#it's been 14 YEARS but i have it in my binding list and was lurking the chapters to see how to best make these books
acnara · 7 months
The fact that in Deepest Reflections, AFTER EVERYTHING, when asked who his father is under veritaserum Harry stills says Lord Voldemort? Not even just Voldemort but honorific title and all??? I'm so unwell about their dynamic in Kurinoone's work
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
To my dear house-of-lovin:
I have a series of questions about Legally Binding bear with me, this is all merely speculation and possibly too much all at once so I apologize in advance.
Cherry-pick from this ask if you have to!ᵕ̈
How young was R when she’d been forced to start acting and singing?
I read somewhere on your page that you answered early teens! And you referenced Zendaya so I’m assuming she got her big break at possibly 14 and before that moderately small acting gigs?
R definitely seems to have a passion for music but how often does she get to produce?
She also seems like the type to make music more for herself than to share with the public given her history, I think not only something she really enjoys but uses as an outlet to cope with things.
Can you give us a few songs as reference to what music R’s produced?
I’m interested in listening to them from R’s POV! Personally, I thought of Never Felt So Alone by Labrinyth. I have no fucking clue at all what song R’s creating right now and I’m assuming since it’s for Coachella it has to be upbeat but might I suggest thinking about Good News by Mac Miller. Pfft or even The Spins by Mac Miller, fun, cocky and memorable like R.
Is there someone else in particular besides her family that made her start to think of everything she does in public from a ‘business standpoint’?
What character in the MCU does R play?
For me the first character that came to mind is possibly someone from the Spider-Verse! I mean why not bend some truths and pretend there’s one Spider-Verse comic that fits R’s description? I think it would align with the fact that R’s been an actor since her teen years and by now if a few movies have been released; her Spider-Verse character has got to be aligned with her age!
Hmm so I’ve read through someone else’s asks and you mentioned not having enough time to look up tv shows and movies aligning with R’s age. I was thinking for some of them, why not just have R’s character in said projects be someone that doesn’t necessarily exist in the current adaptation but is popular anyways?
For other fandoms you say? Is what you wrote still lurking on those platforms I’m curious! Your daydreaming keeps us supporters taken care of.
What kinda music do you play/listen to? I listen to just about everything under the sun except Heavy Metal, too much shouting and I’m already losing my hearing as is lmao.
(I love to trespass abandoned building/areas, for the first date just run when I do and we’ll be good but that’s at night, can and do you like swimming? If you say yes then during the day we’re exploring open waters/pretty nature on a jet ski (safe waters dw)
Am I possibly also picking the first activity to be be held? Ahem HEARSAY you can’t prove that)
I think yes early teens like 13 or 14 possibly. I think somewhere in my head Justin Bieber was lowkey a reference for R's character.
R gets her big break as a teen and does roles for smaller movies that gain her critical acclaim until major studios recognize her. (Sorry to Hailee but maybe Edge of Seventeen as one of those movies LOL) Before def small roles. (Idk what good movies have a 13 or 14 year old soooo)
I don't have a list of songs for R but with all the asks its def building. I'd love to hear what you guys think? But like I answered before, I see slow & modern R&B. Like SZA (cussing songs LOL), Frank Ocean, Omar Apollo, Yebba. BUT OMG I LOVE MAC.
I feel like with R's family background & starting so young it made her grow up faster than most. So I think over the years, she's just built a wall around herself around people in the industry giving her that 'business standpoint' mentality. I mean come on, there's no way she's had a whole career w/out getting burned by someone. It happens more often than ppl think.
I think her MCU role is def a spider-verse role too! Maybe there's a version of her a Spider-Gwen in the MCU movies LOL IDK.
There's a fic or two on AO3 for a totally unrelated fandom but its a couple years old so idk its kinda cringe LOL. (I also have a Kate Bishop unfinished series that I've just never posted LOL)
I play the guitar so I listen to a whole variety of genres! I like/am open to most music except heavy metal too lol. But I love R&B, Soul, Jazz, Rap. I like older music too so I listen to a lot of 50s, 60s and 70s. EVERYTHING. I WANT TO LISTEN TO EVERY SONG EVER MADE LOL. (but same my hearing is shit lol)
I CAN swin (somewhat) I just can't tread water (ik ik disgraceful) but jet ski you say👀
(I'm indecisive af so I need ppl to plan things for me LOL)
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oncerpotter2018 · 4 years
So, it's nearly time for Whumptober again and thereby I decided to participate in my first ever Whumptober. Below is the list of this year's prompts and the summaries of what I am planning to write. The titles of my work is in red. I am doing this event as to help me practice my writing skills in short fiction as well as enjoying my love for writing some whump. I'm very into hurt and comfort or angst fics. I also wanted to focus mainly on my favourite OTP Cherik... I'm trying not to give too much of the story away in the summaries. Also all these stories will also be available on my AO3 if anyone is interested.
