#it's just that there is so much about yoongi that ppl misinterpret that is so close to the way autistic ppl are misinterpreted in
darewitchstr · 5 months
I know it is bad and I've been keeping this deep in my soul but i've got to say it somewhere
please do not take this as gospel, but everything about yoongi screams autism to me, more specifically that special combo when you got both ADHD and autism.
The masking, the stimming with the mouth, the hyperfixations (music, whisky, random games), the directness, avoiding eye contact at all costs, the social anxiety and depression....
This might be projecting hard but I HAD TO SAY IT SOMEWHERE
I'll never say that shit on twitter tho, I trust no bitches there
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hwastronomy · 4 years
ok so my current theories on the newest run bts episode:
- yoongi is either framing hobi or hobi is pretending to be really bad at lying to look like he actually isn’t lying (he was just so confused because yoongi kept contradicting him) though like hobi muttering ‘hints’ and just finding kookie’s journal... hmm. but he was said to be the village gossip central, so i guess he has hints about everyone (and games like these usually have a ‘what you think and know of other characters’ info part in your role desc)
- yoongi... is sus. or like very into his role. idk, it very much feels like he either knows hobi did it, or is trying to frame him
- ok tae has done the ‘oh i thought we were all playing for ourselves’ thing before, right? i swear, the strongest sense of déjà vu when he kept yoongi’s journal to himself at first. but also like... hella sus. is it yoongi, tae and maybe jimin? (that would be the blue village outsiders again, though, right? is this all just so jin can get his justice??) but yeah rn tae seems sus but then he is acting as the local richie rich and has misinterpreted game rules before, so who knows (jin probably does, nothing gets past him)
- jiminie... yeah idk. both sus and maybe just acting. i do want to know his backstory! and back to it maybe being yoonvmin - at the start when everyone said jimin was acting sus, taegi were like ‘nah he just a fool’ so,,,, jin justice is a go???
- kookie... idk tbh he seems a bit confused like hobi is, but the admission about laying low after the statue was broken... did they ever say when all the villagers became aware of it being broken? rn i’m more leaning towards not guilty, but then can you ever trust any of them?
- rn i think joon is not guilty, but then we don’t know much about him
i think i may rewatch this if i want to speculate more, especially re: who are asking more questions, who are finding the clues, does anyone look to be stalling for time, etc
my fave thing about the episode had to be detective jin, though. like, the fact that they made jin the detective and that he had no assigned hidden role, because we all know that namjin would otherwise ride the ‘no it can’t be jin because of blue village’ train so hard they’d derail the whole scenario (like, joon pointed out blue village firstlast episode when they were trying to figure out who was the spy. and yeah he wanted everyone to vote for him because it benefitted him, but it still means that he remembers. i don’t think joon will forget blue village for a long, long while)
oh i just remembered... they need to vote ppl out - so jin may very well pull ‘remember blue village’ to make the others (well, joon at least) vote for who he thinks (well, more like knows, he is jin, after all) is/are the culprit(s)
anyway i want to see the next episode already and hopefully more jin content (though the fact that he isn’t being shown much means he’s concentrating on the game rather than being entertaining and i’m !!! because he will figure this out)
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I wanted tell you that! Armys need to have more people like you who actually appreciated what our boys have and not try to portray them into something they are not! I AM DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH YOUR SPEECH!!
aw thank you so much :( I'm glad that for once I'm not swarmed w ppl telling me I'm too sensitive? although some dumbass told me to get over myself which...makes no sense cause it’s not about me but ok... be mad i guess (also -you not even acknowledging that it's an issue not only shows how normalized did maltreatment is but also contributes to the fucking problem at hand !!! so!!) 
and yea honestly if ur gonna go off n say we gotta love and support all our boys u gotta stop acting like ignoring or being mean to jungkook is some sort of heroic act done at the others sake cause jungkook is a part of bts and deserves to be praised just as much!! 
also we gotta stop seeing them as 2 dimensional ppl? 
Hobi can be shy! he gets flustered easily! he can get upset and mad! he isn’t just some goofball. he isn’t running on one emotion even tho he is very optimistic, he can get down or hurt and we should keep that in mind.
Yoongi isn’t lazy or cold. he’s very social, works super hard, and loves the other members so freaking much that they're closer than family to him. he even holds hands to calm down!
With Tae, everyone freaked out when he wasn’t happy go lucky in the dance video and?? he’s allowed to feel other emotions! n no he didn't look mad or bothered either, he’s called ‘blank tae’ for a reason he just had an indifferent face on.
