stay like this forever.
"Thank you so much Maya this is the best present I've ever gotten in my whole life" she said so truthfully she couldn't help but believe it, but then something happened something she didn't expect and didn't plan. Maya spoke before she had even realized she was thinking it.
"I love you Riles" it was said quickly and quietly, she hoped Riley hadn't heard her but from how close they are, that was nothing more than wishful thinking.
Riley gasped so loud she thinks she burst her eardrum. Riley pulled back, and when Maya finally came back from the shock she looked up to see her once teary eyes, now look more like waterfalls, the tears streaming down her face, but she was smiling the biggest and happiest smile Maya’s ever seen.
"You love me?" she asked almost like she couldn't believe it, and it made the guilt fill her chest.
"Of course I love you honey, I always have it just took me a while to say it I'm sorry." She apologized.
"No don't you ever be sorry, not everyone is as comfortable with saying it." she sounded almost mad that she would ever be sorry, and Riley pulled her back into another bone crushing hug, this time soaking the back of her shirt with her tears that were still falling.
"I take it back peaches, the painting wasn't the best present I've ever got, this is." Maya laughed, but the words made her heart swell two times its size.
"You still like the painting though right?" She asked jokingly already knowing the answer, Riley pulled away and just looked at her, her tears had finally stopped, but her eyes were now puffy and red, and she was sniffling, but she was still the most beautiful thing in the world. She smiled her Riley smile.
"I love the painting peaches, it comes as a close second." she laughed too at that, and layed her head on Maya’s shoulder.
They stayed like that for hours until her parents came to tell them all to go to sleep. When they got in Riley’s bed they resumed their cuddle position from the morning, and as Riley drifted off to sleep smiling like a loon, Maya quietly whispered, "I love you Riles," "I love you too Maya." She fell asleep soon after, and for the first time since her dad left, slept soundly with a smile on her face.
Maya’s face lite up at the memory and she glanced over to the wall to her right, to look at the painting hanging in its frame.
Mrs. Matthews called up for dinner, but the sun was too engrossed in her homework to hear. Maya closed her untouched books, and slid off the bay window and crawled her way towards the brunette. She didn't even hear her so when Maya spoke softly into her ear she jumped a little.
"Hey Riles, dinners ready." Riley looked at her and smiled, finally closed her books and stood up, Riley held out her hand to help Maya up. Which she happily took, and the two of them walked to Riley’s kitchen together, still hand in hand.
Maya loved Riley Matthews. She’d never been more sure of anything in her whole life.
She just wished Riley loved her in the same way.
44 notes · View notes
preciousmetals0 · 4 years
Powell’s Wake-Up Call; Uber Eats It All; Progyny Stands Tall
Powell’s Wake-Up Call; Uber Eats It All; Progyny Stands Tall:
You Don’t Have to Call Me Darlin’
When Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell spoke this morning, well … it was all that Wall Street could do to keep from crying.
Speaking during a webcast with the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Powell warned that the COVID-19 pandemic could “leave behind lasting damage” to U.S. economic productivity.
“The recovery may take some time to gather momentum, and the passage of time can turn liquidity problems into solvency problems,” Powell said.
It was a reality check for Wall Street. For some investors, it seemed so useless to remain. The Dow quickly plunged more than 500 points.
Even renewed promises of “infinite” stimulus weren’t enough to stem the selling.
The Takeaway:
This may be the start of the reversal Great Stuff has called for throughout this market rebound.
But you don’t have to call me Jerome Powell.
And you don’t have to call me Charlie Pride.
And you don’t have to call me Mr. Great Stuff … anymore — even though I’m on your fightin’ side!
(Ok, that’s enough David Allan Coe … for now.)
Speaking of “your fightin’ side,” I ran across a millennial-centered article yesterday that I just had to address.
Per CNBC: “Young investors pile into stocks, seeing ‘generational-buying moment’ instead of risk.”
According to the article, discount brokers Charles Schwab, TD Ameritrade, E-Trade and Robinhood all saw a surge in new accounts when the market cratered in March.
In a note to clients (mostly non-millennials, I’m sure) Citi Chief U.S. Equity Strategist Tobias Levkovich said that young investors saw the plunge as a “generational-buying moment.”
Yes, Tobias, I’m sure millennials saw it that way, especially since they “do not have much background in the equity space.”
