#it's a side effect of having noble blood = super special rare powers
the-owl-tree · 1 year
I know you haven't posted a profile leader of the isekai girls' clan yet, and if you don't have all the details for them ironed out yet (besides Honeypaw and Frostblaze both being the leaders kits) that's all good. But while looking at your latest post about the au, it got me thinking: how do you think the leader feels about 'Honeypaw''s sudden personality change, unnatural (because they're human moves) new fighting style, and tendency to walk on her hind legs? Because I'd imagine even if they weren't particularly close before Honey replaced her, it'd definitely be eyebrow raising to someone who knew her beforehand.
i'll definitely be putting the parents on my to-do list since I have thought of them, mainly because my inspiration is a mix of things that made go oooh yes or pissed me off so badly i stole them JUST to tear them apart in this lol
Honeypaw's relationship with her father, Owlstar, is strained. His relationship with her mother is purely political: he wants an heir, she wanted to join their Clan. In the books (from Frostblaze's perspective), he's written as an aloof but noble cat who can be stern but only because he cares. In the "real" world of the book...he's a standoffish, absent father who cares little about Honeypaw (due to her lack of resemblance to him) and often speaks of his disappointment (despite him having little presence in her life to guide her).
When the real Honeypaw is killed, he is sad and he does grieve...but doesn't stay for the ceremony. When she does come, he's happy! He welcomes her, nuzzles her in greeting, and visits her in the medic's den as she recovers...but it's also stilted, awkward, and suffocating for them both. He says very little and sometimes scolds her for her recklessness (and while in the book this is passed off as him "caring but struggling show it", in practice...it just comes off as apathy to Honey & Honeypaw).
I'd imagine her first few moons of weirdness is him passing it off as a cry for attention until it continues...and not only does she no longer seek his approval, she actively avoids him. Honey would realize his and Honeypaw's relationship is strained pretty early on and, to keep Honeypaw from being in a bad mood and also to avoid having her own father scold her (her body more than her soul), basically stays out of his way.
I can't imagine he'd investigate too much, he's more preoccupied with his successful heir (even if he can't reveal her yet). It's only when Honeypaw continues to poke around, find out more secrets than she's supposed to that he begins to really question what's going on.
Honeypaw's mother, Beesnap, is also different than in her story form. In the book, she's written as a volatile, self-absorbed mother who defends Honeypaw with her fierce temper no matter what her daughter does. When Honey actually meets her? Beesnap is a rogue-born she-cat and her status as truly a member of the Clan is always being questioned. As a result of being isolated and demeaned, she put on a facade of confidence and snootiness, intent on not letting them get to her. When Honeykit was born, her only daughter, she vowed to make sure her child had a better life in the Clan than she'd be given - resulting in her fierce outbursts to defend her child. Owlstar is absent in Honeypaw's life and that only made Beesnap more focused on protecting her.
Beesnap knows something's going on with her kid but doesn't confront her for some reason. She becomes a cat that Honey goes to advice to often when Splashpaw is busy. Eventually I think Honey does try to reveal the truth...but Beesnap probably doesn't take the fact that her beloved daughter's been body snatched very well.
Her unnatural behavior does freak them both out, Beesnap keeps having to whisper for her daughter to stOP WALKING LIKE THAT EVERYONE IS STARING AT YOU-
ty for asking!! i kind of went off topic but your question got me thinking so i ended up rambling lol both of these guys are mainly inspired from how wc and these specific webcomics treat parents and i think that shows
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cornerverse-fma · 5 years
Monster AU:
Since it’s Halloween, let’s post this son of a bitch that I’ve been holding onto for months!
So, basically, it’s ‘AU where most characters are some sort of Magic Creature’. Because fuck it, you know? The story itself is kinda canon-parallel, but I haven’t thought out everything.
Anyway, first I’m starting off with tidbits on various creatures and stuff instead of straight into the story!
Ed and Al, and Hohenheim – Dragon
Technically Ed and Al are half-Dragon/half-Human, but due to Human Adaptability, Monster/Human Hybrids come out full monster(Monster/Monster Hybrids are rare, but would have abilities from both).
Ed and Al are also bumped up in age, being 18-ish. (so are the rest of the teens but whatever)
First up is the Monster Lore:
Dragon Magic is remains dormant until Awakened(because would you trust the unbridled chaos of a toddler with the ability to set stuff on fire?). It’s designed to be Awakened by another Dragon(usually a parent/guardian) after hitting puberty-age. Ed manages to find a loophole in this.
Dragons have three forms. Full Dragon, Human Disguise, and ‘Midform’(Human with Draconic features like wings, horns, claws, tail, and some scale freckles). Most Dragons feel most comfortable in Midform. While the Midform is still Human-sized, the Full Dragon form gets bigger with age! Ed and Al are young so they’re about the size of a small horse, but Hohenheim is 450-ish and enormous.
While they have the standard Dragon abilities of flight and fire, they also have general spellcasting abilities. Speaking of, another Dragon Ability is to either resist/deflect Magic, or enhance it, depending on if they want it used on them or not. It can even work subconsciously. For example, Ed and Al trust Winry, so her using Magic on them will always work, but they will resist spells from random people. This is another thing that gets stronger with age, as Ed and Al only have high resistance, but it’s difficult to find a spell powerful enough to get through Hohenheim.
Dragon Hoards are also a thing, but not in the usual gold/jewels way. Think of the Unusual Dragon Hoards art. A Dragon picks an item and creates a collection. When the instinct first kicks in, the Dragon will gather up as many items as they can find and just pile it up somewhere and not let anyone in. It calms down after a day or two. Ed’s hoard is actually friends because he’s a dork like that, but it gets difficult when he suddenly has five people in a cuddle pile and gets Very Upset when they try to get up.
Dragon Magic is Unique in it’s Source. Most Magic has an external Source(Fey have Nature, Witches have Spells, Vampires use others’ blood, etc.) A Dragon’s source is their own Life Energy. Using Magic will use up their Life Energy, but it replenishes itself with time, rest, and food. Despite being tied to their Life Energy, it’s very difficult to die from overusing Magic, as the Dragon will likely pass out from exhaustion before it gets unstable.
Very long-lived, but not Immortal. They age at the same rate as Humans until their twenties, and then aging slows dramatically. For example, Hohenheim is 450-ish, but is equal to a 30-ish year old Human.
Also! Colors! The colors of a Dragon’s scales are not genetic. It’s determined by the emotions they feel when their powers are Awakened. Ed is red, a color of passion and love, Al is green for a sense of belonging, and Hohenheim is white for freedom. (Accent colors like on horns and claws and such are still their usual gold)
On to character-specific tidbits:
Ed and Al
A lot of their story mirrors Canon, in that Hohenheim left for reasons unknown, and Trisha ends up dying. They do kinda get on a ‘maybe we can cook up some necromancy?’ idea, but that’s shut down real quick.
Ed still loses his leg somehow, because that’s constant in all my Aus.
