#it's always so much fun to talk about my little marshmallow lizert
verdandir · 4 years
17 & 18 👀 🌹
17: Does your muse leave hickies? Do they ask for them?
Once she learns about them from her partner they will definitely be something she enjoys, especially on the neck. Marking a partner and being marked would appeal to her nature and necks are a favorite place for her, her own being very sensitive. Learning where her partner is most receptive to being marked, where they respond the best, would be something fun for her to explore with them.
18: Does your muse like to be pinned down, or to pin their partner?
Ver enjoys being pinned, that is without a doubt, and she enjoys the tussle and mock ‘contest’ for dominance that it plays out. She would happily try to pin her partner, but vastly prefers when the tables are turned on her and she ends up yielding the game.
Vanilla Sunday Meme [Open]
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