#he did confirmed he had adhd tho
darewitchstr · 5 months
I know it is bad and I've been keeping this deep in my soul but i've got to say it somewhere
please do not take this as gospel, but everything about yoongi screams autism to me, more specifically that special combo when you got both ADHD and autism.
The masking, the stimming with the mouth, the hyperfixations (music, whisky, random games), the directness, avoiding eye contact at all costs, the social anxiety and depression....
This might be projecting hard but I HAD TO SAY IT SOMEWHERE
I'll never say that shit on twitter tho, I trust no bitches there
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thurio-edau · 5 months
first of all, I should explain what I am going to do. starting with Ashlyn, I'll analyze and/or theorize the group. because there is a lot of depth to all their characters and I've really been wanting to do this for some time. it will be a total of 5 posts instead of 6, because I will be analyzing Tyler and Taylor together due to obvious reasons. I will also cut them at the beginning because they might be long and also there will be triggers.
Part 1: Ashlyn Banner
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I'm starting with Ashlyn right here as the protagonist and the leader of the series. Ashlyn's probably won't be very long since this is not a character analysis and instead, a mental characteristic analysis. even though her character is written so well that doesn't mean she has to be mentally sick, since she seems to be... well the most stable one -until the recent chapters-
what I'll be starting off with, will be autism. even though it's not confirmed fully in canon, Red herself said that she wrote Ashlyn with autism in mind so in this analysis I'll mostly go through with the symptoms she shows and how it explains her character.
her most obvious and constantly repeated symptom is her sensory issues. she is able to hear phantom noises and other things no one can hear due to her hypersensitive hearing.
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from the beginning of the series, she has been repeatedly struggling with loud noises even though she wore earplugs or noise-cancellation headphones. Ashlyn herself said that she didn't want to make friends growing up, one of the reasons being her sensitive hearing allowing her to hear everything. you'd also probably be wary of things like it if you had her hearing; any gossip, talking behind backs, rumours etc. would not be pleasant to hear and you'd be aware of everyone's true side.
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the group understands her problems with her hearing being too strong, and looks after her whenever there's anything loud. which was first seen at the arcade if I'm correct, Taylor asked her if she'd be alright and Aiden got punched in the face while he was worried about her.
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or the time Taylor and Logan were shooting at the centipede phantom, due to the bullets making extremely loud sounds for her. or in the facility, when Logan told her to cover her ears to take down a phantom.
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from the moment she was born, she had always been sensitive to any loud sounds. reminding here that autism is a neurodivergency, which means someone's brain is diverse than most other who we call neurotypicals. autism, ADHD, bipolar etc. are neurodivergencies that cannot be obtained later in life, and has always been at the person's brain.
I see myself in her frequently, I also wear earplugs constantly and my friends are aware of the sensory issues I have. her reactions to said sensory issues are written really realistic and correctly.
next, boundaries and distancing.
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once again, since the beginning, Ashlyn has been distancing herself from everyone around her. this part will mostly include Aiden due to him not understanding boundaries and having passed Ashlyn's lots of times.
autistic people tend to avoid eye contact, physical touch -if the person is not very close to them- and also usually not very expressive. for the love of god, the first time we see her geniunely smile is halfway through the series, when they get the car keys. the group's reaction to her smile is hilarious, even.
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after the events of that night, Aiden is trying to understand her boundaries. he's an affectionate/caring person inside, and wants to hug her but keeps it low by just holding her head.
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here we learn he did, indeed, hug her when he kept her from falling and Ashlyn even allowed it when she realized how scared he was for her.
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despite keeping her boundaries always high, she let it happen this time, learning how to open up to people. before this night she was always on guard
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by time she starts to see them as her actual friends, like the found family they are. autistic people are similar to cats actually, like those stray cats that will claw you instantly if you look at their eyes for long or make sudden moves to pet them. the cat sniffs your hand first, you feed it for some time, then a slight touch. the cat gets used to you after your own efforts to get close to it. Ashlyn is a similar case, she had to almost die to get used to them and accept them.
next, special interests. this part is a bit short but I feel as if it still counts to be honest.
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ever since her childhood, she's been very interested in dancing. losing track of time as she does, not being interested in any other things if it wasn't related to ballet, making it a very important part of herself. her love for dance/ballet made her not take any interest in anything else like her self-defense classes her parents tried to give, and they were really surprised once she asked them to do it this time.
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like cmon she has a literal dance mat on her room
which basically wraps the main symptoms! I can't really think of any detail symptoms for now because it's midnight here but I'm thinking of updating them each time I get more ideas. for the next part, mental disorders.
personally, I must say that I don't think she suffers from any mental disorders or illnesses. she's not depressive, just closed off. you might ask anxiety but she herself had said she isn't shy or nervous, she herself just doesn't like to talk a lot which is fully valid. Ashlyn hasn't showed any problems in talking in front of audiences, she isn't paranoid -her hypersensitive hearing doesn't count since it's not paranoia; she knows what's in there because she hears- and seems to be mentally more stable than the rest of the group. I also don't think she has anger issues the way Ben and Tyler do, it's just that everything got on her nerves quickly before she got used to the team.
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she doesn't mind being the leader of the group and definitely isn't scared, as seen as how she went up against Tyler when they first were in the phantom dimension.
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Ashlyn is basically the autistic girl who doesn't like talking much and has high boundaries, but once she warms up to her friends she's willing to do anything for them as seen as the recent episodes in the facility. I'm almost fully sure that she is autistic, considering the signs she shows.
sorry if this was a bit boring! the next ones will definitely be more interesting because the rest of the characters have interesting backstories and oh boy some disorders, I just wanted to start with Ashlyn to see if I could do this the way it was in my mind. I'm sure the rest can be pretty good!
I'd like it if anyone else mentioned more stuff. next up will be Aiden, who has a plethora of characteristics and it's definitely going to be really interesting. thank you for reading so far but I won't be writing Aiden's now because hhhhhh i need some sleep
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moonlight-tmd · 7 months
Continuing on Bee having chronic phantom pains.
So Bee has several medications to deal with this on top of his normal antidepressants and adhd meds. It kinda sucks for him, but it could've been worse...
The worst part about having those pains is that even tho he's taken meds he'll often get these sudden flare ups that'll leave him unable to do anything for an hour or so. When that happens (which is like 2-3 times a week), he has little bottle of medical grade on him to soothe the pain faster.
It definitelly limited his options to do fun stuff cuz if he goes somewhere alone there's more of a chance he'll become stuck in that place for a long while unable to do anything. He still can go skating or do donuts, exercise is good for him but it also sucks cuz most bots can't keep up with him or he can get the flare up during whatever he's doing and hurt himselft of accident.
After the accident, Bee has been mostly going out with other bots- Bulkhead most often gives up his free time to go somewhere with Bee, if he can't do that cuz of something important then Prowl will go.
In other post i said that Ratchet takes some of his medical supplies from Swindle bcuz the usual supplier either won't give certain stuff or doesn't have them. Therefore, the medication for Bumblebee's issues are being supplied by Swindle. And we know how this guy is- snooping into private information to find out what whoever needs so he can have them spend more money on him.
And this is exactly what he did with Ratchet. Old docbot made the supply orders with Swindle in secret. One time Swindle asked why he was getting so many medications, Ratchet declined to tell anything besides what he needs but Swindle's silver tongue turned the conversation in the right direction...
It was nearing christmas at that time and everyone tried to get gifts for one another. They had the usual family party and gift giving. At some point Optimus gave a look to Ratchet who nodded and slipped out to get something.
"Actually, there is one more gift for you, Bumblebee." Bossbot said with a smile. Bee was sitting on the floor with Sari and Prowl, trying out some board game they just unpacked.
"Really? What is it!?" Bee was excited.
"You need to close your optics first." Bee was quick to oblige and slap with servos on his faceplate, he loved surprises! Then Optimus gave Ratchet a signal to come into the room... what the others didn't expect was him leading a small-sized cyberhound in. Optimus quickly gave a signal for the others to stay quiet as Ratchet made it sit in front of Bee.
Bee was both very confused and excited when he was allowed to look. Ratchet explained that this was a service hound for him; her name was Murk and apparently she could sense when the flare ups are gonna start and help him get thru them. This was so cool! And it got confirmed rather quickly; while Bee was petting his new companion she suddenly pulled away and started pushing into him. Bee leaned back to sit on his aft instead of knees and Murk quickly climbed onto his lap and pressed herself into his chassis, she started making this quiet hum similar to a cat's purr. The vibrations and odd feeling seeped into Bee just as the sharp pain hit him. But it wasn't as bad as it was the other times- this time the pain was bearable and most of it was replaced with this odd numbness. He could actually speak and move some while it was happening. Both Sari and Prowl were trying their best to not pet this cute robot dog while it was working.
Swindle had prompted Ratchet into telling him Bee's condition and he gave him contacts to the places with Service Creatures. He also helped him get a hound that will be an good match for Bee. It was a lot of credits spend but definitelly worth it. Who knew Swindle could be actually kind and helpful.
Murk was a little above Bee's knee height and similar to a doberman, all black with red optics. She had a special blue paint on her chest armor- a painted-on jacket with white cybertronian writing "Service Hound". She looked quite intimidating... and for a reason.
Turns out, she was also a defence hound on top of being a service hound. Sentinel got to discover that when he came to close to Bee(despite the hound growling) and roughly poked him while arguing. Ratchet almost refused to put his ripped servo back in place, he asked for it.
Bee could once again go back to his usual stuff. Murk was very friendly and tolerated most of folks, she was also playful when it was time for it- although she never played catch with him, Ratchet explained cuz that her job to stay close to him.
She was also trained to bring him stuff like fuel or meds. If Bee can't get out of his berth in the morning then he'll tell Murk to bring him fuel (a can of oil). It sometimes ends up in her bringing Optimus with a tray of oil and freshly baked goods when he's doing his baking in the morning. (I imagine Murk has this thing where she can play back commands that were said to her when some other bot asks why she's alone. She played back Bee saying "Murk, bring me fuel." to OP and that's how he knew.)
Bee also has more leeway like before, he doesn't need another bot to come with him in case something happens. When he's driving somewhere, Murk sits in his backseat and barks when something is gonna happen so Bee has time to drive off the road and take a break.
Of course, Bee is not really allowed to go fighting anymore. But i suppose it won't be long until they catch Megs and put him in jail so they can live a peaceful life.
