#it’s like there were two different Vegetas coexisting in one body
growingstrong30 · 2 years
Toriyama has really missed the opportunity of addressing Vegeta’s past during Frieza.
We have Granolah trying to get revenge from the Saiyans, that’s true. But what about someone coming exclusively for Vegeta?
We’ve seen Jaco already knew his name and who he was and decided to run away. Vegeta is just that scary.
And now he is one of the good guys. Even the Galactic Patrol gave him a medal as if he were not a homicidal man with far too many bodies on his account.
Imagine the drama that would unfold: he getting accountable for his own mistakes. He can’t really blame them for wanting revenge and he’s not one to ask for forgiveness. Goku would fight for his friend but he’s also getting strangled thoughts of what’s the right thing to do.
And what about his family? Bulma knows what he is capable of but his children?!! Are they paying the price for their father’s mistakes?
Also there’s a lot of drama regarding Frieza. We’ve seen Geets already feeling guilty for his wrongdoings. He knows a lot of them were orders from the purple lizard and if he refused he would have died right there on the spot but that’s the thing: he never refused. Sometimes he even went willingly to fulfill those orders. Heck, he would kill people just because it pleased him.
It would get us right into Vegeta’s most inner thoughts and certainly into a character development for the main cast as they are confronted with their own morals. He has such a rich and interesting story that it’s a shame is not being addressed.
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