#it’s probably bcuz their house is old and destroyed
does anyone else get like MAJOR liminal space vibes from the aqua teens house?!
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automatismoateo · 4 years
So I’m hiding my atheism... via /r/atheism
Submitted November 30, 2020 at 09:30AM by HmmmMzawarudo (Via reddit https://ift.tt/37nvYz1) So I’m hiding my atheism...
I am a Muslim kid who’s currently 12 and in uae I don’t know if I should type this bcuz notifications but who cares I don’t have a perfect life (who does) and there is this holiday or a event muslims go through it’s called Ramadan where muslims wake up like at 3 or 4 AM and eat to all their desires then we have to pray then come back home and sleep or do anything else but you cannot eat until 6 pm it’s basically fasting and there are many rules and other stuff you need to do for a so called “rewards” which I don’t want to point out cause it will take hours to type this but that’s a baseline but I don’t know if it’s false or not but I heard that in this event Ramadan family’s who don’t have good relationships and are fighting frequently will have peace and nothing negative would happen why I am saying this because my parents fight a lot and my sister is like always in her rebellious stage even though she is 26 but I love them so in Ramadan I was keeping my expectations up for the family to be peaceful with each other that did not happen (this was like when I was 9 or something) so I was angry and upset and my faith in Islam decreased (keep in mind I thought it was true and was stated in Islam so I don’t know if it’s false) then I started watching videos about space and all and got to have fun learning about space and all (which I was surprised considering I hate the school system and don’t like learning bcuz of it) I decided to venture to more videos related to science and there were many stuff which was contradicting of what Islam says and I was happy considering I had to do these boring prayers everyday and all these stupid rules which I didn’t like but most the rules are not that bad and is good but still I wasn’t happy then i got depression at like 10 when my family was still fighting and the school system is shit and I get anxiety for tests I had suicidal thoughts which was not approved in Islam and you could go to hell for it so I thought whatever I don’t care let me get punished but I was too scared to die because of thinking about the physical pain I would get so I didn’t do it and I was watching a lot of gaming YouTubers (dantdm,popularmmos and such) which I think coped with my depression and boredom so I got out of depression and didn’t care about the family fights and all and ignore them not feeling any depressed feelings as I am used to it but life was getting good I was playing with my freinds family was going good and I got a gift in 2018 which was IPAD! Which I’m writing this post on and my school at grade 5 was like the best school year I have ever gotten everything was fine and I watched some videos about science and stuff and found out that religion is just a hoax and was happy I wouldn’t go to hell for my trivial mistakes and got some memes about the perspective of some random guy to choose the right religion out of hundreds and if he got the wrong religion he would go to hell which I laughed at and got reminded of how stupid religions are and completely destroyed my faith in Islam and then 2019 came around and everything was shit I got transferred to a new school because there were only kindergarteners to 5th graders classes in that school and that school didn’t have homework but then everything the schools positives was completely thrown out the window and every negative my old school had was there but it’s 10x worse I know I’m sounding like a brat who doesn’t understand adult problems and it’s probably many times worse than my problems but than what should I do? Be grateful for having a shit school system where I learn useless stuff no I will be angry and sad about it so I complained a lot about this shit new school to my parents and they said “oh I will change your school next month” next month came no it didn’t change they said when the tests were over they will change the school tests were over nothing happened this extended until this year and thought that I won’t be changing my school why I’m saying this and how it relates to hiding my atheism is that I have to do all these Islam stuff like reading Quran which needs a class praying 5 times everyday needing to learn many Surahs which are chapters in the Quran and need to memorize everything in it and is compulsory in prayers and I don’t know much surahs at all just the simple ones but a rule in praying is you need to recite them silently or if you are the imam(the one who is leading the prayer) you have recite them loud but luckily it was very rare I get picked as a imam and most my friends are Muslims I don’t want to show them my secret atheism because I like my friends and don’t want to ruin our relationship and I especially don’t want to show my atheism to my family cause I don’t want to get kicked out of the house or destroy my reputation with some of my cousins I am hiding my atheism for myself and just confess it when I’m older and it’s hard for me to hide it but 2020 came around and with that I don’t need to go to school much because COVID and thankfully there was online classes instead of going to living hell and I would cheat in tests and all I know it’s wrong but cmon I don’t want to memorize all week for a memory test and have averaged marks and be a laughing stock for my classmates for getting below average or bad scores and forgetting all I learned that semester because it’s useless and I don’t use that information at all but I have to still hide my atheism by doing all the Islam stuff and there is another class about Islam and it’s learning about all these Islam stuff and it’s boring as hell and found out in that class that Islam was homophobic and treats atheists as if they don’t deserve to be a human and many other stuff I don’t want to be associated with I just don’t want to be a Muslim anymore but I have no choice because I’m a 12 boy I can’t do anything I’m a kid.