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starofhisheart · 11 months
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR OFMD S2 EP6-7 under the cut
Ok, that was A LOT. I have so many feelings but no coherence so i'm gonna do this bullet point form but def not in order, just in order of me remembering wtf happened lol
-IZZY AND WEE JOHN IN DRAG!!!!! Wee John looked STUNNING with that Divine-esque appearance and Izzy had that transmasc drag king kind of thing going on (iykyk) that made me love him even more
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-Izzy singing LA VI EN ROSE took me tf out!!! i'm glad he got to finish it after the *ahem* distractions bc Con's voice is so beautiful I could listen to it forever. We better get it in the album!!! Also someone posted the lyrics translated and i cannot get over the lyrics:
"It's him for me,/And me for him, for life/He told me, he swore to me, for life"
-But not only was he singing the second half had fucking gentlebeard doing the dirty in the next room asdfghjkl which.....was hot, ngl. The passion was electrifying. I'm sorta glad we didnt rlly see it with everything that happened after bc it all kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.
Also Stede Bonnet canonically gets turned on by violence confirmed
Or trauma. Whatever.
-What else happened in ep 6 cause all i can think of is drag and singing and sex-
-oh yeah there was that shortlived sexually-charged torturer who i distinctly recall him being in another scene in the promo so unless that got the cut perhaps he's not dead...?
-Lupete missing all the action cause they were doing the nasty all night lmao so real
-Jim best wingman (gender neutral)
-Stede...Stedey boy, can I call u that? Now i'm gonna say this nicely, but WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? Stede in his white guy w undue confidence era fr. Zheng Yi Sao was so right for what she did truly
-But in all seriousness i feel like this whole thing in ep 7 was such a parallel to s1 but also a very necessary bit of conflict in their journey together that was bound to happen. THey want different things and neither is wrong or right for that. Stede did react poorly tho but like he just had sex w the love of his life, his first man, and Ed the very next day is like "aight i'm out". I'd be pissed too. After killing someone which we know is a big trigger for him historically.
But Ed also had a valid reaction. He's wanted to retire for a while and stede knows this but it hasn't seemed to have sunk in quite yet. He fears that Stede only sees Blackbeard and...its fair of him to have that impression tbh. These are two messy, traumatized dudes who have never had a real relationship and there's gonna be bumps. I hope we get s3 so we can better explore that like Djenks wants.
-Ok back to the fun stuff:
-Izzy barging in on GB and the docking joke. love his cringefail ass.
-the edizzy apology which was so typical of them. i expected it but bc i'd been building it up in my head all week w twitter pals it felt a bit anticlimactic but thats not the shows fault. it was very much in character and if they're satisfied so am i. i always have fic for more
-stizzy commiserating over losing ed pls thats all i've ever wanted!!!!!
izzy: "when i told him i loved him he-"
stede, like he's heard this story before: "shot u yes"
and the look they gave each other after!!!!! stizzy nation how we feelin?!
-izzy being like "stede no" when he was on his macho bullshit w zheng yi sao (also motivated by trauma bc he just lost ed, he cant lose MORE family!!!). i just like how protective iz seems of stede now.
-izzy''s "you're good for him" CRYING THROWING UP ETCETERA
-ed catching 1 fish and deciding thats his life now. adhd realness fr
-the swede whew is it hot in here or is that just jackie's effect on her husbands?
-jackie and ed actin like old friends. swede highkey shading ed adfghjkl
-anyway im sure there's more but i need to rewatch. there r things i wont go into bc its possible spoilers for the finale (tho its mostly just speculation some is based on bts not everyone may have seen). i am looking forward to and terrified for the show to end next week thats all i'll say
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Hi, read up on the African forums…..have these people travel across the USA and interact with the locals much less African ones?
Also I can tell they are mainly boomers and gen x, but I heard in Michelle Obama autobiography she went to Africa think she could get ancestral connections…then quickly realize she was a foreigner like every white person
That’s another thing, y’all think you’re Harry Potter or Wakanda real? It’s been centuries
We only started to locally interact with them in 60’s due immigration. And we only know what Hollywood or rich people wanted to show Africa is like
You know in the late 00’s-2010’s there was this attempt to “globalized” media for all…which expose the American centric
Ugh one character I like been getting “Americanized” and people been saying “He finally acting like a real kid!” Aka they changing him into a generic middle class American idea of a child
Which is irrating because as you know I’m an autistic adhd zoomer…and my generation behavior on Tik Tok shows how we’re worlds apart
Though when pick up the same toxicity your abusive stepmom had with feminists…
But yeah the globalized push in media act push for me to identify with America more…I think Rowling trying to flesh out the American wizards stuff starting my awareness
And Africans complaints about Wakanda
But women king is probably my breaking point
“Oh Hollywood finally done something being slavery for African history that fine-wait they were some of the most prolific slaves traders in human history and only stop after the French kick their asses in 1892?”
Sorry I’m LIVID how I wasn’t told about the dna ancestry idea until Hollywood (the left in particular) show how truly fuck up their perceptions of history is.
Hmm sorry second essay anon soon
Hi, read up on the African forums…..have these people travel across the USA and interact with the locals much less African ones?
Not really I don't think, how funny would that be tho, get delegations from the major US population centers together for cultural exchange, be bad enough trying to get the boroughs of NYC to come to agreements.
Also I can tell they are mainly boomers and gen x, but I heard in Michelle Obama autobiography she went to Africa think she could get ancestral connections…then quickly realize she was a foreigner like every white person
Ya there was a big wave of pan african sentiment in the 90's big push happening, Spike Lee movies were playing a part in that, specifically Malcolm X, as well as musical acts like The Fugees, Lauren Hill of The Fugees, DeLa Soul, Tribe Called Quest, many others who's names slip my mind, as opposed to now most of that that I can recall was about embracing yourself and your history but not a lot of anger towards others, well the Malcolm X movie got some angries but for the most part.....
Lot of people did the pilgrimage to the motherland and were sorely disappointed, wonder how Akon's thing is going.........
Ugh one character I like been getting “Americanized” and people been saying “He finally acting like a real kid!” Aka they changing him into a generic middle class American idea of a child
I have to wonder who the world would hate for being self centered and arrogant about everything if it weren't for the US, honestly though not a 'oh it'd be France or the UK' thing, who has the cultural and economic clout to manage that level of arrogance, probably China.
“Oh Hollywood finally done something being slavery for African history that fine-wait they were some of the most prolific slaves traders in human history and only stop after the French kick their asses in 1892?”
UK was the first major world power to outlaw slavery and they use the PaxBritanica to try to enforce it globally, at least on the seas since they were the world police before the US got the job post WW1, they sank their economy into the toilet to purchase the freedom of a whole lot of people in the process too.
Reparations were paid when the equivalent of billions of pounds to purchase the freedom for those people, didn't finish paying it off till like 2015, then they incurred even more expenses to stop more people from being sold, meanwhile certain African kingdoms were raking in the cash selling people.
Be why the 'my brother in Christ we already paid you for them' line when some African countries started in on the reparations train was so funny.
“Oh shit that wrong I hope it can’t get that-DA FUCK YOU MEAN AFRICAN AMERICANS HAVE A HORRIFIC CONNECTION TO THEM THAT DNA ANCESTRY RESEARCH CONFIRMED?!” Sorry I’m LIVID how I wasn’t told about the dna ancestry idea until Hollywood (the left in particular) show how truly fuck up their perceptions of history is.
information is king, now to get people to learn that information
Hmm sorry second essay anon soon
I look forward to it, might be going to a Maunday Thursday service so I may or may not get to it today.
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Good Omens S2E6
(chaotic thoughts as they happen)
here we go I’m ready to cry
“three questions, none of them simple”
I love seeing Crowley in heaven just aesthetically
oh no his heavenly outfit is awful this is the worst (his walk is hilarious tho)
noooo Maggie
I like seeing Azi getting to be intense
the golden snake tattoo!
“I haven’t always been a demon. And they never change their password” why did that make me emotional?
“does what you say make sense in your head?”
aww he’s traumatized from the book fire
an institutional problem
the little shoulder bump
Azi’s hesitancy with the book throwing my little bean
his halo!!!!
Crowley’s so smug I love him
“you came back” the way Azi said that has me tearing up ahhh
the way Beelzebub talks to the fly is so cute
I was not expecting a B and G friendship
are they flirting?
“silly silly angel” “I just found something that mattered more to me than choosing sides” “where Beezlbub is, is my heaven”I love these lines but I wish so much they were from Azi and Crowley instead
saying he always wanted to go there and looking at Aziraphale!!!
“do people ever ask for death?” asdfghjkl
I love the way Crowley is sitting in the chair asdfghjkl
“the day can’t get any weirder”
“an extremely alcoholic breakfast”
awww Crowley wants alone time with Aziraphale
and he’s tidying up the books up for him!!
healthy breakup and relationship conversations with the lesbians!!!
“I say something brilliant he says something unintentionally funny back”
I love Crowley so much. I didn’t think I had a favorite child but I might.
it makes me happy that Muriel likes reading
Azi is so happy that he could bring Crowely to heaven look at his face! I can’t ahhhhh
Aziraphale what happened to OUR SIDE
this scene is so dam good
the noises I made during Crowley’s speech
I saw one image of the kiss a while ago but thought it was an edit and then when this scene started I was like wait a second but part of me still didn’t believe it
I shed actual tears oh my lord I’m actually crying I can’t believe this
how am I supposed to process
“I forgive you” “don’t bother” HOW DARE YOU NIEL GAMIAN
Aziraphel my precious bean don’t cry
I hate that he’s going back to faking being okay with it all
oh my gosh! I just realized that Crowley saying he understands what Azi is offering better than he does is probably at least partially referencing what Gabriel said when casting him into hellfire! he never told him he’s lived with that pain and anger and not told him ahhhh (I mean I can’t confirm this but that’s my thinking at least)
“we call it the second coming” *dramatic music*
*A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square starts playing* me: NO!
how could you do this. how could you end it like this. how could you?
9.7/10 I need season 3 now
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Christmas Competition
Hey everyone! I have ADHD so there might be a few spelling and grammar mistakes I’m so, so sorry for them! I did try my best! This is placed in 2019, btw.
Christmas was a very important and exciting time for Taylor and Joe. It was the time of the year when they got to spend together, as it was one of the only times neither of them was working. And it was also the only time of the year that they broke the no-present rule. They even had a competition about who could give the best present, and to say the least, Taylor was winning, by 3 to 0. But this year, this year was his time to shine.
Joe stared at the small box in his hand. The box he had for God knows how long. He bought it maybe a month after they started dating because he knew that she was gonna be the one, but it took him this long to finally find it in himself to ask her the question. Tonight. He was gonna do it tonight. He opened the box one last time, the ring inside was simple, yet elegant, just what his girl’d like. It had one big diamond in the middle and small ones surrounded the entire ring. It wasn’t something extremely expensive or some designer stuff. But it was somehow perfect. And he knew Taylor’d love it.
He pulled up to Taylor’s parent’s driveway and got out of the car. Today was gonna change all their lives.
