#it’s 4.45 am ugh
ushiwhacka · 2 years
i’m so hot
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blakelivelygf · 4 years
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hey disco! i have nothing to say, just hope you had a good day & if not, i hope tomorrow is better
DW: It’s 2pm, I just got home from work, and now I am going to have a nap in an attempt to kickstart my brain because I do not do well with morning shifts! When that alarm goes off at 4.45 am... ugh. 
But it was a pretty good day, thank you for asking! 
And I hope you had a good day too! 
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nurainabila · 8 years
our short yet challenging trip xx
assalammualaikum xoxo. so today i wanna share the journey of our short trip ft shakila and farah. on 4th feb, i went to pick up shakila and farah at the bus station, kulim. we went back to my home and spent the time while waiting for hiking the next morning. both of them were watching k-drama, while me decided to take a quick nap sbb nak drive kan? takut mengantuk, but then takleh tidur sbb excited maybe? we planned nak gerak at 3.30 am but biasalah, melayu. so lajak pukul 4 lebih baru gerak. so on 5th feb at 4 am we went to gunung baling and arrived there around 4.45 am centu. then start hiking! serious talk, it was so challenging! curam and tersangatlah licin. curam tu ok lg tp licin sangat tu yg mencabar. we arrived at the first checkpoint and lebih sikit. but both of them dah pancit and tak berani sbb makin curam, so we stayed there and tunggu sampai cerah baru gerak turun. we arrived home around 10 am. so yada yada and gerak tunggu bas around 11.30 am. boleh bayangkan tak betapa barainya kami??? naik bas and sampai jetty and naik ferry ke pulau. from jetty, took the bus to queensbay and zohor kt sana. then lepak2 dekat pantai qb and decided to call an uber to bring us to masjid kapitan keling. lepas asar kat situ, jalan2 dekat street art, took a few snaps and went back to the masjid for maghrib and isyak. after isyak, went to padang kota for pasembur. plan asalnya, nak overnight padang kota la konon, nak lepak2 situ. unfortunately, hujan.....so we decided to find a budget hotel (p/s: sponsored by shakila). so google la jalan ke hotel tu. can u imagine, dalam hujan, pukul 11 lebih, 3 malay girls wearing tudung jalan tengah2 malam? by following the direction, it brought us to Love Lane sbb hotel yg kami cari located kt situ. but do u guys know what do theh have at the street? ok, kiri kanan hotel budget yg mmg ugh sangat menakutkan. bukan scary sbb hantu ke apa ke. the street, penuh dgn hotel yg owned by chinese and penuh dgn mat2 saleh yg tgh ber-party macam tu. kiri kanan penuh, so loud. there were no other races selain chinese and foreigners. no malay girls yg perangai em (i hope u guys know what's in my mind about this) tp tiba2 ada 3 malay girls, bertudung lalu. bayangkang! sumpah scary, malu, unbelievable. dengan hujannya time tu, only allah knew what we felt that night. lepas dah habis bala lalu kat jalan tu, we decided to went back to the the masjid sbb we knew ada hotel budget yg proper kt situ. alhamdulillah, we managed to find one. we stayed there for one night dgn sehelai sepinggangnya. mmg sumpah barai teruk. pagi pegi hiking, dgn rehat tak cukup gerak penang. jalan sana sini, lari sana sini pfft. on 6th feb, we woke up late sampai terlepas subuh sbb barai sgt. around 10.30 am we went to Penang Hill. after zohor, we went back to the jetty. plan asal nak pekena Nasi 7 Benua tp sbb dlm bas otw ke jetty semua barai, so we decided to balik rumah terus. lepas teman shakila beli jeruk, terus naik ferry balik. arrived home at 7 pm. then after isyak, keluar rumah sbb nak hantar shakila and farah balik. aida joined us and we went to Sistur Cafe to end our trip. had a chit chat and blabla then hantar farah balik pastu hantar shakila pulak. so yea, that's the end of our short trip! it was a very hectic journey dgn kaki sakit, barai, tak cukup tidur, scary tp it worth it! bukan senang nak dapat pengalaman macam tu kan? thank u guys for this awesome trip and hope to have another trip with u guys again! xoxo
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