#it’s just passed mullet length rn
of-mutts-and-men · 5 months
Can’t wait till my hair grows out again so I can look like a fruity little prince (with the body of a bear), a cub prince if you will.
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virtue-boy · 6 months
don't really get the 'endangered butch' thing like I see a lot of butches in my day to day life. I just think soft butch is more normal now like you dont have to be a butch butch butch to survive as a butch anymore, just like you can be a masc gay guy who is also kind of a nelly. Like I have tons of butch friends and I probably half of everyone I do organizing with is butch. Like look I'm just one guy maybe you used to see 500 butches every single day or something but like I see butches all the time I just think people are discounting a lot of people's masculinity or something. Like people are like "When was the last time I saw a butch?" and I'm like bruh I saw like 4 yesterday at a queer meeting what are you on about. Like maybe not hard hard butches but like I kind of think every type of queer identity has loosened up a bit like everyone's more androgynous now. Idk its just maddening to me becuase this narrative makes no fucking sense with my own life. I legit just think that it is people discounting butches who don't fit a certain image of a 30 something hard white cis butch with a midsize to buff build in blue collar cosplay, which of course, shout out but like, that's one type of person. I literally see people alllll the time who would be considered butch if they were taller, cis-female passing, buff, less fat or more in line with ideas of white masculinity. And I mean, 90% of the time when someone says something like this they are definitely not including trans female butches in their definition of the category.
Or like, legit I think this must come down to hair. Like mullet and mid-length hair is big in masculine style rn for all ethnicities and genders. Like I know so many people who would be cookie cutter Butch if they got a crew cut instead of having like, Nickelback hair or a mullet. Like are we really declaring a postmortem on butches over what military conscript's hair looked like in 1950? Or like, what white bloggers in San Francisco were wearing 2006 - 2014? Are we really going to discount all the non-white men's fashions and styles that have mid and long length hair?
The other thing I think must be some kind of gender purity definition of butch as a cis woman, so people are declaring butch dead because people use they/them or identify as non-binary, as if "butch" historically was purely "woman-identified" that never used gender non-conforming language or there were never butches who never identified as girls or women. And of course like, ignoring butch trans women off the bat even through like, they are literally carrying the torch and understand butch more than any cis femme ever could as they are intentional butch women. Anyways.
I legitimately challenge people to think about the hair thing though. I actually think huge swathes of butches are being written off bc they have mid length hair or they dress more like an architect than an auto mechanic or something. Or just that they don't do any blue collar cosplay at all and just wear men's hoodies and shit. I don't know but like, I just saw a post about someone saying that someone said "you're the first butch I've seen in forever" and I'm just like ??? I've seen like 10 butches of various ages and backgrounds I know personally in the last month.
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Finally Answering Questions for y’all
Q1: How tall or short do you wish you were?
I used to wish I was taller because I already am tall for an (AGAB)female (5′8 1/2) but then I learned about platforms so. 
4: What was your favorite video game growing up?
Monkey Ball or Sonic Adventure Escape the City...I only had a Gamecube.
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Warning: Uses humor as a defense mechanism but will quickly become extremely invested in you  and give you immense amounts of unending love if they vibe w you
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]
9: Are you ticklish?
extremely, on my back and sides (use this information wisely. I take no responsibility for involuntarily punching anyone who tickles me)
10: Are you allergic to anything?
absolutely nothing, allergies are to weed out the weak. (jkjk no eugenics here sis you slay that epipen)
11: What’s your sexuality?
~ pansexual  ~ (prefer agab [not cis, those are two different things] females)
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?
tea, then coffee with cocoa. I don’t enjoy cocoa or coffee as much separately.
37: What is your eye color?
38: Introvert or extrovert?
I’m ambiverted but lean toward introversion. 
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?
oh yeah absolutely, I personally just prefer that the tattoos aren’t on your face.  Or with piercings that they don’t take up so much of your face that I can’t see what you really look like.
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?
pink, red, or platinum 56: Something that calms you down?
reading, playing instruments, taking a bath, cooking or baking
57: Have any mental disorders?
yessir. ADD, anxiety. and I used to have really bad depression. Now my depression is simply manageable lol. 
73: What is your MBTI type?
INFP (enneagram 4)
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?
surprisingly yes, will I come close to passing out? Maybe. But I can.
87: Do your socks always match?
never, I hate matching my socks unless the socks are funky and need to match to give them the biggest bang for their buck. 
92: A store you hate?