Instead of focusing on fixing their shit, the boys are instead trying to figure out what the hell they are. Because, like, no one really knew that Hohenheim was a Dragon. They knew he was more than just a Witch, but they didn’t know what he was. He did tell Trisha, but neither of them told the boys. And since Dragon Magic remains dormant until Awakened, they’ve experienced minimal side effects. None of which are common Monster traits.
So they’re studying different Monsters in a hope to figure out what they are. The plan if they run across Hohenheim is to ask what they are and also punch him(Ed says punch first then ask, Al says ask and maybe punch.)
This does lead them to working for Mustang.
His story also probably mirrors Canon. I’m not entirely sure what all goes down or how Father functions in this AU(I think I’m doing the ‘evil twin’ thing again, in which case I’m making him a black dragon for contrast!).
Him leaving is definitely still connected to this, though when he’s not actively working on that he uses the whole ‘Dragons can negate most Magic and are rare enough that people don’t have special defenses for them’ thing to help people out. Especially Monsters that get kidnapped for various reasons.
Hohenheim is also less depressed in this AU! Like, obvs he still has some issues. But being 450 years old is a lot more common so he doesn’t have that Angst™ hanging over him. Nor does he have the Angst™ of said Immortality being gained through a bunch of murder, since it’s just his natural lifespan. So we get to see more of his not-depressed side.
Winry – Witch
Monster Lore is short this time. Witches in this Universe are highly debated about whether they are Monsters or not, as they are basically just ‘Humans with the ability to use Magic’. Different people have different opinions on it.
Winry(and her family) consider themselves more on the Monster side, doing doctor stuff for all sorts of creatures.
Of course Automail is still a thing, and of course the Rockbell family is well known for it. Specifically, they make Automail that also hooks into a Monster’s Magic, and will function as they do. For example, Ed’s still missing a leg in this AU. So when he switches between Human, Dragon, and Midform, he needs his leg to change too.
Ling, Greed, and Lust – Vampires.
So, a few character tidbits before the Monster Lore:
Despite being a Vampire, he’s still the same age as Ed. He was only Turned a couple years ago. Reasons for that are… not fun. It involves an abusive ex, becoming friends with Greed and Lust to get out of that, and ends in a ‘only way to save his life is to make him a vampire’ situation.
Before that he was just a Witch. Kinda neutral on the ‘are Witches ‘Monster’ or ‘Human’?’ debate, but Monster-friendly.
Greed and Lust
Much like my Groupchat AU, the Sins Crew and Father are mostly not related except for these two, and the Sins did work for Father for a while but they’ve all kinda fucked off. (The Sins crew do mostly stay in contact though).
Used to be Human(maybe Witches?). They were from a noble family about 200 years ago. Greed was Turned thanks to political drama, and was kicked out of the family. Lust willingly went with him.
While they’re around 200, due to Vampires being a bit frozen in time, they’re only a little older than Ed and Ling.
They operate this Universe’s version of the Devil’s Nest, which is a Montser-friendly bar.
Some Vampire Lore applies, some doesn’t.
They don’t have to be ‘invited in’(But they typically stick to societal rules of ‘don’t break in like a jackass’)
Sunlight and Garlic sort of bother them, but not like in some lore. They’re designed to be nocturnal, so being out in the sun is like ‘wtf???’ to their senses. Same with Garlic, which can easily overload their sense of smell(but so can any strong smell)
They can be burned by silver
The no reflection/can’t be photographed thing is sort of true. Old mirrors and cameras used silver. Nowadays mirrors use cheap metals and photo/video is digital, so they show up.
Religious symbols are tricky. It depends on how much the Vampire and the person warding them off believe in said religion.
Vampires have an ‘Enthrall Enchantment’, but it’s not, like, straight up hypnotism. It just kinda makes the person they’re biting feel a bit good and fuzzy and not really in pain. It also helps heal the bite afterward. I’ll discuss this more later.
Vampires need blood, but it doesn’t have to be Human blood. It’s just safest because Monster Blood can have various side effects.
Werewolf blood causes an effect similar to alcohol.
Fae blood causes a different prank each time(minor stuff, like turning your hair purple for a week)
Blood from Monsters related to Religions(like Angels or Demons) are actually poisonous.
Dragon blood causes a large power boost.
This is the Loophole Ed found for Awakening Dragon Magic.
The blood they drink has to be relatively fresh. ‘Straight from the tap’ is best, a vial of blood is good for a few hours
There is the question of ‘do Vampires need blood to live?’.
Technically? They get very weak if they don’t, especially in the Magic Department. But they usually die from said weakness than outright ‘not getting blood’.  
Vampires are Immortal as long as they continue to drink blood. even to the point of self-healing if they have enough.
Technically, a Vampire doesn’t need to eat or sleep if they have a decent blood source. However, it is better for them if they do as they can last longer between ‘drinks’.
Much like the other side effects I listed before, different blood lasts longer. Dragon blood would last longer than Human blood, for example.
Mustang –  Faerie (Fire-based)
An odd choice for him, but I’m running with it!
Time for Monster Lore:
All Fae love legal loopholes and the bullshit technicalities.
Usually Faeries are somewhat allergic to metal(especially iron). Occasionally there are ones that have no issue it, but it’s super rare.
A Faerie’s Magic Source is some form of nature. Fire-based ones have the ability to sort of create their own source(they can magically light fire to become their source). Think how stuff works in ATLA. Water users need a body of liquid, earth users need earth, but fire users can kinda make it themselves in decent conditions.
They’re still effected by other Elements though. Mustang’s whole ‘useless in the rain’ thing is still a problem. Even more than Canon. Like, he won’t die if put in water(the man has to shower sometimes), but it does make him very low-energy and overall weaker. He does not like swimming.
Also! Faerie Wings!! Gotta have those! The colors resemble a Faerie’s respective Source Element, but aren’t made out of it, so no literal fire wings. They do glow a lot when using powerful Magic. They can also be ‘put away’ to pass as Human(or just for convenience of not knocking shit over in narrow hallways).
Character tidbits
One of the few Fae that don’t have an issue with metals.
Between that, and the fact that the wings are usually ‘put away’, most people assume he’s just a Witch. He doesn’t correct them as it does make him more liked.
He subconsciously feels a connection to Ed and Al due to his Fire Magic nature picking up on their Dragon Fire. It’s one of the reasons why he tolerates their shenanigans(the other reason being that after about ten minutes getting to know them he was like ‘okay you’re my kids now’)
mini things on other characters that I don’t have story for yet:
The rest of the Sins Crew:
Envy is a shapeshifter(of course).
Pride is some sort of shadow monster(again, of course.)
Sloth is one of those Dream Eater Spirit things? You know what I’m talking about. He spends most of his time asleep in the Dream Realm.
Idk about Gluttony or Wrath yet.
Mustang’s Team!
Idk what everyone is yet, but they’re all Monsters of some sort.
