#it’s an idle concern esp with the way he’s been answering so many fans about the game and what they’d like to see in the future
smoreal · 1 year
A little concerned about Kishimoto replying to fans on Twitter about Frontiers
Bc on one hand maybe they’ll (‘they’ being SEGA and sonic team) finally listen to what most of the collective wants (like more open zone gameplay in the future, better physics/momentum, more variety for level design and level themes, etc.)
BUT ON THE OTHER HAND maybe they listen TOO much and it becomes a congested mess of different wants from the fans. And having so many ppl in your ear talking about what you did wrong or what you SHOULD do next time… it gets kinda annoying and takes the fun out of creating
I just don’t want certain ppl coming after him with hate bc he didn’t listen or bc smth they wanted to happen didn’t happen.
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