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bananagator · 6 years
i had a dream about a “new season of FLCL” where Shiki from Garden of Sinners was childhood friends with Ta-kun and then he mysteriously vanished.  years passed and then...
a gang showed up to a decidedly more dystopian future city that was both traditional small town and massive skyscrapers.  they had high-heel wooden sandals, black leather jackets, delinquent hairdos... and they wanted to take over the town.  “something” allowed them to seize power by its absence.  Shiki by now was an adult, and also wasn’t going to let them take over, but the gang had a trump card: a mysterious tall swordsman who was missing half his face from like the bridge of the nose up.  like where the rest of his face SHOULD have been was just the faint edges of shadow and then just NOTHING.
Shiki prepares to automatically face him.  then she wonders for a split second why he almost seems familiar and then suddenly her eyes go wide as there’s a rapid-fire of images.  child!Shiki, Ta-kun (also a kid), Shiki’s scared face as flames go up and calling out to Ta-kun.  She snaps back to the present and tries to shake it thinking ‘no there’s no way that can be Ta-kun....’ but it was definitely implied to be adult!Ta-kun.  She briefly clashes with him, winds up on the ground but is saved by the eccentric townspeople.
There was an army of white furry animals.... possibly bunnies, but like.  if bunnies were fighters and also built.  theyremindedmeofmonsterranchersmonsterstbh.  there were drums, a young possibly black woman (can’t remember) shouting to charge, tho i think most of the reinforcements were women of varying ages.  The delinquents decide to retreat and think about killing Shiki but ‘decide to let her live for now’ as they all kind of flee and step over where she’s lying on the ground.
And at one point it was like i was watching this on TV where my mom was on the end of the couch, like she was falling asleep.  Then there was a new episode which transitions back into the action.  which.... Haruka is trolling the owner of a business company, or at the very least the man who lives in this skyscraper.  there are these two massive ropes leading up and blue light.  she’s ringing both bells to try and trick him to come down and answer the door, and at first he doesn’t fall for it bcuz he probably thinks its a prank?? but then she scales up a little ways to ring a third, much smaller rope that’s by a window. 
eventually the irritable old man comes down, and he seems triumphant that she’s not at the front where the giant ropes are, and then it cuts to her sneaking through the window and she’s modified the ropes so that they’re longer by using her own rope to duct tape it.  and she’s carefully, ever so carefully so the bell doesn’t go off, pulling it in the opposite direction so the duct tape job is out of view of the window, and then she grins mischievously before slipping away right as he’s coming back into view on the stairs.  why she needed to infiltrate is never made clear.
but then there’s a little bit of Avatar the Last Airbender action going on.  I think it was Korra, but Aang (when he was a kid) is also there.  maybe they’re either both there or the dream alternates between the two Avatars.  something is threatening to destroy the town.  apparently they realize the future is that the town-turned-city is fated to be destroyed and time has already reset but the attempt to save it fails. There’s a massive door behind which a spirit resides.  The only way to open the door is bending spheres called “shadow keys” through the holes in the door in a specific way (even tho the door was solid).
Aang was definitely the one who, after being initially rejected from the idea of using the shadow keys to awaken the ancient shadow spirit says “NO!! I won’t let the city be destroyed or lose my friends!!” there must have been a reason why it was not considered a good idea to use the shadow keys to let out the shadow spirit under normal circumstances, but it wasn’t dangerous per se, but it offered them its wisdom and could potentially manipulate time.
Korra uses her avatar state and then i think we see adult!Aang bending the shadow keys through.  The spirit reverts the city that’s in flames....
Then it cuts to something totally different.  and apparently my mom was making a joke (we’re no longer in the TV room of my house) about some famous Japanese actor (don’t know if it’s a real actor or not) and how he’s not actually that popular and the ‘audience’ laughs including some host type of person bcuz i guess the joke was self-deprecating ‘we actually only watch this guy bcuz nothing else was on.”  The rest of the dream was weird nonsense about launching couples in crazy ways as a game challenge.
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