Hawkeye is absolutely something with wings tho because HAWKeye!
Not sure what Mei is. Maybe just a Witch, but maybe something more? (obvs on her mom’s side though).
I also want to put Lan Fan in, but I’m not sure where or what she’d be? I think what happens here is that she was friends with Ling, but then his whole ‘bad relationship and becoming a Vampire’ thing happens. She feels guilty for not protecting him from that, and they end up going separate ways for a while, but they’d end up reconnecting at some point.
Story Plot Points!
The whole thing kinda kicks off because Ed and Ling are dating. Yes. Really.
Like, they get to that point in the relationship where Ling invites Ed over and is like “Okay, so I’m not actually Human?”. Because that’s a talk people have to have at somepoint
Ed’s like “cool me neither?”. He further explains the whole thing of how he knows he’s a Monster of some sort but doesn’t know which kind.
He then proceeds to ask a fuckton of questions about Vampires because he hasn’t studied one in-person before, and he noticed Ling goes against the typical rules(can’t go in sunlight, must be invited in, etc.)
As they’re talking on this, Ling mentions that different Monster blood has different effects.
Ed’s thought process is that he could use this to narrow down the search for what kind of monster he is by seeing the effect his blood has on Ling.
Ling’s… hesitant for several reasons.
But Ed insists and makes it very clear that he’s okay with it.
This is where the loopholes kick in!
As Vampire Magic uses the blood they drink, it also counts as the Magic of that creature. So Ling using Ed’s blood qualifies as Dragon Magic, and since the Enthrallment is in effect, that kickstarts Ed’s Magic.
This causes a panic as Ling’s Magic is suddenly a hell of a lot stronger and the Enthrallment is a lot more intense.
There’s also panic because once they stop that part, Ed’s just like ‘Holy FUCK I feel GREAT!’, but Ling knows he shouldn’t feel that good right now and he’s overheating. He’s like ‘Okay, that good feeling is probably you hallucinating or something so let’s go into the bathroom in case you throw up?’
And then Ed just kinda bursts into flames? Luckily they were already in the bathroom so Ling just kinda douses him in the shower.
Next day they head back to Ed’s place (He and Al live with Winry in this AU?). And they explain what happened. They agree that they have a decent lead here, but they need someone more knowledgeable. And, well, Ling knows some people.
Ling takes them down to the Devils’ Nest. As mentioned, Greed and Lust run the place.
They talk to Greed mostly. After explaining everything, he tells Ed to try something. Said thing ends with the boy breathing fire.
Greed’s just like ‘congrats kid you’re a fucking Dragon!’.
Greed and Lust share various tidbits about what they know about Dragons, but admit that there’s probably a lot of stuff they’re forgetting or just straight up don’t know.
They explain the whole ‘dormant Magic only activated by Dragon Magic’, and the probable loophole.
They also explain that once Ed finishes the ‘Awakening’, he’ll be able to ‘Awaken’ Al’s Magic easily. (Though Greed does offer to recreate the loophole(Al is very flustered but currently declines))
Speaking of, they do warn Ed that there’s a bit more to go through. Mostly that he’ll have three forms, but the first time he transforms will be involuntary and painful. Best way to deal with it is ‘when you feel your back start to itch like crazy, take some strong pain meds and lay on your stomach’.
By the time they get back home, Ed’s starting to feel that. So he decides to just go to bed early, and everyone else just kinda tries to sleep too. (like, he says he’s fine and they don’t hear him screaming so he’s probably good?). Ling also stays, but since Ed wants his space for this he stays on the couch.
Next morning, Ed comes down and everyone is fuckin floored. They’re staring but he doesn’t notice at first because he’s very hungry and raiding the fridge for everything.
Basically, since his Magic was supposed to be awakened years ago, his body kinda stopped growing, resulting in him looking a bit ‘stuck at 15’. Now the Magic is making up for lost time, so it’s a somewhat literal ‘puberty hit him like a truck’ situation. (Ling and Winry are both like hearteyesmotherfucker!
Like, you know that picture comparing Ed in the early episodes of fma:b to the later episodes and being all ‘look how much he grew!’? That, but overnight. Ya boi got kinda tall. He’s still shorter than Ling but he’s taller than Winry. (With the potential to grow taller now!)
One of the reasons for the height is that he’s in his midform, aka: Human with Draconic features. This includes his legs being digitigrade, so it’s kinda like he’s constantly standing on his toes. (His Human form is technically shorter because of this).
They also focus on the Dragon-y features more. Like the wings, and the horns, and the tail!! His eyes are the slit-pupil thing, and while his teeth have always been kinda sharp he now has full on fangs. Then they also notice his arms transitioning from skin to scale, starting at the elbow until his hands are claws. (his regular leg also does this from the knee down). His ears are also pointed and scale covered, and he has a few scale freckles on his cheeks.
They have about five minutes of normal before something goes weird. Because suddenly Ed is being ridiculously clingy but is seemingly unaware of how weird that is and cannot seem to explain why.
They’re like ‘why are you hugging me?’ and he’s like ‘Why wouldn’t I be?’. And like, if they try to step away for a minute he gets very Upset™
Somehow they manage to make it back to the Devils’ Nest to ask Greed. The group finds a seat on a couch and at this point Ed’s in full cuddle mode, just hugging the three of them and laying across them and he’s kinda like a cat on catnip.
When Greed gets within five feet, Ed suddenly shoots up and stares at him. He freezes, waiting for Ed to make a move. When Ed nods, he takes a step closer. When he takes a second step, Ed pounces forward and drags him into the cuddle pile.
Greed is mildly confused, but explains to the others that this is just the ‘hoarding instinct’ kicking in, and he’ll be back to normal soon enough.
Since he’s not allowed to leave(Ed is stronger than he looks and also even if Greed could leave Ed’s fucking face is too much), he kinda tells Lust to take over running the bar for the day.
The whole ‘get within five feet and Ed shoots up’ thing happens with her, but Greed calms Ed down by saying ‘it’s okay she’s a friend’.
Of course, when she goes to leave, she finds that while she was out of range of Ed leaning over to grab her, she didn’t notice the tail around her leg.
She gets dragged in, and while Greed tells someone else to take over(from a distance), he also suggests they take this party upstairs.
Al says a thing about ‘can you stop flirting for five seconds?’. Greed responds with a ‘while I would love to invite you to my bed for other reasons, now is not the time’.
Al gets oddly flustered by this
They’re trying to figure out what the connection is between all of them that makes them part of Ed’s Hoard. Lust asks more directly ‘why the fuck did you drag me into this??’. And Ed just points to Greed and says ‘He said you are a friend.’. as if it makes complete sense.
Turns out that Ed’s hoard is friendship. And combined with the fact that(despite his grumpiness) he gets easily attached, it took little for Greed and Lust to be considered friends.
Everyone does have the freedom to leave, and sometimes they do because they need to get up and stretch or use the bathroom or grab a snack. But whenever they do Ed just sits up and stares at the door until they come back.