Cherik Whumptober 2020 // Summaries and Titles with Prompts
1. Waking up restrainted
All Mine Now
Erik wakes up unable to move, his body tied down as he notices the ropes binding him. He wanted to know what is happening but is approached by a mysterious man as he tortures Erik while being restrainted. The man doesn't allow Erik free knowing there is no escape.
2. Pick who dies
It's the Trolley Problem
Charles was forced to make the most toughest decision when he is faced with a moral dilemma. He was made to choice between saving his sister, friends and students from the school that is about to blow up or save Erik, his husband from being killed right in front of him. Charles knows he could only choice one but they were all awful decision. What should he do?
3. Held at gun point
Tougher Than The Rest
It was about time that they catches up to him and Erik knew that. At some point he knew that Charles couldn't hid him forever from the Government. So while despite Charles' pleas of begging him not to let him do what he was about to do Erik didn't listen. He let the CIA take him in and there they torture him and beat him before placing a gun to his forehead and with his final words, Erik closed his eyes knowing there is nothing they could do about it.
4. Collapsed building
You Before Me
Charles and Erik were at the school as they were having their time alone. Erik follows Charles down to Cerebro to help him with finding more mutants when all of the sudden, the school started to tremble and soon enough the emergency sirens goes off as bits of rumble begins to fall. Charles tells him to leave but Erik stays and tell him to get the staff and children out first. The last thing that Charles sees is Erik holding the ceiling before metal and plaster fell where Erik stood.
5. Failed escape
So Close Yet So Far
Erik was running as fast as he could to out run his kidnappers. He had out ran others before but this time he was outnumbered. He was so close to finally earning his freedom when he was captured once more as he swore he heard Charles' voice in the distance.
6. Stop please
Don't Touch Him
Charles watches as they beat the hell out of Erik. He is forced to watch them take Erik in their hands and murder him right in front of him. All Charles could do was watch as they kill his lover as a retaliation of his actions. All Charles wanted was for them to stop, to make them leave him alone but there was nothing he could do about it.
7. Carrying
I'll Be Your Hero
Charles finds Erik battered and broken on the side of an ally way. His face and body covered in bruises and fresh blood still all over himself. Charles decides to take him home where he takes care of him. He nurses him back to health where at one point while under the medications, Charles could have sworen Erik had confessed his love for him. Was it just his imagination or was it real?
8. Don't say goodbye
Death Was Never The Option
Charles knew that time was nearly up as he pulls Erik into his arms. The war was over and all Charles could do was cry as he kissed Erik on the lips knowing he won't respond. Was it reallt all over?
9. Take me instead
It Should Be Me
Charles was held back as he and Raven begged them not to kill Erik. Charles screamed all he could to make them stop waht they are doing. He begged them that it should be him. That he was the one who told the CIA about their plans. That it was him that stopped Shaw from getting away with destroying the world. But Shaw wasn't having it. He wanted to punish Charles by punishing Erik. To break him until it breaks Charles.
10. Trail of blood
The Road of Blood That Leads To You
Erik was bleeding and Charles knows it. He and the others could see a trail of blood where Erik had escaped. He could see the blood getting heavier and thicker as he hadn't gone far. They finally find him but to Charles' horror it seemed as if they were too late. Erik was crumpled over a field of grass, a trail of blood leading to him. His eyes were closed.
11. Struggling/ crying
There's No Escape Now
Erik had tried to escape but it was no use. The chains that was holding him prisoner was putting a straight on him as he could barely breath with the collar around his neck. He was struggling to get himsefl out to only cry himself to sleep when he realised that there is no escape from what his fate holds. He only wishes if Charles could be there, to help him out but he knew Charles won't do that.
12. Broken down
Nowhere To Be Found
Charles and Erik decided to go for a road trip to get away from the students for a while until the car had broken down in the middle of nowhere. They tried to call for some help and when they find it they are pleased to find a person to help them. But horrible things starts to happened when Erik goes missing.
13. Oxygen Mask
Take My Breath With You
Erik has been in a hospital for weeks which turned into mouths and now its turning into a year when Charles stayed beside him holding his hand. Charles hoped so badly that he will get better. He longed to see him open his eyes and hear him speak. But the only thing Charles sees is the oxygen mask covering his mouth breathing for him.
14. Fire
Burn Baby Burn
Charles and Erik are in collage together and are sharing a dorm with their other friends. Soon the fire alarms goes off and being in a wheelchair gave Charles the advantage of being on the ground floor. They all rush to the emergency assembly outside but the fire had started to spread quickly as the last thing Charles sees before Hank pushes him outside was Erik being left behind to help Darwin and Sean.
15. Possession
Someone I Used to Be
Charles wakes up not knowing what happened last night. He looks around and sees that the house was a mess and everything was trashed. Soon his phone rang and it was Raven telling him to go to the hospital. He sees that Erik has been there and when he wakes however when he sees Charles, Erik seemed frightened and confused. Charles tries to reach for his hand but he pulls away. He doesn't know what to do.
