#it's a rusty grey and brown medium-light build
neproxrezi · 10 months
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gotta show off my latest mech, FRENZIED ALACRITY / CRESTING DAWN, a super speedy pulse blade user i've had a lot of fun making decals for (more screencaps under the cut i couldn't pick one)
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look at my gradients boy the warning was gonna say HIGH SPEED ACTUATION but that's a long word to fit on the mech
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worked too hard on the mri scan decal for where i wound up putting it.... you really have to look for it
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quick balteus s rank to make sure i was happy with the build and the appearance :3 i am definitely still a reverse joint legs stan but i like how zippy you can get on the alba legs
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fivetrench · 5 months
Redpoll and his parents (OCs)
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[Image Descriptions: Two digital drawings of left-facing profile headshots of dragon OCs based on the Wings of Fire series, with a small bio and color palette to the left of each headshot. The background of both drawings is a solid light green color. The first image has one headshot of a Skywing/Nightwing hybrid dragon with tan, rusty red, and grey-blue scales, and dark grey-blue horns. His eyes are muted orange with pale yellow scleras and he has a worried expression. The text to his left reads “Redpoll ♂️ / sky/night, ~10 years old, disabled / paraplegic, cannot move back legs or tail, medium build, small size, no accessories”. The second image has two headshots, the top one is of a Skywing dragon with scales in various shades of rusty-red, desaturated brown horns, and bright orange eyes with yellow scleras. She has a stern expression. There are various scars on her neck and she is wearing black plug earrings. The text next to her reads “Grosbeak ♀️ / skywing, ~40 years old, ex-soldier / fire blast scar on back of neck and claw marks on throat, thin angular face, gauged ears with onyx plugs.” The headshot below her is of a Nightwing dragon with a range of bluish-grey scale colors, and light bluish-grey horns. He has green eyes with very light green scleras and a displeased expression. There is a band of gold wrapped around his horn and a star shaped gold earring in his ear. The text next to him reads “Witness ♂️ / nightwing, ~45 years old, weak seer / gold horn bands and star shaped earrings, unusual silvery coloration, fuller face, heavy build.” End ID.]
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lexicals · 3 years
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In the shows, I saw humans comfort each other all the time at moments like this. I had never wanted that and I still didn't. [...] But I was the only one here, so I braced myself and made the ultimate sacrifice. "Uh, you can hug me if you need to."
[...] It wasn't entirely awful.
I have so many thoughts and feelings about the use of physical contact in exit strategy ;;
[ID: A sketchy digital drawing of a scene from Martha Wells' Exit Strategy, featuring Murderbot and Dr Mensah. The two are standing in front of a metal wall, softly lit from one side, and Mensah is hugging the bot tightly around the waist, her face pressed into its chest. Mensah is an older dark-skinned woman with very short light brown hair and a medium build, and is wearing a rusty orange caftan with embroidery at the neck, waist and shoulders. Murderbot is a taller person with a toned build and light brown skin, and messy straight black hair that's slightly longer than Mensah's, and has a gap at the side of its head where an exposed metal section interrupts it. It's wearing a dark blue and grey hoodie and a grey shirt with a high collar, and dark grey cargo pants, and is looking uncomfortably off to one side - one hand is awkwardly resting closed against Mensah's back and the other is at its side, with small lines indicating that it's flexing its fingers restlessly. A small box next to the two of them reads "Increase: BodyTemp: 20%". End ID.]
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lukalew · 4 years
- - - The Affectionner - - A Creepypasta Origin
Axel Coss, black haired boy, with a white streak of hair going down the middle of his front hair. Strange really, not many kids a white streak of hair. But, moving on from that, he lived with his mom, Cece Coss, his dad, James Coss, and his two brothers, Ames and A.J. Triplets of course, they did everything together . Play, draw, clean, and otherwise. They all five lived in St. George, Utah, on a empty land, with their house and field. After the triplets were born tho, James and Cece decided to move to Kansas. But that didn't work out well. So, they moved to Mississippi. Where the triplets are now 15. School was pretty easy and all, everyone loved them. Well, the majority of people in their school. Axel was really the quiet and calm one, Ames, the short tempered, and A.J, the awkward type. So, they all kinda just stuck together like a pod. A couple more and now they are all 25 , well...two are at least. Ames and Axel- now , A.J ... when he turned to the age of 22, he got kidnapped and was tortured to death. LITERALLY. Nobody was able to find him. Until 2 months later, after he died he was found in a rusty old grey building. Almost looking like it was gonna collapse. His face torn, ripped...his arm and legs broken. It was just a nightmare, but thats only the start of it.
