#it's johnyong's world
johnkun · 2 years
Hi! Im shy too, so i came to anon here. Johnyong + My Funny Valentine (the chet baker song). (Also please tell me like in the movies is not just that, ill wait forever if i have to) thank you!
my funny valentine | johnyong
here—from the doorway—johnny could be a poet, a philosopher, a thinker of great thoughts. everything about him telegraphs creative genius, from the hunch of his shoulders to the forgotten coffee mugs to the hand gripping his hair while he writes to the slant of the setting sun through the lens of his glasses to the artful spray of scratch papers arcing across his desktop. he could be a korean hemingway.
(or, on second thought, maybe not hemingway. some other, better author with fewer gender and sexuality hangups. taeyong doesn't do a lot of reading.)
taeyong knocks on the doorframe. he hates to interrupt johnny's flow, but– "how's it going?"
johnny grunts, waving a hand in a gesture that taeyong has learned means come in. taeyong approaches on little cat feet and peers over johnny's shoulder at the page the latter is writing on. it's covered in scratched-out lines and notes jotted in the margins with lots of question marks. one says in bold pen, THIS IS DUMB. YOU ARE NOT FUNNY.
"not so good, then?" he ventures, dropping a kiss on johnny's head.
"well," sighs johnny, "my mom thinks i'm funny."
"your mother has very discerning taste."
"if only my mother was in charge of staffing the snl writer's room."
or, an au in which johnny is a starving comedian expat and taeyong is an aspiring musical theatre actor from a small town and they're both taking it one day at a time in This Crazy World We Call Showbiz
⤷  send a made up fic title + a member or ship and i’ll give you a short synopsis and snippet of what i’d write.
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favoritejohn · 3 years
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so... lemonade johnny happened 😳
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min-ji92 · 2 years
Johnny *calling Taeyong*: hey, did you know cats use whiskers to see if they can fit through places
Taeyong: um yeah, is this why you're calling me?
Johnny: ha ha no I'm stuck in the chimney
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editsty · 3 years
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suhtaeyong · 2 years
a place among wolves by ahnohnahmoohse
markhyuck, johnyong, dojae
series, ongoing
336,589 (this is just the first chp fic in the series)
abo but like on another level (in a good way), slow burn
Mark had never expected his life to hold much brightness or joy. But when a chance encounter forces him to return from hiding to the world from which he had fled, Mark finds what he thought he had lost forever – friendship, family and love. He meets new friends, forms new bonds, and is drawn to a cunning Omega who radiates brightness and who’s scent is inexplicably intoxicating.
But how long can Mark outrun the darkness of his past and identity? Slowly his new reality, at first perfect and joyous, begins to crumble until he is finally faced with an inescapable choice: to follow his profound love, or honour his duty to protect what matters to him most.
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junesequinox · 4 years
i loved you first
[johnyong, 2.1k | ao3]
Taeyong is gone for two months, three weeks, and five days. 
Meanwhile, Johnny is stuck in his dorm but he also tries his best to keep busy. He tells himself that he’s determinedly not counting down the days, not really. Well, okay. Maybe he was (but just a little bit, promise).
During the time that Taeyong is away for activities with the new group, he keeps in touch with Johnny by constantly texting. Or sometimes by calling on video if Taeyong’s schedule permits him some breathing room, or if he hasn’t already passed out cold in his bed when he gets to his hotel. 
Because of the oceans separating them and the difficulty of navigating time zones, more often than not, Johnny feels like he has a long-distance lover.
The days are both short and long without Taeyong by his side.
But Johnny doesn’t think he’s overly attached to Taeyong in that they can’t function without the other, because he knows they’re both independent individuals with their own preoccupations in life. It’s always been that way for them. After all, they’ve long established that they are first and foremost Johnny and Taeyong before they are Johnny&Taeyong.
They are surrounded by friends who demand and keep their attention near constantly. Their jobs notwithstanding, they’re immersed in an industry that demands even more. For them, a second feels like a minute, feels like an hour; without them noticing, the hour has passed by on silent wings. 