16. Shoot the hostage
Caught In The Crossfire
Erik was just supposed to be only out for a few minutes. He was only supposed to go out shopping. Charles never expected that he would be caught in a crossfire at a daylight robbery. He didn't expect Erik to be taken hostage among the others. It was all over the news, it was all over the papers and it was the knock on his door.
17. Blackmail
Little Secrets
Erik Lehnserr had done bad and terrible things, he had done things he wishes he could take back. So when he a ghost from his past threatens to blackmail him into telling Charles about the one thing he wishes he could forget, Erik does their bidding. They make him kill and silence those that didn't follow their orders. But when Erik couldn't do a kill, they give him a choice: Be punished or let the secret of his get let out to Charles. Erik choses to be punished.
18. Phobia
Among Us
Charles has been sacred of the dark for as long as he remembered. So when he is asked to go down to the basement to get some supplies, the darkness that lurked down there scared Charles until he couldn't do the task set out for him. When going to bed, he made sure Erik was by his side, knowing he was safe. When he suddenly woke from a nightmare and realised Erik wasn't there beside him, he bagan to panic but Erik came to his rescue.
19. Survivors guilt
I'm Sorry
They promised that they will escape together. They both promised that the both of them will make it out alive. But when rescue does come, Erik was the one who got left behind. Charles wanted them to rescue him too but they said he was more important. They knew of Erik's past and his attacks on the city so they didn't bother trying.
20. Lost
In The Darkness
After being lost for hours with no way of getting home, Charles and Erik had an argument on whos fault it was. So when they decided to split out, Charles in the end found a road was a body, he didn't take notice of it at first but soon he got curious and walked towards it only to realise that it was Erik.
21. Hypothermia
Cold Water
Charles had just rescued Erik from the cold water. He managed to get him in time or so he had thought. By the time he had rescued him Erik was already experiencing high levels of hypothermia which caused Charles to take serious actions and get him warmed up as soon as possible.
22. Drugged
What Did You Do?
While at a party, Charles and Erik had gotten some drinks. They chatted and flirted with each other for a while before Charles excused himself to the bathroom. A woman sat next to Erik and tried to chat him up but he declined and said he already has a boyfriend. She insisted to talk to him and while talking to him another man sat close to him and drugged his drink. After a while Erik started to get dizzy and collapsed. What will Charles do when he realises Erik is no longer there?
23. Exhaustion
Need A Little Break
Erik had been training so hard that just a week into their training Erik collapses out of exhaustion. He faints in front of the others students and Charles that they crowd around him. Charles takes care of him to make him feel better.
24. Blindfolded
Unseen Love
Erik was being kidnapped and the last thing he sees before the blindfold is placed over his eyes was Charles. All he could see then was the look on Charles' face as tears streamed from his eyes. The blindfold doesn't come off until he was tied to a pole and sees Charles in front of him with a gun. The last thing that Erik hears that came from Charles' mouth was that he was sorry.
25. Blurred vision
Tears Of An Angel
Charles couldn't see through the tears that blurred his eyes. He couldn't see the blood in his hands as he held onto Erik's dead body.
26. Migraine
The Cons and Pros of Being Telepath
Charles knew that being a telepath can sometimes sucks. It's sucks the most especially for when the migraines comes in and he has to make them stop before his next class. But he knows that Erik is only a few doors away to make him feel better. After each class he can't wait to get a head massage and a warm tea from his boyfriend Erik.
27. Power outrage
Goodnight! Goodbye
While having a break at the staff room, the school experienced a power outage and the whole school turned dark. Charles and Hank try to find the problem and so when the lights came on again they found something horrific.
28. Mugged
Let Me Be Your Hero
Charles and Erik were just walking home after a night out when a couple of young men tried to mug them. Charles complied immediately while Erik held him back. When Erik refused to do as they say, one of the men fired his gun at Charles hitting him in on the shoulder. Erik grew angry but was shot in a much more delicate place. Soon, ambulance and police sirens came close and took both of them to hospital. Charles survived but what about Erik?
29. Emergency room
Wait For Me
Erik was sent to hospital and was taken to the ICU as fast as they could. Erik was scared but not as scared as Charles was and when they had their last moments together Charles promised him that he will wait for him. Soon, Erik slipped into a coma. Charles is willing to wait for Erik to wake up.
30. Ignoring an njury
Blood In Your Hands
Erik had been shot in the stomach but didn't dare to tell Charles. He didn't want to sound weak. 0they carried on looking for mutants. They looked and looked until Erik couldn't do it anymore and collapses. Charles didn't understand what was happening until it was too late. Charles must get Erik the help he needs before anything else gets worse.
31. Left for dead
Vultures Awaits
Erik was left to die after a confrontation with an old enemy. He thought life as he knew it was about to slip way as he was being bleed tlo death. He wanted to wait for his body to rot away but it never happened. It seems that a unlikely outcome to his fate was changed the moment he cried for help.
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