Ames got pretty emotional afterwards - Axel didn't say much after as well. He sometimes stayed in his room for hours , not eating, sleeping, nothing really, just thinking. 4 months passed and later on, Cece and James had been kidnapped by the same guys from when A.J was. And the parents died as well. The kidnappers had been caught and taken to jail. Ames soon left Axel, and if he was being honest to himself..he was glad Ames left. After everything that happened Ames started to drink and abuse Axel. Thats when his life became even more of a living hell. Work got harder, the bills were too much, and nothing could really make him happy at this point. Except for thing. Stitching. He would stitch blankets, stuffed animals, and when he got a bad cut- sometimes even himself. That was the only thing...for now. He was like cursed or something. Thats when he got to point- - -"Your fired." "What?" his voice shuddered as he clicked his pen a few times. "Your..FIRED!! You always mess up on the cars when we are on break- and you are too quiet- good for nothing piece of roadkill!" his boss, Keith, screeched as he took a fair raise of the hand and slapped him across his ear to mouth-that somehow cutting him. I mean, he was holding a wrench so- that probably why. Axel gently ran his finger down his face from his ear to mouth and felt the blood rushing out. "O-okay, under-s-stood..sir." the male exhaled taking th scarf he brought in with him because it was usually cold in the warehouse. Axel slid it on and ran home. At this point it was too much. He sat on the dining room chair rethinking his entire existence. "Do i even matter?...Of course i don't- not to my parents, not to my boss, ...not to my family.." out of the corner of his eye- he spotted a small, brown and white gun. "Thats it..." he said to himself, with a faint- but crazy smile. He walked to the gun, and made sure it was loaded. The black haired male pointed it to his heart and shot himself. Blood splattering on the wall and carpet. No screams, no cries, no pain. With the last bit of energy that he had, he shot himself in the head...
"Hey! Ax! Over here!" his brother A.J shouted waving from the field. He smiled softly and ran to the other versions of him. "whats up?" he asked kneeling down to his height. "Why do you always wear that scarf? It kinda looks like its from the eighteen hundreds." Ames spoke lifting a piece of the scarf up from Axel's neck. "Well, this girl at school gave it to me." He laughed softly rubbing the back of his neck. "Ooooooo!- Axel has a crush! Axel has a cru-" Ames interrupted what A.J said by pushing him backwards- "Oh shut up, its probably just a present." he sighed. "Whatever you say, maybe you should ask her out! Whats her name??" A.J declared getting up and picking some dandelions from the ground and putting them in his hair. "O-Oh uhh, her name is Jane-." Axel slightly blushed. Ames sighed laying down with his hands behind his head. "Yup, just as i expected- good old Jane Arkensaw.. she's kinda a brat if you ask me." "H-hey! Thats not true, she's actually really nice if you get to know her." A.J looked confused. "Isn't she the one who hasn't been coming to school for some time?" Ames glared at A.J- "Yes, yes she is." Axel replied taking the dandelions out of A.J's hair and putting them in a row at the top of his black silk hair, seeing he was struggling to put them in since they just get falling out. "i hope she's okay tho..."
HIs eyes shot open and then rubbed his head. "just another stupid nightmare..." he calls them nightmares because, well to him they are just painful memories. He put on his boots and looked at the calendar, "Huh....Macy Stars...well, this should be fun." He sighed and git his scalpel, stitching utensils, needles, thread, and his scarf. Ax put the scarf on and walked out with his drawstring bag.
