#it's easy to confide in fiction because you know you'll never be judged or have to worry about all your irl complications
meownotgood Β· 7 months
Oof yeah. Regarding that asexuality post. And the weird thing is you can't easily distinguish what feelings are your own, what is the societal norms engraved into you. And also it's so weird to be attracted to fictional characters but cringing at the thought of any irl experience. It's a very complicated emotionally place to be in. It sucks.
You don't know if it's "normal" to feel like that or if "sOmEtHinG is WrOnG".
Personally i think that something more liberating than even the asexuality label (or aromatic, or demisexual or whatever else is related) is just.. creating a label on your own?
Like.. you can totally choose bits and pieces. If you're this-one-person-irl-sexual that's amazing!
If you're that-fictional-man- sexual power to you!
If you're idk-maybe-?-sometimes-?-remains-to-be-seen-????????-sexual ey! That's great too!
(that's what i tell myself. I think carving out space for your own special experience can be very comforting and helpful!)
yes, you get it πŸ˜” honestly I'm just at a time in my life where no label is all that fits me, but it's often frustrating to feel like I don't understand myself, or I can't fit in with anyone's communities... it can be difficult to accept that sometimes it's okay to just not know
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