#it's been so long that tumblr forgot all my tags orz
unovasrose · 11 months
Summertime? More like unlimited cuddles with his girl in spite of new england heat time.
/ unovasrage
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The heat is not enough to keep them apart. / @unovasrage
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dualisume · 6 months
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༘ ೀ⋆。 #Dualisume.   ⸻  a highly selective , && mutuals only rp blog for , Regina of all Waters — Furina De Fontaine !! of Genshin Impact , heavily headcanon && portrayal is inspired by the Biblical Bible && Marie Antionette . — Triggering && Dark themes are present in this blog / Not Spoiler Free ! Read Rules Before Interacting Minors or anyone below 20 don't interact . Personals Don't Reblog
⸻  ༘ ೀ⋆。 Loved && Cherished by Eri ༘ ೀ⋆。 ⸻  ( Carrd | Headcanon | Drafts : 5 | Asks : 17 )
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༘ ೀ⋆。 The world is just a stage It's better to laugh than to cry because laughter is of human nature Laugh at it all, don't worry — Let's enjoy today !!
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Simplified rules for mobile below the cut!
༘ ೀ⋆。Mun . Hi , hi!! You can call me Eri ! I've been rping for so long that I couldn't remember when i started but i do know i used to rp in GAIA online , I've been rping in Genshin fandom since version 1.0 so haha i've been around so long orz , also english is not my first language in fact it's the third one i learned , so I'm sorry if my English sometimes sucks or not deep.. what else? I love cats, frogs & dogs -- also my pronouns are whatever you feel like && I'm also 26 years of age
༘ ೀ⋆。 Selectivity . I'm very selective due to the reason that i get easily overwhelmed when there's a lot of things going on in my dashboard , I wanted it to be clean && not filled with untrimmed posts, too much ooc post , etc -- ( sorry! ) also i only follow the blogs I'm certain I'm going to write with && i'd like to keep things like that. Regarding to OCs , i will follow you -- once i read all your about > . < , I love your OCs i really want to write with you but due to my hectic schedule && ADHD , i always forgot to read some , so it is my fault why i got no time -- I'm really sorry. I wont follow you if you're below 20 + && ships incest , pedophile ships.
༘ ೀ⋆。 Activity . I work as a fulltime artist/designer so i have always free access to Tumblr ( except going home / to work ) but this doesn't mean my whole life revolves in tumblr. I also have hobbies && life outside tumblr -- so even if I'm always online here doesn't mean I'll reply to you immediately . Please understand that thank you!!
༘ ೀ⋆。 Shipping. Furina is currently a mess of a character in her way to figure who she really is a person , so shipping --- is a bit hard with furina, since she will question a lot of things but , but , but! I adore shipping & would love to slowly build a relationship with anyone -- as long as the character is of age , i also do shipping only when there's a lot of amount of interaction between our muses , so it feels more natural
༘ ೀ⋆。 Triggers. Hi please tag if you're ganna post Dolls or Spiders, i don't like them --- they scare me thanks.
༘ ೀ⋆。 Headcanon & Graphics Anything you see in here is made by me, unless i specified that it isn't . My headcanons, graphics & arts are something i worked really hard on, so please don't steal them . I appreciate it!
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dayamtra · 19 days
#Dayamtra.   ⸻  a highly selective , && mutuals only multimuse blog ft. Cyno , Alhaitahm && venti !! of Genshin Impact , Dr. Ratio , Sampo && Jade of Honkai Star Rail && more -- Portrayal is heavily headcanon && some of characters might end up be referenced to Biblical or historical Chracters . — Triggering && Dark themes are present in this blog / Not Spoiler Free ! Read Rules Before Interacting Minors or anyone below 20 don't interact . Personals Don't Reblog
⸻  Loved && Cherished by Hori ⸻ 
( Carrd (WIP) | Headcanon | Drafts : 0 | Asks : 0 )
Simplified rules for mobile below the cut!
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⸻ Mun . Hi , hi!! You can call me Eri ! I've been rping for so long that I couldn't remember when i started but i do know i used to rp in GAIA online , I've been rping in Genshin fandom since version 1.0 so haha i've been around so long orz , also english is not my first language in fact it's the third one i learned , so I'm sorry if my English sometimes sucks or not deep.. what else? I love cats, frogs & dogs -- also my pronouns are whatever you feel like && I'm also 26 years of age
⸻ Selectivity . I'm very selective due to the reason that i get easily overwhelmed when there's a lot of things going on in my dashboard , I wanted it to be clean && not filled with untrimmed posts, too much ooc post , etc -- ( sorry! ) also i only follow the blogs I'm certain I'm going to write with && i'd like to keep things like that. Regarding to OCs , i will follow you -- once i read all your about > . < , I love your OCs i really want to write with you but due to my hectic schedule && ADHD , i always forgot to read some , so it is my fault why i got no time -- I'm really sorry. I wont follow you if you're below 20 + && ships incest , pedophile ships.