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(This is the bag btw)
He followed the directions where it told him to go. Now, he would normally go on his own free will and time, but it was like Slender decided when she dies. He shrugged it off and soon arrived. "This must be it huh?" Ax sighed ruffling his own hair a bit so his scar would show as much. He thought if you had scars it makes you weak, can't take care of your self. Anyways, he quietly entered through her back door,which was unlocked. "Who leaves their back door unlocked at a time like this?" The medium hight male said looking at the sunset and took in a deep breath then exhaled. That sorta calmed him down. Axel walked up the stairs and looked in the bathroom to see her doing her makeup. He had to admit she was beautiful, but still worthless to him. She was in fact a girl that went to his school. "There we go!" She smiled at herself in the mirror and did a duck face as if the mirror was taking a photo of her. She was really nice to him and all, but he didn't care, he didn't care about any of the victims of his. "They don't deserve this love...." he shuddered under his breath. Axel walked in holding a scalpel and his eyes now looking fully gold. The brown faded away, no mercy in his look. Macy spotted him in the mirror and screamed backing up her back hitting the sink. "How did you get in my house?!" She screamed and reached for a small mirror of hers and hid it behind her. "That's a pretty stupid question to ask...more concerned how I got in your house...then how your gonna survive this? Well, I can answer that for you. Your not." He walked to her and slashed the scalpel across her face- giving her a scar as well, "OWW- YOU LITTLE-" She screamed in pain holding one side of her face and taking the mirror and trying to hit him with it. Axel sighed seeing her on the ground, she had fell. He bent down, and grabbed her arms- putting them together. "W-wh-What are you doing....?!" She asked in a shaky tone. No response, he softly held them tightly tighter and took out his stitching utensils and started to weave her arms together. "Ow stop please!!" She begged trying to kick him- but he was almost done with the stitching process. Is she really that weak, stitches don't even hurt that bad, it's like poking yourself with a sharp en or pencil. Macy looked down at her sewn arms and her eyes as wide as the galaxy. "I really don't like loud noises you know... so, if you would have just been quiet I wouldn't had have to do this.." he softly whispered in her ear and sew her mouth together. No matter how hard she tried to scream- it was all just muffled noises. "There we go. Now, if you don't mind me, I will proceed to kill you." Her eyes were wider now. Tears formed in her eyes and just looked down. "Aww.. come on now-" he started to say, lifting up her chin and wiping the tears away. "I'm just putting you out of your misery- we only live in this world to die, it just is stressful for me to see people in pain like this." That was a lie of course. He didn't care if his victims were hurt, physically or mentally.
He cut open her stomach and found her heart. "There it is..." he took another piece of thread and needle then started to stitch a X into her heart. Soon, a golden piece of light came out of her heart and Axel held his arm out-the light transferred to his arm and he sighed in relief. "That felt good," he thought then looked down at Macy. "You know, life is as valuable as your love.." he smiled then ripped her heart out in one light pull. Her body falling to the floor . He smiled softly and set the heart near her makeup. He always set the heart of theirs next to something they loved. "Now that that's done," he sighed getting up and grabbing all his things and heading out.
His appearance strikes so many people, sometimes he would pretend to be a human to lure in victims. He is a handsome, kind, boy- so it's pretty easy. But he doesn't do it often, only when there's nobody really good to kill.
He still has his black hair with the white streak. And of course, he wear a big grey scarf around his neck with a small black X at the bottom of the end of the scarf. A beige, sorta brown jacket. Sometimes he would wear a black zipped up leather coat, but that's only when it's really cold outside. Black pants with a chain going form the top right corner of his belt, to the lower half of his left side. Sorta like his scar. Black boots with a stitched in X at the bottom corner of both boots. Some witnesses have said he is a tall, around 5'5 , male. Some people say he takes in emotions, that's not really it tho...
See, what he can do is- he only takes peoples lives, who get a lot of love, and give a lot of love, and not really sad people. He would climb through their windows at night , or when they are alone. But in some cases he just breaks in wherever he can. Axel is a ghost, spirit, otherwise. But he doesn't really like doing all of that appearing in thin air thing. Ever since people have reported sightings of him, he tries his bets you stay of out sight. Axel will use his stitches to sew a big X into their heart so he can acquire all the love that has been given to the person, or, the love that they have to share. If they attempt to scream or fight back, he will sew their mouths closed- or arms and legs together. The reason he takes the affection from his victims is because, his parents gave him none- and when he was alive, nobody gave him any either. After some time, the affection runs out, so he needs to restock it every 2-4 days. If one of his victims try to give him affection before they die, he will go to their height smile at them , and say...
"Im afraid ...your love means nothing to me.."
He also has another famous quote which is..
"Life is as valuable as your love."
If he were to go on a mission with a creepypasta - his most compatible people would be
-Jason The Tomaker
-Eyeless Jack
- Laughing Jack
- Jane The Killer
- Sally
- Zero
- and Judge Angels
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jenobloom · 6 years
WHY DO I BOTHER? (Chapter 1)
Kia Weon is a newly born idol, fresh from debut, and she hates her image. Her debut didn’t do too well so now Pledis have decided that she will be the one to provide vocals for Seventeen’s newest song ‘Q&A’ and in the process she makes 12 new friends but one enemy. A relationship becomes a thing that happens and a huge change in her career puts friendships on the line.
