#it's just super late rn and I need to yeet myself into bed
vypcr · 2 years
seeing a journal meme came with the realization that no I really don’t think Tory would keep a diary/journal bc she thinks it’s lame, except under the specific circumstance that she has to keep one for her therapy and I just think seeing what she writes about people in her therapy journal would be so much more interesting
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tommoholland2013 · 7 years
Sick || Tom Holland
Word Count: 1.3k Warning(s): Fluff fluff fluff Pairing: Tom Holland x reader Request: Sorry if this is weird but could you do an imagine if you were super sick and you and Tom were supposed to fly back home after shooting iw together? He just takes care of you throughout the flight and checkin :) lol sorry I'm sick af rn A/N: So, anon is definitely feeling okay now, since this request was made almost three weeks ago (whoops!) but I wrote it anyway and I hope you enjoy it. Again, so sorry for the delay.
Y/N had been feeling a little off of late. She felt lethargic, warmer than usual, and her head had been causing her incredible pain. Tom and Y/N had been set to leave for Tom's home in England the next day as they had just wrapped up shooting a film together. They had packed and picked out their clothes for the next day when they crawled into bed. Y/N's nose was stuffy and she felt overly hot half of the time she was asleep. She would throw the covers away from her body, only to later come back and wrap herself up as best as she could in them. Upon waking up with a shivering Y/N in his arms, Tom knew something was wrong. She had caught something during their last week in Atlanta and it was just now making its presence known.
"Come on, love. We have a flight to catch." Tom said softly as he gently shook Y/N awake. Y/N let out a groan as she was pulled from her sleep. Even in her dazed state, Y/N felt cold. She shivered and pulled the blankets further up her body. Her teeth chattered as Tom sat beside her on her side of the bed with a warm cup of tea. "Made you a warm cuppa." Tom said as he handed the cup to Y/N, who happily took the cup into her hands and allowed its warmth to spread throughout her palms.
"I feel like shit." Y/N stated after taking the first sip of her tea. The warmth of the tea made the sandpaper like texture of her throat slightly less harsh. Tom chuckled a little at Y/N's comment as he put the back of his palm on Y/N's forehead.
"You're burning up." Tom stated before his lips pursed. He stood suddenly from his spot beside Y/N. "I'm gonna cancel the flight. We'll leave after two days."
"No. Nuh uh. Thomas, we will do no such thing." Y/N said sternly, using Tom's full first name to put emphasis on her level of seriousness.
"But you're sick. And I don't want you feeling absolutely miserable all the way there."
"I'll be fine. I can take care of myself. Please, Tom. Don't make this a bigger deal than it really is." Y/N pleaded. Tom thought it through before deciding instead of a cancelling the flight, they could just take a private jet instead. That way, Y/N wouldn't have to be surrounded by people and Tom could take better care of her.
"Fine. You're lucky I love you." Tom mumbled as he placed a lingering kiss on Y/N's warm forehead. Y/N smiled with triumph.
"Thank you!" She called after Tom as he walked out of the room.
During the entire process of leaving the rented apartment to getting into the air, Tom did everything in his power to ensure Y/N was absolutely comfortable. She'd taken some medicine before they'd left and was feeling a little lighter. And although Y/N insisted she was okay, Tom still felt like there was so much more to ensure total comfort for his girlfriend.
"I'm fine, Tom. Really, I'm all right." Y/N reassured as she kissed Tom on the cheek. "All I want right now, is for you to cuddle me. I could really use some cuddles right now." Y/N requested. It was the only thing she'd asked for, but it was what she needed most from Tom at the moment.
Tom reclined the chair as far as it could go and patted his lap. Y/N pulled the blanket around her shoulders tighter around her before happily sitting in Tom's lap. She leaned back and Tom wrapped his arms around her body while he rested his head on her shoulder.
"Comfortable?" He mumbled into the skin of Y/N's neck.
"Very." She hummed back. "Thanks, Tom, for taking such good care of me and for being the best boyfriend to ever walk this planet. I love you so much." Y/N mumbled in a sleepy daze.
"Anything for my girl. And there's no way you love me more than I love you."
"There is so a way." Y/N giggled back.
"Nope. Doesn't exist." Tom answered back stubbornly. They talked about anything and everything. Y/N just talked to hear Tom talk, the sound of his voice coated in his beautiful accent providing Y/N with a level of relaxation that was unparalleled. She was lulled to sleep as Tom continued to talk.
When they landed, Y/N was extremely tired. The medicine she had taken before they got on the jet was beginning to wear off and she could feel a dangerous headache coming on. Tom looked worried and Y/N assured him that she was all right. The soothing tone in her voice calmed him right down.
Once home, Tom offloaded the car with all their luggage. Y/N offered her help but was sternly turned down by Tom.
"I'm gonna sleep early today so that tomorrow when we're at your parents' place celebrating Paddy's birthday, I'm not a weight dragging you down.
"You're never a drag." Tom said before he kissed Y/N's cheek. She smiled widely before walking into their shared apartment. She took a nice, long, warm bath. Her fever had gone away and she was slowly starting to get better. 
                                               One week later
They had a regular morning routine. The first hour of the day, they spent together in the same room drinking their tea in a comfortable silence, save for the first ‘good morning’. Y/N would read a few chapters from the book she was immersed in at the time and Tom would scroll through his social media. Y/N turned the page in her book and began to read the writing, until she heard it.
A sniffle.
Then another.
Y/N set her cup of tea down on the table and lifted her head up to look at the source of the sound. It was then she noticed the tip of his nose; red, and his cheeks were flushed a light red as well.
Y/N stood up from her seat and walked over to Tom. She put the back of her hand against his forehead and he slapped it away defiantly.
"What're you doing?" He chuckled.
"You're burning up."
"No, m'not. Just a little warm is all."
"You have a fever." Y/N said before she took his arm and pulled him up off the chair.
"Where are you taking me?" Tom laughed.
"To the couch, of course." Once there, she placed her hands on his bare chest and pushed him into the couch.
"Y/N, darling, you're being dramatic. I feel fine, I'm fine."
"Well, you can feel as fine as you'd like, but the truth of the matter is, you're not fine. You took care of me, now it's my turn to take care of you." Y/N said with a smile before she kissed Tom's cheek.
"Give me a proper kiss." Tom demanded childishly.
"Nuh uh. Not while you're sick." Y/N laughed as she walked to get the medicine.
"I'm not sick!" He called after Y/N.
A/N: Yeet boi. That's that. I hope that this is how you wanted this to turn out. Sorry I’ve been gone and haven’t posted in a hot minute. School is kinda just having a ball kicking my ass so I don’t have as much time to myself as I did before. But once I catch up from the week of work I missed I should be able to post more for sure.
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