Dick’s sporting goods. I have been dragged around that place for hours and absolutely nothing there interests me. (edit: I found a beanie that I liked but my previous opinion still stands)
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?
start counting and never stop. If you mean in terms of actual measurements like cups/ounces, I can drink 20. What can I say I’m from New England.
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?
Definitely fly because that might help lessen my fear of heights
95: Do you like to wear camo?
literally shoot me if you ever see me wearing camo. please, I beg you. that will be me at my lowest point 
96: Winter or summer?
Autumn. Next question.
97: How long can you hold your breath for?
3-4 minutes. It’s all that breath control from musical theatre.
99: Someone you look up to:
Jughead Jones. Yes I said that, fight me. He is completely himself and he allows the different facets of his personality to shine through to people that he loves and cares about. He is loyal and caring but also unique and resilient. Plus his fave food is burgers which is an instant win for me.
100: A store you love?
Hot Topic, Barnes and Nobles, Savers or any thriftstore 
102: Where do you live?
New England bb (; gettin that dark academia aesthetic straight from the source
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?
105: Do you drink milk?
You mean out of the glass? Like a psychopath? Like a serial killer? Absolutely not
106: Do you like bugs?
I do! Except for spiders and mosquitoes (although I’m warming up to spiders)
109: Can you draw:
Eh yeah ig, well enough. I draw realistically but I’m not great at animated style. 
111: A question you hate being asked?
“Are you a boy or a girl?” (like why? does it personally affect you? are you planning on boning me? if not then buzz off)
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?
Yes, but only at night when the beach is quiet. I’m not a huge fan of the beach during the day
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?
Rainy or sunny. Don’t go givin me the clouds with none of the drizzle.
119: Favorite thing about a person: 
Personality first and foremost. Humor and kindness. But physically; their smile and mannerisms. 
120: Fruits or vegetables?
Veggies (or berries i like berries)
121: Something you want to do right now:
Run away... ahah. But in all honesty I would love to go mushroom foraging rn, or possibly go on an adventure. Maybe go put on clothing meant for an entirely different time period and run around Target idk.
123: Sweet or sour foods?
Definitely not sour I hate sour. Spoonfeed me wasabi, that I can handle. But if you make me eat a Warheads I will cry. 
129: What would you want written on your tombstone?
I personally have a lot of problems with the funeral industry, so I would rather not take up space and rot preservation chemicals into the earth. But if I had an interim tombstone with no body underneath, it would read “Live Laugh Love” bc ~irony~
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?
that I’m very individualistic and stubborn
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?
Yes absolutely, that’s what they’re there for.
134: Do you like roller coasters?
Do I like feeling like I’m about to full send through the crust of the earth and die? No. No I do not. (I am a simple person, I go to carnivals for the food and to feed off terror.) 139: What nicknames do you have/have had?
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?
OH YEAH absolutely, I am a repressed gen z homosexual raised in a homophobic religious atmosphere, I am practically born with a therapist assigned to me.
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?
Definitely good -_- unfortunately. Catch me bein the mom friend.
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?
I prefer giving, but I am learning how to recieve. 
144: What makes you angry
People who live their lives in willful ignorance despite the endless resources available to them and let that ignorance hurt others.
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries?
All of em. Gimme em all. I don’t like boys as much currently but I would still probably lay my life on the line for some. 
147: Are you androgynous?
Yes. It’s more fluid than it is being in consistent limbo between masc and femme. Usually I’m androgynous but I often swing wildly between both ends of that socially perceived spectrum. 148: Favorite thing about yourself physically?
My hands or smile(product of bracesTM). But I have been told I have nice hands. 
149: Favorite thing about your personality:
I am a very strong blend of wise and class clown. I can do em both, I can do em well, and I can do em whenever. I also care a lot about others but I don’t change myself to be accepted by them. 
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.
MLK Jr. --> I want to gain perspective on some of the current global issues. Jesus --> I’ve got a lot of questions for that dude. JRR Tolkien bc he’s incredible or Joan of Arc for the same reason
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?
Ooh well, as a woman not many eras are desirable. But um probably either the 70s or Ancient Greece
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?
YES. GIMME UR FINGERS > i meant that to sound much less threatening than it did but my statement still stands. 155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?
Yes it’s literally one of my favorite things to do. I hab empty lap. *pat pat* U may lay your head on it and watch Rilakkuma and Kaoru with me while I play with your hair. pls. 157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:
Women..... That’s it. That’s the tweet.
