#it’s that one normal meme but as larry hehe
dubusul · 2 years
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rubiaryutheroyal · 8 years
When Something Smells, it's Gotta Be Cthulhu - Ep 2
Gyakuten Saiban CoC (Call of Cthulhu)
Uploader: 久瀬 さん (Kuze san)
mylist: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/58256490
Ep 2: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30608550
Nicoviewer: http://nicoviewer.net/sm30608550
This video series is a replay of a CoC game played with the uploader’s family & friends featuring GS characters (Phoenix, Maya, Edgeworth, Larry), with a few tweaks in the dialogue. It follows a scenario provided by kanin @ <http://kanin-hib.hateblo.jp/> called “Touring the Town”.
Here is the next. Starting from this episode, the episode titles and character status updates appear at the end of the video.
Keep up those notes so I know that people are enjoying these! I spend a few hours on each episode and only when I do have the time, so the feedback is greatly appreciated.
In other news, I’ll be returning to the ask meme shortly.
KP: Everyone is at Limestone Cavern, but by the front entrance, there's a poster that says "Under maintenance". A fence and blue sheet used for construction have been set up. It seems like there are signs of fallen rocks, so entering that path is prohibited. You keep going deeper into the cave, and there, an unforeseen scene awaits you.
(Edgeworth: Hm.)
(Larry: Oh.)
KP: As you walk up the constructed steps, light refracts through the crystals, merging with dancing lights, striking you with waves of refreshingly clear and fascinating purple among lively colors. Everything that was hidden within this side of the cave, creating "frosty crystals" of all sizes, make up this majestic view. To prevent light from the outside from entering, the path to the innercaves has been lit up only by faint lights underfoot. It gets even more humid as you go further and passing out from stroke is possible. That kind of scene. Roll for aim.
Maya: Oho.
Larry: It's hot...
KP: As for me, I look around as usual and think, (Better be careful or I might slip and fall...)
Maya: "Wow! Wow!" I say as I enjoy the sights too! Let's explore!
Larry: Awesome! I get really inspired with creative ideas!
[All three roll: Edgeworth, Aim (85) -> 35, success Larry, Aim (80) -> 69, success Maya, Aim (80) -> 65, success]
KP: So, everyone sees that inside the crystal formations, there's something made of metal or cloth. Next, roll for idea.
[All three roll: Edgeworth, Idea (85) -> 82, success Larry, Idea (50) -> 83, fail Maya, Idea (75) -> 87, fail]
KP: Oops, both of you failed here. Um, then Edgeworth sees that it's some sort of man-made object like a rail or rope. Your knowledge score is 99, isn't it?
Edgeworth: It is.
Larry: Leave it to Edgey!
KP: So, the roll has to be a success... Edgeworth knows that this cave took some hundreds of years to form and they can't be some man-made things that have been buried here. Kinda like that.
Edgeworth: ...?
Phoenix: It's really hot here... I'm exhausted.
Maya: Ooh, it's so mysterious.
Edgeworth: ...This cave is a little strange. I go discuss it with Wright in secret. Maya doesn't seem to hear, and Larry can hear if he wants.
Larry: I don't hear anything, too busy taking pictures.
Edgeworth: ...Don't do whatever you want by yourself, Larry.
Larry: You can't tell me what to do!! *click, click*
Phoenix: Well, Maya? You feeling the power yet? I say, as I whisper (What?) to Edgeworth.
Maya: Talking real? Of course not! Look at it! It's just a normal pretty limestone cave, right? Looks like there are other things, though. Anyway, I don't sense anything weird! It's just really pretty! A fake power spot, Nick!
Phoenix: A fake power spot, huh.
Edgeworth: Limestone Cavern would have taken hundreds of years to form... yet it looks like there are some man-made items buried within the crystals. It's completely unnatural to say the least.
Phoenix: Huh, is that so. You sure are quite the knowledgeable guy.
Edgeworth: I had a normal upbringing, though...
(Larry: Since I couldn't make a prayer at the shrine, maybe I'll do it here.)
KP: Edgeworth and I roll for knowledge and idea. Only one dice roll each.
Edgeworth: Certainly.
