#it’s a good thing there’s no magic in this au or Magolor would explode something
quinn-pop · 4 months
actually what if i just posted this. no context
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(jk it’s an idol au lol)
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Mechalor AU Anon retuning to bring up a few things that came to mind.
1) I can imagine that Marx, due to having not gotten the Nova wish, would instead roll around on and attack with gem apples as opposed to his usual beach balls.
2) in Marx Epilogue, would the Ultra Sword sequence go differently on account of Marx not having hands? Maybe he uses a different Super Ability (Flare Beam as an example) or perhaps a different move entirely (Something based on the Crowns Cutters? A black hole akin to his splitting attack from his canon self?)
3) What happens to Nova after Magalors defeat? Its described to be "quietly whirring", so I assume it is just functioning on low power mode, but would it eventually fly away? Crash land on Popstar? Maybe it stays orbiting the planet, becoming a new background element (one that I'm sure would draw some attention from other worlds).
And 4) Would Mechalor, on account of him being reconstructed out of his magic and Nova's parts, be able to use any of his boss fight attacks without needing to deconstruct the god clock? Would he maybe even be able to make a wish on himself if given the needed power?
(Oh and 5) I feel like Mechalor "not changing from the experience" [being trapped inside Nova and having to pull himself together] seems a bit strange when Marx in canon changes from his own experience, even if it's a small amount. We don't see Marx try betray anyone, nor him try snatch up some other power source, but it seems like Mechalor still would. Idk maybe I'm reading too much into this.
6) (last one for real this time) what would the Marx Soul equivalent be? Magalors essence creeping into Nova and infecting all of it, remaking himself out of ALL of Nova rather than bits and pieces? Magalor just absorbing it's power as it explodes (assuming Kirby hits him into Nova's core just a little harder) and refusing to die, perhaps subconsciously making a wish to the last remnants of Nova? Maybe he isn't even strong enough to manifest one, and he simply *tries*, making a mess of magic, Nova pieces and himself that shambles towards Kirby, its one goal being taking them down with it.
(Love your work BTW)
1) Adorable! I love it! (And I didn't even think about this but now we have Shopkeeper(?) Marx as he waits patiently (?) for the Master Tree to grow to full size so he can get the power to go home?)
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...Also BEHOLD Marx's little (cursed) Master Crown hands.
2) I would say the Epilogue is the first place/time Marx begins to learn how to manipulate the Crown Gold left embedded in his body. He might not have a full on "body split" attack, but I imagine if the Crown uses its roots to try and impale Marx, finishing him off, Marx grits his teeth and forces his weak and aching body apart ju~st enough so the roots all impact the molten gold parts of him...
...Mistelteinn becomes trapped, frozen in metal that is of equal (limitless) strength to its own...and that's when the bells on Marx's hat begin to vibrate... faster and faster, building up static energy, growing to a greater and greater size until they nearly consume the screen! Marx unleashes the the dual sparks which collide into Mistelteinn, the gold transmitting the electricity (shocking Marx a little) but doing devastating damage to the tree!
It explodes magnificently and shaken Marx gets a charge of power  from the experience. (As well as a boost of confidence, once he gets his requisite good cry out, that is.)
(I do love the idea that he would specialize in Flare Beam instead of Ultra Sword, given his own hat is "Beam" like in nature)
3) I would say that yes, Nova remains a presence in orbit around Popstar for a while (similar to the Dreamstalk) however, it is currently inert and incapable of granting further wishes - this is partially because it is still in the process of "carrying out" Magolor's wish, which I speculated in another post to be something like "...immortality!" or "...that nothing can stop me" (ie: though Magolor has been crushed and effectively buried alive, he can't die. This is why I describe his "death" as gruesome btw.)
But once Mechalor finally emerges from the Nova and is no longer in the process of ~dying forever~ the Nova probably blinks out of existence and back to wherever Novas go pre-summoning.
(TLDR, the Nova couldn't leave to continue doing Nova things because it's like a computer running hot trying to run a complicated program and as a result, everything else is stalled/lagging.)
4) Hmm, I feel like Magolor wouldn't really have anything new in his arsenal, so much as he would have more tech/cyborg/robot versions of his regular moveset? Or as best as he can replicate them. Although yes, that might manifest as Nova-inspired moves! He could crush you with the pendulum-mace as opposed to using the Ultra Sword or he could throw light bulbs on the ground that explode into glass shards after a while. (Oh no! Why are his moves more violent?! XD)
5) No, no, that's fair!/pos That was mostly a sassy quip of me comparing Mechalor to the radical changes in motivations Magolor experiences going through the Epilogue! You're right in that he does change. Even though Mechalor will say he was unaffected by his experiences, it's clearly not true.
The main difference is that he never considers himself to have "turned over a new leaf." He hasn't particularly decided on anything he wants to do with his "life" (as much as you can call it that.) He hasn't remembered any dreams he once had or tried to pursue them. He's "happy" being goofy, lying pest to his friends and fellows.
(The number of scare quotes here ought to tell you how Mechalor is not really okay and definitely not unchanged, he just wants to pretend to be. Because really, his continually reoccurring/repeating death(s) inside the Nova was quite simply mind-breakingly horrific and there's no way you don't come up with any number of mental systems and loopholes and deals with yourself and whatever divine figure you believe in trying to avoid such a reality....)
6) Ahaha! Ohh boy, I hadn't even thought about their Soul form equivalents! Considering in both their cases, their Soul forms are just them but more horrible and... Oh...
Oh great... my horror brain just imagined for BossSwap!Marx Soul, the Master Crown's thorn blades suddenly start spinning, turning them into buzzsaws and it gaining a new "attack" where it basically sends a spray of damage-inducing Marx-ian blood shower and gore at you... >.> Dess's Brain, why do you do these things...?!!
Answer: Honestly, I'm probably processing too many Castlevnia games as a child... I'll admit that Boss-Swap Marx's fight was heavily inspired by my memories of being a little (a lot) traumatized by the fights with Beelzebub (SotN) and Puppet Master (DoS)
...Let's not even talk about Legion. Those damned screams...
Err, right! Mechalor Soul! Given the way the True Arena plays out in Super Star Ultra, with it taking place directly after Marx's defeat, I imagine we'd have to go the same with Magolor here, starting with him still entombed. Since these fights (at least Marx and Magolor's) are highly reminiscent of their original fights, just with new patterns, I would say... maybe something like your remaking himself idea?
Perhaps you end up with a redo of the original Boss-Swap Magolor fight, with you fighting the pieces of Nova being wielded against you like weapons, only...you can't SEE Magolor yet. It's only when you get to the second, new phase does he reveal himself from within the Nova as the controller of this fight, appearing as a half-machine, half-corpse pre-Mechalor grisly mess? (Agh, nooo, why is this AU getting gorier all the time? ^^;; It started out so simple and now it's gone full horror with blood and guts and ruined bodies... Sob...)
So... basically like a "haunted" version of the Magolor battle with a last phase added in? And if he needs an original "death scene" ala Marx Soul's being split in two and screaming, I can imagine something similar to his original loss only with a jumpscare element Instead of Magolor being pulled into the background, the awakened Nova JUMPS to the foreground of the screen (like Star Dream) while Magolor is passed out/unconscious (alternatively, while he's stunned and in complete and total terror) and clasps shut on him.
Get back in your coffin, buddy.
.........I swear I'm doing all right mentally. >.<
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