They spent last Christmas with Joe’s, so this year they were at her’s. Joe was here last month, too, even tho Taylor didn’t know. He sat down with her parents and asked for their blessing. Both Andrea and Scott couldn’t think of a better man for their daughter and gave it without a second thought.
He got out of his car, it was snowing intensely, he could barely stand straight against the cold wind, and made his way to the door.
“Taylor, time’s up.” Abigail said from the other room and Taylor lifted her head from her now wet lap, “C’mone, we have to check it.” she said, kneeling next to her best friend, “Look, it’s gonna be ok. You’re probably not even pregnant, it’s stress or something.”
But Taylor knew, she had that feeling in the pit of her stomach, it couldn’t be anything else. She knew it the first time she threw up in the morning, and then she went to the kitchen and yelled at Joe for leaving the door open, something she usually didn‘t even care about.
“It’s just that,” Taylor said, sniffing and rubbing her eyes to her sweatshirt. “We talked about kids just… it was always in future tense, you know. Never… now. I don’t know if I’m prepared to have a baby.” she said and Abi hugged her, “No one’s ever fully prepared.” she said, “C’mone, turn it over.” she said pointing at the test that was set on the floor right next to them. Taylor nodded and picked it up.
Yep, just as she expected. Positive, “Shit.” she whispered and looked over at Abi as tears started spilling from her eyes, “Oh honey.” Abi said and pulled her best friend into a hug, “Shh, it’s gonna be ok, I promise.” she said.
A few minutes passed, and her sobs calmed. Why was she crying? She wasn’t sad, she always wanted kids, and when she met Joe… she knew she wanted to have his kids. “There’s a baby inside me,” Taylor said, finally processing everything, “Oh my gosh I love you so much,” she said and placed a hand on her stomach. She was so scared a minute ago but now… how could she be so in love with something she didn’t know existed a few seconds ago?
“How will I tell Joe?” Taylor asked, looking back at Abigail.
“There’s only a week till Christmas? And meanwhile, you can also get a blood test to confirm it,” she said and placed a hand on her best friend’s back.
This woman she knew since they were 15. They went through everything together. And now… how did they even come here?
“I’ll win again.” Taylor said with a smirk on her face and Abigail rolled her eyes and laughed, “Thank you,” Taylor said, looking back at her, “For always being my friend.”
“Joseph, finally!” Andrea said as she led Joe inside the house, which smelled like newly-baked apple pie and cranberry sauce. She gave him a hug and led him inside after taking his coat.
As they walked inside, they passed through old family pictures. In one of them, Austin and Taylor were standing proudly next to a snowman, one where Taylor couldn’t have been more than 4, a family portrait… he couldn’t wait to have this with her one day. Their children, their own little family. Couldn’t wait for the day when they’d hang their kids' photos on their walls. Tell them about how they met, about music and movies and love.
“Hi handsome,” Taylor said as he walked into the kitchen, “Love the sweater,” she said and chuckled. He was wearing one of those classic ugly Christmas sweaters.
“I missed you too,” he said as he hugged her from behind and kissed her first on the cheek and then on her lips, “I think you missed me a little too much,” Taylor said and giggled, “How was London? How are Liz, Richard, Tom, and Patrick? God, I missed them so much I wish I could’ve came with you.” she said.
“They’re all amazing. Don’t worry about it, you can come the next time. They were all super understanding. You had work stuff.” he said and pushed her hair back from her face.
“You’re gorgeous.” he whispered and kissed her again.
“Get a room you two,” Austin said and wrinkled his face, “Oh, stop being a baby,” Taylor said and laughed as she pulled away from Joe.
“I’m gonna beat you this year, by the way,” Joe said. Taylor looked back at him and laughed, “Hah, we’ll see about that.” she said and rolled her eyes. Oh if only you knew Joe thought and smirked.
“That competition's still on?” Austin said and let out a laugh.
“Yep.” Taylor said and looked at her little brother, “It’s the only time we give each other presents so we might as well just do it.” they all laughed as Andrea entered the kitchen.
“Everything looks ready, why don’t you kids move to the table and keep the conversation going there.” she said, shaking her head.
They moved to the dining hall and sat down. Joe poured himself and Austin a glass of white wine. But just when he was about to pour Taylor a glass she put her hand over her glass, “I’m not drinking tonight babe. I’d like some diet coke tho.” she said and smiled.
“Who are you and what did you do to my sister?” Austin said, widening his eyes, “I’ve never heard Taylor Alison Swift say no to a glass of wine.” Joe said, supporting her brother’s argument.
“Chill, you two. I’ve been drinking a little too much these days, so I thought it might be a good idea to give my body a break.” she said and took a sip of the coke Joe poured for her while she talked.
Soon enough, her parents were also at the table and they started eating and chatting. This was one of the rare occasions where all five of them were at the same desk, and they for sure used it to their advantage tp catch up. Taylor realized how much she missed this, sitting around the table with the people she called her family.
When everyone finished eating and the chatter got cold, her parents started taking the dishes to the kitchen and Austin opened some Jazz from YouTube, Joe stood her up and offered her his hand, “May I take you up for a dance?” he said, with an overly heavy british accent, he was obviously a little tipsy, but not enough to not understand what he was doing. Taylor chuckled but took his hand, and Joe pulled her into his arms, burying his head in her messy curly hair, “I love you.” he whispered, pulling her sweet scent in.
“I love you too.” Taylor said and Joe felt her smile. He heard her parents walk in and sit on the couch. Now. He had to do it now or else he might not be able to find the courage again.
He pulled back and looked into her eyes, “I know traditionally we have to wait till tomorrow morning to give presents but… I don’t think I can wait any longer.” he said and took a deep breath in, held both her hands and knelt in front of her, pulling out the box he had been holding onto for dear life since this morning, “Taylor Alison Swift, Thank you for being with me tonight. Thank you for giving me a reason to live. Thank you for loving me with all my flaws and mistakes. I loved calling you my girlfriend but I think we’re done with that era of our lives. So would you do me the honor and marry me?” he asked. It was like time froze. Taylor knew her answer, of course she did, she had been waiting for this moment pretty much their entire relationship.
“Yes,” she whispered, slow tears spilling from her eyes. He put the ring on her finger and stood up to give her a hug. Her family watched the moment, tears welled up in her parent’s eyes and Austin came to give her sister and his soon-to-be brother-in-law a hug.
“I never would’ve thought you’d do it this way, I mean I knew it was coming soon but…” Taylor said as she hugged Joe again.
“Me neither.” he said, “I wanted to wait till we were back home but when I saw you like that I- I knew I had to do it,” he said and kissed her again.
“And you won the competition this year, my man. Finally,” Austin said and Joe grinned.
“He might’ve, but he chose the wrong year for that,” Taylor said and took a deep breath in.
“C’mone there can’t be a more amazing present than this! And just look at that ring, I’m not one to understand too much from jewelry, but it’s gorgeous.” Scott said, taking his daughter’s hand into his.
“Well, I was also gonna wait to give you this till we were home,” Taylor said, as her mother handed her her bag, knowing exactly what she wanted to do. Andrea, Abi, and herself were the only people who knew, till now. She rummaged through it and finally took out a small envelope. She handed it to Joe and indicated he opened it.
“Now let’s see what this is,” Joe said as he opened it, to find a small, black and white paper. He looked at it, then back at Taylor.
“Is this- are you-” Joe said and Taylor nodded, “Oh my gosh.” Joe said and pulled her into a hug, tears streaming from his eyes kissed her on the lips once, twice, “I love you so much” he said, pulling her even closer somehow.
“What is that?” Austin said as Scott took whatever Joe was holding.
“What is this? '' he said looking at his daughter and Joe, “It’s an ultrasound picture.” Taylor said, rubbing off her tears of happiness.
“So does that mean-” Austin said trying to process all this new information
“It means that you’re gonna be an uncle,” their mom said and gave Taylor another hug. Austin looked at Joe, “You got my sister pregnant?” Austin said with a joking tone
“Well, you know it takes two-”
“Joseph!” Taylor said, hitting his arm jokingly as she felt her face get redder and redder. “Well, if it makes you happy, you won, yet again.” Joe said and laughed as he pulled her into another hug.
She looked at her dad who was still staring at the pictures, for a moment, she thought that mayeb he was a little mad. Her father was never protective over her, but he was a religious man. But all her worries faded when she saw the smile on his face, “My baby’s gonna have a baby.” he said and gave her a hug, “You aren’t that little anymore are you now?” he said and she shook her head.
“Well, we might as well open all the other presents now, no need to wait till tomorrow,” Austin said moving towards the tree.
The rest of the night was spent laughing and opening presents. When they were done, everyone placed themselves on the couch, her parents placing themselves on the old couch they’ve had for god know how many years now and slowly falling asleep as Austin moved to his room to talk with his girlfriend,
who wasn’t here because of her work.
Her and Joe sat on the small sofa,which had been Taylor’s favorite forever. They put a blanket over themselves, as they let their their bodies slow down, whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears and catching each other’s lips once in a while, “I love you,” Joe whispered into her ear as they sat, her head on his shoulder, and legs thrown over his, “I wouldn’t change this for anything.” he said and placed a small kiss on her crown. At that moment, Taylor knew that no matter what happened in life, she’d always have him
Thank you so much for sending this!
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scarletwidowaf · 3 years
broadway, baby. (part 1)
Florence pugh x female Reader
Summery: reader is a singing waitress in a new York restaurant (like in glee) where many famous people go to, and one night the little women cast are are there and R is their waitress.
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Warnings: there's some cursing and harassment. Its not revolve around it but its there.
A\N: im soft for florence pugh and this is a complete shit.
Credits: Glee Gif Credit • Florence Gifs Credit
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“I'm just a Broadway Baby, walking off my tired feet, Pounding Forty Second Street to be in a show. Broadway Baby, learning how to sing and dance, waiting for that one big chance to be in a show.” - Cast of follies
Life can be hard and some days can be rough, especially in your line of work where people competed for the spotlight on a daily basis. but that's life and that’s the road you chose to walk through.  And it's alright, after all, what's life without a spark? A movie without a breaking point? or a shift at Clayton's without drama?
This was one of these days, the kind of days who kept you on an edge as your body and mind both ached for a break.
'Just roll with it. just a few hours for your day off.' You silently said to yourself.
Being a young artist in New York was a challenge you’ve taken on yourself, luckily for you working at "Clayton's" was a good way to start a career.  most people who started working there were young talented artist who were determined to make an impression over the industry. The place was always packed with many famous people, from actors to singers and producers. So, in many ways, working in "Clayton's" could be a ticket to Broadway or the music industry. And that was the reason you moved there in the first place.
