#it's already level 60. i just really don't have ore on me
rubys-domain · 1 year
so uh... my alt's kazuha is lvl 80 now. and i don't feel like fighting the maguu kenki another 10 fucking times. i'm not sure what else i could do though. there's a lot of world quests that still need doing as well as the sumeru archon quest. but i don't feel like doing any of that rn...
honestly i just want to keep playing on main. even if it's just world quests. i'm way more motivated to do world quests on main for some reason
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ormrin · 4 months
Humans have the most alien and crazy counting
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"Dear alien, according to your base, we humans are using base 22 for common counting, but base 60 according to our common base for counting the time, base 4 or 5 for playing Rock, scissors, paper or that three with addition of the well, four of independent but interconnected bases 8 for playing cards and many various bases for playing anything with rolling dice and we set base 2 for our computers to operate with..."
"You're an alien and completely crazy!"
Dear listeners, the dialogue which was quoted was just a taste of today's lesson. Have a look at this human so called car's UIs. There are speedometers with kilometers meaning thousand meters each, another ones counting in miles meaning appropriately 1,6 kilometers each. There are oil level meters counting relatively, radio receiver with stations seeking in Mhz, car computer CPU and memory speed measured in Ghz, but clock counting the time as was mentioned in the opening quoted dialogue. The switch for the lights have various settings - from all off, through blinking in right or left side, up to shining upfront close or more far - and a special lights for so called "myst", probably because it really looks as some mystical menace. Yes, the terrible weather on Earth is a chapter for itself. Human cars also have a light inside, climatization system and so called catalysts for filtering the worst from the air-damaging exhausting gas.
Many humans are so stupid, that they are promoting or even buying electricity-powered cars. You can imagined how "far" such car can go if the climatization is running. Also recharging more e-cars in one place is above any reasonable human infrastructure. Measurement of battery usage and capacity left relatively to the consumption replaces relative measuring fuel called gas, although it's originally liquid.
Also human solar power plants are also not enough effective nor ecological because of mining ores to getting the metals from them, up to assemble them. And don't forget next to no real recycling.
Don't let me start to explains their mean commercial system! If interested, look at these tables of various currencies conversions. Precious metals, diamonds - and jewellery made from both are also a separate topic.
Humans have more groups of blood - and some combination of them are deadly dangerous for them if infused!
Humans dares to not just keeping various viruses, bacterias and parasite, but they're so stupid thrill-seekers, that they're making a new ones by mutating and breeding the old ones. The old dead Martians, let they souls rest I pace, was wiped while invading Earth - by basic bacterias!
Some human so called count-tryes have double numbered home addresses and all of them have their own com-calling prefixes called inter-niteal tele-ufo-ne prefixes. As you already know, the abbreviation UFO means unidentified flying object and while I understand that humans have hard time spitting our trans-warping transporters, I have no idea why they named her calling craps that way.
What a mess, right?:(
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news-ase · 4 years
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