Namjoon is so brilliant?? he can spout such philosophical insights it’s like he’s been reincarnated 10 times but he also loves lil plushies and going out into nature and crabs?
Jin is so funny?? a lot of ppl will obsess over his looks or make us pay attention to his vocals (which isn't bad ofc) but like, he’s such a comedic and his optimism and self love is so great and can rly teach us a thing or two?
I don’t think Jimin is misinterpreted by the fandom (this is Libra Privilege) i still wanna appreciate how he has this switch between being serious and being fun! he can have a sexy stage presence but also be very clumsy and energetic like a kid
and Jungkook gosh where do i start. it can be hard to understand him because he IS introverted and shy and doesn't rly talk about himself but he is TRYING. he wants to get closer and he’s even learning 2 languages to do so. it’s our own fault as fans if we don't look beyond the powerful and cocky stage presence and try to push this fuckboy persona on him cause in reality he is the sweetest boy ever. he tends to get attached to ppl and places easily he says, and he loves army and his members so damn much, and he’s always giving it 110% even if he doesn't get half of what he gives back. he deserves better than a simple brush off. 
they are multifaceted people who we still don't fully know and as fans we should do better than to allow misconceptions that could deter their actual personalities from getting out of hand
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fuyu-r1n · 7 years
RANT RANT RANT.Call me a hater or whatever you want, I’m sick of this bullshit.
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of drama around Jin with Seo Taiji’s remake of “Come Back Home.” 
I’m a Jin fan, and I love him just as much as everyone else who stans him. He’s my drive to almost everything and he’s the reason why I’m trying to be a better person for myself and for others around me. I’ve learned so much from him and he will always be my number one, even if I love all the other members, he’s special to me. 
Yes, I am annoyed that he doesn’t get enough lines or screen time, and yes I am annoyed he wasn’t in the banner for CJENMUSIC’s banner, they’re being rude and disrespectful to BTS and Jin for leaving him out, and thanks to many ARMY, they changed it. 
What I’m super annoyed at this point is how people started fanwars based on their own assumptions and calling Jin fans “antis” because they don’t “stand up” for him, and also spreading hate towards the company.
To start off, I’d like to say “Come Back Home” is a REMAKE of Seo Taiji’s original song, it’s NOT ABOUT BTS, IT IS NOT BTS’S SONG, IT’S SEO TAIJI, and to disrespect the legendary Seo Taiji by saying he’s “nugu” because people will only think of the remake as a BTS song, then you seriously need to do your research. Seo Taiji is HIGHLY RESPECTED IN SOUTH KOREA. Don’t assume BTS is the only group in the world that everyone cares about.
okay, let’s move on...let’s continue with BigHit.
Many ppl starts calling them “BigShit” because of the way they “mistreat” Jin. I get it, he doesn’t get enough lines in their albums, I’m upset as well. 
First off, BigHit started off as a very small company, they had nothing, for a company that starts off with nothing and still treats their artists like human beings is rare, do you think they would let Jin or other BTS members upload videos about them complaining about the company? no! if this was SM or YG, they’ll have to either leave the company to do so, or get into serious trouble from the CEO.
As for Jin’s voice. Jin said so himself that it’s unavoidable if his voice doesn’t suit the “color” of their songs. I agree and disagree to this, but it doesn’t mean BigHit has brainwashed him to think his voice isn’t for BTS and only suits ballads. If they don’t his voice only suits ballads, why did they even debut him with a HIP HOP GROUP??? Think about it. If Jin’s voice doesn’t suit BTS, why was he in BTS in the first place? why did they debut him as one of BTS? for visual? is BigHit that petty? is Bang PD that much of an idiot to put someone in a Hip Hop group just for looks? They’re saying his voice suits ballad because it’s soft and full of emotions, they’re not telling him that to put him down. BTS isn’t a group that sings about heartbreaks and love between lovers. Their main genre of music isn’t ballad, they don’t DO ballad. They can if they want to but that’s not who BTS is.
Secondly, when the producers reject his songs/melody etc.
If a melody or lyrics does not fit a song they’re producing, it doesn’t fit. There’s no use sugar coating it. Tae had his lyrics and melodies rejected just as much as Jin has. They’re artists who wants to produce quality music, The line distribution isn’t decided just by Bang PD and their producers, Namjoon and Yoongi are also part of the producing process. The other producers don’t half ass their job, if they do BTS wouldn’t be where they are today. Yes JK gets too many lines, but his voice is known to be very versatile and it’s just the right sound that suits BTS, I’m not saying Jimin, Jin and Tae’s voices don’t suit BTS, I’m saying JK’s voice is “known’ to be the “sound” of BTS, he’s the main vocalist. it’s not something you can just “create” just so people don’t get emotionally hurt in the process, it’s business, this is the real world, wake up.