(Maya: I thought it was going to be a spot with a whole lot more power...)
[Both roll: Edgeworth, knowledge + idea (85) -> 17, success Phoenix, knowledge + idea (85) -> 56, success]
Larry: Since I don't notice anything, I go like freedom.
(Edgeworth: Freedom...?)
Edgeworth: The view is quite splendid. It may not be a place we can stay too long, but there is some worth to seeing the sights. Is what I say to Maya.
KP: Then, Edgeworth and I realize, although it's a limestone cave, it seems to have been hollowed out - like some sort of mine.
Edgeworth: Naturally.
KP: You can sort of tell from the map. This cave is really hot. At least, I think so. After we get to the end, I feel like turning back.
Maya: As I go, "Okay!" after listening to Mr. Edgeworth, I look around restlessly without trailing too far.
Edgeworth: Hmm, we'll head back before anyone gets a stroke.
KP: Come on, Larry, let's go. We're headed for the innermost part.
Larry: Sure, let's go.
[All three roll: Edgeworth, Aim (85) -> 09, success Larry, Aim (80) -> 50, success Maya, Aim (80) -> 51, success]
KP: Wow, Edgeworth, what an eye-popper.
Edgeworth: L-let's not talk about that. (1)
KP: Oh uh, yeah. Haha. Anyway, the three of you proceed to the innermost area of the cave, where you find an especially tight, hard-to-cross path, the "Locked Sidepath". There's a rusted lock that tells you entry is prohibited, but there's no sign saying anything. Since you have a map, you see that this path isn't marked on it.
Maya: Oh! What a strange-looking side path, Nick! The lock makes it totally suspicious!
Edgeworth: What is this?
Larry: A-a back alley...
Phoenix: If it's locked, it might be dangerous, so don't go there, Maya.
KP: That it's locked is in plain sight for everyone.
Edgeworth: It's not recorded on the map... There are other side roads that are, so why is this one the only one that isn't...?
Phoenix: Who knows... I'm not sure, but there could be other side roads that we didn't see and this is just one of them.
KP: I'm starting to get a little sleepy, so my response time is getting slow. Maybe it has to do with me, the KP, getting sleepy too.
Maya: A path that isn't on the map... it's getting more and more suspicious! But since it's locked up, we can't go that way... Well, we've come to the end, so let's just go back. As I say.
Larry: It's like a secret passage! Hey, Nick, let's go in!
KP: You can try, but you have to roll for idea.
(Larry: Idea?)
(Phoenix: Idea. Everyone would roll.)
Edgeworth: Wait, since it's locked up so people can’t get in, then we shouldn't trespass. Wright is also getting tired, so it's best we head back.
[Both roll: Edgeworth, Idea (85) -> 59, success Larry, Idea (50) -> 69, fail]
KP: Edgeworth succeeded, but Maya, you wanna roll too?
Maya: I'm okay! Let's just go back!
KP: Alright. So, since we tried traversing the non-maintained cave without equipment, a slip of footing could result in a fatal accident, Edgeworth thinks. And since Phoenix said he was sleepy, he himself feels a bit of drowsiness coming on. Well, the latter may be due to the humidity, after all...
Larry: I feel my consciousness drifting...
Edgeworth: Larry, do you still insist on proceeding like this?
Larry: Let's go, let's go! A real man would accept the challenge, Edgey!
KP: Heh, so some frantic staff come over to stop him. "Don't go there, pal! It's dangerous!"
Maya: It's dangerous!
Larry: What the heck! Why!? What's wrong with it!?
KP: Like I said, we might slip and fall to our deaths, and I won't be able to defend or anything anymore!! The staff see how flustered Larry is, so you three should roll for luck to see if you can help.
Edgeworth: I try to stop him, saying, "I also think there's a real chance of a fatal accident, stop it, Larry!"
[All three roll: Edgeworth, Luck (65) -> 44, success Maya, Luck (70) -> 09, success Phoenix, Luck (70) -> 89, fail]
(Larry: N-Nick failed?)
(Edgeworth: Wright...)
KP: As usual, I don't know if I'm lucky or unlucky with these dice!! This isn't just a fail for my NPC either! (2) Well, he goes, "Ah, wait a sec," as he covers up his ear with a hand.