When the months start to feel like they’re dragging their entire weight behind them, Johnny also begins to miss Taeyong more and more.
He holds the fort back home and herds his members like the dutiful older brother that he is, even though he barely just about manages. It would, of course, be considerably easier if Taeyong were here – Johnny would have been supporting the weight rather than bearing the entire load on his shoulders. But he doesn’t mind. 
Right now, Taeyong is snoozing peacefully through his phone’s screen, and Johnny can’t wait to have him back beside him. 
“Good night,” he says, to quiet snoring. “I’ll see you soon.”
Johnny is eating a late dinner with Haechan when Taeyong gets back to the dorm. 
He lifts his head just in time. “Welcome home, Taeyong,” greets Johnny. 
Taeyong looks tired, but his eyes are bright when he spots Haechan sitting with the Johnny on the kitchen counter. He smiles warmly at Johnny. 
Haechan swivels on his chair and gives a small wave, which Taeyong returns enthusiastically. And then, in a magnificent show of sensitivity and intuition, Haechan directs a discreet nod at Johnny and bolts his way upstairs.
Johnny watches him get all the way up to the top of the stairs before he bounds back down, smiling sheepishly at two of his hyungs. 
“Did you forget something?” Johnny asks. 
Haechan grins at him. “I’ll take that box of chicken with me, please.”
“Sure, take whatever you want.” He hums and gestures for Haechan to take the cartons up with him because it’d be a waste with Johnny otherwise. Taeyong watches their quick exchange with a fond look. 
Haechan grabs his loot successfully, short of yelling in triumph before he waves again at Taeyong with a loud, “good to have you back, hyung!” and then he’s gone the next second. 
He’s thankful for the temporary distraction and the privacy that Haechan leaves them with. Except for an alarming second, Johnny is suddenly at a loss for what to say. 
Taeyong saves him the trouble because he smiles, turns to Johnny, and says, “Wanna go out for dinner?” even though there are still obviously open boxes of the leftover takeout spread on the table. They look disrupted and disorganized, not unlike Johnny’s current state of mind. His brain had screeched to a halt and feels like it’s unraveling itself at Taeyong’s appearance. 
“You’ll come back knocking on my door, waking me up later to complain you’re still hungry,” Taeyong says when Johnny’s reply takes a heartbeat too long. He knows Taeyong is teasing him, and he begins to warm up from the inside out.
Taeyong has come home today. The hand hanging at Johnny’s side itches with the need to touch him but Johnny does nothing but clench it into a fist. 
He shakes out his shoulders instead and grins. “Yeah, you’re right. Let me grab my wallet and keys.”
“Great! I’ll meet you outside in five?” 
For the longest time, Taeyong was always just Johnny’s Taeyong. Now, he is inextricably everyone else’s Taeyong, too. Ubiquitous and beautiful, and everyone wants a piece of him. He supposes they all do.
But quietly and in the privacy of their room, Johnny wants, has always wanted, everything that Taeyong has to offer. Wholly and completely. 
He tells Taeyong this, always. Taeyong needs the reminder and the reassurance sometimes, and Johnny is only too happy to oblige. 
Johnny gets the reassurance back that he has all of Taeyong. Because their minds like to play traitor at inopportune moments, especially when the world stretches out and the distance between them widens. 
When Taeyong goes away, he feels even more unreachable than he already seems. Johnny thinks that he loses a small part of Taeyong whenever he goes away, and a new piece that Johnny has never seen or known before takes it place when he comes back. 
Johnny doesn’t and will never begrudge Taeyong this. They’re both growing at their own pace, in their own times. There is so much of the world that he wants Taeyong to see, discover, and experience for himself. Because these are the things that Johnny himself could never hand over to Taeyong on a silver platter, as much as he would want to. So he lets him go. 
