#it's definitely the best thing about rdo
prairiemule · 3 years
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Red Dead Redemption II - Tall Trees • [Winter Event]
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bestworstcase · 4 years
Considering how much you love the saporian au, I have a I guess alternative pitch to ask about. In Rapunzel's Return, if it was revealed that Cass was Saporian instead and still goes through with crossing the line in canon. So when Rapunzel and the gang gets home, do you think the Saporian invasion fight would've gone differently with this new information brought to light for her, especially since Varian is working with them now? Do you have any input on this?
why yes i do
so to start. let’s skip back to like august/september of 2019, which is when the tts hyperfixation kicked in but before s3 started to air. at this point in time my thinking was:
the separatists are definitely coming back in some capacity because the series made a point of putting their symbol on the book in RDO, signaling that andrew was not a one time deal.
there’s a press release that says raps will encounter an old enemy when she returns to corona and while it might be varian, my money is on the separatists.
cassandra encountered zhan tiri behind the door in the shell house and learned or saw something that soured her pretty hard on corona
i have been theorizing that cass is saporian since the first time i watched under raps, like, a year ago
i have also been theorizing that zhan tiri is saporian since she was introduced, mainly because it’s fun and it ties two great antagonists together
if cass IS saporian, and the separatists ARE the threat awaiting rapunzel in corona, these two things are probably going to end up intertwining down the line in s3.
sigh. [puts on my clown shoes]
a big part of the appeal of saporian!cass to my mind is that it gives cassandra an excellent reason, completely unrelated to rapunzel, to return to corona after she takes the moonstone. right? in my head, before s3 aired, my theory was kinda: zhan tiri got into her head and drew a connection between cassandra’s individual feelings of being neglected/overlooked/treated unfairly, and the systemic problem of saporians being oppressed/cast aside/treated unfairly.
and cass wants so badly to be a hero. she wants to be admired. she wants to be a protagonist, basically, and if cass is saporian that positions her perfectly to become the hero of the saporian separatist movement after she takes the moonstone. it fits so well!
so if, beyond just cass being saporian, this were the direction the series had gone with cass being saporian—and taking into account that this is a disney princess show and it is going to be pro-monarchy at the end of the day, and trying to stay within those bounds—i kind of imagine it playing out like this: 
1) cass takes the moonstone and angrily lashes out at rapunzel, telling her about what zhan tiri told her in the HOYT (which boils down to ranting about how saporians in general and cass in particular are treated badly and she’s not going to take it anymore and this is my destiny, rapunzel). then she leaves, with CtL going exactly as it does in canon. 
2) reeling, rapunzel returns home—only to find that it has been taken over by saporian separatists. talk about a punch in the gut! and then to make matters worse, varian is working with them. i think “rapunzel’s return” can still end with victory over the separatists in this version, but the separatists aren’t imprisoned at the end—they escape, swearing that it isn’t over. [the conflict itself plays out similarly, except for preference the separatists aren’t trying to glass corona, they’re just trying to stay in charge / drive team corona out. this allows for escalation later with zhan tiri and also doesn’t paint. people fighting back against their oppressors as pure evil,]
2a) varian and rapunzel still have their emotional conversation and sort-of apologies, but! varian doesn’t turn against the separatists yet, and when they escape, he goes with them. however, fundamentally their cause isn’t personal to him, and he’s now all conflicted because rapunzel doesn’t hate his guts like he’s been telling himself she must. 
3) rapunzel frees quirin from the amber despite varian’s continuing betrayal, because it’s the right thing to do and also because she’s desperate for SOME sort of victory after all this. varian doesn’t find out about this until after his redemption.
4) the separatists continue to cause problems in B-plots throughout the first half of the season. someone (probably eugene?) tries to broach the subject of cass with rapunzel in the context of cass potentially joining the separatists and throwing the power of the moonstone behind their cause. rapunzel brushes this off on the grounds that no matter what cass is still her best friend. meanwhile we keep getting cass stingers, with cass struggling to control the rocks and zhan tiri helping her, except instead of driving her into rages at rapunzel, she’s focused on radicalizing cass to the separatist cause (although she does not spell this out at first).
5) BVA kicks off with zhan tiri dropping the bomb that she wants cass to join the separatists. cass is shocked (she knows how extreme and violent they are—and she’s not like that, is she? she hasn’t hurt anyone!), which triggers the burst of red rocks. 
5a) in corona, the red rocks cause varian to have horrific visions of his father/all of corona trapped in amber, confronting him with his own guilt. he’s been sticking with the separatists mostly out of fear of being rejected if he tries to return to corona now—after all, rapunzel gave him another chance, and he threw it back in her face. but the visions are too much for him, and after he sees that they’re capable of petrifying people, he rushes straight to corona, sneaking in through the tunnels to warn rapunzel. she decides to trust him again, and they set off to the demanitus chamber to stop the red rocks a la canon.
5b) as varian and rapunzel emerge and see that their efforts paid off, rapunzel assures him that she’ll make sure everyone hears how he put himself in danger to warn them, and how he saved the day... and as varian is thanking her, he hears a very quiet “...son?” from behind them. he turns around, unable to believe his ears. it’s his dad. his dad is free. for a second he’s terrified this is some sort of lingering effect of the rocks but rapunzel explains that she found an incantation that she used to free quirin, and there is a BIG EMOTIONAL MOMENT as he reunites with his dad. because varian realizes quirin must know everything he did after his dad was trapped in the amber, and he’s so afraid his dad will be ashamed of him, but quirin is just like. no, son, you may have gone to a very dark place but you found your way back all by yourself, and you did the right thing, and i’m so proud of you. tears, and so on. 
5c) BVA ends with cassandra and zhan tiri, rather than eugene and rapunzel, debriefing. cass reveals that she felt rapunzel’s fear of her during their moment of connection, and she is upset because even though cass hasn’t done anything, rapunzel seems to see cass as just as violent and dangerous as the separatists are, perhaps even moreso. and zhan tiri comes in with “they’ve already written you off as a monster” and “what do you think forced the separatists to such extremes? they tried to be reasonable, and they were persecuted just as you have been” and “really, what do you have to lose?”