Word count: 3,141 words
Warnings: None
A random (and probably boring) thing I’ve started working onnn, not super sure where this is gonna go but hey, it’s a work in progress so feel free to suggest things.
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I quickly scanned my appearance over in the full-length mirror outside the door to the recording studio once more to make sure that I looked presentable. My thin black oversized Monsta X long sleeved shirt with Changkyun’s stage name and birth year on the back of it hung loosely from my small, short frame and stopped at mid-thigh and was paired with a pair of short black bicycle shorts that were hidden under the shirt to prevent accidental flashing, worn black combat boots and one of Hoseok’s long leather chokers wrapped around my neck; the dark clothing contrasted pleasingly with my bright violet hair and my pale, makeup-less face was half hidden by a black cotton mask.
“Okay Kia, you can do this.” I breathed before walking quietly in to the studio, a smile forced on to my lips as I nervously walked in to the room despite nobody being able to see it.
The room was tiny, a small sofa was stuffed in to one corner of the room and a desk with a few monitors, medium sized white speakers and other complicated looking studio equipment was pressed against the recording booth wall about a step away from the sofa. Perched stiffly in the chair in front of the desk was a guy with a blonde undercut hairstyle and, like my own, his hands were tucked in to the cuffs of a black oversized hoodie to form sweater paws while black skinny jeans that had been rolled up at the ankles hugged his legs, complimenting his thin build. A pair of large rounded glasses were perched upon his nose and shielded his eyes that were slightly turned upwards at the ends due to his inviting polite smile, he nervously jumped up from his chair to greet me and was roughly only an inch taller than my small 5-foot 3 frame.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Lee Jihoon, the producer, you must be Weon Kia?” He awkwardly introduced himself with a bow, nearly knocking in to me as he did due to how close together we were forced to stand.
“Yeah, I’m Weon Kia. It’s nice to meet you!” I bowed back awkwardly also, straightening up and looking at him once more. “Excuse my Korean and very basic etiquette, it’s been a while since I’ve had to speak the language so much and it’s also my first time back in Korea since I was 7 and so I’ve grown to the British ways.”
“That’s fine, what is your lunar age?”
The question caught me off slightly, I knew it was a simple and unoffensive question however, my mind was still slightly accustomed to the western ways.
“Um… I’m 17?”
“19, shall we make a start on recording?”
I silently nodded, finding the atmosphere to be slightly thick and conversation awkward, placing my phone and earphones on the desk beside Jihoon and slipping in to the small recording booth, pulling the headphones on to my head then sliding my facemask to sit on my chin so it didn’t muffle my voice. I stared at Jihoon as I waited for him to tell me what to do next, feeling uncomfortable in the silent room as I was still only a rookie in the huge world of idols and so I still had to get used to the atmosphere of recording booths.
“Okay, could you say or sing something in to the mic please to test that everything is working?” Jihoon’s authorative voice flooded the silent room, making me panic a little as I realised that he was putting me on the spot as a younger looking boy walked in to the room and perched himself on the small grey sofa. Out of panic I began to rap Jooheon’s first part in the song Interstellar, nervously laughing as I noticed how it threw Jihoon off a little as his eyebrows rose and his eyes widened slightly before focussing on one of his screens.
“Okay so the mic works, let’s go!”
Gulping once, I cleared my throat as the familiar music began to play from the headphones. The recording process flowing smoothly, Jihoon only having to correct me on my pronunciation and pitch a handful of times before I was able to step out of the booth and was faced with the newcomer of the room who had been staring at me for the 20 minutes that I sang.
“Hello, I’m Weon Kia, it’s nice to meet you!” I bowed and smiled politely to the boy who looked to be my age.
“Hey, I’m Lee Chan, nice to meet you also!”
His smile was incredibly inviting, flanked by slightly chubby cheeks that gave his face a super cute shape; not too rounded but also not too sharp. His deep brown eyes were framed by a pair of rounded, thin gold framed glasses and his grey/blonde un-styled hair flopped over them gently. We took a seat back on the sofa and listened intently as Jihoon played the nearly finalised song over the speakers with my voice finally filling the gaps that were there previously, noting down things that would need to be adjusted to improve the quality of the song. My fingers played nervously with the earbuds of my earphones that now rested in my lap on top of my phone, producing a clinking noise when they occasionally hit the screen and causing me to cringe as I was aware of Chan’s attention being drawn to me.