Edgeworth: Hey, Larry... Wright?
Maya: What's the matter, Nick?
Phoenix: The song...
KP: And after mumbling that, he tilts and falls over on the steps.
Larry: N-Niiiick!!
Maya: W-waah!! I-I can't hold him up! It's hard for just me!
Edgeworth: Wright? I hurry over to him to check on his condition.
Larry: H-hey, what's happened to you, Nick!? I rush over too!
Edgeworth: Excuse me! Is there a doctor or someone with medical experience!?
Maya: N-Nick!
KP: "Is it chronic?" one staff asks, "If not, it might just be because of the heat, so let's take him outside."
Edgeworth: We should carry him out... Is there any skill we should roll for?
KP: Hmm... idea and knowledge, or medicine... If it's just the PCs who touch me, uh, him, you can roll.
Edgeworth: I am touching him now. I'll roll for the former.
Maya: Can I stroke his head while we go!? I can't calm down to think, but we just need to roll for the former, right?
Larry: I'm just feeling shocked in the back here.
Edgeworth: Wait, surely your SIZ is the greatest among us, Larry.
Larry: Now that you mention it, it is!!
Edgeworth: In that case, we can use SIZ to measure. I have the same SIZ as Wright, so there's a risk we'd fall.
Larry: Then I'll hold him. Can I touch him?
KP: He's fallen and well, he can't complain, since he's not awake. Everyone can roll.
[All three roll: Edgeworth, Idea + Knowledge (85) -> 29, success Larry, Idea + Knowledge (50) -> 98, fumble Maya, Idea + Knowledge (70) -> 42, success]
(Maya: Ah.)
(Larry: Heehee.)
(Edgeworth: Hehe.)
KP: The Fallen Wright Incident.
Larry: So he drops because I don't come up with anything?
Edgeworth: "What are you doing!!?" My PC is so angry.
Larry: I-I'm sorry!! I didn't mean anything by it!!
Edgeworth: Enough, I'm carrying him.
Maya: Um, I'm still pretty shaken, and can only say, "N-Nick..."
KP: Well, even if I did hear that exchange, I'd only twitch and not move. Edgeworth and Maya, thinking about the heat in this cave and that he probably had a stroke, notice that his body is strangely cold. "Rather, could his body temperature have dropped below normal?" You think.
Larry: So is he okay?
Edgeworth: ...We should hurry and find a doctor to check on him. Let's go, you two. I'll carry him on my back. Let's move out.
Maya: Y-yes, sir!
Larry: R-right!
KP: You make it outside just fine. The staff on standby near the cave let him rest, and a doctor on team checks on him.
Larry: Is he gonna be alright!?
Edgeworth: I'm completely shaken...
Maya: I ask "Is Nick okay?"... Everyone's pretty shaken up, huh?
KP: It seems he's now fully awake and has come out fine.
(Edgeworth: Thank goodness.)
(Maya: Thank goodness!!)
(Larry: Thank goodness!)
KP: The doctor says it's probably just a combination of fatigue and overheating that caused him to drop. And the bruise he got from falling has been wrapped up with a wet towel.
(Larry: Sorry.)
KP: "Huh... where am I?" he then asks.
Maya: We're already out of the cave, Nick!
Larry: You suddenly toppled over! We were worried!!
Phoenix: I suddenly fell? Me?
Edgeworth: Honestly, we were quite concerned... How are you feeling, Wright? If anywhere still hurts, you can rest a bit longer.
KP: I'm probably fine. Though I think I saw some mysterious flashes before my eyes while I slept.
Maya: Anyway, that bruise you got so you don't remember was because Larry dropped you while we were carrying you out!
KP: If you didn't mention it, I would have thought maybe it was from when I fell on my own.
Larry: *grin*
Maya: Then I didn't need to explain!
KP: "Sorry," I apologize to you three.
Edgeworth: As long as you don't have any other problems, I don't mind.
Phoenix: I don't think I do.
Larry: Man, you scared the heck outta me!
Maya: If your condition was this bad, you should have said so!