6) and that is how cass gets on board with zhan tiri’s joining the separatists plan. [if cass doesn’t already know at this point, i think this would be the part where zhan tiri mentions that she’s saporian, too]
7) then we hit pascal’s dragon, and this is the episode where rapunzel starts really considering what cass being saporian means, basically using LBB as a proxy for working out her feelings about cass and ultimately coming to a sort of hopeful conclusion that maybe... cass being saporian is important to her and maybe—just like the enraged dragons that destroyed nigel’s village—the separatists have valid reasons for their anger... but also that a peaceful resolution can be reached if rapunzel doesn’t let fear consume her.
8) islands apart, then, becomes a little more focused on rapunzel trying to get the whole story out of the captain; how did he end up with a saporian kid, what do the separatists want beyond blowing corona up [he’s the captain of the guard, he must have dossiers on these people], and most importantly, what options are there for compromise? fresh off her own commitment to meet cass halfway, the conflict between rapunzel and the captain vis a vis fountain cass can also be nice and sharp. 
9) in cassandra’s revenge!!! we just scrap the entire eugene surprise birthday proposal subplot. the first half of the episode is cass cruising into the separatist camp in the woods with the moonstone and ghost!ziti. she and andrew are immediately at each others throats because both of them want to be in charge but cass ends up winning by dint of a) having a magical rock with enormous destructive power at her disposal, and b) having a clear plan. she steals the scroll to distract everyone while the separatists in to steal [insert magical saporian artifact macguffin here] from the palace vaults, with the intention of using it to free zhan tiri. 
10) cass’s part of CR goes very similarly to how it does in canon: team corona turns up to rescue varian, rapunzel tries to talk to cass about finding a viable compromise on the saporian issue, and cass, not wanting to hear it, goes berserk and attacks her. partly this is venting her very real personal anger at rapunzel (i like the idea of rapunzel reaching for her burnt hand being the thing that sets her off) and partly she’s just furious because rapunzel still doesn’t really get it. “nobody has to get hurt? saporians have already gotten hurt! i have already gotten hurt!” <- that kind of thing
10a) also!!! a “nothing left to lose” where varian is saying “i worked with the separatists and it wasn’t worth it!” and cass is saying “don’t you get it? i’m not like you, i don’t have other options, i’m saporian” would be sooooo goooood
11) in any case cass gets yeeted off the tower and injured, as in canon. team corona leaves. the separatists come back, find the tower in ruins and cassandra crawling back up from her ledge. they help her up, treat her injuries, and then reveal the bad news: the macguffin they were after, the one they need to free zhan tiri? it’s gone. corona sent it to the keeper of the spire for safe keeping. 
12) race to the spire! is about cass and the separatists trying to retrieve the macguffin from the spire. and it is also about an extremely shaken rapunzel talking to xavier about all of this, realizing what the separatists were probably after when they broke in, freaking out (cass joining the separatists is one thing, but bringing zhan tiri back?!) and reluctantly turning to edmund and adira for help... because she thinks she knows where cass is going to go next. 
12a) cue crazy cass + separatists + ghost ziti vs team corona + brotherhood battle at the spire. with all the canon insanity of the weird ass artifacts getting thrown into the mix. cass and the separatists win, possibly because ghost ziti advices cass to grab and threaten calliope to force rapunzel to cooperate and cass does it. 
13) TOTS is now the freeing zhan tiri episode. and the gothel disciple backstory episode. because turns out! none of them really know how to do the actual jailbreak with the macguffin, so... they need gothel’s old research, from when she and the other disciples used the same artifact to free zhan tiri last time. rapunzel is in the cottage with a similar idea: she’s trying to learn more about the sundrop and its connection to the moonstone. loredumps, idk. maybe all this takes place in the ruins of the tower instead; i like the idea of gothel having a creepy little laboratory in the cellar or something. 
14) rapunzel pleads with cass to think about what she’s doing. the separatists have a point—does zhan tiri? what is zhan tiri after, what’s her agenda, what is she, even? and it nearly works, she nearly gets through to cassandra, but then... cap shows up, and cass does not react well. cap is there to try to apologize for their last altercation, but she does NOT want to hear it and the whole situation escalates. team corona gets driven out of the valley, cass and the separatists do the ritual to release zhan tiri and wow things are really bad now aren’t they!!!
15) flynnposter... idk. cap recuses himself from the whole fighting cassandra thing because he cannot handle it and because everyone agrees he’ll be more effective at getting through to cass if he’s not showing up in the captain’s uniform, eugene gets put in charge... and zhan tiri is out to cause problems. i just think she should get an episode of zany hijinks all to herself. she deserves it. to keep the plot relevancy going let’s say she’s impersonating eugene-as-flynn because a) it’s funny and b) it masks her real agenda, which is, let’s say, wiping corona off the map, stealing the sundrop, and using it to plant/grow a new great tree on the ruins of the city. seems like a fitting vengeance against both demanitus (for banishing her) and rapunzel (for destroying the great tree), yes? 
16) once a handmaiden. with zhan tiri now fully out and about cass has been sort of demoted to second in command and she is struggling with that, because it’s making the inferiority complex bubble up and bringing with it doubts that this is really the right thing to do, or even really what she wants. she slips away to clear her head, perhaps even using the cloak to disguise herself so she can wander around corona... and finds the nasty little magical traps zhan tiri planted earlier. she realizes that whatever zhan tiri has planned for the eclipse, it’s a lot worse than she’s letting on. (maybe some of this is connected to gothel’s research: gothel wanted to retrieve the sundrop from rapunzel, and cass recognizes ritual prep for that from gothel’s notes and is like. oh no.)