“So…have you debuted yet?” His first word dragged out awkwardly to initiate a conversation as he shifted in his seat to face me better.
“Yeah, I didn’t do as well as expected though which is why Pledis are getting me on as many things as possible. They’re worried that their money will get wasted if I don’t pick up views and fans and stuff like that.”
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll do great! It just needs time; would you mind if I saw your debut video?”
I winced a little at the question, cringing as I realised how rude it would be to flat out refuse the boy. Despite my brain protesting completely against it, I plugged my earphones in to my phone and pulled the music video up for my debut song ‘ice cream cake’, handing Chan both my phone and an earbud as I put one in to my own ear before pressing play and settling my gaze on his face to watch for reactions. Confusion flashed across his features as he recognised me among the back up dancers, the confusion intensifying as he took in the lyrics, dance, video concept and my general appearance; the pastel appearance and soft voice obviously contrasting to my out of work look. He bobbed along softly to my voice and the beat and eventually gave the phone and earbud back to me once it had ended, he didn’t say anything straight away, he almost hesitated with his words as he looked back up at my face, seeming like he was considering his words carefully as to avoid offending.
“I liked it! It’s just…is that actually you because you seem so different in person an-“
“Lee Chan, you can’t speak to her like that!” Jihoon snapped like a parent would, swivelling in his chair to shoot the younger boy a disapproving look as Chan’s question fell upon his ears.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that! I’m sorry if it came across that way but-“
“It’s okay, honestly. I understand what you mean,” I let out an awkward laugh, my cheeks warming up a little as I caught Chan’s wide eyes. “Pledis thought I wouldn’t be able to work the ‘bad girl’ look so they’ve given me the whole bubble gum act, I don’t enjoy it at all, it’s far from my true self. Dark clothing, rappers and more thought out, artistic lyrics and music videos are my type of thing. The only thing I like about my debut song is the wordplay and I look fairly okay in baby pink clothing,” I glanced over at Jihoon and back at Chan, the younger of the two looked to be deep in thought, “is there another question you want to ask or…”
“I’m sorry if this sounds extremely rude but what’s your nationality? Because you don’t look like you’re from Korea, but you pronounce everything so well but you also have an accent of some kind and I’m a little confused, you don’t have to answer but I’m curious.”
“I’m British, I was born in Korea and so I speak fluently but I moved back to England with my parents to be closer to the other members of my family when I was 7 so I’m a bit rusty with the language and how Korea works. I’m pretty sure it’s the only reason I was accepted in to training too.” I chuckled lightly at his question, it was a question I would frequently get so it didn’t offend me in the slightest and only amused me as I gave him my scripted answer that I usually saved for TV.
“I see, so you’re here to stay now then?” I nodded, taking note of how his squishy cheeks were now dusted with a light pink colour. “Would you like to come back to the dorm for lunch?”
My eyes widened a little at how straight-forward he was being, his hands that were wrapped in the oversized sleeves of his orange top in insecurity flew up to hide his reddening face as I began laughing, any awkwardness from this morning washing away as I realised that these boys were just as bad at interacting with others as I was.
“I-I mean, like, because I thought it would be nice for us all to get to know each other and stuff? Like you can meet Seungchol and Vernon who are on this track alongside you and that kind of… thing.”
“I appreciate it,” I giggled and gently pulled his hands away from his face to make eye contact with him. “I’ll take the offer, it would be nice to make some more friends here. I don’t have many at the moment.”
“Jihoon hyung, will you be joining us?”
The hard-working blonde ripped his eyes away from the screen once more for a few seconds, seeming to have only just caught what was being said to him, his hands never leaving the keyboard and mouse however as his head turned to greet our now standing selves.
“No thank you, I’ll grab something later. Kia, I’ll text you when the song is ready for you to hear so you can come and listen to it.”
“thank you,” I bowed a little and earned a small smile back before following Chan out of the studio door, bringing my mask back over my mouth and nose.
The walk to the Seventeen dorm from the Pledis building was short, nothing was really said between me and Chan other than him informing me that the other boys would all be at home as they don’t usually do much on their days off other than game or sleep due to their tiring schedule, which I fully understood being an idol fresh from debut, before he then gave me a quick run through of everyone’s names and how to recognise them so I would feel less intimidated by the 11 boys that I had not yet met.
“Ready?” Chan offered me a small smile as his hand rested on the door handle to their 5th floor apartment.
