#it's more for the gender crit baby fems following me
kiefbowl · 3 years
here's something I believe that I think some people who follow me are not going to like to hear: TERFs are a moral panic, and it's going to end like a moral panic.
like 99.99% of moral panics just sort of fizzle out and then a select fringe of people still hold onto those beliefs. like there are still people living in the satanic panic heyday in their minds even today, but the normies moved on and what’s more don’t even remember participating. not to be a big bummer but that’s what’s going to happen with a lot of the terf/trans rhetoric. like those who have gone all in with trans rhetoric about sex is mutable and girl brain and w/e will probably hold on to those beliefs but get savvy about talking about it when tides shift. people who care now about feminism and homophobia are going to still care in 10 years. but people who are uncritical about the things they read about "terfs" and accept wholesale any trans activism b/c it feels liberal enough are just going to move on eventually and when news comes out about the wrongs of child transition and the regret people have about their transitions etc etc, they're not going to come out and say sorry to you. they won't remember sending you an anon when they were 14, or they won't remember the dumb comment fights they got into on stupid facebook posts about jkr or bathrooms or whatever. they're going to go "huh, wonder why no one was talking about that then, oh well. I always knew something was fishy" and then move on.
no one talks seriously about the occult anymore except extremist christians and yet some people still believe in suppressed memory and DID despite the lack of scientific evidence, and the connection between the two are not well understood by the general public because the abuse of power psychiatry took on it's patients during and because of the satanic panic has been swept under the rug.
as a feminist targeted by this moral panic, you really just have to be convicted in your own beliefs and try your best to live them out and stop expecting validation one way or the other from people. no one is going to apologize to "terfs" in 10 years. feminism has been the target of moral panics each and every new "wave." people are invested in hating feminism because they hate women. the people who still believe in women rushing the street burning their bras despite that never happening don't believe it because they have evidence, they believe it because they want to confirm the bias they already have. people have a bias about women anyway, so they are ready to believe that there are a group of women who are somehow simultaneously both the hairy man hating lesbians and 1950s housewives who just hate hate hate trans people and made up discourse to exclude them from feminist resources of which no one can define because people don't want to look further than that and don't care it doesn't make sense, they just go "see? I knew feminism has been secretly ran by bad, crazy women all these years. yes, rights for women, but do we have to be so angry and mean about it? chill out women!!" and in 10 year when Time magazine releases an award winning article about the "lost children" of transgenderism that barely mentions anything feminists did or said, people are just going to go "wow, who could have thought" and make literally 0 connection to terfs. you could probably say to them "remember terfs?" and they would be like "wow that was wild, yeah!! they were crazy feminists glad they died out" despite that not being even remotely close to what has happened since terfs aren't real and the things feminists believe won't fundamentally change in the future. they aren't keeping tabs on feminists, they're only keeping tabs on their twitter feed.
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