17) so... at a loss for what to do, she impulsively goes to rapunzel to try to... warn her? apologize? take her up on that offer to negotiate? cass is really not sure, and seeing herself in wanted posters and of course demonized in feldspar’s play does not. help. this part of the episode can go pretty similarly to canon, except that when cass is confronted by zhan tiri it’s a lot more cutting, with zhan tiri focusing how even now she feels like she needs to serve rapunzel at cost to herself, needling her about her lack of conviction etc etc, in addition to goading her with the news about project obsidian. cass angrily rejects her and goes to talk to rapunzel, publicly reveals herself on purpose because a) sometimes she’s not smart and b) striding onto the stage in the second act of feldspar’s terrible play to tell everyone in the audience that corona is in grave danger really seems like a good idea at the time and ziti is lying about project obsidian so everything will be fine right!!!!
18) everything is not fine 
19) cass gets shot in the back with project obsidian courtesy of panicking guards and a teeny tiny bit of help from zhan tiri and, crushed by the realization that rapunzel must have authorized this, cass does the “no you know what? fuck you, i see all that talk about negotiation was just pretty words after all” thing and wrecks the place, while zhan tiri stands by watching like >:) 
20) PLUS EST EN VOUS. im sorry anon this has gotten way longer than i thought it would. but i am Passionate About Saporian Cass. the situation is now dire! everyone in corona is hunkered down in old corona, frantically trying to draw up battle plans or like, any plans at all. corona itself is in ruins. it really looks like cass/the separatists have won... but rapunzel keeps thinking about how cass tried to warn them of some greater danger. she can’t give up on cass just yet. 
21) so, desperate, rapunzel turns to the separatists. she takes... varian, because he knows them, and lance because he’s good at talking to people, and eugene, because she needs him with her. and she walks into the separatist camp and says look, i know that ultimately what you want is for saporia to be free to be its own country. that you only took over corona and tried to destroy it because you thought you had no other choice. and maybe under my dad’s rule, that was true. but i’m the queen now, and i can accept a declaration of saporian independence if i want to. so i’m going to do that right now, no strings attached. saporia is free. 
22) and the saporians are like holy fucking shit
23) what brought this on???
24) rapunzel is like cassandra is my best friend. and i didn’t treat her well, and i made her feel like she couldn’t talk to me about how she was hurting, so she did all this. she’s angry and she’s right to be angry, but more importantly, she’s hurting and scared. and i want to make it right. and also i’m terrified that zhan tiri is going to hurt her, because she said something about zhan tiri going after the drops?
25) and like the best she’s hoping for here is for the separatists to drop out of the conflict and go build their kingdom back up again, but they huddle up and decide that a) cassandra is their friend / one of theirs, and if she’s in danger they’re gonna side with her over zhan tiri, and b) if they team up with rapunzel now and it turns out rapunzel was lying and this was all some elaborate set up to attack cass while she’s without allies, then they will be there to help cass hold the line
27) cass sort of miserably is going along with zhan tiri’s plans but she’s also just kinda hoping rapunzel doesn’t show up for the eclipse. 
28) rapunzel shows up for the eclipse with a bunch of separatists and cass is like rapunzel what the fuck
29) there is...an attempt by rapunzel/cass/the separatists to get everyone’s story straight which is interrupted by zhan tiri doing the “traitors to saporia pay with their lives” thing and just. going ballistic on the separatists and cass. and also rapunzel, except she needs rapunzel to not be smushed like a bug until after she retrieves the sundrop so she’s a little gentler.
30) cass and rapunzel team up to protect the separatists: with both of them using the full power of the drops, they can hold their own against zhan tiri (she is VERY POWERFUL and she PROVES IT during this fight by going toe to toe with both of them without breaking a sweat)... but things go from bad to worse when the eclipse hits, because the sundrop goes dormant, and zhan tiri pounces. gets the sundrop, and now it’s just cass trying to solo this demonic sorceress lady before the eclipse ends and zhan tiri gains the power of the sundrop. It Is Not Looking Great For Our Heroes.
31) zhan tiri stomps cass into the curb and is about to land the killing blow when the rest of the coronans + the brotherhood charge in (they were waiting on the mainland on rapunzel’s orders, not wanting to escalate the situation if it could be solved via talking, but it is now very obvious that rapunzel needs back up). zhan tiri deals with them pretty handily too, but her distraction is enough for rapunzel to shake off her depowered exhaustion/pain and help cass back to her feet. 
32) raps, cass says, i’m so sorry. i never meant for any of this to happen, i just—
33) and rapunzel says, i know, it’s okay. i’m sorry too, for taking you for granted. i love you.
34) cass, tearing up, is like, i love you too. and i’m gonna stop this.
35) rapunzel is like ??? but there’s no more time because zhan tiri has finished smashing/immobilizing everyone else and cass is already charging at her, no longer trying to attack or defend, just get close enough. 
36) as the eclipse comes to an end and the sundrop wakes up again, cass latches onto ziti, grabs the sundrop. and slams it against the moonstone still embedded in her chest. there’s a huge explosion, and when the dust clears... cass is in the epicenter, very dead, and there’s really nothing left of zhan tiri but a bunch of spasming vines and shadowy magic, burning slowly away in the brilliant light of the unified power. everyone else is pretty damn battered too.
37) horrified, rapunzel crawls out of the wreckage, grabs the unified drop. revives/heals everybody (except zhan tiri, rip), ending pretty much goes as it does in canon. except i like the idea of the epilogue / ending sequence of life after happily ever after (reprise) also being a montage of both corona and saporia being rebuilt, the countries now equals and allies... and also cass, when she leaves, is explicitly going out in search of saporians whose ancestors were displaced by the conquest, both to invite them to return to their ancestral home if they so choose and also to reconnect with her own heritage. 
38) THE END!!!