You tried the traditional way, but after months of trying to get into college and fix your past mistakes, like your high school career, you decided that this path wasn’t for you. no matter what you did or how hard you tried your ADHD still managed to kick your ass. So, that’s how you ended up as a singing waitress in NY. You liked your job, truly. You liked singing and dancing and meeting cool people along the way, but sometimes it was just too much.
"You look like shit" Aaron said from his spot at the bar.
Aaron was a sweet guy and probably the only straight person in your group of friends. He was charming and talented and most importantly; he was the first friend you got in NY.
Aaron pulled his long brown hair into a bun as he chuckled at you. You huffed in frustration in return.
"Thanks" you muttered as he passes you a mug with coffee, hoping to help you get a grip before the restaurant opens.
"You need to rest" he said. "properly" 
"that’s overrated" you joked and took a sip.
You felt an hand on your shoulder and you turned around to meet your friend's stern gaze. "You, okay?" she asked
"Always" you answered Mackenzie's question and she raised her eyebrow, knowing full well you were lying. 
"we should sing as a warm up!" David, another one of your coworkers and Aaron's twin brother said.
"Let's not" Aaron said as he rolled his eyes at his brother's enthusiasm. 
You laughed quietly as the two started bickering. Mack and you glanced at each other knowingly. Both of you already know who will win in the stupid argument.
15 minutes later, after a group warm up and Aaron's dramatic sighs 'Clayton's' was open for business.
It was a nice evening, not too full, not too loud. And most importantly, not too many known faces.
Of course, you liked to have famous people on your shifts, and it could obviously be a game changer for you but it can get intense at times and you want in the mood. Seriously, how can you be the only one who found singing "defying gravity' in font of Idina Menzel as a very stressful experience?? You were terrified by the idea you'll fuck up in front of the original singer- and make a total fool out of yourself. 
When 10 pm rolled around, every opinion you had about the evening flew out the window. at this point, the restaurant was full with costumers and some known faces as well, and you found yourself holding every inch of you together as you approach the table who was occupied by the one and only Meryl Streep, and some fellow little women cast members.  
 *rule number 1 of working at Clayton's: don't make costumers feel uncomfortable. Don't annoy the costumers, don't ask for autographs if they're famous and generally treat them as normal and respectfully as you can. *
 "Hello, my name is Y/N and ill be your waitress for tonight" you introduced yourself with a small smile. The women smiled at you brightly.
"How does it work" Meryl held the tablet with a puzzled expression. "Am I that old?" She joked
"Barley" One of the other women, Emma fucking Watson, said. 
"I know it looks complicated-" you told them as you took the tablet from Meryl's hand."-But it's pretty simple, actually, I promise. As you can see the top part of the tablet is divided into two sections: The right one who says 'ask for a waiter'- which means that your waiter- which in this case, me, is busy- probably performing at the moment, and you can ask for a different waiter." You said with an ease, knowing the explanation by heart.
"The left section says 'ask for my waiter' which is a pretty simple one to understand... I guess- if you'll need me for whatever reason, you can press it and it'll page me. Feel free to use it."  You said with a smile as you scanned their faces, making sure they understand the first part.
"And the bottom section?" Saoirse asked. 
"The bottom section is the 'refill' sections. It will get into validation only after ill place your order in my own tablet and send to the kitchen." You explained as you gestured to your own tablet. "It's pretty useful, the point of it is that you can ask for a refill without having to social with me. Its awesome"
You noticed one of them, Florence pugh, scanning the tablet with a small smile- as she listened to your explanation. She was absolutely a sight for sore eyes, that's for sure.
"Thats pretty cool" she said and you nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I got really excited over it when I started working here" you admitted awkwardly "most importantly- When a section isn't relevant its will be grey instead of in color so you won't get confused. Like, for example - if You haven't ordered anything yet you can't get a refill, for the obvious reason. or if I'm not performing you can't ask for another waiter... which means you're stuck with me for the time being" you finished with a small chuckle.
"I don't think any of us mind that" Florence smiled and the others agreed. The blonde smiled at you again and you blushed slightly. "You're singing, right?" she asked out of the blue, just when you were about to leave and let them look through their menus. 
"Yeah, i do. In a few minutes, actually" 
"Thats cool! Good luck" she smiled and you wondered if Emma, who set the closest to you, could hear how fast your heart's beating. 
"Thank you" you said with a smile and turned around to the stage. 
"you paged? I'm guessing you guys ready to order then" You said as you approached their table after your performance. 
"YOU WERE SO GODD!" Florence said excitedly.
"Thank you" you blushed slightly. 
What. The. Fuck. Y/N?! You scolded yourself.
The others joined into the conversation with their own compliments and you thought you'd die when Meryl Streep, the legend herself, complimented you.
After another few moments the conversation calmed downed and moved to the next, and most important topic: the food. You tried your best to not blush under Florence's soft gaze and keep your focus on the other members of her table as they consulted you about the dishes, but damn, that was hard.  luckily for you it didn’t take long and a few minutes later, their order was sent to the kitchen. 
 The next hour and a half weren't much different. you sang and placed orders, you smiled to costumers and even pretend to laugh at some old man's joke. And maybe (just maybe) you glanced over to Florence every now and then.
The thing about Clayton's is that apart for the famous people who visit there frequently, it also contains many of the rich and the snobs of New York, so you weren't surprised when you got paged from a table who was occupied by two guys with fancy clothes and their parents credit card.
"Hey" one of them said to you as you approached them. 
"hey, welcome to Clayton's! You're David's table, right?" You said and pointed at your friend who started his own performance.
"Yeah, the fag one" the other guy said and your smile fell.
Take a deep breath, Y/N. It's not worth it. 
"I see you guys already ordered a few minutes ago" you said as you checked your tablet.
"Yeah" the asshole confirmed. 
"Okay, in that case, how can I help you?" You asked politely as you could. 
"we would like to get the check." The first guy said politely as he pulled out a few bills from his wallet. "Keep the change" he said as you took it and made sure it was enough.
"Thank you" you smiled politely and made a mental note to give David his well-earned tip.
"my brother want to know if you're single" the asshole said and the nicer guy looked at his with his eyes wide.
"I'm sorry, I'm in a relationship" you lied after a moment, hoping the lie will spare both his feeling and any more questions in the subject.
The guy nodded in understanding but on the other hand, the other guy didn’t seem to get the massage.  
"I'm sure he won't mind sharing" the asshole said and you felt sorry for the poor guy for being related to this ass.
"What the fuck Chad" the nice guy said as chad smirked at you.
"yeah... that’s not going to happen." You glared at him "have a great weekend tho" you gritted out and turned around to leave.
you were taken by surprise when you felt chad's hand on your ass. Again, what the fuck?!
"What the fuck is wrong with you' asshole" you gritted out and moved away from him. 
Don't make a scene. He's not worth it. 
"C'mon-" he started to say as he got up. You moved away, knowing you were cornered since the place was full, the lights were deemed and the music was loud. 
"Don't touch me" you said and moved away; you're back hitting an empty table who stood nearly.
"Hey what's going on here?" You heard and turned to catch Florence walking to you.
If a look could kill chad would’ve been dead. that’s for sure. It's like the sweet and excited Florence had left and a different, intimidating (and hot) version of her took her space and so help you god, you were glad she was on your side.
"Nothing! we were just leaving, really" Frankie said.
"None of your business" brad said and Florence raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow, daring him to cross her.
"I see" she said "well, I'm sure y/n won't mind my intruding" 
'Thank god for Florence Pugh.' You thought.
Before chad could press the subject any further David, who just finished his performance, got there. You were sure he noticed that something was happening.
"what's going on here?" he asked after he scanned the situation quickly.
"nothing as I said to your friend, we were just leaving" Frankie said again. 
he didn’t want to draw any negative attention, just like you, and thankfully for the both of you, not many people noticed the situation.
This time chad didn't answer, he just glared at Florence and you while his brother pulled him away from the place.
"so, are you going to tell me what happened?" David asked Florence and you after the two left.
Florence looked at you, waiting for you to answer him. 
"Nothing" you lied. "it's okay David, you can go" you promised your friend. David looked at you with his 'I done believe you' expression, but he didn't press it any further. He just nodded before he turned around and left. 
 Rule number 2: do not make a scene under no circumstances. At Clayton's, everything you do while you're on the clock is practically showcased. You slip? you fall? you sing out of tune? Its under a spotlight, everyone can see that and everyone will have something to say about it. Thats the thing about this place.  most people who started there and moved on to bigger things as Broadway or Hollywood were practically trained to keep their best poker face, act on the demand or pretend that everything is okay when it was clearly not. 
 "You should go back to your table" you said to Florence 
she looked at you with an unreadable expression before she went back to her table. You didn't have much time to read into it since a few minutes later you found yourself at her table, printing their check and having a small friendly conversation with the women. You smiled at them as they left before you turned your tablet off and went to cover for Aaron at the bar.
 "I thought you guys left" You said with a smile when the blonde approached you a few minutes later. 
"Why did you lie?" Florence asked with the same unreadable expression from earlier.
Okay. No smiling then.
"I didn’t" you pulled out two shot glasses and filled them with tequila. The blonde gave you a 'are you kidding me' kind of look and you couldn't help but to chuckle. "I didn't see a reason to make a scene over nothing" you explained and downed one of the shots.
"It wasn't nothing Y/N" she said before taking the other glass. 
"its fine. I'm fine. He didn’t do anything " you said as she downed her shot.
"Yeah, because I was there" she argued.
"I can handle guys like him. Seriously, at this point it might as well be a part of my job" 
"you're not helping yourself"
"I liked you better smiling" you chuckled as she glared at you.
"I'm sure you did"
"shut up" 
"How's your back?" She asked/
The blonde definitely didn't seem convinced about the chad situation but you were just grateful for the change of subject.
"It will be alright"
"I appreciate your worry, truly. But I'm fine and I really don't want to hold you back here over it" you said  
"Who said I was worried" she smirked at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Uh, you don't?" You played along 
"Then why are you still here? Its almost 12 am, don't you have something better to do" you teased her 
"no. Do you?" She turned the question and you laughed. 
"I guess not - considering the fact I work here and I'm still on clock"
"Oh, please we both know this place is about to close" she argued your logic
"True" you admitted
"So, if you have nothing better to do, and you don't, would you like to go out with me? You kinda owe me after I saved your ass earlier"
"Uh, and here I thought you did that as an act of kindness" you joked. A small smile playing on your lips.
"Ew no" she said and You laughed. "Well?" Florence pressed with a cheeky smile.
"Yeah, why not. It's not like I have something better to do" 
"Just what I wanted to hear" she joked.
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eat-worms · 3 years
yall, knife trick updated and I've been loosing my SHIT.