Sometimes, he just wishes he could be there to grow alongside Taeyong. Because while Johnny enjoys being a pillar of support for Taeyong when he needs him the most – reliable, sturdy, natural-born leader, and fiercely competent Taeyong – Johnny relies just as much as on him. 
Watching Taeyong bloom and rise to stretch out his hands to reach his full potential is truly a sight to behold. He watches as Taeyong gradually learns how to straighten his shoulders free of any tension, hold himself with more confidence, walk with a little more purpose in his stride. His passion shines through and Johnny’s heart grows a little more in size every time he gets to see Taeyong learn how to love himself all over again.
Taeyong is unfailingly beautiful in his struggle to overcome his own self. Johnny thinks he’s never been more beautiful like this.
He’s more settled. Happier. More grounded. Johnny is immensely proud of him 
Johnny loves Taeyong this much. 
Johnny holds Taeyong to all of this, with the hope of someday being able to allow himself the same privilege. 
He’s getting there. 
He’s finding it increasingly difficult to stamp down the smile breaking out on his face every five seconds. He’s now treading on more familiar ground with Taeyong again. He could always trust Taeyong to expect a homecoming in the loving form of his comfort food. 
Johnny remembers there used to be countless sleepless nights spent in each other’s company, and an unbreakable bond forged over food. 
When the worst of their insomnia would come to visit, Johnny was regularly Taeyong’s willing victim. They would go out on walks around the perimeter of their building, shivering and burrowing inside their too thin jackets they had hurriedly snatched and put on. 
Taeyong’s sweet tooth was often relentless, so they conducted a lot of late-night raids to the convenience store hunting for sweets. In the early mornings, they were rarely never first in line at Taeyong’s yet-to-be-hailed-a-favorite bakery.
On their way back to their dorms, they would talk about the most mundane of things, but what Johnny wouldn’t really consider to be all that mundane. 
He remembers all the times they’d talk about what their members had been up to lately. Their conversations would usually revolve around the latest kinds of pranks that Haechan, who found an unlikely accomplice in Jaehyun, was terrorizing poor Mark with. It was small talk at best, but it was comfortable and easy. 
Like everything with Taeyong is easy. 
When they would run out of things to say, and when the words died out inside their throats, they would just happily let the silence hang in the air over them like a veil. Johnny doesn’t mind Taeyong’s silences, because he fills in the quiet with looks that manage to say even much more. 
Johnny watches through the corner of his eye at Taeyong walking beside him. His hands are tucked inside the pockets of his jacket, and Johnny wants to take one of them and keep it inside his instead. But, maybe later. Taeyong has his face carefully hidden underneath a scarf, so Johnny can’t tell what he’s currently thinking. Even if the mere sight of him makes Johnny giddy. 
It’s easy and comfortable again. 
Johnny just has to believe it. 
“You know, I’m not really that hungry right now,” Taeyong says. 
Johnny turns to look at him, but Taeyong is pointedly looking ahead. 
“You wanted to get me alone badly, huh?” he replies without thinking much about it. 
His comment startles a laugh out of Taeyong, who finally meets his eyes. His eyes are dancing with mirth, warmth and a burning fondness that spreads through Johnny’s chest the longer he holds his gaze. “Yeah, I did,” he says. “I missed you, after all.”
Just like that, unconsciously and without much effort on his part, Taeyong has broken through whatever imaginary wall Johnny had erected in his mind and shooed away the cold anxiety that was starting to pool inside his stomach. 
Johnny stops walking. Taeyong matches step with him perfectly, just like he thought he would. 
He catches himself staring at Taeyong, and lets himself watch him some more. Taeyong’s back is lit up by the city’s multi-colored signals of life, fanning behind him like a stained glass painting. It makes him look even more ethereal and he fits right inside Johnny’s bubble of safety. And for a moment, Johnny is so overcome with love for him. 
