#it’ll be hilariously ironic because I am a cancer and it could be literal also
stinkybeanus · 2 years
Trying to avoid talking to my family until I have a diagnosis (or not but likely yes) for my tiddies is hard because this time I am actually actively thinking of them. And not freaking them out while my grandma currently already has breast cancer with the chance that I have it too. I thought it might’ve been cyclical breast pain but it’s been over a month and hasn’t gone away or changed so :/
I want to talk to them about it but like I want a solid answer from my doctor before creating a clusterfuck of panic and overwhelming feeling for all. I followed the Breast Cancer subreddit and I don’t feel like I can post there until I know it is cancer and only then. But honestly idk if could be something else breast related but I don’t want to scare myself and others needlessly. Scheduling my appointment on Monday after work so I can hopefully get seen soon for these mammograms and ultrasounds. I’m mainly scared of the biopsy part or aspiration part of it comes to it. But gotta stay hopeful it’s something else.
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