(I'm doing my schpeel for this under my wip for this piece cuz I want the final to be not so cluttered. )
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ok so this fic like... almost single handedly resparked my love for making digital art. I had made a piece or 2 before the one I did for knife trick but they were very experimental and dazed and haphazard. I find it beneficial to draw from reference, but it isn't what I love about art. and so I read this fic and just was so so excited to do something with this wonderful world and these wonderful characters built from very little canon interaction. and I just drew. and I spent like a whole 2 weeks only drawing after that. it wasn't fan art for knife trick after that first piece. but I was so proud of it. and I saw what I could do. and I was inspired again by a vast and heartwrenching fictional world. and I haven't really taken a long break drawing since. and something about the tension and the luster of life these characters bring I find so enrapturing and rare (for me) in fanfiction and this truly has that. SO. HERES MY WIP after the new chapter. gosh this moment. oh and that quote, it made me cry, I saved it on my phone let me get it.
"The thing about saying goodbye is that they say goodbyes are the hardest, when really goodbyes aren’t all that hard at all. Saying goodbye is as easy as saying any other thing, in fact almost exactly that easy. As one leaves the grocery store and says goodbye to the cashier, they don’t feel bad at all; as you hang up the phone on an annoyed parent you might feel quite relieved to say goodbye.
Saying goodbye depends much less on what is said and much more on what isn’t said.
Sometimes the people saying goodbye are not aware they’re saying goodbye, and years down the line they will think to themselves, was that really it? The very last thing I said?"
like I'm SOBBING OMG. also rans autistic coding (not really coding, I think its confirmed just not spoken by the characters) is just... so important to me. I've been trying to get just an adhd diagnosis for over 2 years now and a lot of people in my life are saying I'm likely autistic, but regardless of all that I SEE my self in ran and it's so cool to see him learn more about himself. I have another diagnosis appointment tmr morning actually and it's like... wow. like the amount of self-reflection and frustration ran goes through during this story because of his differences with the culture around him. and how he always feels/is literally trapped because of this. it's just so real and personal. and even tho Watson is an asshat and imprisoned him before he got the answers he needed... he still got them. Ran and Jackie's story is just so special I'm glad I'm here to read it. it brings me so much comfort. also fanfic writers for this story... im coming for you. I probably already have come for you tbh 😅. Ok. I think maybe one person is gonna read this wall of text but that's alright, I just want it out there. this story is special. please please read it if you haven't. I'm going to go and re-read it again and finish this drawing!
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asterekmess · 3 years
Heyo! So I’ve been in the sterek fandom for quite some time now and I’ve been wondering about how you would describe stiles’ personality?
I’ve never actually sat down and watched a full episode of teen wolf (and honestly I’m not sure if I ever will considering everything I’ve heard about how they treat derek and his history but idk who knows I’m very curious in a lot of the plot lines and character development), and a lot of the stuff I know about the show I’ve scraped from fics, gifs, and meta posts
For me personally, Stiles’ personality and characterization is so fluid and nuanced that sometimes I have trouble pinning him down (tho derek doesn’t have trouble with that *wink wink*) So I would love to hear your thoughts! Sorry for the long ask, this grew legs and an ugly mug shdhdhhdjdcj anyhow have a great day :D
Well, everybody's got different perspectives and opinions on Stiles' personality, honestly. Even when you try to stick to 'canon' things, there's a lot of room for interpretation on the why when he does things, or what it says about him as a person, etc etc etc.
Personally, I see canon Stiles as kind of an asshole. I mean, I love him, and he does some incredible things, and he's clearly got an intense love for those close to him. But I do make him kinder in fics, or I at least make him regret being a dick.
In canon, we're given a Stiles who cracks 'dead baby' jokes (he's talking about human sacrifice, so the conversation was already plenty morbid. This wasn't out of the blue.) Who begs for Scott to let Jackson die (though it's made clear that this wasn't serious, and he later works to save Jackson's hide like ten times over), and who will mercilessly poke and prod at people's insecurities or painful pasts, especially when worked up. Isaac's previous abuse isn't a no-go topic. Derek having 'dated' (read: been assaulted at worst and at best, been lied to) serial killers isn't something he's going to tread lightly around. He doesn't try to soften things to save someone's feelings most of the time.
He's presented as someone who is incredibly impulsive, with his emotions, words, and actions. It's kind of implied this is because of his ADHD, but that doesn't explain how often the impulsively cruel or harsh things he says aren't retracted or apologized for, or just generally regretted. Yes, ADHD people are impulsive, and yes sometimes our mouths get away from us and we can end up saying some Fucked Up shit to people because we literally couldn't control the words coming out. But that doesn't mean we're cruel or evil or mean. We still feel bad for doing those things, and those of us who are decent people, try to fix or repair what we've messed up. I am...not a fan of how often ADHD is used as an excuse to make a character a dickhead because "he has no filter." No filter means we struggle to control our thoughts and what we say, it doesn't make us heartless.
So, when I'm writing him, I fix it. Even if he still Does something fucked up, I have him care that he did it. I have him realize what he did or said wasn't okay and respond to that knowledge in some way. Which to some people, means I'm just ignoring what a fucker he is, but imo it feels like a horrible fuckup on the creator's parts, so I'm just correcting the mistake. He's no less Stiles just bc I taught him to say sorry.
Anyway. I'm trying NOT to ramble here.
To answer your question, as best I can; Stiles is sarcastic. Stiles is passionate to a fault. His emotions are BIG, whatever they are. Good, Bad, or even apathy. Whatever feelings he has are just intense. He is very much a no gods, no kings, no masters, kind of man. There isn't really an 'authority' to him, except maybe his dad sometimes. He puts family, and those he considers family, First. But that doesn't mean he isn't selfless. Because he is. Incredibly so. Uncomfortably so.
He walks into gasoline for his friends. He puts himself in the position of losing the only parent he has left, for his classmates. He cares enough about strangers to insist a drunk girl he's spoken to for five minutes max stay hydrated and give her a bottle of water. He literally handed over his mind on a platter to a fox demon for someone he barely fucking knew, to keep her safe.
Loyal. Humorous. A fighter. Family-oriented. Clever. Passionate. Strong, physically, mentally, and emotionally. And a very good liar, in my opinion.
He doesn't lie very well in the show, not to people's faces. He'll stumble around a "I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him" or "are you asking me to tell you what I would have told you if I were going to tell you it?" but at the same time, he can repress and hide away his feelings and his pain in a way not even Derek manages.
He asked Caitlin questions about her girlfriend, and worked to solve the human sacrifices, literal minutes after finding out he'd just lost his oldest friend. He drove Lydia to the warehouse to save Jackson after having the shit beat out of him by a man who'd been learning to cause pain since he was a CHILD. And he never gives away how incredibly broken he is for more than a couple seconds. and it's a little frightening, because he convinces people in this show who are lie detectors that he's okay, when he's a fucking mess. Even Derek shows his pain.
You're right that he's nuanced, and part of that is because when you see him in meta or in fic, what you're seeing is a dozen versions of him sort of compressed into a flat image. Because he changes throughout the show, and while some of his core personality stays the same, a lot of stuff changes. So one fic might harp on his insensitivity, and callousness toward Isaac or how easily he says "just let them die" when talking about Derek or someone else. And then another will dive into how fucking far he's willing to go, travelling all the way to mexico and facing down a hunter clan a dozen times more powerful than the argents with no one but a banshee at his side, just to get Derek back. Or how he saw Malia hurting and sat with her on a couch and held her hand. One is a much earlier version of Stiles, from the start of the show, the other from his midpoint. Near the end, you're able to say that he was so torn about leaving Derek while he was dying, he had to be Begged to go save Scott. That he manipulated an ENTIRE FBI investigation in order to save and protect Derek. (im focusing on derek bc sterek, but also bc his relationship with Derek is the Biggest Arc he has in the show, and the most solid)
You're going to read about different versions of him, and I totally get how that's confusing.
We all sort of bleed ourselves into him and either bring certain canon characteristics to the forefront, or straight up add our own so he's more relatable to us.
So while I can't really help you pin down any specific Stiles, just know that there's not really a 'true' Stiles that anyone can confirm or deny. It's all just perception, so however you see him, go with it. Strengthen it. Explore it. I'm sure you'll find people who see what you do.
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moonfurthetemmie · 3 years
I think showing blarvin would be necessary for the economy
JEJSUDDU okay I’ll put that up while I look for some angst
Please note that this is old as frick and very OOC as this was when I still thought DS Blue was actually a Bastard
- JR has a super high tech microwave in the main lounge room (or the one the Dream usually uses).
- One day Blue comes across it during one of his break ins and goes “Hmm. I should try it out.” Because boredom and plot
- Thirty minutes later Dream comes in and “Wha-who-why-what the hell?”
- On the table there’s a bunch of microwavable meals (easy mac, cup noodles, kid cuisine, instant potatoes, etc) all heated up, but the microwave is gOnE. The food is the only sign Blue was there but whY wOuLd He StEaL a MiCrOwAvE tHaTs RiDiCuLoUs
- Blue would find a way to inconspicuously take that microwave everywhere. Because he’s decided that it’s the best thing since cup noodles and microwave s’mores.
- And if anybody says anything condescending about his microwave-well he’ll probably send them little microwaved monsters and Barbie dolls. Because his microwave is beautiful and must be loved by all.
- By ‘microwave monsters’ I mean terrifying amalgamations of plastic items that once had their own shapes and pleasing colors, now melted and mangled into whatever Blue’s messed-up mind could conjure. And he’s REALLY messed up, so. You’ve been warned.
- Somehow it never occurs to Dream that Blue stole the microwave. Maybe because Blue used to talk down about them, saying that it’s much healthier and more fun to cook stuff with your own skills yada yada yada. Now tho Blue just talks shit about the cheap microwaves.
- He’d probably name the microwave Marvin or Mavis or something like that.
- Blue religiously cleans Marvin every week. He refuses to let it get covered in dust and blood-I mEaN food. And normal, non-monster dust. YeAh.
- Ok, fine. If the melted Barbie dolls don’t convince you to respect the Microwave of Destiny, then your obviously a lost cause. Blue WILL frame you for murder, cuz he knows he’ll never get caught. But you will ;)
- Or he’ll make you do him “a favor” that ends in you getting run over by a train or something. Whatever’s easiest or more entertaining.
- Speaking of entertainment, you know how certain soap bars do weird shit in the microwave? He likes to do that. It’s just so weird HOW DOES IT DO THAT that’s so cool—Also popcorn
- Blue would totally play with the clock settings on Marvin just to hear the beeping sounds it makes.
- Blue is ADHD confirmed-
- Oh and. Just to be sure he doesn’t accidentally do something stupid, Blue got rid of any and all metal silverware he owned. Now he uses plastic cutlery.
