#it's a tt sound i don't !!! take credit... but
killianxswan · 8 months
fuzzy duck
ducky fuzz
does he fuck?
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byrdblood · 3 days
Tumblr media
hey man. as a fellow hard of hearing/dyslexia-combo person i totally understand that ai-fueled tts is kind of the only tts that sounds good, and god knows i would love some smooth buttery-voiced british narrator reading my own poetry back to me on demand, but i would really, really appreciate it if you didn't feed my work to ai. ai tts counts, unfortunately - shit like naturalreaders and elevenlabs do in fact count, to the best of my knowledge, as """that""" type of ai.
just as a general blanket statement: i don't want my work fed to ai, and i don't want it reposted. re-blogging - tumblr's built in system for sharing posts to your blog and followers without taking credit from the op - is totally fine (in fact it makes my day, i love it), but i see a lot of my work (especially the shit i made for the spooky month fandom) on pinterest without credit - or more accurately, my boyfriend, who uses pinterest for references, keeps stumbling across my work in my stead. some people there ask the reposter for credit, but most don't, and i'm not about to ask my boyfriend to uproot his whole day to track down some shitty unattended 12 year old who liked my fanart.
but - that shit almost made me quit drawing fanart like. period. top 2 reasons i took a long break from tumblr: i got really sick irl, and people kept stealing my art. over and over. it was really discouraging.
please, instead, use one of the many free tts readers online that don't use ai; while it's possible those aren't fully secure either, it's at least less likely they're using my work to train an algorithm.
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Kanaya Maryam, Rose Lalonde
Act 4, page 1592
-- grimAuxiliatrix [GA] began trolling tentacleTherapist [TT] --
GA: Your Dark Spectacled Friend Has Advised Me On A More Effective Method For Trolling You
GA: I Think His Contention Is That This Strategy Will Have The Opposite Of The Intended Effect And Precipitate A Sort Of Bond Between Us That Is Established In Mutual Antagonism
GA: What Do You Think About This
TT: I think you're shrewd to have recognized his ploy of sabotage, and you've earned my compliments.
GA: Ah See It Is Working Already
TT: What is?
GA: Ive Listened To His Advice
GA: And Have Resolved To Modify The Approach Slightly
GA: I Know What I Have To Do
GA: What We Have To Do Really
TT: What's that?
GA: Remember The First Time We Spoke
TT: Yes, but you said it wasn't the first time you spoke to me.
TT: We'll graciously omit my embarrassing skepticism however.
GA: The First Time You Spoke To Me Was The Second Time I Spoke To You
TT: This conversation doesn't sound like your first time either.
GA: This Is Your Second Conversation With Me But Is My Seventh With You
TT: And when exactly does your maiden encounter take place?
GA: Thats Next Time
TT: So to clarify.
TT: If the matching of my first with your second is denoted by 1=2, then the sequence would be:
TT: 1=2, 2=7, 3=1, 4=?, ...
GA: Yes And The Rest Of The Sequence Is Simply
GA: 4=3, 5=4, 6=5, 7=6
GA: Unless My Future Self Stowed Another Conversation In Between One Of Those Which Is Entirely Possible
GA: But Urrgh I Dont Want To Think About That
TT: Why is it that when the subject of temporal mechanics is broached your sparing troll intellects etcetera etcetera.
GA: See That Is What I Mean Rose You Are Not As Dumb Of A Girl As I Was Initially Lead To Believe
TT: You mean based on the first impression I am apparently about to make in our next conversation?
GA: Yes
TT: What could I possibly say that will leave such an imprint?
GA: That Is Why I Have Contacted You Now
GA: I Will Send You A Copy Our First Conversation Directly From My Chat Log
-- grimAuxiliatrix [GA] sent tentacleTherapist [TT] the file "ConversationWithAVeryStupidGirl.Txt" --
TT: I guess being forced to cooperate with a stable time loop is the only plausible explanation for my remarks.
GA: Yes And Then I Found It Sort Of Curious That During My Next Conversation With You Your Various Mental Endowments And Wherewithals Were Not As They Seemed
GA: I Suspected The Stratagem Might Be A Counter Trolling Measure But Then Was Not So Sure And Further Examination Grew Warrant
TT: And what if my counter-counter measure is to choose not to transcribe this dialogue accurately in the future-first place?
GA: But See I Have Edited The Copy Already In Ways That Will Remain Secret For Now But You Will Discover Once You Type It
GA: So You Are Destined To Edit It No Matter What And What You Submit Will Be What I Once Read Regardless
GA: !
TT: Unless I decide to copy it word-for-word!
GA: Yes Unless I Lied About Editing It In The First Place
GA: Either Way Through Knowledge Of What You Will Say I Have Precisely Engineered The Nature Of Your Transgression
GA: !!!
TT: So your trolling strategy now is to put idiotic words in my mouth through the machinery of temporal inevitability, and cause me to excruciate over how to subvert the transcription?
GA: Yes
TT: While being perfectly up front about it?
GA: Yes I Suppose Its That Sarcasm All The Time Seems Laborious To Me
TT: I'll admit, it's a more advanced tactic than I gave you credit for.
GA: Yes And The Providence Of This Antagonism Ninja Vice Grip Pinching Your Larynx Has Already Begun To Supply My Purpose With Fruit
GA: The Chilly Frost Shimmering On Our Tree Of Human Friendship Has Begun To Thaw
TT: Mixed metaphor aside, usually ninjas don't announce what they're doing when they're doing it.
TT: Like when stalking an emperor to assassinate him.
TT: Or befriend him.
TT: But that's fine.
TT: I guess the only pointless question we haven't exhausted is, why?
TT: Why the convoluted artifice?
