#it's a passion project that's very dear to me so I'm damn well seeing it through 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
fluffs-n-stuffs · 7 months
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"Ah... there's no need for that."
these lovebirds Destiny Bond returns this weekend !!! 💃💕 –> Check out the previous part here 🔷 –> New to the series? Follow from the start! 💜
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astrito · 9 months
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I start the day lying and end with the truth That I'm dying for the knife Shaplin belongs to @m-chromatic !! I have a LOT to say about this, man!! If you wanna read all about it, it's under the read more.
This one is my absolute favorite I swear to everything ahhh!!! I wasn't planning to make a drawing, or even an animation of her because I thought: "damn baby. you draw her almost daily and you're gonna give sib with another shap???" ...But I got so god damn silly. Terribly silly. Sillyness levels overload. I got the idea from a tag saying that one of her songs is Working For The Knife! Honestly the first time I heard it I cried DSJKJHKSK :C A little because of her but... it reminded me so much of my friends that could not get to pursue their passions, and it reminded me that at one point, I thought I was gonna be like that. I'm glad it's not like that for me, but it still hurts that it's like that for people that I care about... I didn't plan to make this an animation either. It was going to be a still, but when I drew the knife circle from the background I felt like it was going to feel incomplete if I didn't give it life. This is one of the few projects I saved the thumb for! Here it is:
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she looks even sadder here damn!!!!! im sorry babybird........
If you didn't notice, the papers on the back of the animation have drawings in them!! These papers are meant to be the exact same papers as the ones on this drawing.
I did some searching, because if I get anything wrong about her on a piece that had such amount of effort put into it I was going to combust. Die. On the spot. Just like that. That search was for drawings of m-chromatic's interpretation of Spamt​o​n N​E​O, and I think (and hope) I did a decent job of drawing it, and animating the boiling lines effect. It was not hard, but neither was it necessary and I believe it made a significant difference over just a single image, y'know? I also saved that one, as a gif:
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I think I made the torso too short now that I look at it again, but it doesn't really bother me since you aren't meant to be able to see the torso anyway. /lh
For some reason Moho doesn't like clipping masks, and/or gifs. It was kind of a pain trying to incorporate it into the papers... Understandable since one should be animating 80% of things on one software but (white guy who's douchy voice) damnnnnn :/ Another, very fun, very exciting problem /s I had with Moho was trying to rig her... If you saw me cry about not being able to rig an eye on the month of July, that was me crying about her eyes. Which by the way, the rigging problem got solved. How? NO IDEA. IT. IT JUST HAPPENED. I wasn't about to complain though lmfaooo The last thing I want to say is: overall I loved working on this!!! It was so fun and I'm really proud of where my effort led me, I really love Shaplin wahh (this would be the second project I put a significant amount of effort into that's about her... autism man!!! autism!!! /lh) With nothing more left to say, I bid you adieu, dear reader!!! /lh and thank you for, well... reading, by the way!!! aheem aheem
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pupuseriazag · 2 years
holaaa :D yesterday i saw you reblogged a post about self insert ocs and i was curious about yours! if you wanna talk a little about them of course, sin compromiso 😆
Holisss Pa mi sera un placer hablar de mis bbs y me alegra mucho que te diera curiosidad 🥺🥺💜 So I'll tell you a little about them UwU:
My main self inserts in my OCs are two, my Naruto OC Haruka and my The Arcana MC Luna (Long post ahead)
🌸 Haruka 🌸
I created her around 2008 when I first watched naruto, I was soo into Sasuke I would daydream about ""me"" in the story and how I would also fangirl for Sasuke just like Sakura 😂 Actually, she even started as Sakura's sister/twin (And one of my cousins lended me his naruto clash of ninja game fo the gamecube and I would use a recolor of Sakura to signify "hey thats her :D") Also the name yeah, being similar to Sakura's 😅
Then I kinda drifted away from the idea of her being Sakura's twin and just went with what I wanted to be percieved back there (I wanted to dye my hair red and my fav color was blue so...