- The Meme Squad would eventually find out about Marvin, and Cross and Nightmare would make it a habit to send Blue metal things with notes like “For Marvin, with love <3” while Error’s like “9uy5 570p h3’5 901n9 70 k1ll u5”
- But as long as they don’t actually mess with Marvin it’s fi-WHO THE FRESH HECK TOUCHED MY MICROWAVE YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS TO HIDE
- Seriously though, he K N O W S when people touch his microwave. It doesn’t matter if he sees you committing the crime, he just. Knows. And he keeps track of everyone who’s seen Marvin in the past 48+ hours so he knows e x a c t l y who touched his baby.
- All he has to do is find you. Then? Screw manipulation and framing, he’ll kill you himself. With extreme prejudice. You do N O T touch Marvin unless you want to die.
- One day Ink decides to sneak into Blue’s house and test that theory, but Blue walks into the kitchen where Marvin’s little throne-alter is with Ink’s finger just millimeters away from the microwave and Blue’s like “Uh. Excuse me sir. That’s my microwave. Do you wish upon yourself to come into physical experience with a crummy juncture? Because if you move any closer to Mar-my microwave ima hafta diddly darn snap your neck.”
- Ink moves a bit closer, still not touching it and Blue just about loses his shit. “DiD yOu HaS a DuMb I sAiD nO tOuCh-”
- * t o u c h *
- *Loud angry noises and blood-curdling screams.*
- Ink was never the same again. He developed an irrational fear of fancy expensive microwaves.
- Dream is still clueless because he has more important things to do than look for a darn microwave.
- At some point Cross gets the bright idea of putting aluminum foil in Blue’s microwave, but first he shapes it into something. I’ll leave that part up to you guys, but he opens the microwave with gloves on because he thinks that maybe Blue has a problem with finger prints-
- This is like the one time Blue leaves Marvin home and he gets back and screams in horror when he sees the dry-erase marker graffiti and the metallic atrocity sitting inside Marvin- “Marvin who did this to you I’lL mAkE tHeM pAy I’m so sorry I left you home I’ll never do it again TwT” he says as he cuddles the appliance.
- Cross totally left a camera hidden in Blue’s kitchen, by the way. So the Meme Squad now has rare and valuable footage of Blue freaking out over a microwave. And hugging it. Wtf.
- Ink finds the video and has a PTSD attack (because Blue f🤬ed him up for touching Marvin). He casually hands the USB to Dream before noping the heck outta there so he doesn’t have to see it again
- But, thanks to Error and his madjik hacking (he hacks right?), the USB has a virus in it that allows the Meme Squad to watch people through the cameras on their computers. So now they know Ink has a microwave phobia. And they get to watch Dream realize so many things.
- When Blue finds out who messed with his precious microwave he’s gonna start the M-Event—the X-Event except powered by his weird obsession with a fricken microwave
- Remind me who’s idea this was—at this point I’m just writing down whatever weird shit I can think of. Your welcome Silver
- Blue gets a shirt that says “I ❤️ my microwave” with a picture of one of Marvin’s brothers or sisters on it because goddamn it he loves Marvin. It was probably sent by Marvin’s creator (the microwave company that made Marvin) for advertising purposes. Even if Blue’s ‘love’ isn’t quite what they were going for.
- Blue will proudly show you Marvin if you ask but don’t try to test it. Just... compliment the object. He will be very pleased with you and he won’t send you melted Barbie dolls. Unless you want him to, but he doesn’t do favors so don’t bother asking.
- There’s a 50% chance that Blue would rig Marvin to be able to call 911. Just for the fun of it. But that might ruined it so there’s a 50% chance he’d buy a cheap microwave for that and name it Mavis. Afterwards though he’d sell it to some weirdo on the streets, or drop it off at the Meme House because he has developed an odd respect for all microwaves, even if he has eye sockets for Marvin only. Even if Mavis was a decent kitchen appliance/source of radiation.
- Blue would probably write oddly heartfelt love poems about Marvin? Just when he had literally nothing else to do? And he keeps them v e r y well hidden because he knows they’d be really weird to someone else but he just-he wanted to see just how cheesy he could be. Turns out, cheesier than than a bad joke about cheese.
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 3 years
trials of apollo tower of nero reaction
sooooo major spoilers and all that jazz here are my main reactions.
-i love love LOVE that Apollo does not get into a new a romantic relationship. same with Meg. Riordan finally breaking his own trope? 
-i feel so bad that Dionysus is STILL being punished 100 years to run camp half blood for chasing a nymph that Zeus wanted. That feels disproportionate to Apollo, who got punished for “possibly starting the Gaea war”. (Altho at least Dionysus got to keep his godly powers.)
-I like the Python fight at face value more than I expected- it was what the BoO Gaea final fight *should* have been like. There wasn’t much buildup to how scary Python could be and i wish there was. However, the fight was actually difficult, required multiple stages/methods, Apollo was believably at a disadvantage. Python, his lair, and his powers, once we saw him, was actually kinda scary/threatening. I will await a few days to see if i still think this.
-I dislike Caleo, but I like this “ending”- Leo stays at Waystation with Jo & Emmie as adopted parents and some positive platonic female role models in his life. I personally headcanon that after Calypso finishes band camp, she & Leo realize that they can be good friends but not good relationship. Calypso might have needed someone to rescue her from Ogygia, but she does not need a relationship to fix her once she’s out.
-Piper and Shel *literally* came out of nowhere. Her Jason breakup made sense to me. Her getting over Jason *that* fast, though, does not. 
-How come Lavinia doesn’t get an epilogue moment?
-Nero was a joke. Why the fuck did he make like 20~ remote controls. Even Commodus was more threatening than Nero.
-How did all the camp halfblood + trogs escape the tower when Nero pushed the gas thing?
-Badass Nico is back yay! But dammit, a lot of it is offscreen again. I also like that he still has the “please dont touch me unless I’m ok with it” thing. I also do appreciate that he’s not OP- his fight attempt at Nero was the only thing that made Nero seem any bit frightening.
-Apollo did not need to summarize every terrible thing that happened to Nico. Nico is arguably one of the most popular characters and I’m sure Riordan knows it. I also wish it was Nico (or maybe even Will) that confirmed for us that he was gay. I dont mind Will saying “I think Nico has PTSD”, but it feels pretentious coming from Apollo.
-Did Nico ever find out Reyna became a Hunter of Artemis? I wonder how angry he’ll get... 
-Lu & Apollo’s jailbreak wasnt bad, but I still like Hazel/Percy/Frank’s jailbreak from the Amazons during SoN more.
-ok so education plothole: Annabeth was on the run at 7yo, then she was a year-rounder at camp halfblood. camp halfblood, unlike New Rome/Camp jupiter, does not have a schooling system. Annabeth also has dyslexia/ADHD- how did she manage to keep on track with her education enough to test into UC berkeley? I might make a post about this some more. 
-ok i like that paul blofis is basically a rick riordan self insert. 
-the dryad fight in nero’s throne room was actually threatening :( i also like that the nero throne room fight had several stages and, despite the trogs & nico, it did not feel like 20 deux ex machinas like in TLO
-why was apollo all giggly in the control room when nico rescued him? he’s gotten knocked in the head before, but this is the first time he was giggly.
-How did Apollo manage to claim 3 new kids while he was Lester? I can believe that he impregnated 3 people 10~ years ago and forgot about them tho.
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hoshihime98 · 4 years
Fugonara headcanons for @purplecraze
(Most of them are copy pasted from my twt)
1) For Narancia was love at first sight, while Fugo took a bit more of time to realized he had a crush on the other, due never having friends of his age and a bit of self hate and denial
2) Since they started dating they celebrate every special occasion at Libeccio, eating together the same kind of spaghetti Fugo offer to Nara when they meet
3) Nara's favorite kind of kisses are forehead kisses! He loves when Fugo pulls his hair up and gives him a smooch, expecially after he got a right answer on his homeworks 🥰
4) Fugo is really shy about PDA, while when they are at home he has not problems about cuddling with Narancia, when they are outside he gets really awkard about it. So instead of taking his hand he just quietly keeps to hold Nara's skirt-thing.
Narancia finds it adorable!
On the other side Fugo is weird about touch in general and swings from wanting to be next to Narancia 24/7 to get upset if the other touches him, in the latter case they just chill in the same room
5) Narancia is a early bird, usually he wakes up before Fugo's allarm starts, so since they started to sleep in the same bed, Nara is the one that wakes Fugo up. Sometimes he kisses his cheeks till he is awake, other times he kick him out the bed. Is a gamble for the poor albino
Fugo is more a night owl and after years of his parents waking up before the sunrise when he can he likes to sleep and dosent admit it but waking up with Narancia kissing him is way better than the allarm
6) Nara loves Fugo's voice, expecially when he is reading and Fugo likes to read aloud for him. Usually before sleeping he reads a bit for Narancia, but he is also a lil shit that stops when a cliffhanger happends and is like "i will keep reading i you finish math tomorrow :)"
7) Narancia has a really good muscolar memory and he is a really good dancer, when he was homeless he wven used to dance in the street to get some cash.
Once he surprised Fugo by leaning how to slow dancing so they could dance together when they are a some formal Passione event
8) Fugo drolls in his sleep and snores, Narancia is the most messier sleeper you will ever meet, The others have no idea how they can manage to sleep in the same bed since they both have a short patience.
Also Nara insist to be the big spoon, but actually he looooves to be the little spoon
9) After learning that Fugo never did a lot of typical kids stuff when he was a child Narancia tired to make him experience those things, sometimes after a late night mission they sneak in the park and chat while going on the swings. Other times they watch cartoons together, Fugo ends up really liking pokemon and they now even play the games together sometimes
10) Narancia dosent share his food with anyone, the others dont complain, they know he had problems with starvation when he was homeless.
So when at their first date Nara asked Fugo if he wanted a bite of his pizza'slice, Fugo had the confirm that Narancia loved him.
11) They like to play fights, not in an angry way, more a two kittens way.
Narancia has a a lot of energy and Fugo needs an outlet for his anger, so is not rare to catch em playing wrestling on the couch
they go from fighting to making out in the span of a couple of minutes tho
12) Narancia gets really upset when it rains, expecially storms, he had bad experiences with rain when he was homeless, so Fugo does his best to cheer him up
13) they both like history, but while Fugo likes more acient Rome topics, Narancia is more fan of the 20th cenutry, more specifically everything about planes, dude may not remeber his tables but he will tell you how the motor of a WWI aircraft used to work by heart, Fugo is impressed but also slighty pissed that Narancia can remember stuff but only what it wants (Its the ADHD BABEEEY)
14) Most of Fugo' strength comes from adrenaline, while Narancia has more stamina and muscles, so is easy for Narancia winning their fights, he just needs to wait for Fugo to burn out his anger
(Also cw/tw about Fugo anime past mention)
1) Like physical affection Fugo gets weird about sex too. Due trauma he swings from being disgusted by sex to hypersexual, Narancia may not get it 100% but does his best to make sure Fugo is always confortable
2) Narancia tops most of the time, it started as "im gonna top because im older!" But they end up fine with it.
