#it's 1am i'm so sleepy so i'll keep my ramblings in the post and Not let it overflow into the tags but GVEIAYGV
quirkle2 · 2 years
jay do you ever think if warriors is in the middle of a big battle like the bloodied warriors drawings you made that legend ever has to help him calm down?? :0 man the feral ones you made are such a far cry from how carefree and goofy he usually is!!! aaaaaa I love them!!!!!!
i've mentioned in the past a lot that they Both tend to absolutely lose it if the other is hurt in battle, but i also think abt instances where neither of them r hurt but Something happens in the fight and it makes wars lose it anyway. it could be pretty much anything ?? it could be just a Sound—a particularly familiar way metals scrape together; a yell that sounds like a long-gone soldier of his; the sound of a bomb being lit,,,
it could be smth So small that bothers nobody else at all, but it will instantly take him back to some memory he'd tried to forget. he's suddenly in a different place in his head altogether and he's back in that mindset he'd had to adopt during the war—kill or be killed—and when he of all people gets like that, a literal one-man army, it is incredibly hard to stop him from killing just about anything that moves
it's rare that it happens, but he does occasionally snap into something cold and feral and heartless. sometimes he's pushed over the edge, and ? sometimes only legend can calm him down
the others try ? most of the time wars recognizes them as allies, but on the rare occasion he's too lost in his own head to know who he's slashing at, they Have to get out of the way in order to not get immediately killed. legend is their fastest member. wars is Almost a match, but not quite, and if it rly came down to it, ledge would be able to avoid his strikes long enough to get his attention and snap him out of it
but i enjoy the idea of wars seeing ledge and That's what snaps him out of it. the others have been trying to get his attention, trying to yell for him to stop and it's proven to be useless cuz he's not hearing a word they're saying, but i fuckin adore the idea of legend being the only one wars' mind seems to pause at. if legend yells enough, it usually breaks through the barrier and gets wars to halt and to blink and realize he'd gotten lost in his head
and when he's finally snapped out of it ? he's Instantly panicking. he knows immediately what happened, or at least the jist of it, and he's whipping around to count heads and scan bodies for injuries inflicted By Him. he's actively hyperventilating cuz he doesn't allow himself a Moment of rest between his feral trance and checking the team over for injuries and legend has to grip his shoulders and cup his jaw and force him to Look at him
legend's so ?? it's Scary, for him, to see wars like that. it's scary for everybody, but legend in particular has royal knight trauma, and seeing his best friend, who is a knight, with that heartless, crazed look in his eyes ? it,, it unsettles him so much. legend is Scared of him, in those moments. luckily, they're at the point where ledge knows wars would never hurt him intentionally
and u bet ur ass that wars is so broken up abt losing it on the field. he apologizes endlessly, gets so choked up and guilty abt it, and even though the rest of the chain keeps telling him that they Get it and they understand and they don't blame him, he still beats himself up over it sm. keeps repeating "i could have killed you!" and he's nearly inconsolable
especially if he Does actually hurt one of them. just because that idea hurts me immensely, im gonna say it's never anything more than a simple nick or a twist of a limb <3 but even That . even if he sees a nick on somebody's face and he asks where that came from and they sheepishly admit they'd narrowly dodged one of wars' attacks, he's sofuckign broken up about it.
ur RIGHT anon he's such a goofy and gentle guy and even seeing a Small Cut on any of them, caused by wars, is enough to reduce him to tears. he just keeps thinking that if he'd gone a little faster, if they'd been a little closer, it could have been fatal. it could have chopped their fucking head clean off. That's why he gets so upset. it's how close he got to killing one of his family members
it terrifies him ? he's endlessly apologizing and Instantly unarming himself so he can't hurt them. and it usually takes the whole evening for legend to bring him back to a point where he's calm and not constantly hung up on the fact that he lost it on the field. legend's so gentle w him and the rest of the chain is as well—they're so endlessly patient w him and even if they've said it 16 times in the last hour, they'll keep telling him it wasn't his fault and they do not blame him and No We Don't Hate You Please Never Say That Ever Again
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