I only nodded in response, my hands instantly slipping in to my oversized sleeves to wrap themselves back in to sweater paws which offered me a sense of security, we could already hear loud music being played from the living room in the other end of the apartment but as soon as the front door opened a male that was a head and neck taller than me appeared from one of the rooms closest to the front door in only his tight-fitting black boxers, his hair a fluffy brown mess as he rubbed his eyes sleepily and looked over before realising that Chan wasn’t alone, his eyes widening nearly as much as mine in shock. My hands quickly flew up to my eyes to shield them from the stupidly attractive male towering in front of me and I bowed before squeaking out a rushed greeting.
“H-hello, I’m Weon K-Kia, nice to meet you!” I stayed bowed until the shuffling in front of me stopped, straightening up and peeking between my fingers I saw that the male had quickly threw on a baggy t shirt that he must of grabbed from one of the bags of clothes conveniently laying in the hall and was now stood with a bright red face and his hands crossed in front of his hips.
“I’m Kim Mingyu, I’m sorry about being underdressed, please forgive me.” He bowed in both greeting and apology, eventually straightening up and looking down at me, smiling gently with a blush dusting his cheeks before turning to Chan who was currently trying to control his laughter. “The others are in the living room if you hadn’t already heard, Soonyoung and Seungkwan are hyper and Seungchol has given up on trying to calm them down.”
He quickly slipped back in to the room that he had just come from before Dino led me in to the living room, a wide smile cracked my face as two boys who I assumed to be Hoshi and Seungkwan were dancing energetically to TWICE’s song Ooh Ahh, getting the choreography perfect, so I ran over and stood next to the boy with blonde hair, ensuring there was enough space for us to dance without hitting each other. All 3 of us sang and energetically danced along perfectly in time and tune with the song, the others all cheering, clapping and laughing as they watched us perform and when the song ended the brown-haired male squealed before picking me up in a bone-crushing hug and span me around.
“Oh my god, Weon Kia is in my dorm and she danced with me!” He screamed, still not letting me go as he placed me back on the ground. “I love your song, I know the choreography and all the words!”
His fanboy side shocked me a little but I pulled him back in for a tight hug, I rarely get the chance to meet fans or gain compliments but when I do I have to distract myself from tearing up; I may despise the song and my image however I still worked hard to debut and make my song a hit so it was amazing to know the late nights and crazy diets had worked.
“Thank you, we should dance to it together!” I excitedly suggested, him nodding frantically before running over to the phone that was plugged in to the speakers and selecting my song then standing in place, the blonde-haired boy from before also joined us as well as Chan and another brown-haired male with a wide smile.
I was in awe for the whole song, shocked at how well the 4 males knew the dance and enjoying how feminine they seemed while doing it, as the song ended we all collapsed with laughter. Finally, introductions were exchanged around the room and I learned that the blonde boy who I danced with was Soonyoung, the fanboy was Seungkwan and the wide-smiled guy was Seokmin, I was also finally introduced to Seungchol and Hansol (who had the most charming smile in my opinion), Jun who seemed to be extremely sweet, Jisoo who greeted me in English after I mentioned that is was the language I was most comfortable with (Hansol also switching to speak to me in English), and finally Wonwoo and Jeonghan who had emerged from the kitchen armed with a plate full of sandwiches. I was sat comfortably on the floor with crossed legs between Hansol and Jisoo, nibbling on a ham sandwich and sipping on my apple juice as I enjoyed the conversation of the entire group and laughing when a petty argument started up between Seungchol and Soonyoung about why the group couldn’t get a puppy and how Soonyoung should just be happy with Mingyu, everyone had been so engrossed in the argument that nobody noticed when a new male entered the room until he sat next to Jun and grabbed a plate, wide smiles were exchanged between everyone before his eyes finally settled on me and confusion took over his face, his deep brown eyes glancing at me over the top of his glasses.
“Hi, I’m Weon Kia, it’s nice to meet you!” I bowed as well as I could in my seated position with my sandwich still in my hands and waited for him to introduce himself.
“Xu Minghao, nice to meet you also.” He hesitantly introduced himself before turning towards Jun and speaking quickly in what I recognised to be Mandarin in a hushed tone. “Who is she?”
Annoyance coursed through my blood at the rude man as he carried out one of my biggest pet peeves.
“I’m a singer/rapper that has just debuted, Chan invited me over for lunch and to meet everyone because I’m working on a song with Jihoon and I’ve not been here for long. I would prefer it if you would address me when you have questions rather than trying to speak to another individual in a language you thought I didn’t know, it’s politer.” I shot back quickly in his native tongue with a slightly harsh voice, the chatter dying down as people turned to look between Minghao, Jun and myself as they realised that something was happening; the two Chinese members looking shocked.