3) Even before knowing what happend to Fugo, Nara noticed that he was kinda freak out by sex. Narancia assumed it was more because of his strict parents than anything, but still in their first times he always made sure that Fugo was ok and feel confortable with what was happening.
4) Narancia has more stamina than Fugo, the boy could go for 2-3 rounds each night and Fugo is asleep after 1 lmao.
Also Nara gets after sex munchies and eants to eat junk food, so it happends nore than often that he dragged a sleepy Fugo at mcdonald at 1am
5) they both have a praise kink 🥺
6) While as i said Narancia tops most of the times, sometimes they switch and Fugo hets really possesive of Nara in that case 👉👈
Also he is totally a biter
7) Fugo is a bit of repressed nerd while Narancia saw a lot of shits while he was living in the streets, so he finds funny when Fugo wants to do something new or even just asking to fuck but never gets the courage to do it and gets cryptic, hoping that Nara gets it (Sometimes Nara act clueless because he is a little shit)
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spideystark · 3 years
This is a side blog to @thatbitchkayla30
Unless stated or plotted Peter is probably post college in most threads. Also small note that I get rid of Tony AND Mays death, tho Tony does lose his arm and May does end up in critical condition in the hospital.
Main Verse
Mary was at one point a scientist at Stark Industries, in 2000 she accepted a position with the "CIA" that was set to start in January of 2001. Well still at Stark Industries she attended the annual company Christmas party which Tony didn’t always show up to, but happened to this year. A combination of knowing she would be done at the company in less than two weeks and to much to drink led her to a one night fling with none other than the playboy CEO himself. It wasn’t until April of 2001, nearly a month after she’d met and started seeing Richard Parker, that she realized that she was pregnant.
With the timing? She figured that it must be Tony Starks child, but woman had claimed as much more than once over the years and every time they were dragged through the mud before their claim was finally proven to actually be false. She wasn’t going to put herself or her unborn child through that, by the end of the pregnancy her and Richard had become serious and despite her insisting that he didn’t have to? He signed the birth certificate and claimed Peter as his son, when Peter was 3 months old the two were officially married.
When Peter was nearly 6 months old Mary and Richard died, and well May and Ben were willing to take responsibility for him? Per Mary’s wishes they sought to get into contact with Tony, when he found out about Peter and it was confirmed that he was in fact Tony’s son? Tony officially took legal responsibility for him; though he shared custody with May and Ben to make keeping him a secret easier so that he wouldn’t have to grow up in the public eye like he did-but he was now technically, legally Peter Benjamin Stark.
Peter spent most of his earlier years with his Father, he was home school for the most part by tutors and when he was diagnosed with ADHD at 8 years old Tony made sure to get him into regular therapy to help him learn the best way to navigate it, when he was 11 he started staying with May and Ben more in order to go to a regular school. He would spend most week days with them and go to a local school where he met Ned, and spend holidays and usually spend holidays and breaks with his father if he didn’t have a big event happening.
When he was 14 he was on a field trip at a scientific research lab with his school when he ended up bitten by the genetically modified radioactive spider that gave him his powers, he didn’t tell his Dad at first but soon enough Tony put the pieces together. By then he was staying at the Avengers Tower in his room there more often that at his Aunt May’s. It wasn’t until Civil War though that Tony actually actively helped him with the heroing thing, knowing that none of the other avengers would actually hurt him when push came to shove. When his Dad brought him to help stop Steve and Bucky though? It felt wrong.
Steve was someone who had been part of their lives for a long time and they all trusted him for so long, but now they weren’t even going to listen to what he had to say? Or his reasons for helping Bucky? For this reason Peter switched sides probably about half way through the fight, him webbing his Dad’s blasters and jumping onto the back of the War Hammer suit with a “Sorry Uncle Rhodey!” As he tried to pull off a panel on the armor. It wasn’t until Vision knocked him off, being careful the most that would happen was him being knocked unconscious, before going to Wanda that he stopped.
Tony was livid but still made sure to check if he was okay before going after them and the same ending with Rhodey falling out of the sky ensued. It wasn’t until they got back to New York that Tony addressed what had happened, prompting Peter to get angry and yell at him about how he was so willing to create something to make sure that the Avengers weren’t needed just a couple years prior only to now turn his back on people they cared about when they needed them. It turned into far from a small argument that ended with Peter channeling the Stark faire for the dramatic and literally walking straight out of a window of Avengers Tower from the floor they were on and does the side of the building.
He ended up at his Aunt May’s apartment and asked if he could stay for a few days, explaining that he’d had a fight with his Dad. She told him that of course he could and she would never turn him away, but that she would let Tony know where he was because she didn’t want him to worry. A few days turned into a few weeks, then into a few months and in the end Peter didn’t end up having a real conversation outside of Tony scolding him when he did something wrong as a hero and reconciling with Father until after his fight with The Vulture.
After that that fight figured out getting to the new Avengers Facility and immediately found his Dad once he was there told him what had happened and that he still thought he’d been wrong, but that he was sorry and he didn’t want them to be mad at each other like that anymore. He didn’t tell him everything that happened right away, the building falling on him was a pleasant surprise that Tony learned later on. But he knew the gist of it and that the reason Peter had immediately come looking for him was because he’d been afraid he’d die without being able to reconcile with him.
It was some time after this that he told Ned about his Dad being Tony Stark, and the next 2 years until Thanos’ goons showed up he spent he weeks at his Aunt Mays and his weekends commuting to the Avengers Facility, though he spent most of his time there doing nature photography hikes. Everything about them ending up in space and then being blipped for the most part remains the same, other than maybe the impact that him blipping has on Tony and Pepper. When he comes back however the world knows who he is, not as Spider-Man, but they know that he is Peter Stark the mysterious secret son of Tony Stark.
Because of this and people being aware that Iron Man had taken Spider-Man under his wing to an extent, there were people who suspected him being the marked hero. Peter however denied it and Stark lawyers did a pretty good job of keeping the press off of him well he was still a minor. I also will play Peter as Tony having survived unless we've decided or implied otherwise in plotting, with Mysterio he has the glasses in his control as a way to keep himself safe when on his trip. Mysterio offers to return them to his father when they cause him trouble, and Peter ops for that rather than having Fury do it due to his hatred for the man.
After the whole incident with Mysterio and his hero identity being revealed Peter continued to desperately grasp at some sense of normalcy, and well his prospects for college weren’t affected because of the weight his name carried? He sought out help from Dr. Strange when his friends began to be effected; they could over look the controversy of his vigilante persona because of him being a Stark, his friends however were not as lucky in their association with Spider-Man.
In meeting the other Peter’s he was surprised at how similar their lives were well still being so different, from what he could tell Tony Stark didn’t exist in their worlds and he definitely wasn’t their Father. Never the less, he felt connected to them and in the end he was glad that they stopped him from doing something he regretted. He was also thankful for the fact that they were able to delay Dr. Strange fixing the spell until they could cure Norman, because in the end it wasn’t really him that was the reason Aunt May was in critical condition at the hospital but the darkness that was trying to take over him. Not to mention that he obviously meant a lot to the other Peter Parker.
In the end they managed to contain the spell, Peter having convinced Strange to call for help for the sake of not erasing his life. They managed to open a portal to an empty world and release the spell there, and we'll Strange had to be reminded who he was when he came back? Everyone else remembered him.
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sketchyracoon · 4 years
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I may have lost any semblance of control on my life i had before. Among Us AU details under the cut.
Many of them have accents. I had the idea that they were from a big like multi-country space project and fell in love with the idea of the American(s) on the ship just startling the others because of things like the lack of bidets in the US.
Red (Elliot) is 38, is a Texan and you can tell he says Ya'll as a descriptor and many of the others are slightly fearful of the way he mashes words together. his whole personality can be summed up with "I'm a cowboy baby" and the fact that he's angy.
If I'm honest he is the only American on board that really startles the other crewmates even the other Americans are like "hey dude chill".
Orange (Herbert) is 27 probably from France (haven't really decided yet) and he was more confident before shock horror bad things happened to the whole crew. (More on that at five). Herbert is also very easily overwhelmed, he tries to pay attention but is often confused.  I’ve also decided to change the egg on his head to be a hat in the future but I decided that after I drew the egg.
Pink (Eun-Jung) is 29, South Korean but he got some schooling in Britain and has probably traveled a lot. He looks soft but he can and will throw a mean punch. He and Herbert have crushes on each other but they kinda put it to the side when shit went down. There have been many times however when Eun-Jung has sat down with Herbert and calmed him down and dried his tears.
Green (Philip) is one of the younger crewmates being 22, he's a very studious lad he loves adventure novels and always wanted to go to space.
Especially after watching shows and reading books about space. He keeps trying to get together group DND nights but it's very hard for him to cater to everyone's interests cause he's the kind of DM that wants everyone to have fun but he also has a lot planned for a session but nothing ever happens because everyone is always goofing off. He still has fun tho and so does everyone else.
White is Angie, If I'm honest I named her that because of the halo she's wearing, and I thought it'd be funny. She is a not so single once single mother who lost her husband when her kid was born. She used to live in England but moved to Ireland for new scenery and for the space project.
She and black (Jolene) met in school and quickly fell in love. They Are Married! And the whole crew hates (loves) how sappy they are. Angie is stubborn and strong but also very kind and level-headed, she's not easily overwhelmed like Herbert is but when she does get overwhelmed, she doesn't crumble like he does. Doesn't mean her wife doesn't comfort her tho.
They both are in their late forties (Angie is 48 and Jolene is 49) and I named Jolene, Jolene because of the song. Jolene is Irish btw idk if I made that clear. And she is the definition of a chaotic lesbian, Angie tries very hard to keep her air of being a distinguished bi but she's also very chaotic at heart. They both are greying hair-wise but Jolene keeps covering it up with dye. Jolene thinks her wife looks very elegant with the white in her curls. Jolene can be summed up with that one Tumblr post story about a girl who told a girl she liked that "her air must be mad crisp" because of her plants.
