#it'd be more threatening if tony didn't have steve and bucky wrapped around his little finger
aurumacadicus · 2 years
can i ask for stuckony mob au?
Tony: Any mob that wants my weapons will be destroyed. Steve & Bucky: What if we just want you for sex? Tony: Yeah that's fine.
Steve ground his teeth together so hard he was surprised that none of them cracked under the pressure. "Tony."
"Beloved," Tony simpered, as if he was not handcuffed to the table between them. As if his left eye wasn't swollen shut. As if Bruce hadn't just finished stitching up the gash on his arm fifteen minutes ago. As if his lip wasn't cut right down the middle.
"I don't think a simple 'beloved' is going to fix this, Tony," Bucky said. He was obviously trying very hard not to sound amused. It didn't really work.
"Why is it that every time we come home from a mission that you're in trouble?" Steve asked, ignoring him.
Tony blinked at him slowly. "I didn't even do anything this time."
"You ducked your protective detail, got into a fight with an AIM agent, and basically told AIM that we were coming for them," Steve said, voice flat.
Tony didn't look concerned. "All I said was that you and Bucky wouldn't be happy when you saw they'd bruised me up." His lips spread into a wide grin that broke the scab, blood trickling down his chin as he added, "That's your job, after all."
"It is," Bucky said, amused, before Steve could launch into a self-righteous tirade because he was scared. He stepped closer to the table, raising his eyebrows. "Why did Natasha and Sam cuff you to the table?"
Tony shrugged. "Probably so I couldn't go to the bedroom and get myself all dolled up for you. You always fold like a bad hand when I'm wearing lace and nothing else."
"Sounds like you really scared them this time," Bucky mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Almost couldn't understand what Sam was saying when he called."
At that, Tony began to look a smidgen guilty, because Sam and Natasha had been in charge of his safety and he'd ducked their team without a second thought. "Oh. I guess... maybe..."
"Natasha couldn't even speak, she was so ashamed of not being able to protect you," Steve added, clearly picking up on the track Bucky was using--and that it was by far more effective than trying to scare Tony, because Tony feared very little, and he especially didn't fear them. "All she could say was she was sorry for failing us."
"Oh, well," Tony began, voice fading. "Um. I'll apologize to them both."
"Sam had to talk Natasha down from thinking we'd kill her for not keeping you safe," Bucky cut in, going for the jugular, because Tony liked Natasha, and from what they could tell, Natasha was fond of him too.
Tony sagged in his seat like a puppet whose strings had been cut. "Oh," he repeated, voice cracking, because Natasha had come from a gang where that absolutely would have been the case.
"Sweetheart, we know it chafes that you have to have protection even when you just want to go out for a cup of coffee," Steve cooed, reaching out to take one of his hands. "But we just don't want anything to happen to you. Things with AIM could have gone so much worse if Sam and Natasha hadn't been able to track you down. We have so many enemies, Tony, that simply killing you once they had you would be a mercy."
"I know," Tony mumbled, ducking his head. "I... I'll tell Sam and Natasha I'm sorry. I won't do it again."
"Thanks, doll," Bucky drawled, walking around the table to press a kiss to the top of his head. "Why don't you go tell them how sorry you are, and we'll go talk to that AIM agent they hauled in with you."
"Okay," Tony said, and Steve unlocked the cuffs so that he could scurry out like a dog with his tail between his legs.
Steve and Bucky watched him go, silent. Finally, though, Bucky said, "You're gonna spank him within an inch of his life tonight, aren't you?"
Steve leaned back in his seat, shrugging. "If my beau is going to deliberately disobey me and endanger himself, he better be ready to face the consequences." He tilted his head a little, frowning. "Why do you think AIM tried to take him alive?"
"Same reason Hydra, Stone, and Baine want him," Bucky said, frowning, as he pulled Tony's vacated seat out so he could sit. "A mind like that could easily tip the scale in their favor."
Steve hummed in agreement. Truly, Tony's mind was something to behold. "A boon and a curse," he murmured, because Tony was more likely to use that incredible mind to burn any other mob that threatened the Avengers to the ground. "At least we know they're more likely to take him alive now. We can plan around that."
"Yeah," Bucky said, reaching down onto the floor where a bloody bandage had fallen loose. They'd have to look Tony over carefully to check out the extent of his injuries. He held it up, examining the amount of blood on it. "Maybe just a little spanking," he offered.
Steve frowned at the bandage, which looked quite a bit bloodier than Tony had let on. "Just a few swats," he finally sighed. "But I'm pressing on that cut on his lip until he apologizes properly."
"By all means," Bucky agreed, smirking.
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bolontiku · 3 years
"Never Noticed"
Avengers AU - Quick Fic
Characters: Steve, reader, Tony, Bucky, Sam
Posted: Dec 11th
A/N: hooo this took a minute.... Follow up to One of the Guys idk, might make this a series since these two are being... Dumbasses. Slow updates sorry!!!