GA: Dave Raised Insight Into The Human Psychology Of Friendship Development
GA: By Allotting You Your Side Of The Conversation I Have You At The Disadvantage In Your View And You Will Seek To Reclaim Higher Ground
GA: In Successive Conversations
GA: 4=3 And 5=4 And Such
GA: Your Demeanor Will Be Terse If Not Saturated With Disdain And It Will Cause Me To Be Confused And Question Your Motivation
GA: But Now I Know Your Motivation Because I Am Supplying It Here And Now
GA: They Will Be Simple Acts Of Friendly Human Retaliation
TT: So you're not only rigging the first impression I make on you, but orchestrating my revenge for the rigging as well?
GA: Yes
GA: It Seems Friendship For Some Humans Is A Basic Aggregation Of Shallow And Insincere Hostilities
TT: That's an interesting take on it.
TT: But now I know for sure Dave isn't behind this plan.
TT: It's too complicated.
GA: I Dont Understand
GA: Who Better To Coordinate Such Events Than The Knight Of Time
TT: You're awfully quick to his defense.
TT: Are you sure you don't have a thing for him?
TT: It's ok, bro. You can admit it.
GA: I'm Hopping To 8=8
GA: Ideally You Will Have Long Since Discarded This Train Of Thought
TT: Ok.
TT: I'm going to talk to my dead cat.
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cherrrrrryyyyy · 2 years
Tw: death, suicide heavy angst
Credits to @.chuuyaslove in tt for inspo
Btw I suck at writing so sorry if this is bad
He acctualy made it...
Dazai looked up to the clear sky sighing, he looked down the bridge he's standing as looking down he feels his eyes start to tear up, he takes out his phone and goes to the ADA gc
Dazai: I am so going to kms now
He closes his phone and he falls down. He can feel his heart beat escalating not knowing if this is a good decision or not just thinking about it makes him cry, not that he's going to die, the fact that he failed Odasaku, he didn't change no matter how hard he tried, he'd always relapse into his twisted ways.
*in the gc*
Kunikida: Atsushi calm down this is just one his antics, he'll be fine, he always has been, he's just being dramatic
Atsuhi: I don't think so Kunikida-san, lately Dazai-san has been looking more gloomy than usual...
Yosano: ahhhh you worry too much, leta be honest, he is not going to die, he's just a liar
Fukuzawa: hm considering him no, he'll fail as usual
Naomi: what's going on guys?
Kunikida: Dazai is at with his stupid antics again
Naomi: oh alr then byeeeee
Ranpo: ahhhh why are you guys blowing up my phone?????
Fukuzawa: Dazai is at it on his antics one again
Ranpo: hmm *something doesn't feel right Ranpo says to himself* alrrr
Time skip
Atsushi: uhh guys gm...is Dazai-san here?...
Tanizaki: huh? Dazai? Nope haven't heard of him Atsushi feels his heart heavy
Fukuzawa: Atsushi, please do not worry Dazai is a very capable man there is no need to worry
Atsushi sighs tries to be optimistic even though he feels something is strangely off
*ring ring* hello? ADA please do hurry this is an emergency case we're at xxxxxxxxxxxx
As they all headed to the crime scene, they see a corpse with a familiar silhouette...Atsushi rushes next to Dazai who is paler than snow. He feels his vision going blurry and his eardrums ringing.All of the members are in utter shockYosano approaches Dazai and checks his pulse still hoping that he's alive but no response...The scene is tense, nothing can be heard other than loud sobs of Atsushi.Kunikida cannot help but breakdown, despite him always using his money and being wreckless he still cared about Dazai and had some respect for the way he did his job, Ranpo's emerald eyes too start to tear up and soon everyone is in tears except Fukuzawa, being their leader he has a sense of responsibility to take good care of them but the longer he looks he looks at the lifeless body the more does his heart hurt
*at the funeral*
It's luckily a rainy day for Fukuzawa since be doesn't want to be seen crying, as they bury his casket, Atsushi sobs harder while Kyouka hugs him for comfort.Ever since that day, the agency is quiet only sounds of shoes, papers and key board clicking can be heard. It's peaceful but at the same time the silence eats them up. Idk if I should do a pt 2 or not
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nikethestatue · 2 years
Why do you think Elain doesn’t get credit for killing the king just nesta? It didn’t bother me when feyre says Nesta did it bc feyre obviously saw, and then rhys says elain did it in acofas.. I could buy into the idea elain didn’t want to take credit publicly, Nesta is the one who claimed the kill at the post-war meeting.. but Nesta nor Cassian thinking anything about elain felt so off putting. Especially how Gwyn says Nesta killed him w/ tt… because obviously that’s Elain’s thing. And when Nesta said she did it with just “luck & rage” ?? I didn’t know luck and rage were Elain’s other names?? Is it just that people are overlooking elain as usual, is it some sort of supernatural force making people forget, is it retconning or bad writing from SJM???
Is it just that people are overlooking elain as usual, is it some sort of supernatural force making people forget, is it retconning or bad writing from SJM???
Excellent questions!
I can't imagine that SJM is going to retcon on something that major. That was a massive scene, a massive event, and of all things, this one can't be forgotten or retconned. So, I don't think that that's the case.
I like the sound of Elain Luck Rage Archeron, ngl! :)
But Elain does, herself, shrug off the killing, and gives the honor to Nesta. I think she was speaking with Lucien, and she was like, oh, i just stabbed him.
If the nature of Elain's powers is based on healing and LIFE, maybe taking a life, even one that deserved to be taken, somehow causes a dissonance within her? And she prefers to give the 'killing blow' so to speak, to Nesta? Because Nesta's power is Death.
Of course the fact that Nesta gives exactly zero credit to Elain fucking sucks and I hate it.
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