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Tell me about your gay Cowboys I have no specific questions I just need more info
this is an excuse to talk about their horses. i will tell more headcanons later in a second post since this one got long!
jonah's horses are:
- black chestnut thoroughbred gelding named rocky
- spotted tricolor norfolk roadster gelding named bones
- gold turkoman mare named champagne
he bought his thoroughbred and turkoman in saint denis. they weren't cheap at all, but he didn't mind at the time (and he definitely doesn't mind now that he knows aiden loves his horses so much). they are both very good. rocky can run races if prompted to, and champagne is an excellent horse to take hunting (whether it be for animals or bounties).
now, he found bones at valentine stable at half-price. no one wanted to buy the angry stallion. bones started out angry at the world, letting out shrill cries whenever anyone - or anything - came close. he often kicked his stall door and injured other horses and people who tried to work with him. he was deemed a lost cause. they thought tying him to another, older horse would help, but it stressed him out even more. he was an anxious thing.
but jonah took a chance. he knew it was a risk, as bones was the first horse he bought, but something told him to do it. he gave up his trusty kentucky saddler for this unpredictable hell-horse. he couldn't quite lead him out of the stables, so he could only look at him for awhile.
bones had obviously been abused. no horse was this anxious and wary of people for nothing. jonah worked with him, day and night, trying to gain his trust. the first sign was allowing jonah to come up to his stall, then eating out of his hand, then letting him rub his neck. it took about a year and a half for bones to trust jonah enough to let him put his tack on.
when they had bonded enough for jonah to ride bones, jonah took it very slow. bones was living at his camp by now, but they usually did trail riding or short errands that didn't involve crowds, nothing extreme. jonah borrowed a friend's horse (mealy chestnut belgian draft) whenever he had work to do.
now aiden's horses... he has a lot. i have little self control when it comes to buying horses in rdo, so i give him every horse i like. they are:
- dark bay turkoman mare named honey
- silver turkoman stallion named parabola / "chibs"
- gold turkoman gelding named abel
- splashed piebald irish cob mare named ghost
- buckskin brindle missouri fox trotter stallion named jigsaw
- dapple grey missouri fox trotter mare names skyline pigeon / "pidge"
- buckskin mustang stallion named elton
- red dun overo mustang mare named tiny dancer
- spotted tricolor norfolk roadster stallion named s'mores
he bought a majority of them on sale. they were horses that the stable wanted gone, so they could get new ones in stock. abel was the only horse he paid full price for, and he's an incredible horse.
since aiden does a lot of bounty hunting with jonah, so he has specific horses he takes. he usually takes abel, chibs, ghost, or honey since they're strong, have lots of stamina, and very brave. ghost is the stockiest of them all, so she can pull a lot of weight. she's even stomped cougars.
honey is a mellow horse. she wouldn't hurt a fly. however, she's the best bounty hunting buddy aiden has ever had, next to jonah. she likes to follow and let jonah's horse lead the chase. but she will take charge the second she's told to.
onto s'mores, jigsaw, and pidge. they are the horses he uses for racing, leisure riding, etc. jigsaw can be an ass sometimes, so aiden sticks to leisure western riding with him. he hates small spaces and trolleys. he loves to act out, which includes acting skittish for no clear reason. he's a sucker for snoot pats, kisses, and treats, though.
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cruoremprys · 5 years
Moonshine loosens the tongue (Part 1)
Pairing: Johann Coyote x Lemuel Fike Word Count:  2473 Rating: NSFT Warnings: None A/N: I really love the Moonshiners DLC for rdo and Lem is sweet and I couldn’t help myself.  It gets spicy but there’s no particular kinks.  Part 2 will happen eventually.  
  It was good to be free, to have Aunt Maggie back.  Being back in the business good too, even if he was still incredibly worried.  Lem still had nightmares.  The smell of smoke could fill his stomach with cold, heavy dread on the wrong day.  
Aunt Maggie was confident things would be different this time.  Lem didn't question her, not aloud anyway.  He still found himself constantly checking over his shoulder, nervous at any unfamiliar sounds.  He still worried she was pushing too hard and too fast.  Aunt Maggie cheated death once, he doubted that she could again.  
"We got somethin' we didn't have before."
She gestured to Johann, the man in the middle of a conversation with Marcel.  Lem didn't understand a word of French but Johann seemed too.  At least some of it.  Sometimes Marcel would say something and Johann just scowled.
She was right though.  It was Johann who stopped his prison transportation.  It was Johann who killed all those revenue agents.  He'd also rescued Marcel, even if the Frenchman liked to embellish his stories.  He also blew up their competitor's operation.  Aunt Maggie wouldn't say it to the cowboy's face but she was real impressed with his work.
Lem tried to thank him a few days after the rescue.  When he was feeling better, well rested and stomach full.  It was awkward at best honestly.  Johann was so goddamn quiet, his expression always difficult to read.  Lem stumbled over his words, which only got worse when Johann smiled.  
"Oh don't worry 'bout it."
He was left more confused than before, face and ears red.  There was just something about how Johann smiled.  Something real beautiful and real sad.  
It wasn't difficult to find an excuse to be around the cowboy.  Work usually cut it.  Johann was doing most of the heavy lifting as it was.  How could it hurt if Lem gave him a hand?  
Johann still didn't talk much, Lem did enough for the both of them, but he seemed to warm up in his own way.  Always patting him on the shoulder, sitting with him instead of on his own.  
The absolute worst, or best, happened in Van Horn though.  Their delivery was long done, just passing through.  Well, a stop in the saloon.  Neither of them were the best cooks.  And it wasn't difficult to tell a revenue agent apart from everyone else.  Always in stuffy suits and complaining about the mud and grime.  Lem felt the dread start settling in his gut, hand itching to draw his revolver.  He counted five or six of them....
"Too many innocent folk."
The cowboy grabbed his arm and dragged him into a small room.  Shut the door and out of habit placed a hand over Lem's mouth.  As if they weren't already in each other's space.  The room is down right tiny.  Yet he could barely hear Johann breathing as he listened.  
For once, the unfamiliar voices and sounds of footsteps didn't bother Lem.  He was far too focused on the gunslinger.  His palm was rough.  Smelled of gun powder and leather, a hint of blood.  His body radiated warm, firm and solid against Lem.  Tense.  Holding completely still until he was positive the danger was gone.
"Doesn't sound like they were lookin' for us. Good."
Johann sighs, hand moving away from the other's mouth.  Unintentionally caging Lem against the wall with his body, hands against the wood on either side of him.  His hand, shaking, comes up to brush over the cowboy's cheek.  Feeling the scars that marred his skin, the little bit of stubble.  Warm skin.  He can feel Johann tense up.  Momentarily fears Johann was going to lash out.  Hit or, even worse, throw him to the mercy of the revenue agents.