Third. The case with Jin getting injured and BigHit “not giving a shit” about him. Have you stopped to think about the possibilities as to WHY they didn’t? BigHit has posted a statement in the past when Jin was injured during ISAC. They’re not neglecting him, and knowing Jin, he probably didn’t want to make it a big deal either. The case with Namjoon’s toe was because it happened the day before their last tour dates, wouldn’t people think “Geez, why isn’t he dancing like the others? what’s wrong with him?” it would make sense for the company to inform the fans that he wasn’t allowed to dance BECAUSE OF DOCTOR’S ORDERS, you think Namjoon would want the whole world to know he stubbed his toe that his nails were “lifted”? hell no!. Jin at Kcon was AFTER the performance, he probably didn’t want to make such a big deal about it and hope it would go away if he rest. 
If BigHit is the spawn of the devil, why would they bother to let the boys rest? they might as well drive them like slaves like the other companies do. BTS CHOSE to work hard, they CHOSE to practice, they’re grown men and they have a say in things.
Another thing I would like to point out and it has been driving me nuts...Jin did not cry because Japanese ARMYs clapped for him after Awake during that ONE tour, no, they’ve been clapping for him since DAY 1 whenever he finish singing Awake, this wasn’t a one time thing, don’t blow things out of proportion. I was at 7 out of 13 of their Wings tour in Japan, don’t tell me what I didn’t see.
Jin also got to sing an OST with Tae for “Even if I die, it’s you” If BigHit really treats him like shit, they would easily give that part to JK. 
As for Jin not getting any lines for Special stages, I’m also salty and disappointed that he didn’t get any.... but also he’s not the only one. The maknae line was chosen more of the time because their voices suits it more, can you imagine Jin singing a rock or rap song? (Don’t lie, we’ve all heard him rap) 
Another thing people have been pointing out is from Bon Voyage episode 2. Jin mentioned he makes himself act goofy and silly to see other happy makes him happy. Don’t misinterpret his words. There are many ways to approach this. From my point of view, I see Jin had taught himself how to be happy by making others happy, he’s not forcing himself to do things he doesn’t like, he said so himself he likes to goof around as well, he felt free. 
Lastly, calling someone “fat” isn’t emotional abuse. If you don’t understand asian culture and have only understood it from watching your oppa through a tv screen, then you need to do your research on culture. It’s very common in my country and in Korea to say “oh, did you gain weight?” or “oh, you got fat.” as a sort of greeting. I get called fat ALL THE TIME whenever I visit home, and I weigh 46kg. If Bang PD really didn’t care about Jin, would he pay so much attention to their growth? Bang PD mentioned how Jin’s down to earth personality doesn’t change, he watch these boys grow as their own sons, especially in Asia where showing “love” isn’t as open as what your culture would be like. (my parents still feel awkward saying “I love you”)
There’s so much more I want to say and my thoughts are all over the place, but I’m going to stop here before my blood boils. You can think whatever you want, you can send me hate calling me a fake fan or whatever, I’m simply stating my opinions just like you. I’m just sick and tired of teenagers with thousands of followers on twitter thinking they know shit when obviously they don’t even do basic research. It’s people like you who spreads hate thinking you’re spreading awareness that’s toxic to the fandom. How do you think Jin feels that he’s sandwich in between the company and you people? he’s stressed enough.
Basically, what I want to say is, don’t blindly believe what others say about BTS and BigHit, please judge them through what you know of them and not what people tell you after bending the truth. I’m not saying BigHit is the perfect company, a friend once told me “All bosses are evil, it’s just how they express it.
Jin wants to sing, he wants to shine, we all want him to shine and he shined like the brightest start when he sand his solo “Awake”, but don’t throw shit at the others, without the other members or BigHit, there won’t even be a BTS. Please know when to be grateful and when to speak up.
 I love BTS, I love Jin, Namjoon, Yoonji, Hobi, Jimin, Tae and JK, BTS isn’t BTS without all 7 of them. I will continue to support them despite what you think of me. I’m an ARMY and you can’t take that away from me no matter what. Don’t even bother to justify yourself and proof me wrong or some shit through replies and reblogs, because.....
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 I don’t give shit and I don’t give a fuck.
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