He tugs Taeyong forward and up, just a little. Breaks into a pleased smile when he feels Taeyong go up with him willingly, and stands on his tiptoes for him. Even this is thankfully familiar. HIs hands reach out in an aborted flail, but they find rest on Johnny’s biceps. He bites his lip as Taeyong squeezes lightly, almost like he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. 
“Hold onto me, oaky?” he says softly. 
“You’ve got me.”
In the middle of a busy street, Johnny crosses the bridge that separates him and Taeyong. The months and worries all wash away like they were never there to begin with because Taeyong stands before him, filling that vacant spot inside the circle of Johnny’s arms. There is no more narrow space between the ache of his longing and the grace of getting to come home to this. 
When he kisses Taeyong, it’s sweet because Taeyong is sweet.
Johnny kisses Taeyong with everything he has – mostly with gratefulness and relief. Johnny tries hard to convey all of his feelings into the kiss, even though he knows it’s not going to be enough. He knows that he should use his words here to express his emotions; after all, he’s supposed to be good with his words. But for now, this will suffice. It has to.
It’s what they both need. 
Taeyong kisses back, desperate and urgent like he needed Johnny here just as much. They’re going to be okay, Johnny thinks. 
He’s eager to answer all of the questions that Taeyong is too shy and too afraid to ask. 
And Johnny, always considerate of other people’s feelings, especially of Taeyong’s, accepts them and welcomes them. 
Because he’s always gentle with Taeyong. 
In his selfish desire to make other people happy, he makes the conscious choice of choosing Taeyong for his own happiness here. 
Because Taeyong deserves to get the answers from him. And so much more. 
(i love you. do you love me, too?)
(do i deserve this?)
(do i deserve you?)
yes, yes, yes. 
yes to everything. 
Johnny hopes it comes through. 
Johnny doesn’t really know what home is. 
Because home is many places and many people to him. 
Home is Chicago with his parents, his friends, his classmates.
Home is Seoul with his teammates and his brothers. 
But the simplest answer is that his home is also the gentle weight on his chest, with arms snaking protectively around his body. 
Welcome home, Youngho.
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kpopfic-recs · 4 years
♡ nct twitter au rec masterlist ♡
Note: If you are unable to view the formatting on the mobile app, switch to reading on your mobile browser
(Last update 4/1/20)
Key: Fluff (❀) Angst (☆) Smut (☾) Personal Favorite (♡) Completed Series (✓) Incomplete Series (✗)
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[untitled] by daehwient II ❀ ✓
Summary: Donghyuck starts getting weird messages from a number already saved in his phone as “Soulmate.”
Length of story: 58 parts
Warnings: None
[untitled] by 127vevos II ❀ ✓
Summary: Donghyuck runs a secret fan account for Mark and Mark's apparently not that dumb.
Length of story: 59 parts
Warnings: None
[untitled] by neoulture II ❀ ✓
Summary: Mark is a photographer that travels the world and Donghyuck is just getting on a plane to get away for a summer.
Length of story: 76 parts
Warnings: None
[untitled] by dreamysuns II ❀ ☆ ✓
Summary: Twitter stan Lee Donghyuck wakes up in an alternate universe where he’s a member of his favorite band.
Length of story: 149 parts
Warnings: None
[untitled] by hyuckieee II ❀ ✓
Summary: Donghyuck confesses to his crush, Wong Yukhei, using song lyrics. The catch? It was the wrong number.
Length of story: 156 parts
Warnings: None
[untitled] by hyuckios II ❀ ☆ ♡ ✓
Summary: Where Mark has grown up knowing that Santa Claus is just make believe, but his perspective begins to change the night he comes home to find a boy with pointy ears bouncing around his kitchen, and there’s no way that’s a fucking Christmas elf.