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....Yeah 💀
That's the only drawing I ever did of Haruka before "realizing" it was a cringy thing to make self inserts and completely discarded her and stopped watching Naruto for a long time 😔
Fast forward 2021, shit happened to me, went to therapy, you know the gig and said "You know what?! FUCK IT. I want to be happy like that again. I'll remake her"
And so I retook the ideas of her and and managed to make a new version of her, one I felt prouder but tryin to keep the same general idea about her, (and some minor hc's I would daydream about once I would remember about sasuke or the series)
I discussed it with a dear friend who is still very involved in naruto and this is her now!
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Also I've been actively writing her story as I rewatch naruto and think what she would've done in the series (which... yeah is mostly a passion project and something I'm doing mostly for me and my friends to read about my girl :'3 Its LOOONG and I havent even reached the final fight with Zabusa 💀✋🏻)
Her story at the moment is that both Sasuke and Itachi found her unconscious as a little child in a river nearby the village, and the Uchihas deciding to take her of her instead of leaving her in the care of the higher ups (specially after seeing naruto's situation 😬). And she grows really close to Sasuke, even escaping with him, basically being his right hand.
I'll think about releasing her story if anybody is interested in my bs 😅
🌙 Luna 🌙
Luna is my The Arcana MC and the other self insert I have given much love. When I joined the arcana fandom I was coming out a dark point in my life, and saw how diverse and open the game was to every kind of MC to exist so I said "fuck it" and went full self insert with Luna, even more than Haruka 😂
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This is my baby, a chubby, short haired, small and non binary songstress 💜 I was so inspired by other latine artists in the fandom and decided to show a little bit of el salvador with Luna as well 😂 specially in their clothing and making them come from a fictional city-state called Kuatlán. Luna is basically the most close to what I look like irl down, to even the small necklace they wear. I always tried to make them be a representation of both myself and salvadorean culture because damn, there's really not that guanaco representation 😅.
Even in their story I tried to incoporate certain aspects of things that have happened to me (but the majority is fiction in the arcana universe) I have their backstory in my AO3 if you are interested! Its liked in my pinned post uwu. Although I still need to write their childhood and how they escaped Kuatlán to live in Vesuvia... and also this other story I planned about them and Muriel visiting Kuatlán that I never wrote... yeah...
Although I have left the arcana fandom for personal reasons I may do more things about them if I see people interested lol but Luna still holds a space in my heart in how I managed to lend them my appearence and culture to represent 💜💜 (but they will definetly not be the last OC I'll salvadorize 😈😈😈)
That will be all the self ins-
...nevermind theres another one, but we don't talk about Iris
That will be all! Gracias por tu curiosidad en elles :'3
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silver-kitsuneneko · 4 years
Alrighty! I'm going all out on this one soo be prepared for a long haul since my curiosity MUST be quenched: 1, 3, 4-6, 11, aaand 13-16 for the writing ask thing, please
OOOH! Awesome!!! Okay! [rolls up sleeves!] Here we go!
1.     What's something you've written that you know is OOC and you just don't care? Omg…I thought my dark secret would never be heard. Me and Incubirb wrote a fanfic together in high school called Dealing with Chibis. It’s a YGO fanfic. We had fun and it’s still posted on FF.net but the yamis are OOC. VERY OOC. Do we care? Nah, it was something we wrote when we were younger and it’s a reminder of the good ol’ days and annnnnnnnd how we improved n,n Yes it’s cringe but it’s OUR  cringe damn it!
 2.    Something you hate to see in smut. No build up! Okay, I’m all for PWP because sometimes you just want to read smut without having to read a story behind it but please at least give the audience some foreplay. Also and I used to do this, don’t say womanhood an manhood, just say cock, clit, vagina, and things like that. Because well…sex is an experience, or I’ve been told, but it’s also dirty and passionate so using the terms can make it a little better or I can just be a huge perv. I’m probably the latter. Finally, weird ass things that would be near impossible during sex. Shampoo is NOT lube, ripping out a woman’s tampon and flinging it behind you is not sexy, sex in the shower/ on the beach/ is not romantic and I’m assuming harder than it looks.  Or something that is outright gross that is supposed to be romantic >< I’ve read of questionable shit and I just had to pretend I never read it. Just…but logical about it, please!
