#it’s been quite a while since I read the skinjacker books
rileysidely · 2 years
I think there’d be a lot of balloons in everlost, kinda like how the fortune cookies are, but when they’re popped rather than broken. But because they start floating away, untethered, as soon as they appear almost no one get to see them.
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hii there! what are your favourite books / do you have any recommendations?
Hello, Lovely~
I've read... so many books over the years, it's almost a wonder I ever had time for much else. ^_^;
I believe I may have mentioned some of these books before, but there are several that come to mind for possible recommendations. These are all the books that immediately spark a memory, which linger with me even seemingly ages after last exploring their pages.
The first I would recommend is cresando by Amy Weiss. Love, loss, heartache, and the story of two souls who find each other over and over again, in each and every lifetime, who choose to find each other over and over again, who drift through the cosmos in an eternal dance, dancing in the spaces between lifetimes. It remains one of the most breathtaking stories I've read in the past few years, pure poetry captured onto each page.
If you have a chance, I would recommend searching for Two From Arcadia by Lucine Finch on Project Gutenberg's database. It's a short read, a lyrical poem of contrasting viewpoints, but it's woven together with beautiful artwork that not only grounds the mystical words, but also enhances the sensations, almost fully immersing you into the story. I happened upon it by chance today, and I am now seeking out an original edition to add to my collection.
It's been a decade since I've read them, but I remember I was obsessed with the Skinjacker Trilogy (Everlost, Everwild, Everfound) by Neal Shusterman when I was a teenager. There was an incredible amount of worldbuilding to those books that still leaves me kind of in awe, and I still tend to think of every once in a great while. And despite it being over 10 years since I've read them, I still remember the names of my two favourite characters, the reasons why I loved them so much, and the bittersweet finale.
Another I finished recently is Jomny Sun's Everyone's a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too. Reading as a diary, this book (a very short read; I knocked it out in half an hour!) follows the story of an alien who has been sent to Earth on a reconnaissance mission, but there is an underlying depth that reveals some of the struggles of leaving your home and moving somewhere new, of finding a place within that newness, and the disconnect once one returns home, no longer quite fitting in when your views and perspective have changed.
Another story that actually follows along that thread is a story about a mouse that I read last year: Young Fredel by Cynthia Voigt. I know there's almost a stigma against adults reading children's stories, but as a former librarian and now an educator, I highly recommend that more adults read children's stories. It offers another way for us to connect with them, and sometimes they can teach even us old timers something valuable. Fredel, oh my little Fredel, had that same wide-eyed wonder and curiousity that so many of us have, and the story followed him through it all. I forget exactly how many chapters the story contained, but there were many moments that had me on the edge of my seat.
One of my favourite novels as of late is Eternal Life by Dara Horn. Following our protagonist, we're guided through several different lives, with many others that fall in between. Trapped, cursed, to eternal life with the sort-of antagonist due to a single mistake, a vow, an arrangement- I don't want to go too much in depth about this book, but I'm obsessed with it and have read it several times. This one does have some allusion to darker topics, just as a warning in advance.
I could go on for ages about the books I've enjoyed and would recommend, but I don't want to go on for too long. If you have a specific genre you're looking for luv, please let me know. I can give you more specific suggestions from there. ;)
I also have a Goodreads Account if you want to peruse more of my shelves. I know I have only a fraction of the books I’ve consumed mentioned on there, but it’s a start?
Thanks for the ask! :D
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