You can almost hear him thinking: Back in my day, young people didn’t invest in the market … and I had to walk to school in snow uphill both ways … or something like that.
Once again, we’re seeing Wall Street’s old guard dump on the millennial generation. But it’s not about takeout coffee and avocado toast this time — it’s their retirement.
Unlike those investors in or near retirement, March’s mayhem was a buying opportunity indeed for younger investors. Millennials have a longer investment time frame and can afford to be more aggressive with their capital.
But that’s only if they don’t panic and instead, hang on through the economic madness yet to come. And as today’s Powell reality check shows, there’s still considerable downside risk in the market.
If these new younger investors panic when the market rolls over again, they’ll get wiped out. How’s that for leaving behind “lasting damage?”
See, there are only two ways that this goes down. And it’s better to learn now than when you’re buried under 18 positions bleeding red like stuck pigs.
The wave carries you … or it crashes on you.
That’s it. No surfing analogy, no nothing. It’s crush or get crushed.
If it sounds like I’m oversimplifying things, it’s because I don’t want the wave to crash on you! I don’t care how long you’ve been in the market — first-time investor or a decades-long HODLer — you have what it takes to make it through this pandemic market with pride.
I believe in you … Paul Mampilly believes in you…
Heck, Paul Mampilly has been a guide for thousands upon thousands of readers, no matter their investing background. And the tech mega trends that he follows are exactly the kind of buying opportunities that come once a generation.
In fact, Paul just found one tech stock that’s set to transform the way we use and create energy: “This technology can single-handedly power a major American city … virtually free of charge.”
Click here to learn more!
And remember: Don’t let the wave crush you … or sweep you by.
Going: Uber Eats Grubhub
Uber Technologies Inc. (NYSE: UBER) is hungry, and it reportedly set its sights on gobbling down Grubhub Inc. (NYSE: GRUB).
The ride-hailing/food delivery company offered an all-stock deal for Grubhub — 2.15 UBER shares for every GRUB share, according to The Wall Street Journal.
As of yesterday, that valued Grubhub at $71.36 per share. That’s quite a tip compared to GRUB’s current trading range near $31.30.
Uber has yet to comment on the news, but Grubhub said that “consolidation could make sense in our industry, and, like any responsible company, we are always looking at value-enhancing opportunities.”
Very noncommittal there, Grubhub.
While the deal makes sense for both companies, it’ll be interesting to watch the political and social fallout from this news … especially in California, where the “gig economy” these companies helped create has been under fire for some time.
Wall Street feels the same way, with both stocks down today.
Going: If I Work From Home Forever…
Will it all remain unchanged?
Twitter Inc. (NYSE: TWTR) CEO Jack Dorsey knows that his employees are scared inside, and they don’t really understand. Is it profits on Twitter’s mind, or is it health care?
But heaven is now in the palm of Twitter workers’ hands. “If our employees are in a role and situation that enables them to work from home and they want to continue to do so forever, we will make that happen,” Doresy said in a company email.
The company laid out a considerably employee-centric plan to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, which includes allowing employees to decide when or even if they come back into the office.
The move should reassure TWTR investors that the company has the pandemic situation under control. That’s a pretty big feather in their caps. Now, Twitter traders just have to worry about the company’s slowing online ad spending.
Gone: Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge
Not every stock is down with the sickness today. Shares of fertility-benefits manager Progyny Inc. (Nasdaq: PGNY) soared more than 20% after the company beat first-quarter earnings and revenue expectations.
Progyny, which went public back in October, said it earned $0.04 per share as revenue surged 72% to $81 million.
The company noted that customers’ access to care was “meaningfully disrupted” by the pandemic. But it also said that the disruption would be temporary, as “fertility is commonly recognized as an essential medical service.”
Essential service? Say no more … a nod’s as good as a wink to a blind bat.
In fact, CEO David Schlanger added that “the prevalence of infertility means people will still need assistance in order to pursue their dreams of having a family.”
Here’s yet another initial public offering (IPO) that’s outperforming market trends and defending the niche it carved out. Very good. Very good.  It’s wicked. Wicked. You know who else is wicked?
Paul Mampilly with his IPO research. Eh? Know what I mean. Know what I mean? Wink wink, nudge nudge.
IPO research? Click here. Grin grin, wink wink, say no more?
Confidence — that’s our word of the week.
Government disapproval? That must be the theme of the week.
And right now? It’s time for the Poll of the Week!