158: Biggest lie you have ever told:
That I am not a member of the alphabet mafia. (It’s not currently safe for me to come out) Now tell me *shines light in your face* who are your contacts?
164: Do you have long or short hair?
I have medium hair. It’s around the length of a bisexual bob or a good mullet. 
165: Shortest/Longest your hair has ever been:
Shortest was a pixie cut, almost buzzed, amazing. Longest was to my butt and was literally the worst experience in existence. I shall to this day actively rebel against having hair like that again. 
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religion?
Organized religion can suck it. You can’t organize your relationship with God, nor can you stick it into a little manmade box and pretend that you have the ability to create a perfect faith which others have to either follow or perish. It’s arrogant and damaging and hurtful and not at all what Christianity is supposed to mean. 
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?
I do. I think it’s important and something we need to think about. I do believe there is something after death, and I like to believe that my life has meaning. I think that questions of creation are important questions to ask and we can’t just ignore them.
168: Do you like to wear makeup?
Yes! It’s fun! Pretty colors!
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully?
Absolutely. And the ones I didn’t feel like answering I simply omitted.
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tender-reveries · 5 years
Okay so here’s a list of things that are bugging me right now so I can stop beating myself up for 1 (one) second:
- there is so much to do and I have lists and all but I feel like I’m constantly forgetting something but they’re all important things like buying a fridge and contacting my landlady and writing essays and preparing presentations and preparing my tutorial and making doctor’s appointments and keeping track of my finances and doing reading for seminars etc etc etc
- I did yoga twice during Christmas break and now I’ve just. completely stopped? And like, I know I’m really busy but I just feel like I have to MAKE time? But I haven’t been making time?
- I’m so tired all the time but I fuckign sleep like 8 to 9 hours a night? I get so overwhelmed so quickly and I have to take so many breaks and I feel like I’m just not productive enough? Like I need to cut myself less slack? Because other people do way more and they sleep way less and are really successful?
- literally my French is so bad. My dickhead lecturer handed me back my essay today and it was barely a pass? But I’m really trying? I’m reading French texts and I’m writing essays and all but I have this guy sitting next to me who just went abroad to France and my lecturer loves him and he’s doing so well and he’s doing so much work and like. can’t fucking relate???? But I wish I could?????? It makes me feel like such a failure
- I want to do my master’s in Edinburgh so so bad but what if they won’t take me? Like what if my best isn’t good enough? My grades are really good in English except for two slip ups slash unfair grading/conversion of actual literal grades from Edinburgh but what if they’re like “oh yeah but these are our requirements and you fucking suck. Teaching your tutorial and working at the university? Trash. We don’t know her”
- even saying that sounds so ridiculous but my anxiety thinks about these things constantly. And I can tell myself that my grades don’t determine my value and that if it wasn’t meant to be it just wasn’t meant to be but UGH
- speaking of grades, I’m worried sick to the gawds boots the house down for your nerves hunty when it comes to my upcoming exams. One of them I would just like to pass (the French one which is coincidentally also the hardest exam I’ll ever have to take in French lmao) but the other ones, it’s like, if I don’t get perfect grades I’ll beat myself up forever and I hate that I’ve set this standard for myself, I really do, I wish I would just STOP
- I hate my hair atm? It’s this weird length and I sort of have a mullet and yikes
- playing guitar is so frustrating for me rn bc I don’t play well and I don’t sing well and I hate myself when I do it
- generally I just feel like I’m a lazy little piece of shit bitch who has huge goals but won’t work for them but at the same time I get so overwhelmed? Stan
Okay cool thanks maybe I can sleep now
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foxtrotparadox · 7 years
Requested by @somethingcleverwithart - Mind swap
Couldn’t decide who to switch who with so I used a random name generator to find out XD Keith -> Lance -> Hunk -> Pidge -> Allura -> Shiro -> Coran -> Keith Let’s get started
The paladins, along with Allura and Coran, all lied motionless on the floor. Keith however, is the first to wake. It takes a while before a slight memory of what had happened returns to Keith’s mind. They had been fleeing via wormhole from a fleet of galra ships, because they wouldn’t have time to reach the lions before they were overwhelmed, when one of the ships shot a laser at the ship. The laser had hit the ship but the wormhole closed before the fleet of ships could do anything about it. Shortly after that however the group passed out one by one, Keith being the first to succumb to slumber. So far there’s no clue as to what that laser had done but Keith could tell none of them were dead, which was good he guessed.