 3.    Something you love to see in smut. I personally like non con…hear me out. It’s a fantasy, it’s a good plot device, and it’s just so dark. I also like a weird powerplay and pet play because…well no one needs to know that ^^: (stay tuned One Piece fans). I also like good chemistry with the characters, like the more experience boy or girl with another girl and descriptions. Like don’t just say “and they totally did it!” yeah no, describe the act and the senses.
 4.    Something you hate to see in dialogue. Using net speak in writing. Not making a conversation believable and writing an “accent” in someone’s speech. Once again, I was guilty of this years ago, minus the net speak. The writing accent thing can be good in some cases but horrible overall. Like in HP, JK Rowling writing the way Hagrid talked. I’ll admit, it did kind of get you into the mood that Hagrid had an accent but when she did it with the French accent and Bulgarian one, it just became really…distracting. Have your readers imagine it instead of having to read/listen to an accent. Just say that they had a strong accent or if they do speak in broken English in order to emphasize a plot, by all means! Once again one of my fave authors did this well. In one of her stories, the characters were aliens who spoke Russian, this woman had RUSSIAN in the book so the reader was just as clueless as the characters in the story. Same story and one of the characters had a thick Polish accent made it difficult for him to make friends, so she emphasized it when him and is stepbrother switched bodies and he realized that one of the things his new brother had to face.
 5.    What "don't ever do this" writing rule are you guilty of constantly breaking? I know I break a lot! Hell, there’s run on sentences and things like that everywhere XD But apparently the ,” that a dear sweet nitpicker brought to my attention. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not like “OMG HOW DARE SHE!” it’s more of, she was just doing it to be an ass? Like really trying to find something wrong with a story? Anyway, that. I don’t know why I do it. I think it’s a habit that I have to break but I didn’t know it was a habit? Like some writing rules says its okay. Some say it’s bad, some people don’t even notice it. But that’s just how I’ve always write. No one else seems to care so I just kept doing it.
 6.    What do you need to work on most? Rereading my work! I don’t get offended when my readers point things out! Like I welcome it because sometimes I’m concentrating on writing that I don’t see the mistakes or rapid typing that I forget to go back. Like I write in layers. I write the beginning, scenes in the middle, the end, refill things, connect things, and polish things before posting but even I overlook things. I don’t have a proofreader so I’m grateful for the extra pairs of eyes XD Seriously I don’t get offended in the least!  
 7.    What aspect of writing have you had the most growth in? Character development! Seriously! It takes time and a lot of work to write a good character! My first real fanfic characters were OCs and one dimensional at most. Then again it was middle school and high school and emotions were high, things weren’t the best but still, they were my characters. They stuck with me in college and it gave me more than enough time to revamp them into proper characters. Also during that time I was working on a coping mechanism writing/story and learned how to really flesh out a character and giving them a back story on how they came to be instead of “this character was just born AWESOME!”
 8.    We all project onto our characters. Where has your personality or life choices leaked onto the page the most? Well, with me and not so much in my One Piece fanfics but Hetalia, my issues with my family, especially my mother/ grandmother. Because of my family situation, I never really had a safe place to express myself freely and when I did it was always taken away. I was around a lot of adults who were affected by my grandmother’s own issues which resulted in immature adults with issues of their own where I had to always be the “adult” or the “bigger person” one to someone who was twice as old as I was when I was a preteen/teenager and they were full grown ass adults. Which sucked since being a mature kid really gives more problems and doing things just to please a family who wouldn’t care less but I did have a Dad who really took the time to really understand me which was nice. So a lot of my Reader-chans have either unavailable parents, awesome parents, or raised by people who aren’t parents but the best parents they could ever have because in my opinion, sometimes the best people who actually care isn’t your family and if these people accept you, treat you with respect and genuinely care about your well being then they are your family.  