By the next morning, Ed’s kind of back to normal. Like, he still has the instinct in there and all, but everyone can do their own thing and Ed’s a lot more calm. He’s also very embarrassed about the whole thing.
Of course, Ed and Al remember they were supposed to drop by Mustang’s office a few days ago. Mostly because they get a call like ‘are y’all okay?’.
Ed shifts into the Human Disguise form to head down there, but everyone still notices something is up because he’s suddenly the same height as Hawkeye.
They’re all like ‘okay kid. Drop whatever tall spell you found this time’. Ed just grins maniacally and says ‘it’s no spell! I look like this now!’. Al confirms it, but is realizing how obnoxious Ed’s going to be about the height.
They explain that they figured out what the hell they are, and Ed shows off both the full Dragon form and the Midform.
Obvs the team asks how they figured it out, and Ed explains that Dragon Magic is dormant until another Dragon Awakens it, but they found a loophole.
‘Wait, a loophole? What loophole?’, “Uh… a Vampire using my blood?’, ‘Did you get attacked by a Vampire?!’, ‘No, it’s a friend and I asked him to because different monster blood has different effects’, ‘and you were okay with a guy just getting all up in your personal space and biting your neck like that?’, “Well, he’s the kind of friend where I’d be okay with him‘getting all up in my personal space and biting my neck’ anyway.’. ‘Oh.’
Yeah. They didn’t know Ed was dating anyone, much less a guy. So that’s a conversation.
When asked why it’s just Ed who went through the whole thing while Al’s still ‘normal’, they say that they’re mostly waiting to see what all happens to Ed and how to deal with it.
Although, Ed does point out that if they don’t do it soon it’ll probably happen accidentally since it’s basically a ‘next time he uses Magic on Al situation’.
Then Ed’s like ‘Or, you know, you could always ask Greed to ‘recreate the loophole!’. Al gets very flustered again and is just like ‘willyoushutthefuckuppleaseohmyfuckinggod’
Overall, they’d like some report on what else they find out.
Next plot goes on to ‘testing out powers’. Specifically. The boys want to test out the ‘resist and enhance’ aspect.
They bring in Ling and Greed for this, killing two birds with one stone and also studying the Vampire’s Enthrallment at the same time.
Of the various things they’re testing:
Resisting the spell
‘enhancing’ the spell
differences between the resist/enhance skill of an Awakened Dragon vs. not Awakened
if the Enthrallment Enchantment is different between Vampires(and between who it’s being used on)
Ed and Al also already came up with a ‘payment method’, since they’ll be asking Greed and Ling to use up a bunch of Magical Energy to do this. Said payment is, of course, blood. Ed will ‘pay’ for Ling, while Greed and Al get to ‘recreate the loophole’.
We’re going to jump right into my Al/Greed Rarepair because fuck it it’s my fanfic and I pick the ships!
So their banter has been going back and forth for a bit. Like, at first it was just Greed flirting and Al getting flustered, but once Al gets into the rhythm he can kinda flirt back but neither really realized it was more than banter until now
Al realizes it because of what they figure out about the Enthrallment. Because it effected them differently and the emotions it brought forth wasn't anything unfamiliar. Like, Al found Ling’s Enthrallment to be comfortable, because he’s a friend. But Greed’s made him fluttery and giddy and all that. Meanwhile, Ed felt the opposite.
So when they are alone and he has Greed biting his neck, Al ends up going in for a kiss.
And while the feeling is returned, it leaves Greed somewhat flustered and confused. He manages to distract Al with the ‘you’re probably gonna catch fire in a minute so maybe deal with that first’ thing.
Next time they really see each other is after Al’s turn with the ‘puberty hit him like a truck’ situation, but Greed’s kind of… he’s still a little hesitant and confused about things so he’s giving Al space, but Al doesn’t know that so it’s like ‘is he avoiding me?? Why??’.
Al even wonders if it has something to do with his Midform, and tends to stay in Human Disguise more often around Greed.
Next time they’re alone for a bit they end up talking that out though. And also making out I guess.
Okay! So! A Lot of other plot stuffhappens.
Like, probably things like meeting other characters and also the rest of the Sins Crew, finding out about various fuckery going on. I mean, I did say that while the Sins Crew all kinda left, Father himself is still an Asshole™ and doing some major villain stuff.
So they find out all that and a bunch of other things too. I haven’t thought all that out yet.
Out of the stuff that I have planned out though, the next thing to happen is Ed getting a little kidnapped. Idk exactly ‘why’, other than ‘some assholes are grabbing random monsters’, but who knows what they’re doing with them it’s not important.
Anyway, Ed’s already on his way to break out, when he happens to run into Hohenheim.
Oh boy is that a trip. I mean, first off we have them just being ‘why the fuck are you here? Why am I here? Why are you here?!’ and just generally being that pointing spiderman meme. After the initial shock, Ed’s kinda ready to punch, but then Hohenheim just says things that Ed didn’t expect.
Like, Ed expected Hohenheim to just be some asshole who never cared. But he’s immediately concerned about Ed and seems to, you know, care about him.
The thing that really hits him though is when he says something along the lines of ‘Let’s get you out of here and back home. Your mother’s probably worried about you!’.
He realizes ‘oh god he has no clue’. And then he realizes ‘oh god I’m going to have to tell him’.
And like, I’m not gonna get too into that Angst Fest™, but there is kind of a minor breakdown because how else do you react to that news?
But that whole thing is enough to make Ed stop and think things through and overall give Hohenheim chance.
They then end up going on their own adventures while Ed tries to get back home.
And of course various strange bonding experiences happen along the way
A lot of that bonding is learning about Dragon Tricks. Especially flying because while Ed kinda figured out a little bit he hasn’t had anyone with wings(or at least the same kind of wings) to really teach him.
During one flight Ed suddenly catches a familiar scent
obvs everyone is looking for Ed, and he manages to find Ling, Greed and Lust
Ed does a literal flying tackle at Ling and knocks him over. There’s a minor fight because Ling doesn’t realize he’s not being attacked but you know.
After hugging the fuck out of Ling, Ed tells Greed and Lust to get down there too. Greed’s like ‘hell no I’m not getting on the ground to hug you!’ but he forgets about the tail. Lust gives in.
They ask what the fuck happened and Ed’s like ‘where do I even begin??’
At some point Hohenheim had popped up and is like ‘maybe start with introductions?”
then you get the comedic thing of the Vampires looking up, and then continuing to look up, and then being terrified of the giant fucking dragon.
Ed’s just all causal like ‘so, uh, I found my dad?’.
Walking into the nearest town is fun
Ed’s kinda clinging to Ling because goddamn it he was lonely!
At some point Ling kinda starts to stumble a little and Ed’s concerned. Greed says ‘he’s fine he’s just and idiot’.
Basically Ling hasn’t had any blood since the last time he drank from Ed. Which was a while ago at this point, so he’s kinda getting a little weak. Not dangerously but imagine the feeling of pulling an all nighter without caffeine.