Keith was the first to sit up from the ground, holding his head in his hands and tightening his eyes shut. Okay, maybe It didn’t kill them but it still fucking hurt like hell that was for sure. Most of the pain was just a raging headache so it was probably good that no real physical damage happened. He opened his eyes to see if everyone else was as unharmed as him. Most of them were getting back up which means that they’re not dead at least. He was about to stand up when he saw the armor he wore. He was wearing Lance’s paladin armor. What the hell kind of game was this? He stood up and looked around at everyone. He finally looked behind him and saw someone wearing his armor on the ground, groaning in pain of what Keith guessed was the same headache he had and looked up. What the hell? Was that actually himself? “Lance?” Keith’s body said unsure. Keith gasped in realization while watching whoever was in his body freak over the voice they had just used and figure it out their self.
Looking around he could see everyone shaking off their tiredness and getting shocked when finding out what’s happened as well. So that’s what the stupid laser did. Whoever was in his body was rambling on to himself about what’s happened, how the quiznak did the galra do it and so on and so forth. Keith guessed it was Coran for having previous knowledge on this weapon. Looking at Coran he guessed it was Shiro because after taking a long, steady breathe after finding out, he got up and went over too Keith. “Lance I thin-” Keith cut him off “It’s Keith. Guessing the same thing happened to you?” Shiro sighed “We should sort this out as soon as possible” Pidge stood up shakily “So godamn small…” they whispered to themselves. Keith looked over and Pidge’s imposter nervously adjusted her glasses before speaking “Oh! Y-yeah it’s Hunk by the way.”
God this was so awkward, it was like introducing yourself for the first time. Hunk then saw his own body stand up and looked at Lance, no, Keith, and exclaim “Who’s in my body?!” He pointed at Keith, who just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “It’s Keith. Now calm down.” “Ah great” Lance groaned “The edge lord has my body, you better not grow a mullet!” God he was such a child. Keith was going to retaliate until his own voice interrupted him “I doubt Keith will be able to grow a mullet in the time span of two quintets”
Allura was poking her pointy ears, distracted with confusion, when Keith looked at her. “Ahem.” Allura snapped back into reality. “AH! Sorry! It’s Pidge.” So by process of elimination that left Allura to be Shiro. “We aren’t going to need nametags, are we?” Hunk asked. “Depends on how long we can last without getting confused, you said it was only two quintets, right Coran?” Shiro asked while helping Allura up. Allura was nearly quiet with embarrassment for some reason. Keith didn’t know why and didn’t make it his job to know why.
“Yes,” Coran confirmed before going on. “The laser is a old weapon invented by alteans. It was created so that we could take advantage of the battle while our enemies were in a state of confusion, which is why we’re lucky to have made it through the wormhole. I was hit with it once in my life by accident and believe it or not, Allura, but your father was stuck in my body for the two quintets.” Coran laughed at the memory, which was weird because it was his hearty laugh with Keith’s voice. Allura just giggled at the thought, which was even weirder because it was Shiro’s voice doing the girly giggle.
“Wait so we have to do this for two whole days!” Pidge complained. “Afraid so Pidge until then try to keep each other’s bodies in working condition.” Shiro explained “Y'know, Keith,” Godamnit what was Lance planning? “This might be the first time you’ve ever had a decent looking haircut.” Lance is a dead man. “Well maybe I’ll shave it off.” Lance gasped at Keith’s threat. “You wouldn’t.” This was fun. “Oh, I would.” “Would you two knock it off already, you’re like an old married couple” Allura demanded, crossing her, or Shiro’s? Crossing Shiro’s arms and looking at them.
Keith just looked away and blushed slightly while Lance was a little more dramatic about it. “Ew! Wha- wai- What are you even saying, Me and him, yeah, I think not!” Lance looked away and crossed Hunk’s arms in annoyance. Allura laughed again. “Yeah, that’s why you’re both blushing like dorks” Lance looked over to see Keith blushing a little more than he was.
“I suddenly don’t trust you with my body.” Lance said, looking away.
“As if you even did in the first place.” Keith replied, looking away as well.
It’s done :D! it’s longer than I intended but probably not long enough…. but I’d rather not write another full length fanfic rn while I work on Mall Chase so maybe in the far future. This wasn’t quite as lovey-dovey as I wanted but I’ve never written head-on romance before so I sould probably try harder in his future. Bonus: I had to go back and add all the godamn commands because they didn’t place automatically like usually :^’)
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