“Is everything okay?” Seungchol asked as he noticed the tension that had formed.
“Yeah… did you know Kia can speak Mandarin?” Jun broke from his trance and laughed nervously, Minghao only shooting me a slight glare before digging in to his own sandwich and staring at the floor with squinted eyes as if it was suddenly the most interesting yet offensive thing in the world.
“Hey that’s not fair, now she can have secret conversations with China line!” Soonyoung whined with a pout dressing his face.
“…Did you just call us China line?” Jun looked slightly taken back and placed his sandwich on his lap, comically placing his hands on his hips and glaring jokingly.
I giggled loudly, realising where he must have found the ship name before lecturing him.
“You shouldn’t be on Tumblr, that’s like breaking yours fans trust!”
“…Mingyu, did you know that you and Wonwoo would make an extremely cute couple?”
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Ways to Help Homeowners Choose the Right Shingle Color
Written by Pickard Roofing and published on https://www.pickardroofing.com/.
Homeowners don’t buy roofs often, so choosing the right color is very important to get right the first time. The shingle color has to work with their house and style, complement the neighborhood, and take into consideration any other preferences the homeowner may have.
Choosing the Right Shingle Color for Your Home
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For many homeowners looking to replace their shingle roof, choosing an asphalt shingle color choice can be very difficult. There are many factors to consider, including aesthetics, energy efficiency, the style and build of the home, and future home improvements.
If you’re a homeowner who is thinking about installing a new shingle roof, you have an important decision to make. There are thousands of different shingle colors, types and patterns to choose from. Here are some of the most common ways homeowners choose shingles for their new roof that complement their home.
Coordinate Shingles with Siding and Shutters
For many homeowners, one of the easiest ways to complement their roof to their home is to match their shingles to the siding and shutters of their home. You can ask your roofer for shingle samples in different colors, then hold them up to your siding and shutters to find the best fit. It also helps to look at the samples at different times of day to see how the shingles look in different lighting.
Consider Your Home’s Architectural Style
Different architectural building styles look best with different shingle colors and styles. For example, homes with natural wood siding in tree-lined areas look best with deep forest green or brown shingles. For a beach house in light, breezy colors, install a light-colored roof. Stucco sided homes are often complemented by rusty red or orange-colored shingles. Stately and traditional homes tend to look best with a neutral, conservative roof.
Can’t Decide? Try Color-Blended Shingles
Color-blended asphalt shingles offer homeowners a way to add intrigue to their roof. Common color-blend combinations include warm browns and reds, cool blues and greys, and even blends of green. CertainTeed Landmark and Owens Corning Duration Designer are two types of shingles that have a variety of color-blend options to choose from. It’s best to remember that the plainer your home’s siding is, the more varied your color-blending can be. If your home’s siding includes a variety of materials and colors, color-blend shingles may clash.
Consider Your Climate
If you live in colder areas, you’ll need to consider different asphalt shingle choices than homeowners in warm climates. This is because darker shingles absorb more heat than light-colored shingles. During hot days in warm climates, there may be a 50-degree difference between an attic with dark shingles and one with light shingles. A hot attic can force a home’s air conditioner to work much harder during the summer, which can contribute to HVAC wear and tear. On the other hand, a dark shingle roof in a colder climate may be slightly more energy efficient. Dark shingles help heat the attic and reducing the burden on the home’s furnace at cold times of the year.
Create Visual Balance
Your home’s height and overall style should factor into your asphalt shingle choice. Light-colored shingle roofing can make a multi-level home seem off-balance. For these types of homes, darker roofs can draw the eye upward, giving the home a top-down visual appeal. Meanwhile, dark-colored roof shingles can make single-story homes look smaller and shorter than they really are. For a single-story ranch-style home, a medium-toned colored roof often looks best. Blending asphalt shingles with metal roofing is also a growing trend for homeowners.
Make Use of Technology
Many roofing supply companies now provide apps to their customers to help them visualize the way a new roof would look at their homes. For example, CertainTeed Colorview enables homeowners to upload a picture of their house, and then swap out different roofing colors by CertainTeed.
Certainteed Colorview also allows homeowners to manipulate the siding colors and roof type on a sample picture of a home. This can help users imagine how different siding, trim, and roofing styles and colors look in proximity to one another.