Ed offers, but Ling brushes it off by saying if he took a drink now, then Ed would be the one weak and stumbling so it doesn’t make a difference, it can wait until they get a place to stay for the night.
Not putting up with that shit, Ed transforms into Full Dragon and offers a ride. Ling’s a little bit like ‘really??’
Greed’s kinda jokingly like ‘why don’t I get offered a ride?’. Ed says ‘well, when we get back home you can ask Al.” Greed opens his mouth to make a joke, looks over to Hohenheim, and decides he really should shut up.
Lust is kinda like ‘hey. Why are we walking into town when we have a large Dragon that can carry all of us?’
Hohenheim’s answer is ‘First of all, I am not a taxi service. Furthermore, if people saw a large Dragon land in the middle of town, they would freak the fuck out.
Ling falls asleep on the way back.
They manage to get a hotel room in the next town they come across. Ed and Ling get their own room, of course.
They go to do the whole ‘blood drinking’ thing, but Ling’s still very hesitant.
Ed has noticed this a lot and at first he figured it was the typical ‘I’m new to being a Vampire and hesitant to do something so weird/taboo/etc.’ thing, but now he’s getting the feeling its something else and ends up asking about it.
So, big trigger warning for that whole ‘abusive relationship’ thing I mentioned way back in the beginning. But, like, that’s kind of what’s up. Like, his Ex used to use the effect of the Enchantment to be manipulative. And Ling’s kind of afraid of accidentally doing that to Ed.
Ed just points out that 1. he knows when Ling is using the enchantment and knows how to separate his feelings from it, 2. the enchantment itself doesn’t make him feel all love-y (he brings up the whole ‘testing it with Greed’ thing as proof, since it didn’t spark any romance with Greed.), and 3. Ed is a Dragon. His own Magic can cancel out the Enchantment if he chooses to do so.
The whole thing does get Ling to relax about it. It’ll still take a while for him to get comfortable using it on Ed, but now Ed knows to not try doing anything romantic while under the Enchantment.
Okay! On with that! The group eventually gets back to home base and they meet up with Al and Winry and whoever else is a friend at this point.
Ed fucking tackle hugs them, of course.
After that Al and Winry notice Hohenheim and they can’t even figure out how to process that they just gesture like ‘what the fuck?’
Ed explains what happened and they’re kind of like ‘you know what fine.
Time for more family bonding with Hohenheim talking to Al for a while.
Time for another Rarepair because this is my fic and I choose the ships!
So, like, Mustang meeting Hohenheim.
Mustang’s just like, staring for a bit. And it’s not helped by the fact that Hohenheim has no sense of personal space when he’s investigating other creatures(because he’s a nerd and that’s what he likes to do).
Mustang is flustered to the point that Ed and Al actually notice and are like ‘bruh what is up with you?”
Obviously he lies as tries to say it’s a reaction to a large source of fire magic. Ed and Al are like ‘really? Because you never do that around us.’
Someone (Probably Hughes) eventually calls him out says ‘magic reaction my ass you think the guy’s pretty!’
Ed and Al are confused by this revelation but are kinda chill with it? Mostly they don’t know how to feel so they’re just going to be chill out of confusion. 
That’s all I got on the plot so far because fuck it.
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thebiscuiteternal · 7 years
So I have decided to make a fucking huge overhaul to the evil corandwich AU, which I’m gonna be calling the Immortal Empress AU from now on. 
ALTEA - Never totally grew out of its xenophobia, but under King Lothal (Alfor’s dad), they became less straight up smash and invade conquerors and more insidious. Like “Knock, knock. Wouldn’t you like to be under our protection? Because if you’re not, you’ll be our enemy. And look at what we’ve done to all our prior enemies.”  - Twelve galaxies are currently under their control when Alfor takes the throne. Not “heart-stopping terror” threat level because they’re pretending to be diplomatic, but planets that come under their notice definitely have reason to be scared. - Did I mention the xenophobia? Whoo buddy. They put up pretenses of diplomacy and niceities, but you better believe that they regard all other races as Well Beneath Them. Mixed bloods are a scandal. - The latest unfortunate planet to come under their microscope is Mabarka. The inhabitants have enough genetic similarity to Alteans that other races sometimes get them confused, even though Mabarkans are obviously different and inferior, and this is an affront to Altean sensibilites. So is Mabarkan culture.  - Enter the political and social quagmire of Alfor’s marriage to-
ILLYERE - Halfblooded instead of a quarter. Mother was a fullblood Mabarkan, father was an Altean trader and minor noble. - Three younger sisters and a younger brother. Her father and the second daughter were killed in an incident arranged by a rival family and police halfassed the investigation because even if he was a noble, who cared about a weirdo and his marblood kin? Illyere’s mother and siblings saw the writing on the wall and fled to Mabarka, but Illyere was stuck, since someone had to maintain her father’s business or it would be seized. - Still a former archaeology student. - Initially thought Alfor was kind and gentle and protective, if very quiet; a big difference from the rest of his family. 
ALFOR - His parents wanted to raise a prime manipulator and schemer who would be able to further expand Lothal’s changes in Altean conquest.  - They might have succeeded too well, since his mother never could figure out during the courtship what his actual feelings and goals for Illyere were. - Ultimately confided in his father that he was playing a long political game where positioning Illyere as Queen would secure a trade stranglehold on Mabarka because he could basically wave her blood ties as a battle flag. In turn, the overhanging threat to her kin and people would secure good behavior on her part. Lothal was so proud. - Allura also doesn’t have much to work with in terms of warm memories of her father. She mostly remembers him as a vague presence, occasionally disapproving of certain things (which were, surprise, marks of her mixed heritage). - Zarkon was extremely uncomfortable around him. He recognized platonic versions of a lot of the same gaslighting treatments given to Illyere since he was around the castle a lot, but even recognizing them didn’t keep him from occasionally falling prey, and he was constantly put on edge by this person who could seemingly be friendly one minute and then calmly leveling threats against his people the next.
GALRA NATION - Having become a permanently spacefaring people due to the decline of their home planet, the Galra Nation is a mobile fleet several thousand ships strong.  - Still has a strong base in exploration. - Managed to avoid being drawn into much direct contact with Altea until the Black Lion chose Zarkon. Then it was basically “Be a Paladin or we start with the flagship and destroy you down to the last freighter.” So, yeah, Zarkon knows a lot how Illyere feels.
ZARKON - Had learned the hard way to keep his temper in check as an adolescent. Grew up into every bit the noble, hardworking, sharp leader the Nation needed. Then the Black Lion came knocking. - Constantly unsettled by his teammates and by his own lion. He’s sure Black is getting into his head somehow to make him more compliant, but he has no way to prove it. - Frequently stopped to talk to Illyere during castle visits because again, they were basically hostages together. Super awkward friendship because she was constantly trying to convince him to knock it off since he was risking Alfor’s displeasure by being around her.
