#it’s dumpster fire o’clock
aticklishtem · 6 years
some tickly hankcon headcanons
bc I’m in a Mood and procrastinating doing any actual writing lol
💙 at first it doesn’t occur to either of them that androids could be ticklish. Connor is theoretically familiar with the concept, but has never had any reason to apply it, and Hank hasn’t thought about it in decades, since he used to play with Cole.
💙 BUT THAT ALL CHANGES WHEN the fire nation attacks Connor gets an update, and naturally such an advanced prototype has some pretty...sensitive sensors. so when Hank pokes him in the side one day to get his attention and he jumps like he’s been electrocuted, this immediately calls for further investigation~
💙 Connor’s ticklish almost everywhere, but sweetest spots are his belly, sides and neck.
💙 he has an adorably goofy laugh, a total contrast to his usual calm controlled front: giggles, squeals and (if you’re lucky) snorts!!
💙 at first he finds the sensation a little alarming/overwhelming because of the loss of control (and all the warnings popping up in his vision about heat distribution). but because it’s Hank he likes the closeness, getting to see his more playful side, and the feeling of being simultaneously helpless yet safe.
💙 Hank may or may not have a Moment of Realisation when he’s got Connor under him all giggly and disheveled and blushing bright blue (ssh androids totally blush blue I won’t hear otherwise) and oh shit he’s Really Fucking Cute.
💙 after this tickles become a pretty regular occurrence, and surprisingly effective stress relief for both of them! especially when they’re working a tough case.
💙 of course Connor’s gonna get revenge, and he is Prepared! Like, he legit researches sensitive spots on humans and different tickle techniques.
💙 Hank’s not nearly as ticklish though, so most places don’t get more than a few snickers.
💙 There IS, however, this One Spot just above his hip that has him breaking out into deep belly laughter.
💙 This quickly becomes Connor’s favourite sound ever, and he doesn’t hesitate to tell him so, which only makes it worse/better.
💙 Sometimes he’ll use it to wake Hank up when he doesn’t wanna get out of bed (which is always), but that has mixed success at best since he usually just pulls Connor down with him and suddenly they’re both late for work whoops.
💙 obviously Sumo loves to join in the fun!! Whenever he sees them wrestling he’ll jump onto the both of them wanting to play. Tickly doggy kisses are allowed and encouraged.
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