#it's been a protracted mental breakdown of a year I won't lie to you
nyehilismwriting ยท 9 months
happy new year!! sending you all my bestest vibes for 2024. which I simply Refuse to believe is a real year. if you will all permit me, I'd like to be embarrassingly sincere for a moment:)
2023 was.....difficult for me, in many ways; not as materially as 2022, but overall less productive, less extreme, and more exhausting. I didn't get as much writing done as I would've liked; nor did I get many of the things done that I planned.
still, I made progress. I've written a lot, even if it's disjointed: I've written things I'm proud of, and things I've already forgotten about, and I've managed to re-establish a reading habit that's been on the downhill for a long time. I think I've learned a lot, and improved as an author and creator, and I've made progress towards making peace with a few things about myself and my creative process.
wrt hadea: the update is SO close to being done. I've been saying (and telling myself) it'd be done by the end of the year, and now, on the evening of the 31st, I think I'm going to have to admit that that's just not going to happen.
those of you who are on my patreon will know I've suspended payments; I'll be doing so again for January, and posting the update when it comes. Once the update is out, I'll most likely be unlaunching my patreon, but I'll figure out a way to make the bonus content available to everyone who's paid for it, freeing up more time and energy to focus on the game. this update is only going to be half a chapter, with the second half largely written already but in need of some serious work - I want you guys to have content, and hopefully this means the wait between updates won't be so long next time.
I hope you're all enjoying yourselves this new years, and that 2024 is a good one for you all!
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