⸻ Activity . I work as a fulltime artist/designer so i have always free access to Tumblr ( except going home / to work ) but this doesn't mean my whole life revolves in tumblr. I also have hobbies && life outside tumblr -- so even if I'm always online here doesn't mean I'll reply to you immediately . Please understand that thank you!!
⸻ Shipping. Im down with any ships as long as there's chemistry between characters && is very reasonable , I love shipping so don't hesitate to hit me up however i try to want that both of us muns and muse are in sync && had interacted first , i enjoy slow burns and relationship build ups so hit me up with HCs and ship ideas i'll listen!!
༘ ೀ⋆。 Triggers. Hi please tag if you're ganna post Dolls or Spiders, i don't like them --- they scare me thanks.
༘ ೀ⋆。 Headcanon & Graphics Anything you see in here is made by me, unless i specified that it isn't . My headcanons, graphics & arts are something i worked really hard on, so please don't steal them . I appreciate i
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vessellbound · 6 months
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# VESSELLBOUND .   ⸻  a highly selective , && mutuals only rp blog for , The General Mahamatra — Cyno !! of Genshin Impact , heavily headcanon && influenced by the egyptian methology . — Triggering && Dark themes are present in this blog / Not Spoiler Free ! Read Rules Before Interacting // Minors or anyone below 20 don't interact . Personals Don't Reblog !!
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Simplified rules for mobile below the cut!
༘ ೀ⋆。Mun . Hi , hi!! You can call me Eri ! I've been rping for so long that I couldn't remember when i started but i do know i used to rp in GAIA online , I've been rping in Genshin fandom since version 1.0 so haha i've been around so long orz , also english is not my first language in fact it's the third one i learned , so I'm sorry if my English sometimes sucks or not deep.. what else? I love cats, frogs & dogs -- also my pronouns are whatever you feel like && I'm also 26 years of age
༘ ೀ⋆。 Selectivity . I'm very selective due to the reason that i get easily overwhelmed when there's a lot of things going on in my dashboard , I wanted it to be clean && not filled with untrimmed posts, too much ooc post , etc -- ( sorry! ) also i only follow the blogs I'm certain I'm going to write with && i'd like to keep things like that. Regarding to OCs , i will follow you -- once i read all your about > . < , I love your OCs i really want to write with you but due to my hectic schedule && ADHD , i always forgot to read some , so it is my fault why i got no time -- I'm really sorry. I wont follow you if you're below 20 + && ships incest , pedophile ships.
༘ ೀ⋆。 Activity . I work as a fulltime artist/designer so i have always free access to Tumblr ( except going home / to work ) but this doesn't mean my whole life revolves in tumblr. I also have hobbies && life outside tumblr -- so even if I'm always online here doesn't mean I'll reply to you immediately . Please understand that thank you!!
༘ ೀ⋆。 Shipping. I adore all sorts of shipping with cyno , familial , platonic or Romantic -- but shipping with cyno means that you're shipping to a man who prioritize work && his family ( collei ) first before the partner . Also i do want chemistry first , i won't immediately ship with you cause you are a tighnari or al haitham , i would like for cyno to sweep off your feet first and make you swoon with his corny jokes. (and yes i see my cyno as a top ... sorry )
༘ ೀ⋆。 Triggers. Hi please tag if you're ganna post Dolls or Spiders, i don't like them --- they scare me thanks.
༘ ೀ⋆。 Headcanon & Graphics Anything you see in here is made by me, unless i specified that it isn't . My headcanons, graphics & arts are something i worked really hard on, so please don't steal them . I appreciate it!
0 notes
Thank you for the tag @stargazer1967​!!! This was really fun :) 
1. Why did you choose you url?
This one was because I was getting into TW and my friend and I were talking about finding associated phrases in the fandom. And I googled Teen Wolf common phrases and a lot of things that came up were from the famous Miguel shirt scene with Danny and here we are \o/ 
2. Any side blogs?
Yup, I have a lot |D One for what was originally my main writing (SNK), which is my main blog I barely use... And then one for anime/books I like, one for fics I wanna read, this one for TW and one for everything else XD 
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Oh man, I know there’s a site where you can check this... But I forget. A while. At least 7 years by now...
4. Do you have a Queue tag?
I do not, though I almost always use the queue lol. If you see anything on this blog, assume 99% of it was queued XD 
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Because I got into TW and I like having things organized |D 
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It has blood on it >.> And it matches my name XD lol 
7. Why did you choose your header?
That was also because of the friend who got me into TW lol (I feel most people know by now it was @always-the-little-spoon). I am not tech savvy, so you know |D lol
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I... have no idea. Is there a way to check that??
