#it’s something i think woobifiers forget about sarcastic characters
pinkfey · 2 years
no one ever talks about how much of a bitch alistair can be 😔
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agent-harkness · 4 years
For the TW ask: 2 and 20!
@yavemiel | a very specific torchwood ask game
2. best episode or piece of extended material that you think is underrated?
Anything Big Finish does with Torchwood One. They took a whole new thing we’ve never seen before, threw a bunch of new characters at us with the pinnacle of Ianto Jones to hold them all up and it worked. Torchwood One is one of my favourite things that has ever been explored. The colleagues and employees and friends of Ianto’s that were created are loveable and hilarious and they feel like they absolutely belong. It’s an amazing insight into Ianto’s life before TW3 while also holding itself up as it’s own standalone media. Also I’m weak for Yvonne Hartman so that has something to do with it; she just has a voice that transfers so well to audio!!
20. give me a hot take on anything you like!
Oh no, more hot takes... okay. Here we go. I don’t like how this fandom has the tendency to ‘woobify’ or fluff out the series as a whole. 
Torchwood is presented as a very gritty, sad, and angsty watch and it really provides that. The characters are broken and in pain, they struggle with their pasts and their futures and they die early. It combats some hardcore issues, death, and loss. And don’t get me wrong, there are some beautifully fluffy moments and tropes in this series. It’s balanced very well in that respect, else it wouldn’t have viewership!
What gets me, is when people turn this wonderfully balanced but ultimately darker show into something completely the opposite. I’m talking about pajama parties in the hub, I’m talking about turning Owen from his cold, sarcastic self into a soft and gentle, emotionally open person who will hold people and be affectionate. I’m talking turning Jack who’s past has hardened him into some weird futuristic time traveller who makes outdated references because ‘he forgets what time period he’s in’. And just don’t get me started on the way Janto is sometimes portrayed.
I feel like a lot of people are going to hate me for this, but don’t get me wrong, I love fluff. I read it, I write it, I make it. But I’m 100% fed up with people sacrificing characterisation to fit headcanons. I read things and it feels like people are completely mis-shaping people to shove them in a box they don’t belong in. 
If you want an incredibly fluffy relationship in Torchwood, look at Gwen and Rhys. If you want an open and affectionate character who’s in touch with his emotions, look at Jack. There are ways to make things happy and fluffy without losing who these characters are and what makes them, them! But sometimes... these characters aren’t get together and have a pajama party in the Hub with karaoke and a snacks table, because they’re grown adults dealing with loss and heartbreak and deadly aliens.  (disclaimer: i have not seen a headcanon based on pajama parties, i specifically made it up as not to shit on someones actual headcanon because while i have a hot take, i am not a monster sdhfsd)
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