Length of story: 158 parts
Warnings: Drinking, drugs, violence
[untitled] by hyuckieee II ❀ ☆ ✓
Summary: Donghyuck and Mark are enemies at Hogwarts, but a potion accident one day turns Donghyuck into a cute child who only clings onto Mark (because he was the first person he saw after the event) for a week. But when Donghyuck is back to normal it’s suddenly hard for Mark to treat him as usual. (Harry Potter!AU)
Length of story: 174 parts
Warnings: Bullying
[untitled] by seokmykiss II ❀ ☆ ♡ ✓
Summary: Mark is a famous rapper who happens to stumble across a beauty guru, Donghyuck, on Instagram. They quickly befriend each other, but there’s something the public doesn’t know about Donghyuck: he’s deaf. (Sequel is here, but discontinued)
Length of story: 199 parts (includes sequel)
Warnings: Mentions of abusive relationship
[untitled] by hyuckios II ❀ ☆ ♡ ✓
Summary: In a world where technology is advancing, Mark begins to hate the way his eyes change color according to his emotions, and now he has to worry about his hair always standing up - cause his new roomie at the research facility is literally full of static electricity.
Length of story: 215 parts
Warnings: Experimentation (?), kidnapping
[untitled] by hyuckoi II ❀ ☆ ✓
Summary: Donghyuck is the king of nerds and the president of the science team at school and Mark is the captain of the basketball team and they hate each other's guts until something really unexpected happens the same day of the decathlon and basketball finals. (HSM!AU) (Sequel is here)
Length of story: 458 parts (includes sequel)
Warnings: Drinking
watchdog by hyuckios II ❀ ☆ ♡ ✓
Summary: President’s son and certified troublemaker Lee Donghyuck hates every aspect of his private lifestyle, just until he meets Mark Lee: his newly hired watchdog, who drinks too much coffee and doesn’t smile very often, and yup, Donghyuck is intrigued. (Second and third installments)
Length of story: 486 parts (includes additional installments)
Warnings: Underage drinking, suggestive content
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[untitled] by eyeronicmuch II ❀ ☆ ✓
Summary: Yuta is a famous yet deaf piano prodigy and Sicheng is a time traveler.
Length of story: 58 parts
Warnings: None
[untitled] by eyeronicmuch II ❀ ✓
Summary: Yuta is a devil and Sicheng is an angel, who dislike each other but they both get assigned to watch over a human child.
Length of story: 145 parts
Warnings: None
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  [untitled] by ritokki (+ Dojae, Luwoo, 2Tae, Markhyuck & Yuwin) II ❀ ☆ ♡ ✓
  Summary: Johnny is an angsty writer that doesn’t believe in soulmates. Ten has an ink allergy and hates the medical room. “Hi Mr. Soulmate, can you stop? I have an ink allergy.” (In which your soulmate writes on their skin and it appears on yours.) (Dojae spin-off, Luwoo spinoff, 2Tae spinoff)
Length of story: 972 parts (includes spin-offs)
Warnings: Mentions of homophobia, bullying, death, drugs & sex, drinking, light violence
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[untitled] by yeehawlix II ❀ ✓
Summary: Where Taeyong was turned into a roach a year ago and has had to live as one since then and Johnny just happened to recently move to Taeyong’s old apartment where he still lives but as a cockroach.
Length of story: 54 parts
Warnings: Sexual content
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[untitled] by eyeronicmuch II ❀ ♡ ✓
Summary: Johnny and Jaehyun are neighbours, and Jaehyun owns a fat cat. Oh, and also it can talk.
Length of story: 54 parts
Warnings: None
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[untitled] by hyuckieee II ❀ ☆ ✓
Summary: Jeno and Donghyuck are enemies. Determined to annoy him to the fullest, Donghyuck spams Jeno’s number, causing him to block Donghyuck. Undeterred, Donghyuck uses Jeno’s number as a rant space. What happens when Jeno unblocks him — or didn’t really block him in the first place?
Length of story: 151 parts
Warnings: None
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[untitled] by eyeronicmuch II ❀ ✓
Summary: Renjun is a conspiracy theorist trying to deduct unsolved theories and cases about aliens and Donghyuck is his sidekick, who is an alien.
