#it’s gonna absolutely fucking suck for the indie devs in the meantime but like. HOO BOY.
regallibellbright · 1 year
It’s telling, in a “oh you REALLY didn’t think this one through did you” way, that one of Unity’s walkbacks/clarifications was “Oh no, DEVELOPERS won’t be on the hook for Gamepass/Playstation Plus installations, those fees will go to the distributors!”
Meaning, Microsoft and Sony.
For fees that will be applying retroactively.
If you throw a rock at Gamepass’s biggest indie titles you will probably hit one made in Unity.
And the point at which they go into effect - $200,000 in revenue, 200,000 installs - is COMICALLY low compared to Gamepass numbers.
Like, this is going to easily be in the realm of tens of millions of dollars for Microsoft, minimum. It’s fairly likely to be enough money they actually give a shit.
For fees that will be applying retroactively.
I wish them fucking luck is what I’m getting at they’re gonna fucking need it.
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