9.    What's the most ridiculous thing you've done to put off actually writing? Hmmmm Well I’ve always found time to write but usually now with the pandemic, it’s mainly “I have to clean!” which is partly true but malaise DX Well For one fandom at least. Not to mention I’m adding in a lot of filler so I can send a ton of sad fanfics without feel guilty XD
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madaramaddymad · 7 years
I just couldn't resist... I need a Sasuke natal chart! You are doing god's work! By the way, i'm just so in love with the screenshots + text you add in your charts. I can never get enough of it!!!! Thank you, sweetest being, in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE U TOO ANON AND THANKS FOR THE REQUEST BECAUSE SASUKE IS MY FAV NATAL CHART and its so ARGHHH tense tense {oh and smth more before starting, i know a guy from my classes having such natal chart, and damn, he’s a fucking spy. he’s so nasty but daamn boy, u are a real survivor in life through beingthe devil itself. He’s kinda charming too! Yet extremely devoted to his close friends, even being an ass?? :)}
                            Sasuke Uchiha Natal Chart
                        Sun sign: basic identity, “true self”, our ego
                                         Sun sign in ♌(Leo)
{okay, so i have to mention every sign has it’s high and low freqency, In this case, Sasuke is the worst Leo. super egoistic and would make fuss out of no where)
People born under the sign of Leo are natural born leaders. They are dramatic (everything around him is drama), self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything they want to in any area of life they commit to. There is a specific strength to a Leo and their “king of the jungle” status.Leo is very independent but they need something to control and someone to admire them and appreciate them. They are fully capable of being greatly successful on their own but they are much happier if they have an audience and a following of people who look up to them. They would prefer not be alone.Leos are extremely sensitive but they hide that very well. Leos love praise and flattery, their egos demand respect and adoration. Leo is all about pride. This can cause them to be self-centered but the warmth of the Leo heart keeps it under control.
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i really have to admit that Leos are kinda attractive and bring that “kingly”thin everywhere they go
                         Rising/ Ascending sing: the first impression                                               we make on others to a personal level, how we                                          come across to strangers, a mask we wear in public.
                             Rising/ Ascending in ♑ (Capricorn)
{if Uchiha’s have bad fate, then it must come from Saturn. Saturn is ruling Capricorn and usually makes our life shitty. it’s the old teacher giving us exams and when we fail them, our life becomes a complete mess. it’s a self individual lesson, that when we learn, we would be even awarded better than the downfall. Sasuke&Mads have such rigins. not to mention that Madara is Capricorn himself and has ended worse than Sasuke. In that case, only the “savec Uchihas from hatred” shall not have Cap rising}
Capricorn Ascendant people project competence. They simply ooze it. They’re generally very image-conscious people–the clothes they wear and their manner are a big deal to them. They want to appear successful, and they generally succeed! Capricorn rising people are generally big on family, and forever worry about security–for themselves and their dependents. They come across to others as hard-working, competent, and dependable people. What others may not see under that cool, even suave, exterior, is an inner struggle: they often ask themselves, “Am I doing enough?”, “Do I deserve all of this?”, “How can I make things better?” They worry a lot about the future. If success seemed to have come easy to these folks, it hasn’t. They just made it look that way with a patient, hard-working, driven personality. More often than not, Capricorn rising individuals are success stories. Their childhoods may have been difficult, but they slowly but surely turn their lives around. Saturn rules this Ascendant, and this generally means a kind of backwards way of living–as children, they are serious and bear a lot of responsibility; and as they grow up, they age beautifully, learning how to loosen up.