Edgeworth: Then, it's fine. ...As Maya has said, you should have said something earlier when you weren't feeling well. At least this time, nothing came of it...
KP: I sit up, thinking, "Whew! That scared me..." and feel relieved.
Maya: Geez, there's no helping it with you! If you're okay, then good!
Larry: Yeah! Totally!
Phoenix: By the time I realized I wasn't feeling well... I was dizzy and my knees were caving... I saw a bad dream even, must have been tired.
Larry: A dream?
Edgeworth: A bad dream...? Thinking about it, before you fell, you said something about a song.
Phoenix: Yeah... I heard something like a song ringing in my ears. There was something in the dream that made me feel really good, though...
Larry: What the heck?
Maya: Hmm... I didn't hear anything, though...
Larry: Maybe it was a girl? You dreamed about a girl??
Maya: You became feverish and started hearing weird things!?
KP: I'm saying I really heard it!
Phoenix: ...It's like, I felt like I saw something I couldn't see. It was really beautiful and comforting, but...
Edgeworth: But, what?
Phoenix: ...I realized I was crossing the Sanzu River. And now you get it?
Larry: If you crossed it, that means you died!
Edgeworth: ...That doesn't sound very appealing.
Phoenix: Yeah, that's why I said it was a bad dream.
Maya: Whoa, it really was.
Edgeworth: ...I figure there's some wise saying to be said about this. Taking an ordinary sight would have been just as fine, and we should have gone on a tour elsewhere.
Larry: Whoa, scary... But that song was sung by a girl, right? Then, I'd also...
KP: Though the PCs didn't fail, just the NPC did, I have to say something desperate without throwing away my image!!
Edgeworth: Sorry.
Larry: Sorry!
KP: "Just stop there, Larry," I tell him, and while apologizing to Maya and Edgeworth, I tell them, "Don't worry about me and enjoy yourselves."
Edgeworth: As you don't have any plans yourself, we stay together.
Larry: Well, you know what they say, the more the merrier.
Maya: That's right, and I'm the one who always goes with Nick! But just in case he falls over again, we should stick together.
KP: But if we get into trouble again?
Edgeworth: A bit too late for that. (3)
KP: Uh, well... So, where to next?
Larry: I don't mind, I could go anywhere. Like a shrine visit, or back to the cave.
Maya: We accomplished my number one goal, right? Seeing Limestone Cavern.
Edgeworth: I am curious about the reference library.
KP: The library is close to the bus stop, and we could take a look around. Then, let's go. We're still in the peaceful time, so we can tour around as we like. We may even meet a certain spoken-of mascot somewhere.
Maya: That mascot should really change its face.
KP: I have lots of things to say to that mascot, so I'd like to meet him.
Maya: By that, do you mean what size it is? Like someone could fit inside it kind of size?
KP: Hmm... I saw the costume. Somewhere in town.
Edgeworth: So it does exist?
Maya: We can see the real thing, but I still think that mascot's face could do better, Nick. Well, not like they could do it any other way... but I'm not changing my opinion.
KP: "It's not just the face, it should also change the pose," I think to myself. "Why did I have to put imposing with more imposing, it doesn't look relaxed at all!!" I think.
Maya: That mascot has a look that doesn't look relaxed enough.
KP: "That's just the impression," I say, but in my mind, I'm still circling around ideas...
PC 1: Miles Edgeworth
[All stats unchanged]
Really enjoyed making the last video.
PC 2: Larry Butz
[All stats unchanged]
However much this PL tries to fix his remarks to match his PC, even the guy who started this game can't tell the difference between them.
PC 3: Maya Fey
[All stats unchanged]
This PL doesn't know how natural she should be, she says about one of the KP's comments. "Whenever I say something naturally, I get really honest!"
KP: Phoenix Wright
[SAN: 69]
Thinking about putting "Naruhodou" as an official name, this devoted person then remembers feeling really weird about it the first time he did.
Episode 2: The Fallen Wright Incident
(1) The Edgeworth & Phoenix PLs have a strong fear of dice eyes since they have bad histories with fumbles (natural fail rolls).
(2) KP secretly rolls again, but it doesn't count.
(3) Referring to the fumbling.
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