9. How many mutual do you have?
Oh man, idek! I mean, the problem for me is I consider a lot of people I speak to regularly “mutuals” even if I don’t follow them because I have like, anxiety if I’m following too many people |D Because I need to catch up to my dashboard every day, it’s like, a thing. I can’t help it. So if I follow too many people, I can’t catch up and I’ll end up not coming back |D It’s a problem I have, I can’t handle things like that :/ 
10. How many followers do you have?
Sorry, I don’t talk about follower counts, but I love each and every one of you and thank you!!!
11. How many people do you follow?
Haha related to the above, only 57
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
I... don’t think so? Not on purpose I guess? 
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
At least once usually |D Unless I’m trying to finish a fic, then I usually don’t check it. 
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
I don’t think so -squints- Unless I have and didn’t know? Or forgot? lol 
15. How do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
I hate those :( I believe in all those “If you don’t reblog this then THIS bad thing will hapen” because WHO KNOWS?! So I hate them orz 
16. Do you like tag games?
I do, I just don’t know a lot of people who like them so I tend not to tag people back ^_^;; 
17. Do you like ask games?
I do! But I legit worry no one will ask me anything so I don’t reblog them a lot |D 
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
I feel like @tanekore is Tumblr famous tbh lol 
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
A platonic crush, sure. A romantic crush, no |D Lol 
20. Tags: NO PRESSURE! Completely optional
I don’t tag people as much as I can help it since a lot of people I know hate tags ^_^;;
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touchreceptors · 7 years
tagged by @eachainn ! sorry it took me so long to get back on tumblr and get round to this (and that my tumblr activity nowadays always comes in bursts with like 100 posts a day for 3 days and then silence for 2 months lmao orz)
What’s your age? Saitama’s, plus 1 ;)
What’s your current job? HR Generalist. With a firm and a scope that provides many learning opportunities, but can also be quite tiring on some days!
What are you talented at? Writing I suppose! And mimicking the Danny Phantom drawing style. And imitating cartoon and movie lines. 
What is a big goal you’re working toward? Are you kidding me at this point if I can finish writing Chapter 3 of A Dawn of Wyverns by the end of this year I’ll be happy (hey in my defense! that’s another 18k (or 20k! or more!) words! I hope you’re looking forward to it HAH)
What’s your aesthetic? High-waist skirts (of all lengths) with shiny brown mary-janes (or any classic looking oxfords) and socks. Light blue, sky blue, navy blue, lots of blues except electric blue, off-whites, and the pastel/spring colors. If it’s just pictures / clothes on other people though - then it’s autumn landscapes, scenery and colors.
Do you collect anything? Haha ha  ha ha h a I probably have, i don’t know, somewhere between 300 - 500 different SuzaLulu doujinshi titles by now (hey it’s coming close to 9 years since I started collecting them!)
What’s a topic you always talk about? Unfortunately, I think I talk more often about what I hate about Code Geass as opposed to what I like about it. But I will always enthusiastically talk about it <3
What’s a pet peeve of yours? Crowded places, especially modes of public transport that I have to ride. Also sticky price tag and import labels/stickers - I actually have had a mild phobia of those for as long as I can remember, and I have no idea how I got it.
Good advice to give. People will continue giving you shit for as long as you continue to take it. (i’m sorry i think i had something better and wittier but i forgot what is was 8( or so i tell myself) But anyway - too many people I know are too nice. We’re all fellow adults now. You’re allowed to say no - and the world won’t fall apart!
Three songs you’d recommend?
1. Upside Down - Paloma Faith (catchy, upbeat and uplifting, positive feminist undertones and an implied dismissal of capitalist values. Yep, THIS is the kind of contemporary music i like)
2. Nahji no Uta (The Nahji Song) - if you’re in the mood for some peaceful, fantasy folk song music. Seriously though, the anime that this song is from? Is one of the best I have seen. Admirable, non-sexualized strong women, no annoying moe shit tropes, heartwarming story with likable characters all around. Definitely recommended. The song in and of itself is also very beautiful of course, and I’ve been listening to it on repeat these past 2 weeks
3. This english adaptation of the OPM ending song (I’ll Find You Before the Stars Do). Well-sung, sincerely performed, and anyone familiar with the translation of the full song in Japanese should be able to tell that the lyrics here were lovingly translated/adapted to keep as much of the original meaning as possible while adding a more english poetic flair to the arrangement.
tagging: @lawlietismyfavorite , @crescenttwins-happinesssdeceit , @mariannevibritannia , @chasingfleetingrainbows - provided you all haven’t done this already ... and anyone else who wants to grab this !
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