#it's 3 am pondering time i'm allowed to be pissed about my mom telling me i'd be ruining myself if i did things to affirm my gender
furfag-cringelord · 2 years
since i currently cannot stop thinking about something my mother said to me, here is your unfriendly reminder that if your trans or nonbinary child wants gender affirming surgery then it's not just cosmetic and has more benefits for them than you believe. if you tell your child that top or bottom surgery is equal to self harm i hope you fucking die or your child cuts you off at the very least. if you say your child is ruining their body or mind by going through hormone treatment i will hunt you down and kill you myself. the casual transphobia that disguises itself as concern is the worst; it's amazing at making you feel guilty and making the person spewing the bullshit feel like they're doing something for the greater good. they're wrong. being trans is beautiful no matter what unaccepting parents may say about it. you deserve a parent who will share your joy in transitioning. you deserve to feel comfortable in your own body.
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