He doesn't.  
Wild blue eyes focuses on Lem's face, clearly searching.  Leans in, pressing their bodies closer.  He can feel Johann's warm breath on him.  His heart pounds wildly in his chest, deafeningly so.  
Chapped lips, Lem is sure his aren't any better, press against his.  His hands fly up to grab Johann's vest, grounding himself.  Holding himself upright even.  Lem didn't think kissing another man could feel so good but hell, it sure did.  
A small gasp escapes past Lem's lips when Johann leans back.  Almost following so they could keep kissing.  
"I ain't... "
Johann starts but quickly stops, kissing him again.  His hand comes up, fingers gently scratching at Lem's beard before cupping his cheek.  Gently nips his lower lip   
It abruptly stops as soon as it started.
"This ain't the right place for this."
Though they both linger close to each other, collect themselves really.  They couldn't go back out into the saloon dishevelled and lips red.  And Lem doesn't have words.  All he can do is just look at Johann, confused and honestly?  Aroused.  His jeans are starting to feel tight.  
Johann seems to be having the same problem too.  Awkwardly trying to adjust himself.  
"Anyone could walk in."
He explains, Lem nodding in response.  That implies they would kiss again.  That, well, they would probably do more.  
They decide to stay in Van Horn for the night.  Yeah, the revenue agents were gone, but they had set up a number of check points.  It was best to stay off the roads, right?  And the saloon owner, a loyal customer, was more than content to work out a deal with them.  
Moonshine always burned a little, Lem muses to himself.  Can still taste it in the back of his tongue.  He needed something to take the edge off, feeling like he was hyper aware of everything.  Especially Johann.  
"You can have the bed."  
Lem watches as he places his hat on the table, sits down and lights a cigarette.  Takes a long drag on it before offering it to Lem.  Their fingers brush as he takes it, Lem feeling his heart jump.  He mimics Johann before letting the cigarette hang from his lips.  Watches as Johann shifts in his chair, very clearly moving to give his growing erection space.  It gives Lem a much needed ego boost.
His now free hand reaches out to let his fingertips brush over the scars at the corner of Johann's mouth.  Breathing hitches when his wrist is grabbed, his fear soothed when Johann kisses those very same fingertips.  Feels the calloused thumb softly rub into the soft skin of his wrist.
"Are you sure?"
Another drag on the cigarette before Lem puts it out, nodding.  
"I've never... with another man."
Johann leans forward, kissing the same space his thumb has been on Lem's wrist.  Keeps holding even as he stands up.  He wonders if the outlaw's heart is pounding just as wildly as his own.  
"We ain't gotta do much."
The kiss feels just as intense as it did in that small room.  Definitely not like kissing a woman.  Johann isn't soft but he's solid.  Solid and warm pressed up against him.  Finds himself leaning in just a little more, bringing his hand up to cup his face.  Mimicking what Johann has done earlier and scratching his scruffy skin.  He swallows down the groan Johann makes.  
It definitely spurs something in him too.  Johann lets go of his wrist and both hands grab his hips.  Closing any space between them.  Lem doesn't know what to do with his hands but oh lord, he doesn't want this to stop.  Besides, it might feel different but it's still kissing.  He can do that.  He knows how to do that.  Awkwardly, his hands come to rest on his shoulders.  
They both move to deepen it, trying to learn each other.  Taste each other and memorize it.  He can taste the tobacco on Johann's tongue.  Could Johann taste the moonshine on his?
Johann pants, urging Lem towards the bed.  Pushes him down and drops to his knees.  Hands start undoing belts.  
"I... Oh shit..."
Lem moans louder than he expected too when he feels that warm hand grab his erection.  Legs instinctively spread further apart, making more space for Johann.  Those big blue eyes are looking at him and it's good he's sitting down because his knees feel weak.  He lets his fingers card through the thick hair, gently grabbing it. Johann doesn't seem to mind, hand slowly starting to work Lem's cock.  
"Just relax, yeah?"
Lem's only ever paid for a woman to do what Johann does.  Watching Johann give the head a tentative lick knocks the air out of his lungs.  He practically wheezes when Johann starts to take him into his mouth.  One firm hand his holding his hips down, which is probably for the best.  Otherwise he might thrust hard into the warmth.  And Lord, is it warm.  Wet and welcoming and all Lem can do it moan as it engulfs his cock.  Grip on Johann's hair only tightening, desperately trying to keep himself steady.  
"Shit Johann... Oh God, feels real good. Feels damn good. C-careful!"
Throwing his head back, Lem feels his erection hit the back of Johann's throat.  Can feel his nose pressed right against his groin and his throat fluttering around him.  His chest heaves, desperately trying to catch his breath.  Toes curl and uncurl, Lem daring to look down.  That sight alone is damn near enough to make him finish.  Big blue eyes tearing up, looking up at him, as Johann holds his head down.  Keeps Lem deep in his mouth and swallows.  
There's that familiar burning in his gut, pleasure pooling there.  Worried, did Johann want him to come down his throat? Lem tugs his hair.  Trying to guide Johann off his erection.  For now, at least.  
Johann looks so pretty, if that's the right word, with his face flushed and lips wet.  Strands of spit hanging between his cock and those lips.  
"Don't like it?"
His voice is a little rougher, edged with worry.  Lem shakes his head, the hand moving from his hair to cup his cheek.  Johann's eyes flutter shut and he leans into the hand, his own slowly working Lem's erection.  
"Wasn't sure if I could finish in your mouth."
He can't imagine it tastes good and Lem doesn't want to do the wrong thing.  Johann just chuckles.
"Where did you wanna finish?"
Oh.  Lem swallows, hard, cock twitching at the question.  
"... On your face."
The hand working him picks up momentum, only stopping so Johann's tongue can run along the underside.  Giving the head soft little licks and Lem swears this is how he's going to die.  Or rather, he won't be lasting long at all.  