THE OTHER PALADINS - Inji - Yulnadae - Interro mad-scientist-for-hire, Elakka’s mother/creator. Accepted a position on the team in return for funding/test subjects. - Dimas - Orichian - Mercenary of absolutely no scruples. Would build weaponry for the right price, no matter how nasty the employers. - Kaecha - Omrikki - Blood knight. Enjoys battle to terrifying degrees.
THE MARRIAGE/THE SEPARATION - After Allura was born, Illyere was sent to live in a different wing of the castle. She pretty much figured at this point that her days were numbered since she’d produced an heir, and just gave up on “relationship” and tried to keep her head down and behave. - As salt in the wound, she was forbidden contact with her new daughter, and Alfor assigned Nurse Prichel, who’d been the midwife to help birth Illyere and her siblings and one of her very few friends on-planet, to both look after the new princess and keep her away. Illyere’s first attempt to get past her to see Allura just wound up emotionally gutting them both and she never tried again. - Several decades later, either seeking another child or having forgiven her from whatever perceived sleight, Alfor ordered her back into the main rooms of the castle, where she stayed until the Curiosity’s accident. - Did he actually love Illyere somewhere in all this? Was it all posturing for politics? Illyere has no idea. She tells herself that there had to be some affection in there somewhere or he wouldn’t have kept her around for so long, but she also admits she could be fully deluding herself.  She likens his very rare shows of affection after the wedding as being more like someone who didn’t know how to handle a pet.
CORAN - Originally the only guard assigned to Illyere after she was more or less banished. Also a spy intended to report on her activities to her husband, lest she misbehave enough to warrant a political incident. - Was initially somewhat taken aback by her seeming lack of care about her own life. Not really because he cared, but because he wasn’t used to nobility not being paranoid about assassination. - Started to develop some respect for and actually talk to Illyere after he found that while Illyere wouldn’t put much energy in defending herself, she would fight like a demon for the life of Turimi, her sole maid and friend in the castle. - Events evented, first an emotional and then physical affair began.  - After Illyere was recalled and Alfor discovered they’d been intimate, Coran pretty much figured he was a dead man, but, strangely, Alfor kept Illyere and laid claim on him as well, making for a very strange relationship behind closed doors. - Remained unsuredly by Alfor’s side after Illyere’s disappearance, but was never comfortable with it. - Spoke out vehemently against the experiments being proposed for Allura, and as punishment, was the first one subjected to them as the guinea pig to see if they’d be survivable. Did survive, but because his body wasn’t used to any kind of Quintessence funneling, wound up with some nasty side effects.
OUTBREAK - After the disappearance of the Curiosity and the presumed death of Illyere, Altea’s Council of Governors wasted no time taking advantage of the then-null unspoken agreement that had protected Mabarka. In swift order, a false report that Illyere’s family had attacked the castle and endangered Alfor and Allura in retaliation for her death was put out to the public and calls for blood rose up. - To make absolutely sure Mabarka would have no chance at defending itself, Altea chose not to use Voltron. Instead, advantage was taken of the fact that Mabarka had no protective shielding satellites, and orbital bombardment was ordered of the entire planet. For three days. After that, the hunt began for offworld stragglers. - Zarkon at this point realized how utterly worthless his position as the Black Paladin was to Altea (he was never sure whether the plot to attack Mabarka was Alfor’s, or the Governors’ and Alfor just made no effort to stop it, so he has conflicting feelings about Alfor’s role) because the second he was dead or Black chose someone else, the Galra Nation was as good as annihilated. And so the seeds of rebellion began as he began quietly mobilizing all military force the Nation had. And he wasn’t the only one.
ALLURA - Was raised on the belief that her mother was a fullblooded Altean who died in childbirth. Also kept mostly isolated from the public to make sure she never caught glimpses of her real mother and started asking questions. - As the new war dragged on and several actual attempts were made on Alfor’s life, Inji, the Red Paladin, proposed an idea. If, somehow, one of these were to succeed, shouldn’t the next ruler be a bit hardier? Having seen the sixteen-turned Allura’s enhanced healing (due to Illyere) and affinity for handling Quintessence, why not see what fortifying her with the substance would do? After making sure the experiment wouldn’t kill her (see above), Alfor agreed. In probably an example of Karma saying “alright, last straw,” Zarkon finally managed to kill him approximately five years later. - Was almost immediately propagandized as The Immortal Empress. Because Alfor’s death had given Zarkon the chance to steal and hide the Lions of Voltron, a specialized mecha suit (think Escaflowne) was designed to draw off her Quintessence powers, making her a battlefield juggernaut. - Problem was, while the continued experimentation did prolong her life and make her nigh-invulnerable, it also began taking its toll on her mind. Nightmares, daytime hallucinations, insomnia, just for starters. The Council of Governors gradually began taking more and more control as she became more and more isolated.
THE PRESENT - Zarkon and what remains of the Galra Nation are still valiantly fighting, but it seems like the Altean Empire just keeps growing and growing, fueled by Allura’s combat victories. - The Lions remain dormant, their previous pilots thankfully long dead. Zarkon has tried repeatedly to find new ones, but they refuse to wake. He’s not entirely sure that’s a bad thing, since he remembers what Black did to him and he can’t be sure that if Voltron wakes, the mecha won’t just go back to his former masters. - While the propaganda still paints Allura as the Immortal Empress, guiding Altea to victory and prosperity, no one has publicly seen her outside of her mecha in thousands of years. The Altean public just assumes she’s quietly leading the Council of Governors and letting them publicly air her decisions, but the truth is the Council holds all the power and is basically using her as a figurehead and a weapon, kept a closely guarded secret under the care of a small cadre of scientists. - One of whom is Honerva, who has just recently defected to the Galra with all she knows. Altea wants her back. And dead. Preferably they’d like to kill her themselves after pumping her brain, but they’re not picky. - Coran is still quietly lurking in the castle, the only one who can get past all the security measures to see Allura. He feels he owes it to Illyere to look after her daughter as best he can.
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edh-a-to-z · 7 years
10 - Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
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I’ve been waiting for this one for a while. Oh yea.
After Akuta, we need a good commander to wash out the ashy taste. And Alesha, boy does she deliver.
Our Alesha will be a budget reanimator deck. As always, budget is a relative term, but most of our cards will be draft fodder and bulk rares. Mixed in are some reanimation that costs a couple of bucks. I’ll list the cards for each section (purpose, price, and other factors).
Budget includes bulk rares (usually under $0.75). Modest priced cards are $0.75 to $2.50. Pricey is from $2.50 to $7.50, and above that is expensive. (Again, looking at you Sword of Body and Mind). You’ll only need the budget and modest cards to make the core of the deck, but more expensive options should be considered for upgrades later on, or to include if you already have them.
This looks like my longest post yet, so I’m hoping I did okay. Hope it’s a decent primer for getting to know Alesha.