In last week’s poll, we asked for your thoughts on how the government — yes, every level of it — is reopening the economy. A bit broad, yes, and here’s the rub: Depending on your exact location, your experience during the Great Reopening could vary drastically from every other Great Stuff reader.
That’s why we love to hear from each and every one of you — especially amid the great scrambling brouhaha of local, state and federal government bodies alike.
A big ol’ 54% majority of you believe we are on the “They botched it again!” front. And with how many different stories I’ve read from friends nationwide … I hear you.
But, before we team up with Elon Musk’s latest “freedom fighter” campaign, let’s turn our attention to something that surely couldn’t cause any disagreements at all — printing more Benjamins.
How would you feel about another round of stimulus checks? Is this exactly what the brave souls need right now on America’s front lines? Or are we devaluing the dollar like there’s no tomorrow?
Click on below to answer our poll!
Great Stuff: Sing Me Back Home
As long as my two hands are fit to use, Great Stuff is what you’ll read. And here on our team, we’re ready to hear from you!
You have one day left to make it in this week’s edition of Reader Feedback. That’s right: If you’ve resorted to tallying up the days out there, it’s almost Thursday already!
Send us a message at [email protected], long or short, night or day, rain or shine. And you can always catch up on the latest Great Stuff on social media: Facebook and Twitter.
It’s always great to hear from you. So until next time, stay Great!
Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff
0 notes
goldira01 · 4 years
You Don’t Have to Call Me Darlin’
When Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell spoke this morning, well … it was all that Wall Street could do to keep from crying.
Speaking during a webcast with the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Powell warned that the COVID-19 pandemic could “leave behind lasting damage” to U.S. economic productivity.
“The recovery may take some time to gather momentum, and the passage of time can turn liquidity problems into solvency problems,” Powell said.
It was a reality check for Wall Street. For some investors, it seemed so useless to remain. The Dow quickly plunged more than 500 points.
Even renewed promises of “infinite” stimulus weren’t enough to stem the selling.
The Takeaway:
This may be the start of the reversal Great Stuff has called for throughout this market rebound.
But you don’t have to call me Jerome Powell.
And you don’t have to call me Charlie Pride.
And you don’t have to call me Mr. Great Stuff … anymore — even though I’m on your fightin’ side!
(Ok, that’s enough David Allan Coe … for now.)
Speaking of “your fightin’ side,” I ran across a millennial-centered article yesterday that I just had to address.
Per CNBC: “Young investors pile into stocks, seeing ‘generational-buying moment’ instead of risk.”
According to the article, discount brokers Charles Schwab, TD Ameritrade, E-Trade and Robinhood all saw a surge in new accounts when the market cratered in March.
In a note to clients (mostly non-millennials, I’m sure) Citi Chief U.S. Equity Strategist Tobias Levkovich said that young investors saw the plunge as a “generational-buying moment.”
Yes, Tobias, I’m sure millennials saw it that way, especially since they “do not have much background in the equity space.”
You can almost hear him thinking: Back in my day, young people didn’t invest in the market … and I had to walk to school in snow uphill both ways … or something like that.
Once again, we’re seeing Wall Street’s old guard dump on the millennial generation. But it’s not about takeout coffee and avocado toast this time — it’s their retirement.
Unlike those investors in or near retirement, March’s mayhem was a buying opportunity indeed for younger investors. Millennials have a longer investment time frame and can afford to be more aggressive with their capital.
But that’s only if they don’t panic and instead, hang on through the economic madness yet to come. And as today’s Powell reality check shows, there’s still considerable downside risk in the market.
If these new younger investors panic when the market rolls over again, they’ll get wiped out. How’s that for leaving behind “lasting damage?”
See, there are only two ways that this goes down. And it’s better to learn now than when you’re buried under 18 positions bleeding red like stuck pigs.
The wave carries you … or it crashes on you.
That’s it. No surfing analogy, no nothing. It’s crush or get crushed.
If it sounds like I’m oversimplifying things, it’s because I don’t want the wave to crash on you! I don’t care how long you’ve been in the market — first-time investor or a decades-long HODLer — you have what it takes to make it through this pandemic market with pride.
I believe in you … Paul Mampilly believes in you…
Heck, Paul Mampilly has been a guide for thousands upon thousands of readers, no matter their investing background. And the tech mega trends that he follows are exactly the kind of buying opportunities that come once a generation.