            opps Saturn’s fault
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                          Moon: emotional instincts and habits,                                        deepest personal needs, the sun is the head- moon is the heart  
                                                Moon in ♏(Scorpio)
{Unlike his brother, i have noticed Sasuke has some expressions, but it’s just like he’s trying to keep them under control. Yet they are really tense and sometimes could escape. Also the smirks are kinda erotic?, reminding me of such Scorpionish vibes}
Scorpio Moon lives for emotional intensity. They have the ability to see through anyone right to their innermost feelings. This can be disturbing to some people and intriguing for others. They have a need for change and rebirth. Their life may be full of drama and upheaval which they feel is out of their control. Emotional drama fulfills them. Scorpio Moon wants it all… they don’t do anything halfway or waste their time with meaningless relationships. They want commitment. They may also expect their partner to give up something for them, although they have a deep fear of betrayal. They may test their partners, even if they don’t mean to. They come off as being suspicious, although once they have committed themselves to a partner; they are extremely loyal and protective. Scorpio Moon has a great presence, even when they are shy. They need to spend a lot of time learning to control their emotions. They are very intuitive, but they may be inclined to use it for their own gains. They are passionate and fearless. Moon Sign Scorpio can be intimidating and are difficult to scare or shock. They have the ability to size up a person or a situation in a matter of seconds. Their powers can be used for good or evil, as the saying goes… and many times it depends on how they were raised as children. Those who were manipulated or deprived will not open up to others, while those raised in a nurturing environment will most likely be mild-tempered and easy to get along with. They can be jealous, possessive and self-indulgent. They can also be rather destructive, both to themselves and others. On the good side, they can be vulnerable, intelligent and ambitious. Scorpio Moon is tenacious, and once they want something, they are like the dog that won’t let go. Their stubbornness can stand in their own way at times, or it can help them overcome bad habits. They tend to be emotional, materialistic, sensual and secretive. They are also very creative. Their fighting spirit is strong and it is difficult for them to admit defeat. They can be fiercely competitive, especially with those of their own sex. With the opposite sex, they can often be wrapped around the other person’s little finger, wanting to indulge that person’s every whim. They could use a little balance in their life in this area. Charismatic, Scorpio Moon attracts many, and must exercise caution so they are not tempted into multiple relationships. They don’t like to be criticized. They are seldom mainstream in their ideals and don’t always conform to all of society’s rules.
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and let me smirk one last time
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my scorpio moon is angreyyy          
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                Mercury: communication, intellect, speech, mind
                                            Mercury in ♌(Leo)
{Same like Madara, he is so confident about his statements and thinks he’s the top of the world}
Mercury in Leo speaks with style and authority. Some may come across as know-it-alls, but they really just want to share their knowledge with everyone else. They hold their opinions very dear and take pride in their beliefs. They tend to be idealistic. Mercury in Leo has a good intellect, and they love to express themselves. In fact, creativity is very important to them. They excel in presenting themselves with drama and style. Passionate and enthusiastic when speaking, Mercury Leo is usually successful in getting their point across. They may be oversensitive to anything they consider less than praise. They can appear rather arrogant due to their natural detachment. Mercury in Leo has their ego tied to their intellect, which sometimes makes it difficult for them to separate fact from fiction.  They make natural leaders and people are inclined to follow them because of their charisma. Leo Mercury can be stubborn, especially when crossed. They follow their passions, acting spontaneously in the moment. Mercury in Leo needs to watch out for false pride, intolerance, being full of themselves and needed praise for everything they do. While their need for admiration is evident, they do deserve it a good portion of the time.Depending on the confidence level of the whole individual with this placement of Mercury, a stubbornness in the face of criticism or over-sensitivity to anything less than praise is present. Whatever the reaction, Mercury in Leo natives can be mentally arrogant. Mercury, by nature, is detached and reasonable. In Leo, however, the ego comes into play very strongly when it comes to intellectual analysis. With intellect and ego so closely tied, the ability to separate fact from fiction can be impaired. In some, boasting may be a problem. Probably the best way to handle this position is to find self-expression in some creative field. Mercury in Leo natives can be magnificent story-tellers, for example, mainly because they have such a wonderful sense of drama. They speak and write with heart.