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(special thanks to @alesha-who-smiles-at-memes for helping me with this)
Alesha was the last Khan of Mardu, before Sarkhan the A*hole ruined a perfectly nice plane with a bunch of damn flying lizards. That’s about it. Kolaghan was chill at the time, and said “Yo Alesha, lets work together.” And they did.
Later Kolaghan would turn out to be a huge jerk and go crazy over her brood. They lost their Mardu name, became cannibals, etc. And worst of all, Dragonlord Kolaghan is awful in EDH.
But back to Alesha.
The Mardu Horde was heavily based off the Mongol Hordes, with effective raiding strategies and usage of horse archers (and lightning magic. Slight advantage over the Mongols). When a Mardu warrior made their first kill in battle, they chose a new name emblematic of what they do (see Zurgo Helmsmasher) Raid and Dash rewarded aggressive plays. 
Alesha is the only khan to not submit/die to the dragons (as mentioned above). Notably, she’s a human transgender woman, who chose her name after her grandmother. The Mardu care less for traditional gender roles/identities, and are more of the mind “we judge you based on what you do.” 
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The lady, the legend. On her own, a 3/2 first striker for 2R is solid. 
Then you look at her ability. Phew. Now that is some text.
We get Mardu color identity and Power =< 2 resurrection and quasi haste for   2*(W/B). Now that’s power.
She’s also human and warrior. Not sure what tribal stuff would justify being put in, but there’s gotta be someone out there.
Alesha enables a lot of builds, but usually revolves around the graveyard. Death and taxes, good old aristocrats, and self-mill and recur. Alesha is just so versatile, with such fun colors, you gotta get a copy.
This build is neapolitan. It doesn’t really run any combos, but has multiple ways to fill the ‘yard - sac outlets, discards, self-milling - some aristocrat stuff to take advantage. Basically an Alesha value build that can be taken to more combo-oriented wins, or combat-oriented. 
Heck, there’s Alesha Voltron builds. Skies the limit. Here we go.
Resurrection, resurrection for days.
Every Alesha deck wants to play with recursion, so I’ll just go with that, leaving spicier builds to those most familiar with her (I myself use her solely as a budget commander).
We need things that are generally CMC >= 3 (to make Alesha’s ability a discount) and Power <= 2 (to work with the ability).
To help, we want discard engines, sac effects, Entomb - style effects, and recursion independent of Alesha (like Reanimate). 
(1) Reanimation Targets
I’m going to do an itemized list here. Gonna be long. Here we go.
Angel of Invention - Modest price; comes in as a anthem at 4/3 spread over one or three bodies. 
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Karmic Guide - Modest price; recursion, and it kills itself to be used again.
Knight-Captain of Eos - Modest; and gives you a Fog on command, and some bodies for sac’ing. Also a sac outlet for soldiers.
Sensor Splicer - Budget; brings a token to the field with it.
Blade Splicer - Modest; token generator, Sensor’s big sister
Urbis Protector - budget; token generator
Azorius Justicar - budget, pacifies potential defenders that’ll block your team
Custodi Soulbinders - budget; The first of our 0/0 creatures that enters with a swarm of +1/+1 tokens. This guy also makes extra spirits as a mana dump.
Aven Cloudchaser - budget; toolbox for enchantment destruction (replaceable with any creature that ETB destroys enchantment, like Soltari Visionary)
Palace Jailer, Fiend Hunter, Fairgrounds Warden, Banisher Priest - all budget; all act as Oblivion Ring for creatures. You can do sacrifice shenanigans with the Fiend Hunter to permanently exile things.
Defender en-Vec - Budget; an old oddball that can play with it’s fading counters to do up to 8 damage prevention, and kill itself doing so (and thus be available for recursion)
Lowland Tracker - Budget; another old oddball. This guy lets you kill the Noble Hierarch that’s been chilling on the other side of the field, or pull an important defender away. Or diplomatically, to let a opponents big creature be available to block.
Mentor of the Meek - Modest, allows you to draw off of most of the creatures in your deck and Alesha’s ability
Palisade Giant and Protector of the Crown - both budget; good meat shields for you
Radiant’s Dragoons - budget; decent lifegain, echo lets it die and be used again
Recruiter of the Guard - Expensive; our first expensive card, and for a good reason - she can tutor most of our deck, and works with Alesha
Stonehorn Dignitary - Budget; use it like it’s in a Brago deck, abuse and shut people down.
(Anything that worked in Brago and is 2<= power is a good choice)
Archetype of Finality - Budget; Deathtouch for the team and take it away from your opponents? Fun toy.
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Big Game Hunter - Modest; does a repeatable Smite the Monstrous impression, and has Madness (we do like discarding!)
Bone Shredder - Budget; It kills stuff, and dies easy for using it again next turn
Disciple of Bolas - Modest; sac something, then draw and LG. You’ll probably want to recurr whatever you sac’d, so win-win
Entomber Exarch - Budget; retrieve a creature in the ‘yard, or better Duress an opponent
Gonti -  edge of Budget; steal your opponents toys over and over
Marionette Master - Budget; niche artifact usage, token maker
Nekrataal - Budget; backup Bone Shredder
Noosegraf Mob - Budget; solid beater and token creator. 0/0 creatures are a great reason to play Alesha.
Pontiff of Blight - Budget; Bottom heavy mass Extort. Lets you pretend to be an Orzhov deck and play with some life.
Priest of the Blood Rite - Budget; Get it in the yard, pull it out, sac, repeat. 5/5 demon flyers are nothing to scoff at.
Thief of Blood - Budget; Kills ‘Walkers, and weakens or kills +1/+1 reliant creatures. Pulls -1/-1 counters off your team (take that Hapatra!), and while we don’t play with other counters (loyalty, ki, etc), we mess with others who do
Thorn of the Black Rose - Budget; Card draw, deathtouch
Wei Night Raiders - Expensive; Portal 3 card, so super pricey, but it’s basically an unblockable Hypnotic Specter
Hypnotic Specter - Budget; as above, but cheaper and blockable
Raving Dead - Modest; Basically half a kill if it gets through, and Alesha’s ressurection lets you pick the target.
Anarchist -  Budget; lets your reuse sorceries like Sieze the Day, or Buried Alive. Alesha’s recursion means not paying the 5 CMC.
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Beetleback Chief - Budget; 4/4 over 3 bodies for 2 mana is attractive for sac outlets
Goblin Settler - Obscene; Proxy it, and revel in repeated land destruction
Ignition Team - Budget; Another Conspiracy 0/0, it can come in for cheap and be pretty big midgame. It also makes solid beaters out of lands
Imperial Recruiter - Obscene; Proxy it, and tutor any card you want
Manic Vandal - Budget; toolkit for artifact destruction
Mindclaw Shaman - Budget; steal your opponents spells
Savage Firecat - Budget; enters as a 7/7 trample beater, and you can kill it and bring it back as needed.