It's impossible to keep his hips still, Johann the only thing keeping them from jerking into the touch.
Lem's eyelids flutter, wanting to close them and get lost in the pleasure.  He also wants to watch Johann.  God, he's so close.  So fucking close.  
Johann gives him exactly what he asks for, slowly working Lem as he shoots his load over his face.  His lips are parted, wet, and face flushed.  Lem moans, low and rough, at the sight.  Fingers loosen their grip on thick hair, gently tucking it behind Johann's ear as he tries to catch his breath.  He feels so pleasantly exhausted now, just petting the cowboys hair.  Who seems more than content to stay there and be pet.  
Almost like he doesn't have his own incredibly hard erection pressing against the front of his jeans.  Begging for attention.  
"I ain't ever done... well, I ain't ever sucked dick before."
Lem admits when he notices it, unsure.  Still, he wants to do something.  Johann closes his eyes and leans into the hand, smiling.  
"You don't have too."
Taking a handkerchief and standing, he wipes his face clean.  Groaning as hand run up his thighs, further up until Lem is palming against the bulge.  He knew what he likes, he can only assume Johann enjoys similar things.  It gets him a low moan, pressing his hips into the touch.  Awkwardly, he gets the gun belt off.  Lays it down to the side with care.  Untucks the shirt and undoes the jeans, fingers hooking in the loops to tug them down.  Johann has to help a little and -
"Jesus Christ."
He's huge.  Not that Lem has seen enough dicks to compare, but he's obviously heavy and thick.  Lem swallows, trying to mimic the way Johann had taken his erection in hand.  Uses precum to help make his movements more slick.  It twitches and oozes more clear fluid.
The outlaws head leans to the side, eyes closed and lips still parted ever so slightly.  Panting softly.  
He looks pretty like this too.  
"Here. Sit back a little."
Lem does as Johann instructs.  He knows he needs the guidance.  When Johann straddles his lap, it's a more familiar position.  Hands immediately rest on his hips, pushing any fabric out of the way to feel skin.  Rough hands cup his face and Johann is kissing him.  Biting and sucking on his lower lip.
He's more than happy to have Johann roll and rut his hips against him.  Though he can't imagine the fabric of his shirt feels that good.  Reaches between them to take hold of Johann's cock, pumping it.  Working it like he would his own.  Feels Johann pant and moan against his cheek.  Lem must be doing it right.  
Unlike Lem, Johann doesn't make much of a sound when he finishes. Spills into his hand, cock hot and twitching, with no real warning.  Pressing sloppy kisses to Lem's cheek and jaw, still rutting into his hand.  Rides out the high as a hand snakes its way into Lem's hair.
"Next time," Johann growls into his ear, tugging his head back, "Gonna bend you over 'nd take you."
A shiver, jolt of pleasure, runs up Lem's spine.
"You mean what you said?"
It's early morning, the road's empty.  They know they need to get back to Maggie and Marcel.  Let them know they're alive and split the money.  
"Last night," Lem tries to sound casual, like worry isn't eating away at him, "Did you mean that?"
"Oh," Johann huffs, hoping the blush on his cheeks can't be seen, "I mean, if you want a next time."
Lem chews the inside of his cheek.  The silence drags on as he tries desperately to put together words.  He didn't think he was.... well, you know, interested in that sort of thing.  Or maybe it was just Johann.  The strange gun slinging outlaw that suddenly appeared in his life.  Like a knight in shining armor.  Was he suppose to be the princess?  And here Johann was, admitting he would want to be intimate with him again.
"I'd... like that. A next time, I mean."
He just barely notices the way Johann sighs with relief, shoulders dropping.  
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lucaniisdellamorte · 5 years
Just a little something I wrote after one of the bootlegger missions in rdo between two of ocs
“Have a good day!” Mattie says cheerfully with a wave over her shoulder at the Blackwater tailor. She carefully closes the door behind her as she leaves, flexing the fingers of her new gloves and admiring the embroidered flowers along the cuffs. They’re thick and already very warm, almost too warm for the summer evening, perfect the bone chilling winters that she gets living around the Aurora Basin.
The skirt of her dress swishes around her ankles as she takes the few steps down from the clothing shop to the sidewalk. Pausing for a moment Mattie admires the way the dark waters of the lake catch and reflect the oranges and pinks of the setting sun. Sure the Aurora Basin is lovely but its merely a puddle compared to the gigantic size of Flat Iron lake which seems almost like an ocean the way it spreads from horizon to horizon without a hint of anything on the other side.
She sighs, content while she removes the gloves from her hands and tucks them into her bag. With all her shopping done and nothing left to do but go back to the hotel and rest for the night before her trip home tomorrow, she can spare a moment to enjoy the view and the slight breeze tussling her blonde hair. Thankfully the slowly fading sunlight means that there aren’t as many people on the street as there had been earlier in the day. 
A quiet walk back to the hotel would be the perfect little cherry on top of her day.
So of course she doesn't expect to almost literally bump into an old friend of her's as she turns the corner.
"Sunny?" Mattie asks surprised when she finds her best friend since childhood sitting on top of a barrel and leaning back against the wall of the general store. Sunny's only reaction is to quickly drop a gloved hand away from her mouth, like a child trying to eat a stolen sweet before it can be taken away.
"Well hey there Mattie! I didn't think I'd see you around here," her voice is jovial, warm, but that doesn't hide the fact that she's resolutely studying the sidewalk under her boots instead of looking at her. Sunny's disheveled appearance also doesn't escape her notice, the normally well put together woman looks like she just rolled out of bed after a particularly rough night. Her clothes are a wrinkled mess, her dark hair is coming free of it's usually tidy braid, and there is a small dark stain around one knee of her grey jeans.
"Yeah I needed to get a few things, but why are you here?" Mattie closes the distance between them, coming to stand next to her friend who still has yet to look up at her. In fact she's even started using the brim of her gambler's hat to hide part of her face from her.
"Just...doin some business," she answers slowly. At the same time Mattie sees two men exiting the saloon across the street, one man has his arm thrown around the shoulders of the other, using him as a sort of crutch as he limps down the street. Both men look rough in the same way Sunny looks rough and given the building they had walked out of well.