Length of story: 100 parts
Warnings: None
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[untitled] by yeehawlix II ❀ ✓
Summary: In which Johnny owns a Twitter account where he posts his dog— Nyoom’s pictures and Doyoung is a stressed singer who just wants to play with said dog. But one day after Johnny posts a face reveal, maybe Doyoung wants more than to play with Nyoom.
Length of story: 57 parts
Warnings: Sexual content
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[untitled] by eyeronicmuch II ❀ ✓
Summary: Yukhei is a rather peculiar chef and Sicheng is a poor victim of his creations. Chaos ensues.
Length of story: 81 parts
Warnings: Vomit
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[untitled] by amaryllaus (+ Markren) II ❀ ☆ ✓
Summary: Jisung works at the local movie theater. One day he sees a crying Jaemin in an empty theater and Jisung who just wants to go home offers free popcorn to him. Ever since then Jaemin would talk to him everyday.
Length of story: 128 parts
Warnings: Toxic relationship
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[untitled] by hyuckieee II ❀ ☆
Summary: Bad boy Jaemin and cold guy Donghyuck get roped into the K-Drama world because the Higher Ups are done with them treating love like shit. What better way to make sure they learn their lesson than being trapped in a world full of love cliches?
Length of story: 154 parts
Warnings: None
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[untitled] by hyuckieee II ❀ ✓
Summary: Donghyuck is a Taeyong fanboy who rants about his problems in Taeyong’s DMs, not expecting him to open them. It all changes when Donghyuck mentions a boy’s name and suddenly, Taeyong is invested (or in which they become bffs as Taeyong tries to help Donghyuck with his love life).
Length of story: 117 parts
Warnings: None
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[untitled] by eyeronicmuch II ❀ ✓
Summary: Yuta and Doyoung drunkenly dress up as a bus and try to cross a vehicle only bridge at 4 AM and Taeil is the police officer who arrests them.
Length of story: 57 parts
Warnings: Drinking
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Multiple Pairings
[untitled] by hyuckieee (Donghyuck x Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin & Lucas) II ❀ ☆ ✓
Summary: Donghyuck is tired of his members not showing him any affection unless he initiates it first so he decides to take a short break, oblivious of the complete and utter chaos that will ensue.
Length of story: 139 parts
Warnings: None
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Rating: Teen and up Audiences
Status: Complete
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 8314
Pairing: Lee Donghyuck/ Wong Yukhei
Additional tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Yukhei is the boyfriend donghyuck needs, sorry mark, he's accidentally an asshole who is bad at feelings, Canon Compliant, Unreliable Narrator
Summary: the world is moving too fast, and donghyuck feels like he's falling apart. yukhei accidentally picks up the pieces(dramatization: do not try this at home)
DON’T hateme. But, i’ve fallen into the hyuckhei hole (and i can get up). But blame it on this fic. I was fine with markhyuck and luwoo. OTP’s. BUT. I couldn’t help it. and i know it’s going to be hell since they’ve had about 5 interactions. Do they even know each others names? WHo knows! but i just feel like their personalities just compliment each other so well you know. So yeah. Stan NCT. 
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markhyuckfic · 7 years
Title: wannabe Author: taewinnies (johnyongs) Pairing(s): Mark/Donghyuck Rating: Teen Warnings: none Genre: College AU Status: Complete Length: Oneshot [11,027] Summary: for someone who studies brains, donghyuck sure acts like he doesn't have one
Notes: It’s all the NCT members and fellow SM artists as neuroscience college students. Let the lab shenanigans and chaos begin. It’s super entertaining, you’ll get a lot of good laughs out of it. One of my personal favorites. First part of a series centering around this world (though can be read as a stand alone), definitely one to have bookmarked.
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favoritejohn · 3 years
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johnny loves his friend vv much 💗
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min-ji92 · 3 years
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Now that NCT 2021 is happening I'm here to remember you of this moment.
