#it's like rabies yanno? yeah the chance of exposure might be slim but GOD you do not want it
somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
Please can you explain the BSE thing? I know loads of people who give blood (I can't myself for actual medical reasons) who were in the UK during the BSE outbreak. Surely that would rule out more people over like 30
vCJD (which is what it's called in humans) can lay dormant for decades after exposure so in fact yes it SHOULD rule out all of those people
Unless those people were vegan at the time I guess
But if you were in the UK at any point during the BSE outbreak and consumed any beef or dairy products in that time? There is a small (237 in 1 million if i recall correctly) chance that your brain is just gonna melt at any point
The reason it's taken so seriously is a) it isn't really testable for in blood. not in a screening sort of test in any case and b) vCJD - or any prion disease really - is a fucking nasty way to die. And die you certainly will. The prognosis is "always fatal" and it's also untreatable so all that can be done is making you comfortable for the remaining year or so of your life once symptoms develop
Obv in the UK we can't rule out "everyone who was alive in the 80s and 90s" because that is still the majority of our adult population but like. Everyone else can
Hopefully that clears things up for you! Please do not give blood if you even looked in the general direction of britain whilst thinking about cows in the 80s-90s
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