"Business?" She asks incredulously, the pieces slowly coming together in her mind. Sunny's business is moonshine and one of the few things she knows about moonshiners is that they get territorial over saloons. Especially when that saloon is the only one in town and the only one for miles around.
"Yep," Sunny answers simply, still looking at the ground. Mattie has had quite enough, and wanting to confirm her suspicions, grabs the other woman's chin and forces her to look up at her.
They both gasp, Mattie in shock at the sight of her friend's injured face and Sunny in sudden pain. Most of Sunny's right cheek is covered in a huge purple bruise, including part of her lips going all the way up to the cheek bone.
"Sunny what the hell happened?" She asks, shocked.
"Ran into a few disagreeable fellas in the saloon," Sunny answers and wretches her chin free of Mattie's grip. Her hand comes back up to her face, leather gloved fingers gently prodding at the edges of the bruise.
"And what made them so disagreeable?" Again Mattie looks back down the street but the two men are gone now.
"Just some business," Sunny answers, running her tongue over the bruised corner of her lower lip. Mattie's shock turns into exasperation, sure she's always said that the less she knows about Sunny's work the better but her being vague now just feels like she's being coddled. She can tell easily that her friend was in a fight and it would be nice if she could get an answer that wasn't just its business Mattie.
"Funny, I don't remember you being in the business of getting your ass whooped in local saloons," Mattie replies flatly, moving to Sunny's other side to better see the bruise and removing her friend's hat in the process. Maybe it's just the setting sun but the bruise already looks darker and more yellow around the edge closest to her eye. If she didn't know better she might have guessed that her friend had kicked by a horse, so she doesn't even want to begin to imagine the size of the man that threw that punch.
"Aw come on Mattie, give me a little credit. I was the one that did ass whoopin', you should see the other fellas," Sunny protests. This time Mattie finally registers that Sunny hasn't been saying fella as in one man.
"Fellas?! What do you mean fellas! How many fellas?" she demands. Sunny replies by holding up four fingers with a shit eating grin, obviously very proud of herself. For a moment all Mattie can do is stare at her friend in shocked horror, it was bad enough when she thought it had just been a single man but four?!
"Sunny what the fuck?!" Is all she can say, well she pretty much yells it. Thankfully there isn’t anyone on the street that she can see besides the two of them.
"What? I knocked out four grown men and all I got was this," she points to the ever darkening bruise on her face, "I think I did pretty good!" Mattie sighs, deep and put upon. Sunny has always been like this so really it shouldn't be a surprise but still Mattie is tempted to argue with her. Sure maybe being able to fight four fully grown men is actually something to be impressed by, but Sunny shouldn't be fighting four fully grown men in the first place. And definitely not alone.
But she doesn't want to argue over Sunny's work yet again and in the middle of the street. Besides that was usually an argument for Ginny to have with Sunny while she played mediator and Ginny is off hunting down some criminal in New Austin.
"Yeah alright Sunny," Mattie concedes adding after a moments pause, "you got a place to stay for the night?" With the last rays of sunlight fading quick and it shaping up to be a moonless night, it's not exactly a great time to be riding anywhere in her opinion. Especially for Sunny who would be riding back into the thick forest of Tall Trees.
Sunny doesn't answer but Mattie follows her gaze towards the stables were she no doubt left Gambit. "Absolutely not, you are not riding all the way back home tonight, c'mon you can stay in my hotel room with me."
She holds her hand out expectantly, waiting for Sunny to join her. The other woman sighs deeply before gingerly sliding herself off the barrel and Mattie doesn't miss the flinch she tries to hide as she does so.
"I thought you said that bruise on your face was all you got," Mattie narrows her eyes at the other woman.
"I..might..havegottenthrownintothebar," she answers quickly, grabbing her hat from where Mattie had left it on a nearby crate.
"What? It's fine! Nothin's broke!" As if to prove it she pokes herself in the ribs of her left side, this time managing to hide the flinch of pain. Sure her ribs might not be broken but the point is that Sunny had lied about her injuries, which of course is a very Sunny thing to do.
But only because she learned it from Ginny. Both of her friends were in the bad habit of down playing their injuries or the harshness of their jobs foolishly thinkin they were saving her from worrying about them.
"You and Ginny are going to be the death of me I swear." Mattie mumbles and grabs Sunny's wrist, pulling her along after her towards the hotel.
So much for a peaceful night.
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RedM - the RDR 2 multiplayer modification you have dreamt of
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 According to Gamingsection. Even if that number has dipped in the subsequent year or so since that GamingSection article was posted, Rockstar has definitely still got a money stew brewing. This is to say nothing of the amount of money the company has made off of game purchases alone, which is reportedly a lot of money. Unfortunately, it seems that RDO is, for better or worse, effectively dead. And maybe as a result, also red, but the jury is still out on that. I am a huge fan of survival games , so adding more survival mechanics to Red Dead Redemption 2 is right up my alley. This mod takes things much further in the direction of survival needs, requiring eating, drinking, sleeping, and peeing, as well as balancing carry weight penalties and a whole host of other features. This mod effectively takes the Cripps Trading Co. With this mod, players can buy a wagon, stagecoach, or boat and engage in transport missions, whether that means hauling goods or ferrying people from place to place. You can basically start your own shipping and transport company by picking up missions from general stores. You can even hire guns to help ensure a safe journey — which will come in handy, since bandits can randomly attack your convoy. There are a ton of other features that are definitely worth checking out, but this is a lucrative, more fleshed-out profession in single-player that seems far less tedious than working for Cripps. Count me in. Much like AMJM Transport, this mod is all about earning a living wage off of honest-to-goodness hard work. You simply purchase one of the already existing-gunsmiths and do your best to run it and turn a profit. This will require doing supply runs while fighting off bandits, as you might expect from Red Dead Redemption 2. You can also either decide how much each item costs to purchase, and how much to pay your staff, or you can simply let the chips fall as they may and just collect a decent sum of steady income. You can check out Gunsmith Business by Bolmin here. Well, the Jobs Mod might be just the ticket. You can pick up a 9-to-5 and collect a paycheck working in all manner of professions. You can be a miner, bartender, hunter, shepherd, dockworker, or delivery guy. You can check out the Jobs Mod by Bolmin here. This mod is pretty simple, but it could really go a long way toward fleshing out the already-detailed-but-at-times-rather-barren world of Red Dead Redemption 2. It adds more NPCs to some areas of the game, specifically areas where there is already a great deal of detail but no inhabitants, like lounges or random buildings. In my opinion, more hustle and bustle is always a good thing when it comes to game-world immersion. Have you ever inadvertently killed an NPC in the middle of nowhere, without a soul in sight, any you still incur a wanted level because the crime was witnessed and reported somehow? Well, this is the mod for you. This mod aims to better balance the wanted system in a way that feels more realistic for the time and setting. This mod also lessens the response of the law for more petty crimes, which feels more reasonable and immersive. Believe me when I say that I could go on and on, because there really are a ton of cool mods for Red Dead Redemption 2. I was born and did a of couple things. Then I was introduced to video games, which allowed me to do a ton of things. I currently do those things and write about them. Hitman 3 Update 3. Share this post. Connect with. I allow to create an account. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. Disagree Agree. Notify of. Oldest Newest Most Voted. Inline Feedbacks. Would love your thoughts, please comment.