More Helpful Tips
Some roof colors are very hard to match with other colors. Red, green, and blue shingles, for example, only look right when side by side with very specific types of siding. Shingles in neutral colors are much easier to match, so if you’re thinking about changing your home’s color any time in the near future, select shingles of a neutral shade.
If you’ve tried the software, held sample shingles up to your home, consult with members of your household and you’re still not sure what kind of shingles are right for your home, you can talk with your trusted residential roofing expert. These professionals have seen thousands of roofs and will be able to provide you with insight on how to best complement your shingle roof and home.
Original post here https://ift.tt/3aqqSC5.
The post Ways to Help Homeowners Choose the Right Shingle Color appeared first on Pro Roof Restoration Frankston.
from Pro Roof Restoration Frankston https://ift.tt/2VAuM6X via IFTTT
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dazombi3fari3 · 5 years
Why hello there doll. Hope your Sunday is going great!! As promised I will be reviewing the new ColourPop Going Coconuts and Brown Sugar eyes shadow Pallets.
Retails for $12 on sale for $8.40
Retails for $15 on sale for $10.50
This pallet has 6 mattes and 3 metallics
This pallet also has 6 mattes and 3 metallics
I purchased both these pallets during the black Friday event. I paid $10.50 for the Brown Sugar pallet ( normally $15 ) and $8.40 for the Going Coconuts pallet ( normally $12 ). I used a coupon for free shipping also. ( can find coupon on retail me not’s website )
Both pallets offer 6 matte and 3 shimmery eyeshadows and both pallets offer a decent sized mirror.
Going Coconuts is a cool toned pallet and Brow Sugar is a warm toned pallet.
Both pallets have buttery smooth shadows with only a little kick back and both pallets shadows are highly pigmented and even though one is cool and one is warm toned I was able to combine both pallets for an incredible look today.
Of the two pallets I think I like the Going Coconuts pallet just a bit more. ( I tend to lean toward cool tones more than I do warm tones. )
When I was purchasing these pallets I though, because of the price, that they wouldn’t be good. Boy was I wrong.
Not only are they super pigmented, they blend like a dream. They blend into each other smoothly and do not muddle together so you are able to see each shade you use perfectly.
These are the first Colourpop eyeshadows I have tried and I am so impressed that I immediately purchased a 12 pan, build your own pallet (I paid 32.50 for 12 shadows and a magnetic pallet to store them in ).
Let’s talk Going Coconuts. The 6 mattes are… Shredded (a light flesh tone tan), Lovely Bunch (a peach toned tan), Get Crackin (a grey toned brown with flecks of silver glitter), Coolada (a yellow toned light tan), Shell Yeah (a reddish orange mid toned brown), and Nutty (a slightly grey toned deep brown). The 3 metallics are… Palm Reader (an icy white with a slight silver shift), Coco Crush (a peachy color, and my favorite color in the whole pallet), and Da Coco (a brownish copper with flecks of silver).
I have found that most metallics and glitter shadows have tons of fall out so I was totally expecting this to be the case with these shades…. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was zero fallout, and I mean zero.
I’m not big on metallic eyeshadows normally however this pallet has definitely changed my opinion on the matter. I am going to explore the world of metallics going forward.
Now on to Brown Sugar. Normally I steer clear of warm colored pallets but the shades in Brown Sugar are so amazingly beautiful that I just had to buy it.
The 6 mattes shades are Chai (a peachy medium tan), Jamocha (an orange toned light brown), Amber (a rusty deep orange), Sorrel (a medium true brown), and Choc ( a reddish deep brown).  The 3 shimmer shades are Ginger ( a warm toned peach), Auburn (a true toned copper), and  Saute (a plum toned brown with silver glitter).
Both pallets have .04 ounces of product. They come in hard plastic pallets with full sized mirrors.
Finally thoughts …. Both pallets are amazing…. and great alternatives to the basic neutral pallets I already own. Both are well worth full price and like I said at the beginning, these are the first eyeshadows i have purchased or even owned from ColourPop and I will most definitely be purchasing more. I kept my makeup on all day and my shadow stayed put all day.
Well that’s my review dolls. Hope you had enough spoons for the day and remember … save a spoon for a bit of makeup. XOXO
      ColourPop Neutral Shadow Pallet Review Why hello there doll. Hope your Sunday is going great!! As promised I will be reviewing the new ColourPop Going Coconuts and Brown Sugar eyes shadow Pallets.
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