In fact, Paul just found one tech stock that’s set to transform the way we use and create energy: “This technology can single-handedly power a major American city … virtually free of charge.”
Click here to learn more!
And remember: Don’t let the wave crush you … or sweep you by.
Going: Uber Eats Grubhub
Uber Technologies Inc. (NYSE: UBER) is hungry, and it reportedly set its sights on gobbling down Grubhub Inc. (NYSE: GRUB).
The ride-hailing/food delivery company offered an all-stock deal for Grubhub — 2.15 UBER shares for every GRUB share, according to The Wall Street Journal.
As of yesterday, that valued Grubhub at $71.36 per share. That’s quite a tip compared to GRUB’s current trading range near $31.30.
Uber has yet to comment on the news, but Grubhub said that “consolidation could make sense in our industry, and, like any responsible company, we are always looking at value-enhancing opportunities.”
Very noncommittal there, Grubhub.
While the deal makes sense for both companies, it’ll be interesting to watch the political and social fallout from this news … especially in California, where the “gig economy” these companies helped create has been under fire for some time.
Wall Street feels the same way, with both stocks down today.
Going: If I Work From Home Forever…
Will it all remain unchanged?
Twitter Inc. (NYSE: TWTR) CEO Jack Dorsey knows that his employees are scared inside, and they don’t really understand. Is it profits on Twitter’s mind, or is it health care?
But heaven is now in the palm of Twitter workers’ hands. “If our employees are in a role and situation that enables them to work from home and they want to continue to do so forever, we will make that happen,” Doresy said in a company email.
The company laid out a considerably employee-centric plan to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, which includes allowing employees to decide when or even if they come back into the office.
The move should reassure TWTR investors that the company has the pandemic situation under control. That’s a pretty big feather in their caps. Now, Twitter traders just have to worry about the company’s slowing online ad spending.
Gone: Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge
Not every stock is down with the sickness today. Shares of fertility-benefits manager Progyny Inc. (Nasdaq: PGNY) soared more than 20% after the company beat first-quarter earnings and revenue expectations.
Progyny, which went public back in October, said it earned $0.04 per share as revenue surged 72% to $81 million.
The company noted that customers’ access to care was “meaningfully disrupted” by the pandemic. But it also said that the disruption would be temporary, as “fertility is commonly recognized as an essential medical service.”
Essential service? Say no more … a nod’s as good as a wink to a blind bat.
In fact, CEO David Schlanger added that “the prevalence of infertility means people will still need assistance in order to pursue their dreams of having a family.”
Here’s yet another initial public offering (IPO) that’s outperforming market trends and defending the niche it carved out. Very good. Very good.  It’s wicked. Wicked. You know who else is wicked?
Paul Mampilly with his IPO research. Eh? Know what I mean. Know what I mean? Wink wink, nudge nudge.
IPO research? Click here. Grin grin, wink wink, say no more?
Confidence — that’s our word of the week.
Government disapproval? That must be the theme of the week.
And right now? It’s time for the Poll of the Week!
In last week’s poll, we asked for your thoughts on how the government — yes, every level of it — is reopening the economy. A bit broad, yes, and here’s the rub: Depending on your exact location, your experience during the Great Reopening could vary drastically from every other Great Stuff reader.
That’s why we love to hear from each and every one of you — especially amid the great scrambling brouhaha of local, state and federal government bodies alike.
A big ol’ 54% majority of you believe we are on the “They botched it again!” front. And with how many different stories I’ve read from friends nationwide … I hear you.
But, before we team up with Elon Musk’s latest “freedom fighter” campaign, let’s turn our attention to something that surely couldn’t cause any disagreements at all — printing more Benjamins.
How would you feel about another round of stimulus checks? Is this exactly what the brave souls need right now on America’s front lines? Or are we devaluing the dollar like there’s no tomorrow?
Click on below to answer our poll!
Great Stuff: Sing Me Back Home
As long as my two hands are fit to use, Great Stuff is what you’ll read. And here on our team, we’re ready to hear from you!
You have one day left to make it in this week’s edition of Reader Feedback. That’s right: If you’ve resorted to tallying up the days out there, it’s almost Thursday already!
Send us a message at [email protected], long or short, night or day, rain or shine. And you can always catch up on the latest Great Stuff on social media: Facebook and Twitter.
It’s always great to hear from you. So until next time, stay Great!
Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff
0 notes