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—    BASICS.
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ?
Sean is 5′10. I would say he’s average? Maybe a tad under average? 
▸      ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ?
Sean never pays much attention to it and it isn’t noted a lot by others.
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ?
Sean always tends to keep it long. He only had it a little shorter when he was younger, then in his teenage years it was slightly shorter. Ever since he was 20, he’s kept his hair the same. He feels like it suits him & is better than short hair. It’s actually a lot similar to his father’s hair.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ?
Honestly no? He’ll brush it, of course, but some times he has days where he just doesn’t want to. His hair doesn’t get knots in it too much. He spends more time on his facial hair than his hair mostly. Sometimes he’ll go to a barber and get it cut if he feels like his hair is getting too long.
In camp, not too much because he’s so used to the gang he doesn’t feel like he has to look his best all the time. Going into town and/or a fancy event, he’ll take care of his appearance more. For what others think, not really. In a way he still does, as he wants to be seen as one of the others. He wants the others to know he can do stuff, that he’s so much better than their remarks towards him. When Arthur says stuff to him, sometimes it affects him, but he tries not to take it to heart and dishes something back out at him. He cares a little more about others' opinions when he’s around a woman he wants to admire, he wants them to like him if he’s really into them. Other than those things, not really.
▸      INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ?  Outdoors. ▸      RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ?  Sunshine. ▸      FOREST    OR    BEACH ?  Forest. ▸      PRECIOUS    METALS    OR    GEMS ?  Gems. ▸      FLOWERS    OR    PERFUMES ?  perfumes? neither?. ▸      PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ?  Personality (but appearance helps too). ▸      BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ?  Crowd. ▸      ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ?  Anarchy. ▸      PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR    WHITE    LIES ?  Painful truths. ▸      SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ?  N/A, but if he had to choose --- magic?  ▸      PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ?  Both? it really depends. ▸      NIGHT    OR    DAY ?  Day. ▸      DUSK    OR    DAWN ?  Dusk. ▸      WARMTH    OR    COLD ?  Warmth. ▸      MANY   ACQUAINTANCES    OR    A    FEW    CLOSE    FRIENDS ?  Few close friends. ▸      READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?  Playing a game.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ?
Drinking & smoking. He drinks a lot. Swearing if you count that as a bad habit. He does push people’s buttons too much and be too prideful/cocky. Sometimes his reckless behavior can get him into deep trouble.
▸      HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ?
In his main verse, where he dies before anything can happen -- his dad is who he misses the most. he misses Davey & Mac too, as he saw them as friends. Later in the game, it would be everyone who dies (other than Micah). With his dad, he often likes to keep his memory alive by talking about him. He likes to talk about him a lot. He was a large influence on his life. I’d like to think that his jacket or hat is really similar to what his dad wore, that’s why he’s so attached to it. He was affected heavily by his death because of the way he died and he was one of the main people in his life. He saw the good side of him and was his role model. 
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ?
Being with the gang, as well as some childhood memories. Memories of his dad & his childhood before he died. Some memories with Arthur and the others. Some stories he remembers.
▸     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ?
Sean can kill and has before. He doesn’t like to kill, as he stated on rdo. He only feels good about killing if he’s killing a horrible person or in self-defense. He tries his best not to kill innocent people. he likes action, but he’s more into thieving and such. 
▸      WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ?
Sean doesn’t really let it show. He lets it boil up inside of him. He just doesn’t like talking about that stuff. He can talk about sad times -- but talking about his inner emotions is a bit difficult. He makes more jokes than usual, even if they don’t make sense. he feels like he can solve almost every problem with laughing at it, making light of it, and waiting it out. He can be a bit more quiet than usual, sometimes closed off. But he tries his best to try to make more light of the situation. Later down the line, if everything gets worse -- he may confide in a close friend or drink way more than usual. At that point, he feels like drinking is a way to deal with it, blocking all of that out.
Yes, definitely. He would trust his life with Arthur or Lenny. He can’t really trust the others. If someone is really close to him and seems to have a good heart, he will likely trust them with his life.
▸      WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ?
It’s similar to how he usually acts, he just gets more clingy. He often will be really proud of them, wanting to shout their name from the rooftops and show his partner off. He’ll talk about them a lot and like to spend a lot of his time with them. At first, he may invite them on jobs with him, but over time he’ll be more hesitant because he doesn’t want something bad to happen to them because of him. Really affectionate towards them. He’ll be more vulnerable, wanting them to know almost everything about himself. he doesn’t want to hide his true self around them or lie. May play pranks on them or with them. When riding to a job with someone else, he may non-stop talk about them until someone tells him to shut up lmao.
tagged  by :  stole it.
TAGGING : steal it from me
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