WARNINGS: pining? Mutual pining? Two idiots...
Like, Comments, & Reblogs are always appreciated and loved.
**Please Do Not Repost My Work**
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You stared at the dress. No doubt tailored to your exact size. Tony spared no detail and if there was anything that man was good at it was dressing. 
You snickered, a little giddy, you were never good at these things. Why he wanted you there when it wasn't a necessity was beyond you. 
He had even sent you heels. 
Still, your tummy was upset, nerves making you procrastinate and when the doorbell rang you were tugging the dress on and hurrying to answer, still surprised Tony was there on time. 
He grinned, eyeing you quickly. "Who'da thought you cleaned up so nicely Y/N?"
You scoffed and rolled your eyes closing the door behind you before placing the heels on the floor to slip into them. "I am ready!"
Tony offered his arm, "then let's go make everyone jealous."
Steve really didn't like going to galas. More of Tony's thing really, he had of course gone to his fair share. 
It was held in a ritzy hotel and even though there was no shortage of people, he wasn't being smothered. Then again, there were more important and prominent people in attendance than Captain America.
Steve really couldn't see you in a place like this. He wondered if you even had a dress? 
"They haven't arrived."
Steve jolted, Bucky chuckled, Sam coughing to swallow a belly aching laugh. "What are you two doing here?"
Sam shrugged his wide shoulders. "We are on a date."
Steve stared at the two and rolled his eyes. "Did you two think it'd be funny to come down and watch?"
"Watch what particularly?" Bucky asked, scratching his chin nonchalantly. The three men stood off to the side, watching as the celebration continued. 
"What exactly is this for?" Sam asked, looking around. 
"This particular gala is to raise funds and awareness for inner city students who are struggling and don't have a steady meal. All proceeds will be going to the new rec center that will be open twenty four hours a day and will have housing and a place for hot showers so that kids can find a safe place when home isn't one."
Sam and the other two turned to find Tony standing behind them. "Thanks?"
Steve was a little distracted as you looked around. He had never seen you outside your SHIELD uniform. Tac gear didn't make for the most flattering clothing and when he was busy blocking or fending you off he wasn't looking at you in that way. Your job was to help hone their hand to hand combat, oftentimes that meant attacking out of the DT rooms if need be. 
The dress you wore was a deep navy blue, a few sparkles here and there but it accentuates your curves. Curves he had never noticed before. How had he not noticed? His mouth ran dry as he looked, letting his gaze follow down your waist, to your shapely legs and back up where the dress hugged your chest. You wore your hair down, pinned on one side with a blue forget me not adorning it, just behind your ear. 
Steve realized he was staring and you looked anywhere but at him, Bucky greeting you quickly pushing Steve to the side to press a kiss to your cheek, Sam right behind him. You relaxed, laughing as Sam flirted and threatened Tony that he would steal you away the first chance he got. Bucky grumbled about being his date and you cheered assuring him you could not steal a man from someone else. 
Steve could not stop staring. 
He knew he was staring a little too hard. But he had never seen you out of uniform. He should stop staring. Even when you joined for drinks you often wore the relaxed uniform tank top and the damned pants that apparently hid everything.
All of that.
He thought of the way your legs wrapped around him when you literally jumped from the ceiling to attack him. 
He had had those legs wrapped around his waist… 
"And there she goes. And not a word from our fearless leader."
"Except for the gawking."
"I was not gawking!" Steve growled, taking in a breath, eyes following you as Tony led you through the crowd. People stopped and spoke to him and he watched as Tony deferred to you and you easily picked up the conversation, people turning to listen. Steve watched as Tony placed his hand on the small of your back, the way he leaned in to whisper in your ear, the man turning to smirk at him and send him a wink.
"Oh uh!" Bucky reached out a little too late as the music started and Steve started towards you and Tony. 
Sam grabbed his arm and tugged on him. "Let him figure it out, I thought we were on a date?"
You smiled at Tony, listening as he went on about the social and media aspects of the project. You really were just a small part of the overall project, there had been so many that came on board after you had mentioned to Tony what a rec center would mean for the kids. 
Then came all the long months of various meetings and planning, board meetings, this was the second party Tony had thrown together to get some funding under it all. Not that he couldn't outright pay for it, but he knew that you liked to work hard for your goal. Even with the community getting behind the project doing car washes and neighborhood garage sales Tony had still donated a considerable chunk to it. 
Of course, you had told him you couldn't schmooze with the people he belonged with. He had given you a look, telling you HE didn't like the people he belonged to. Which meant that if he couldn't do another gala then he would finish footing the bill and you had agreed.
Yesterday he had caught you escaping the gym after running into Steve, chuckling and teasing you about your major obvious crush on the blond. Not that the Captain ever noticed you. Reminding you that the gala was tonight and since you had forgotten he had taken it upon himself to order you a dress which was sent to your home.