Siege-Gang Commander - Modest; better Beetleback Chief with a sac outlet
Yuan-Shao, the Indecisive - Obscene; Proxy it, and have an unblockable creature, and force your creatures to be blocked one on one.
Arcbound X - Budget - Obscene; Pick any of the bigger ones (skip Arcbound Ravager), and you get a good deal. Underpriced (with Alesha’s ability) and nice abilities on death.
Burnished Hart - Budget; good ramp is good, recurrable good ramp is better
Clockwork Dragon - Budget; the biggest clockwork creatures comes in as a 6/6 flyer for 2.
Filigree Familiar - Budget; smaller Solemn Simulacrum that’ll probably be a budget EDH staple.
Solemn Simulacrum - Modest; repeatable value is always good.
Silent Arbiter - Modest; Good defensive option, forces your opponents to block your incoming team with one declared defender. Sac at the end of the turn before yours and repeat.
Triskelion - Budget; Because Walking Ballista doesn’t work in this deck
Workhorse - Budget; Weird ramp? Recur it turn 4 and you have X+2 mana, where X is the amount of normal land drops and getting Alesha T3.
Ankle Shanker - Budget; A brutal combat trick, even played from the hand. Also, the alt art is equally cheap, so check it out.
Ponyback Brigade - Budget; You probably have this lying at the bottom of a box somewhere. 4 bodies with 5/5 power. Makes great fodder for sac effects and Ashnod’s Altar
Sin Collector  - Budget; tech against spellslinger decks
Duergar Hedge-Mage - Budget; tech removal against artifacts and enchantments
Flame-Kin Zealot and Resolute Blademaster- Budget; selected combat tricks, to support Ankle Shanker. Compare to the Archetype of X creatures from Theros block for fun combat.
Fulminator Mage - Expensive; Modern staple, and really useful - sac before combat damage for land removal
Master of Cruelties - Pricey; Almost a game win if it gets through. 
Lim-Dul’s Paladin -  Budget; Does it all - kills itself, can draw a card, is a trampling 6/6 or a 4 life drainer.
(2) Filling the ‘Yard
We want a couple options for filling the yard - discard, self milling, sac’ing enchantments, artifacts, and creatures (and some things that benefit from all the dying.
(A) Entomb & Co.
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Corpse Connoisseur does it twice (but doesn’t combo with Alesha), Buried Alive and Entomb are classics. Morality Shift says “screw it, I’ll make my deck my ‘yard.” There are some others, but these are my favorites.
(B) Sac Engines
(Lots of sac engines here)
We like things that sac for free. We want Goblin Bombardment, not Barrage of Expendables.
Free sac effects let us sac things in response to things dying worthlessly in combat, or before a board wipe, or because we want Alesha to recur them. It’s better for something getting Path’d to be in the ‘yard than exiled.
Spawning Pit makes tokens, Viscera Seer scrys, Dimir House-Guard transmutes, recurs, and is a sac outlet, Phyrexian Altar and Ashnod’s Altar are mana makers, Sadistic Hypnotist is just plain mean discard, Martyr’s Cause is a fun for protection and diplomacy, 
Attrition is a sac outlet I’m willing to pay B for to use, and is double good with a Grave Pact package, and Shivan Harvest for land removal. 
(3) Discard and Milling
Sometimes we wanna self mill, or rummage(Red’s in our colors). Cathartic Reunion is okay, because we get 2 things in the yard. Body Snatcher likes helping entomb and recur stuff. Escalating Collective Brutality, especially early game, fills the ‘yard. Cryptbreaker makes bodies, draws cards, and can come back with Alesha (but will probably die). Wheel of Fortune and co. discard your hand (and everyone elses) and gets you refilled. Cards with Retrace are great, like World at War. 
There’s plenty of Discard stuff out there (self milling in Mardu isn’t my forte), use them well
(3) Reanimation Effects
(extra stuff here)
Reveillark loves Alesha’s creatures, and makes the best target for reanimating and sac’ing. Resurrection, False Defeat, and Breath of Life are very similar white sorceries, and Miraculous Recovery is an instant version. Death or Glory does the whole yard, but takes away the toolbox functionality of your ‘yard. And Marshal’s Anthem is a anthem plus kickable recursion.
Unburial Rites is fiscally cheap, and goes twice. Reanimate, Animate Dead, Beacon of Unrest, Diabolic Servitude - there’s so many black options
Cauldron Dance is an odd trick, getting 2 more creatures on the field, plus whatever Alesha pulls. Crypt Champion always dies when pulled by Alesha, but has a decent effect, and always dying is fine in Grave Pact decks.
For a 3 color manabase I always suggest the Professor. We value mana rocks and dual/tri lands more than a dual or mono deck, so business as usual. We plan on ramping from artifacts, and if needed, white has some “Balance” style Plains ramping, and Black has some Swamp ramping. Feel free to dip into one color more than normal based on the makeup of your deck - more black creatures, add more black mana.
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Grave Pack, Butcher of Malakir, Blood Artist & co, make a nice package. If your running sac outlets, you can focus more on token effects to sac your way to victory.
Combat help is nice too - extra combat phases plus things that protect Alesha are good - extra phases like Aurelia and her like, and Iroas, God of Victory, Reconnaissance (also good for saving things Alesha recurs), Boots and Greaves, indestructibility effects like Nahiri’s Mechanizations and Gift of Immortality.
GY hate. This deck is Meren-level of GY hate weakness. We can always restock the ‘yard, but it hurts a lot.
Stax/Pillowfort decks hurt a lot - things Voltron decks do well (like hitting for Commander Damage) won’t work for us.
Alesha is also small for a commander that wades into combat. 2 toughness gets killed by Shock, or any effect worse than -0/-2. Some protection is seriously needed - protection equipment package works fine since Alesha has access to White, as well as Reconnaissance is good for triggering Alesha’s ability and retreating out of bad blocking situations.
Control: 5/10 - Alesha doesn’t favor a control set up, nor does she have abilities that help, but her colors are great for answering anything, as well as board wipes.
Diplomacy: 6/10 - not really equipped for it past “stop attacking me with your resurrected Raving Dead”
Aggro: 9/10 - she not only likes attacking, she recurs things attacking too.
Overall Power: 10/10 - She’s a Tier 1.5 commander, and one of the easiest to learn and abuse.
Versatility: 10/10 - While she does one thing, she has a lot of options stemming from it.
Affordability: 10/10 - She can go super budget, or uber expensive, scaling for your wallet and group power level. She also got reprinted in C16, while already being cheap, so she goes for like a quarter.
Overall Score: 50/60 best commander thus far. She does a lot in a 3 CMC body.
One of the 99: Decent. In most decks not built around her, she’s mostly for recurring utility creatures or things for sac outlets, as well as a lot of Aggro decks.
FINAL VERDICT: Get this card. Even if you can’t build with her right now, or the next 3 years, just get her and put her in your box of bulk rares.
You can build a deck out of an LGS’s draft rejects and go toe to toe with an average pre-con group. She is one well endowed lady.
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