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                                Venus: love, harmony, our style,                                                                how we dress up, our soft loving side
                                              Venus in ♌(Leo)
{i am not so aware of his “love style” but i guess it would be something that he could show off with. also, in one of the first naruto series, everyone thinks he’s keen on girls with long hairs. This makes me think that he wan’t something to be on the same lvl as his as long hair nowdays is a stereoype of “beautiful” What is more, even evil, Sasuke was always devoted to his friends. The cobination of Scorpio+Leo makes him extremely devoted, but the Scorpio does not show it and hides it really well.}
Leo Venus likes to brag about their relationship. They can be demanding of their partner because they love to be courted and have a need to feel special. Warm and generous, the Venus in Leo person is very loyal, although they still enjoy attention from the opposite sex. They are Leo, after all! They will tell their partner about all the flirtations… they want to brag about it! Chances are the flirtations are harmless. If you have an innocent flirtation however, watch out! Leo Venus will not be happy about it. Leo Venus has high expectations of their partner, though as long as they know your attention is on them, they are very generous. If their relationship seems stale or settled, they may feel threatened. Being treated indifferently or impersonally also makes them feel insecure. While sex is important for the person with Venus in Leo, feeling loved is even more so. They have difficulty separating the two. They need to know how wonderful they are. If you respect and appreciate them, they will never lose interest in you. You may need to give them little reminders once in awhile that your feelings matter, too. If you are feeling jealous, let them know. This affirms that you still find them attractive. They are enamored of that first stage of love when two people can’t get enough of each other and want it to last forever. The Venus in Leo person is affectionate and adoring. They may hang onto a relationship much longer than they should because they have invested their ego into it. They are a born romantic and love to play up their emotions. If they are not confident in themselves in love, they are good at faking it. They love to be given the royal treatment on a date. In friendship, Leo Venus is attracted to colorful people. They don’t feel much interest in those who appear dull or lifeless. They make generous friends who will cheer you on in all your endeavors. They like to plan elaborate celebrations and like children.
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                             Mars: how a person goes after goals,                                                       courage, sex drive, agression, will, energy
                                         Mars in ♏(Scorpio)
{this is some possesive shit, and Sasuke does not want Itachi to belong to anyone and is kinda jealous even of Shisui. Eventho Scorpio is ruled by the second planet MARS which is agression, Scorpio after all is a water sign so agression here is passive, but SO SO TENSE, THE MOST TENSE OF ALL}
Mars in Scorpio loves a good challenge. Whatever they decide to do is done with every ounce of gusto they can muster. They have the ability to focus and have a strong willpower to accomplish anything. They make formidable opponents, though they are quiet and subtle, not loud and brash. On the surface they are calm and collected. Below the surface they may be a seething pool of emotion. They don’t let others see this side of them very often. Mars in Scorpio has the ability to exploit those around them because of their talents of seeing through the facade to what lies beneath. Scorpio Mars likes to test themselves. You will find them creating all sorts of rules and goals so they can have the satisfaction of achieving them one by one. They can be provocative in a subtle, controlled manner. Those who have low self-esteem can become rather loathsome. They turn their self-hatred outward and manipulate others to feel better. Scorpio Mars knows that life isn’t fair and accept it for what it is. Mars in Scorpio harbors powerful desires and emotions. They have a very high energy level. They are strong, efficient, self-reliant and self-disciplined. They have a strong sense of purpose. They are slow to anger, but when they do, watch out. They get even in a calm, rather frightening manner. They are proud, strong-willed, and dignified. They are known for a long memory and they don’t forgive when hurt. They may be fascinated with the occult, death and dangers. They are very passionate and sensual. They are attractive to the opposite sex no matter what they look like physically. Their personal magnetism is powerful. Scorpio Mars is intense, and this can be too much for some people. Sex is an all-encompassing experience; it is intensely physical, emotional and erotic. They can be a bit obsessive, and may be attracted to the darker side of sex. Mars in Scorpio equates sex with power. They are faithful to their partner. They can be very complex, and they need their partner to want to share the depth and intensity of the experience. They don’t kiss and tell; they believe sex to be an intimate and personal issue. They give great emotional depth to their partners. They may focus on breaking sexual taboos, if their partner is up to it. Mars in Scorpio is a bit possessive of their partners. While they probably won’t admit it, they don’t like to share their partners with anyone, not even for social engagements or family obligations.
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I want to mention that in the Naruto Series was the middle frequency of a Scorpio, because this zodiac sign is the cannibal amongst all and exist in 3 forms.
1) Scorpio- stinging aroud everyone like crazy and fucking hating on you
2) Eagle- is fine, stings sometimes but is above most of the things
3) Phoenix- bitch i transformed and now u cant even reach me, i dont give a shit of no one and i can trurn my own power into enlighten and spiritual love ;)
As he left, he came even below the first level and turned into hell. Scorpio and Leo are very intense zodiac signs and this makes him extremely sadistic (just like Madara). But, if we could imagine him and Madara as Naruto’s level of consciousness, i am sure, they would surpass him. (Hashirama too)
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