You shook your head as he wrapped his arm around your waist, "you look absolutely devastating in that dress. Really compliments you and I know there is a certain idiot that can't take his eyes off you."
"Shut it Stark!" You growled feeling your cheeks heat up. "I have told you time and time again the Cap-"
"Excuse me Y/N?"
Tony stifled a laugh as you jumped at Steve's voice. "Hey capsicle!" Steve watched as Tony tucked you closer to him. "I was just telling Y/N here that we should get to dancing, night is young and all that-"
"I can dance."
You nearly gave yourself whiplash looking from Tony to Steve so suddenly. But the damned genius beside you clutched you close. 
"Mmm, you mean you want to steal my date? I haven't even kissed her yet-"
You tugged out of Tony's grip with a small elbow to his gut. Tony grunted softly and smiled, "you were just speaking to the mayor and I would love to dance!"
Steve watched as Tony tugged you back, placing a kiss to the corner of your lips. "Very well sweetheart-"
You rolled your eyes and shook yourself free, looking up to find Steve glaring at Tony before smiling at you. You didn't need to overthink it. Nope. Instead you let him lead you out onto the floor and followed his lead into the music. 
"You really are a good dancer," you hummed, eyes on the broad chest in front of you. The fact that your heart was thundering against your rib cage was nothing new. Every time you were around him your tummy fluttered, not to mention it was literally your job to throw yourself at him. 
"Good way to get a pretty girl in your arms." Steve smiled as you finally looked up at him.
"Thank you for coming, I don't know that many people here and…" you looked around, "I'm still relatively new and thanks to you and the others I am feeling a little more at home here."
"I understand that feeling."
"You do?"
He looked down to see you staring up at him, all doe eyed, he cleared his throat and looked away easily leading you across the dance floor. "Yeah," he shrugged, "you know, one day I'm hitting cold ice the next… I'm in New York and they're telling me that they need me to fight. So, I get it."
You felt your face burn, "ah, excuse me?" 
Steve stopped as you pulled out of his arms and hurried towards the bathroom. He grunted as Bucky slammed his shoulder into his.
"What ya say to her punk?" He growled.
Steve shook his head as Sam herded him off the floor. "She was fleeing. What were you two talking bout?" Steve told him and Sam dropped his face into his palm. 
The doorbell made you jump and you hurried to answer, this apartment had been home for the past two months and most of your belongings were still in boxes. None of the other SHIELD field agents knew where you lived though Tristan was the only one that knew you were in the middle of moving, had he figured out where? Swinging the door open you smiled broadly, only to gawk at the Captain that stood in your doorway. 
Steve watched you stutter for a moment.
"I'm sorry" the both of you breathed out at the same time.
You motioned for him to come in and he did, turning to face you as the door shut. "I didn't mean to make you feel…" he motioned around with his hands, "I was trying to..find familiar footing and I failed."
You wrung your hands, offering him a relieved smile, "I was worried you hated me."
"GOD no! Who could hate you?!" Steve exclaimed, he noted you were now in sweats and a large tee. Bucky had come back growling at him that you had said your goodbyes to Tony who was confused as to why you were leaving but the guy knew that you had been anxious about the whole event and he was not going to force you to stay. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to go the night without explaining myself."
You shook your head. You had thought that you had been an ass comparing your uncomfort to his lost years. And here he had come to make sure you had understood him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to have you leave the party."
He shifted from foot to foot, hands shoved in his pockets. "Are you kidding? Great way to bust me out of it, you uh… watching a movie?"
You looked over your shoulder, "yeah Die Hard, a classic. Bruce Willis is bae!" Steve smirked as you cringed. "I have snacks?" You offered quickly, attempting to move past the awkwardness of the situation. You liked him, liked his friendliness and wanted more of it.
He grinned, "if you don't mind?"
You shook your head, "go on and take the jacket off, I will restart. It just started really."
Steve shook the suit jacket off quickly following you and kicking the expensive shoes off as well. This was good. Really good. He could work with this. God he couldn't get over how cute you were. 
He settled in next to you, soon, he would tell you soon. Right now he was enjoying the way you smiled readily at him, handed him snacks and a drink. He could still smell your perfume, perhaps it was the lotion you used? 
How had he never noticed it before? No, he had noticed it. Like the way you always tucked your hair back behind your ear, something he wanted to do.
You froze as he reached over, large hand nearly cupping your face but his fingers brushing your skin to tuck your wayward hair back. You let out a quick laugh. "Thanks!" Steve nodded, sitting back, as you quietly imploded next to him unbeknownst to him. Did he not realize how close he had been to a moment? No, of course not. He was your friend. That was it. Mm. 
You focused on the explosion and gunfire on screen willing your heart to stop thundering.
Steve swallowed a swig of beer, struggling to keep his eyes focused on the screen as his heart hammered against his ribs, he focused on keeping a straight face. 
You two were friends. 
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