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09yards · 5 years
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➳ [12:14am] - Markhyuck timestamp 
Taeyong is clueless, Mark and Haechan are sneaking around - but Johnny thinks they aren’t sneaky. Doyoung knows too. Oh, and Jaehyun is still the president of the Markhyuck club.
➳ Days Gone By masterlist - a markhyuck centric fic
in a world where everyone has a soulmate, indicated through confession and then the appearing of a ‘mark’ with their first thought of you, Mark is struggling to come to terms with the reality of his soulmate - learning about love and how sometimes, no matter how hard you try, love can tear you apart rather than fix you.
➳ [7:42 am] when were eighteen - a JohnTen timestamp
“I have loved you since we were eighteen…”
➳ [11:34 pm and 2:57 am] - a markhyuck timestamp
Hyuck just wants to be able to kiss his boyfriend whenever he wants, Mark wishes he could oblige - but that’s the one thing he can’t do.
➳ kiss and make up {𝑎𝑜3 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘} - a johnyong mafia!au drabble (it’s just soft and fluffy and the mafia elements are not strong here, part of the ‘me without you’ mafia au series)
based on the tumblr prompt: “Why would you give a ten-year-old a knife?”
johnny and taeyong have been together for several years ~ only it’s been kept a secret from those they know and love. running their own underground operations, johnny wants to unite the two in more ways than one ~ cue johnnys plan with a little help from kun (and a little setback from jaehyun)
➳ [5:43 am] to the rest of our lives {𝑎𝑜3 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘}- a dojae/jaedo parentverse fic
Jaehyun and Doyoung are celebrating their wedding anniversary, only they aren't as far as Doyoung is aware, Jaehyun does the school run and as usual, it doesn't end well. They have the perfect life, they’re married and happy – despite four children. Jaehyun just has a couple issues here and there (mainly with the school run).
• Any 18+ content is tagged as nsfw so please blacklist that tag if you do not want to see it - I will always put a warning beforehand but I do not when I’m reblogging innuendos or sexual jokes etc only for smut so please please be advised!
• 𝘐 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘹𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘹𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 (𝘐 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘺𝘦𝘵 ♥︎)
• 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 '𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐲'), 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐚𝐝 {𝒍𝒖𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒖𝒏} ☀︎
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kfic · 4 years
NCT; EXO: Collide
Title: Collide Author: K1mHeechu1 Pairing: taeyong/johnny Status: Incomplete Length: 7,634 w + Rating: G Tags: College AU; Friends to Lovers; Romance, Fluff; Mild h/c; friendship; asexual characters, aromatic characters; Warnings: n/a Summary: Johnny just wanted to enjoy his last year at Uni and make memories for life. He didn't ask to fall in love with the angel that lived across the street.Taeyong just wanted to spend his last year at Uni holed-up in his room with his computer. He didn't ask to have his world turned upside down by a giant with a gentle smile.Or: Johnyong falls in love. Their crazy friends are there for the ride.
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suhtaeyong · 3 years
into the sproutverse by jokheiz
In a world where babies can be born from plants, Johnny and Taeyong find strength in their sons and each other.
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spaceboy-yuta · 6 years
My first bias: TaeyongYour current bias and why: Taeyong and Yuta (that little fucker got me)Favourite song: 0 MileFavourite MV: The 7th SenseOTP: I have a LOT of ships so i'll just write my fave ones. ---- Johnyong,Taeten,Yujae,Doil,Yuwin,MarkhyuckMember you think has the best smile: YUTA (even if all of them have such pretty smiles)Favourite choreography: cherry bomb Favourite era: cherry bombDo you own any merchandise: no :( Have you seen them live: no :(Favourite voice/singer: NCT's vocal line is underrated i love them all TT but i'll have to choose Haechan because his voice always gets meFavourite dancer: i'll have to say Ten because his skills are from another world. And the other two faves are Taeyong and YutaThank you for the ask!!
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favoritejohn · 3 years
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looking like a prince in a castle 🏰💌
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