Cyan (Tea) is Scandinavian and listen this like Eun-Jung's name is where is gets shaky google wise, and if this name isn't really a Scandinavian than I guess it's just an eccentric nickname. (I’m assuming it’s pronounced like the drink but if I’m wrong sorry) She is NERDY AND PROUD, but like not movie nerdy girl I mean genuinely weird nerdy. I guess technically everyone is a little nerdy in this crew but she's a feral kind of scientist. She is technically the captain of the ship because of her science background and her previous work with the Scandinavian branch of the space mission. Her goggles are prescription. She is 36 and has a little crush on the resident father of two purple (Perry).
Perry is a loving dad and all-around kind dude, he fathers the group sometimes intentionally. Often taking control of making food, and sometimes the group meetings, even tho technically he's not in charge. He's an open ear to the entire crew and he loves his two kids so much. He doesn't talk much about how he and his Ex split up but it's clear that he and his kids are happier without her. He Kinda likes Tea back a little but he's so busy being a good dad that he doesn't know that. He's often found baking for everyone and is in fact the culprit behind the extra five pounds everyone gained when joining the ship. Perry is 32. His family is from India and he visited his extended family there a lot but he was born and raised in the UK.
Blue (Liz which is short for Elizabeth) is not the greatest with people, she tries her best but she often comes off weird she's 51, one of her hobbies is learning and practicing different rules to fighting styles. She’s trying to teach herself taekwondo but the lack of instructor and need to use downloaded videos is holding her back. She's got some skill in boxing and ran a self-defense course back on earth. Her entire class was sad to see her go but the respected her decision and on the off days that the ship gets reception to radio back earth or other ships she makes sure to message them back with well wishes.
Yellow (Zack) is a little shit lord, he is the youngest on crew at age 19. He got in through a series of events up to and including the fact that his parents were exasperated by him and that his Aunt Liz (who he calls Aunt Lizzy) telling them that they were short a crewmate. the previous yellow left and they were having trouble getting a fit for the crew's specific needs, everyone else was on different crews and couldn't leave to fill in their gap. They were planning to leave with nine people when Zack reluctantly signed up. He was 18 at the time he first signed up and after a year of training, he was greenlit just in time for the mission.
He doesn't really get along well with anyone but he slowly opens up to the crew overtime. He got labeled as a problem child because of undiagnosed ADHD and focus problems and by the time he was diagnosed it was too late and all of his teachers had basically given up on him.
The entire crew tho is cool with it because many of them are neurodivergent. Liz and Zack are the other Americans of the crew.  But Elliot is the only one who is not bi/multilingual. Unless you count Texas accent as a language which a many of the crew jokingly do. In which case he is fluent.
But then disaster struck, after a few months of bonding and growing close as a found family people started to die. After some trial and error, they found out that Herbert and Zack were behind it. Liz and Eun-Jung being two of the few remaining both reacted differently Eun-Jung was controlled anger barely keeping it together and Liz was deeply disappointed, she wanted better from her nephew.
What was weird tho was after ejecting the pair their display panels confirmed that they were "imposters" and now that they thought about it it was weird that they were all locked to this one specific floor of this ship. but no matter that was a thought for another day. now able to go to the lower floors the remaining crew mates all went to bed.
The next morning however everyone was back and alive not even a scar remaining, even the imposters. returned. After a lot of shouting (mainly from Elliot who was pissed about being stabbed) the crew started to reluctantly trust what Hubert and Zack were saying that they didn't want to hurt or kill any of them but something made them and it was like they were in a haze.
It was only directly after a kill that they could snap out of it and control themselves briefly (kill cooldown) before they lost control again. Since then they've been stuck in this sick loop where they all keep taking turns being stuck as imposter killing each other. At first when it happened again, they thought it was Herbert and Zack again but once it didn't stop anything and the ship told them that they weren’t imposters.
They realized that it was randomized. Overtime they learned the rules. Only Imposters can access vents, the kill count, that they can then follow around and do things as ghosts after thy get murdered, etcetera. But one thing they didn't realize was the punishments.
Overtime as they each tried to break the rules by, revealing themselves as imposter, trying desperately hard to go pacifist, or any number of other things like trying to remove their helmets, or talk on comms before emergencies on meetings they were punished.
Philip is now growing plants off of himself. Eun-Jung has a similar punishment but it's solely cherry blossoms. Herbert is stuck killing everyone by eating them with a giant mouth from his stomach. I don't know Elliot’s punishment yet but the thought to make him Texan squared did cross my mind.
Angie is turning into one of those rad many-eyed angels from Dante's inferno. Jolene is now growing goat horns and her eyes are now goat-like. And Idk what other punishments to give Tea, Perry, Liz, and Zack, I want them to be related to the hats and stuff you can wear in game like some of the others but how to you punish some one using a banana? Or two kids? Or googles? I’ll probably come up with something later especially since they are all mostly hidden by the suits, that means that conceivably their punishments are hidden by the suits.
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Submission from 🌺
I don’t know about having DID or OSDD. I feel if anything OSDD would be more likely tho due to me still being conscious usually idk. My therapist has noted down “Dissociative Symptoms” for me thus far alongside depression and anxiety. I however dont think I even have bad enough trauma for it? I dont remember most of my childhood. Only things I KNOW caused trauma before I was 7 was my mom yelling a lot, at the time also hitting/spanking me as well as possibly the fact she (1/? 🦚🌺)
washed out my mouth with soap at that age. Like when I said swear words and stuff. I doubt that’s bad enough tho. Things that I can’t remember/ remember fully happening but have been told or know happened was my grandmother apparently spanking me until I cried myself to sleep as an infant, my bullying starting at 6-7yo which carried on into my late teens… and 2 of my best friends being the ones to start it. Also loosing contact with another best friend in kindergarten affected me (2/?🦚🌺)
For s long time after. He wasn’t good at German so he got moved to another kindergarten that would teach him. Tho I don’t think I can consider a friend being ripped from me like that trauma? Idk. There is more traumatic stuff I actually semi recall but that was all when I was over 7 which I think is the latest for a kids brain to develop DID/OSDD. So idk if anything was bad enough and honestly don’t want to self diagnose even tho I’ve been suspicious (3/?🦚🌺)
(reason why I say parts instead of Alters) EitherWayThingsGotWorseAndMyMotherLiterallyThrethenedMeWithMurderAndSaidAllMyFriendsShouldCommitSuicide. Everytime I freeze in my fight/flight/freeze/fawn response and then sometimes fawn happens if I am locked somewhere where they cant reach me. Here only freeze tho. She stood right ahice me who was cowering in a corner and kept saying I literally can’t get up and walk off and then screamed st her to not touch me (4?/? I cant count hhhh 🌺🦚)
She claimed I would just try to sue her if she dared touch me and then mocked me because I cant call people about how she needs to call the police on herself FOR me. I literally haven’t wanted to kill myself that badly as this day in a bit and I honestly am shaking just thinking about it. Like I said ice pretty much almost fully diagnosed depression and anxiety, professionally assumed dissociative symptoms and on top of that not professionally assumed autism tho mom and I assume (5/?🌺🦚)
It for different reasons. She because of how I shut down when a situation is too much and how I cant handle being tasked with multiple things at once/breaking the order of what I’m doing and I due to how I struggle to read human emotions and realizing how to function like a normal person. I can accidentally completely hurt someone and be completely oblivious to it, doing it again and again until told off. And then I accidentally hurt them in another way because I’m scared I’ll do (6/?🌺🦚)
It again. Example: I’m bety clingy due to trauma in my mid teens regarding some friends. I didn’t realize I was being too much until my friend distanced herself causing me to break down in fear of loosing her. She admitted I had been too clingy. I ended up distancing myself - scared of overwhelming her again if I talk to her. It took me 2 whole months to even tell her I love her again. Now she admitted I’ve been a bit too distant which I already was aware of but still (7?/?🌺🦚)
I literally didn’t even dare ask her how she is doing for TWO MONTHS thinking she would leave me if I started clinging again. I hyper fixated on her a lot last year which I realized when she said it was too much. I’m slowly trying to at least check up on her again. I beg her to communicate to me if I fuck up ANYTHING because I literally am blind to it but I feel she thinks she hurts me if she does. What more am I supposed to do than tell her “hey I cant understand normal human (8/?🌺🦚)
interaction so please tell me if I’m being weird!”? Like I said before, I don’t want to self diagnose. It’s just that this plus generally my hyper fixations with people and games/shows is a little suspicious in the long run if that makes sense. My brother also has adhd so it’s not as if its impossible for some other stuff to be in our family, y'know? I’ll see where therapy takes me for now tho. I started rambling again, didn’t I? Sorry about that! (8?/?🦚🌺)
But yeah in short I’ve trauma but most is from after the “requirement” age for DID/OSDD plus I’ve many other mental issues either confirmed or suspected. Who knows maybe my mother is right and I belong locked up in a mental institution from the movies instead of how they actually are. According to her I’m just a disgusting liar who deserves to be suffocated anyways. — Also I’ve honestly kept asking myself if I’m just making up the parts. I used to have imaginary friends as a kid (9/?🦚🌺)
Who my mother forbid me to talk to as I was being “weird”. Maybe it’s just that again? Or maybe I’m not making it up and some of those imaginary friends were parts? Idk. What I know is that one of them literally was more like a mother to me than my own mother. I recently had a dream about them - before the parts returned really - where I called that one imaginary friend “mom” and said I missed her. I cried. I didn’t want to wake up.I struggle to stay on track with this I’m sorry (10/?🦚🌺)
Either way, I apolagize for rambling, being a mess and being all over the place. I honestly just made myself cry again at this rate and yeah… I kinda banned 2 of my browsers from sending aska for an hour rip (final)🦚🌺
Hey there again!
Please don’t feel bad at all for talking so much and every now and again rambling. I am glad that you feel comfortable and safe in speaking with us as it’s so important that you do have someone you can talk to regardless of what you may need/ want to say.
In regards to the trauma that you have endured both as a child and whilst growing up, it’s important that you know that we all handle trauma differently from others and sometimes, even a little bit of trauma that feels like nothing can have lifelong impact on you and who you grow up to be. I also do not think that you belong in a mental health hospital long term either, whether you believe it or not you are doing the very best you can right now and right now that’s enough. Just remember that talking can be so helpful no matter if it’s your therapist you talk to, a counsellor from either a helpline or on web counselling, a close friend or even us! Never feel like you aren’t good enough to be able to talk to another, you’re so important in life and you deserve the very best!
In regards to possible diagnosis’ that you may have, it can be quite hard at times to be properly diagnosed by a professional as some diagnosis’ may have the same or similar symptoms as another and not only this but sometimes a diagnosis can also coexist with another making symptoms that you may be having worse and consequently blurring what diagnosis you may have. Does that make sense?
I’m so sorry that your Mum treats you as she does, you do not deserve this at all. Have you been able to talk to anyone about this as yet?
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please know that you are not alone and that I’m thinking of you!
Take care,
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