#it's like when people were writing essays about how actually vriska deserves to be the tumblr sexywoman because xyz reasons
Okay I'm sorry but like if ur treating people wanting Soldier and Demo tf2 to bone each other as like. The Reason There Is Lesbophobia And Misogyny In Fandom or whatever ur taking that poll thing way too seriously. Also "xyz character tournament" polls, regardless of how they present themselves, are always going to be "vote for the thing you like more" contests. No one is Ever going to actually read the "propaganda" for the "other side" and vote based on who "fits the criteria the best". It's not "literal canon Real Queer Lesbians vs barely existent loser cringe mlm ship for losers" it's "do you like Steven Universe more or tf2 more". because that's how literally all of these poll things work. I thought we knew this
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