#it’s a setting project on chapter 2 of the picture of dorian gray
My favourite thing about doing independent reading is, after handing in an assignment, imagining my teacher sorting through a pile of graphic novels and romance stories then just seeing “I HATE HENRY WOTTON AND I WANT HIM DEAD” 
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atlasntic · 2 months
03 - the sky that shines your color
[written chapter] [lowercase intended]
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he’d awoken that morning to a pounding headache and heavy regret weighing down on his shoulders. 
since sobering up, he’d never hated himself more, his mistakes of last night replaying in his head, over and over, just to taunt him.
the sunrise that morning was a beautiful burning pink, like the fire of his heart had set the entire world ablaze, and he was bestowed with the painful reminder that he once watched this sunset with them, too. 
this only contributed to his morose mood. 
to make matters better (worse) for him, he’d been assigned a group project.
he’d never been one for group projects, or getting along with others, for that matter. recently, a group of students he didn’t recognize had been whispering and plotting behind his back. how absurd, he’d thought.
but if it was just them, even he could manage being placed in such a group.
his luck had never been worse. he was to work with y/n, a fate worse than any group of gaggling students.
quickly averting his gaze, he gave the instructions a quick once-over.
Students are tasked with creating a modern-day literary journey inspired by a classic novel. Each pair of students must choose a novel from a curated list of classics (e.g., "Pride and Prejudice," "The Picture Of Dorian Gray," "Jane Eyre", “The Odyessy”, ) and reinterpret it in a contemporary setting. The project requires them to:
Select a novel and identify its key themes, characters, and settings.
Create a detailed itinerary or roadmap for a modern-day journey that mirrors the protagonist's journey in the novel.
Incorporate real-world locations and events that parallel the novel's themes.
Develop a multimedia presentation that includes visuals, maps, and narratives to illustrate their reinterpretation.
he had originally planned on approaching y/n after class, asking when they'd work on their project.
seeing the way they stormed away from him so eagerly, he chose not to bother at all.
synposis - 2 YEARS AGO, in their second year of university, y/n and scaramouche broke things off for good. y/n completely swore off dating, at least for a good while. NOW, in their fourth year, y/n is back in the dating scene… sort of. when they receive a message from a faceless internet stranger, they choose to pursue him as a joke… unbeknownst to them, it’s none other than scaramouche. SO, when y/n asks to meet up with him, will he come clean? or, the alternative, which is to dig himself into an even deeper hole than before?
-i honestly prefer doing written chapters to the socmed stuff
-it just takes so long to do the tweets...
-meanwhile i whipped this up in like 5 minutes :skull:
taglist - @sl-vega @veekoko @slvdsjjk @potteraep @scarawiki @tamikahoshiko @kaitfae @alatusorrow @xionri @lloovvv @yuu1ji7n @skyoverkill1 @kunikissr @lalalaloveallmydays
-if i missed ur user just cmnt again on this one lol
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