#it's not bad. but it's also not great? i can't really criticize it nor praise it. the paul rudd of movies i guess.
waymond-wang · 11 months
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A HAUNTING IN VENICE (2023) dir. Kenneth Branagh ↳ I know only that we cannot hide from our ghosts. Whether they are real or not, we must make our peace with them. And live life, somehow.
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tiktowafel · 1 year
Headcanons for Neito Monoma?
yup here you go! tagging @fabpops1 because she also asked for Monoma headcanons
no coloring today because the one i made two years ago sucks and i don't feel like remaking it :'D honestly i feel like Horikoshi and I both half-assed his casual clothing sketch lol
him and his parents were all born in Japan but he has some relatives in Belgium, whom he really enjoys visiting. it's the main reason why he seems so interested in european culture (his profile page states he likes french cuisine and franco-belgian comics)
he can also speak french very well thanks to that
he's also fluent in english (though he has trouble understanding Pony sometimes - he's much better at reading and writing than he is at listening) and has a basic knowledge of several other languages. he doesn't really expect it to come handy at any point in the future, he just learns them because he finds it fun
besides that he also likes history, classic literature, theatre... yeah this guy is a huge humanities-leaning nerd and i don't accept criticism
nor do i accept the fact that he's supposed to be a bad student in canon?? like, he's so smart and also competitive, no way he isn't top of the class... he may not be as good in science and math as he is in japanese and history, but nothing an all-nighter can't fix
in middle school he was part of the drama and debate clubs. and while hero course students aren't supposed to join clubs because they should focus on hero work, he managed to argue his way into the same clubs in UA by saying that his theatrics and speeches are an important part of his hero persona. Kuroiro joined the drama club alongside him (didn't contribute to the argument at all, just nodded wisely every time Monoma presented a point)
class 1-B's culture festival performance being a stage play was actually his idea! it didn't really go the way he intended (he did NOT expect it to turn into a four-way crossover more ambitious than infinity war) but he greatly enjoyed performing in it anyway! maybe even too much
his knowledge of quirks rivals Midoriya's. he researches them a lot mostly to help his copy quirk but also out of genuine curiosity
he often helps his classmates with training their quirks and comes up with new techniques to try out. he's particularly good at it because he can actually try other people's quirks himself, which gives him a better understanding of how they function and what their limitations are
^ which is why i believe he'd make an awesome hero course teacher!! (in all might's role - i don't think making him anyone's homeroom teacher would be a good idea, he'd be just as biased towards his class as he is now lmao) it's definitely one of my favorite "future" headcanons
he praises his classmates' quirks a lot and says he considers them all great, but he does have preferences when it comes to copying them
his favorites are Yanagi's poltergeist (somewhat boring, but easy to understand and very versatile both in battle and everyday life), Tokage's lizard tail splitter (he almost died when he copied it for the first time because he barely managed to put his body back together before his quirk's time limit ran out, but that didn't stop him - he always found Tokage's quirk very fun and useful, so he put a lot of work into fully figuring it out and now he uses it pretty often), Shoda's twin impact (Monoma's physical strength.... leaves a lot to be desired, and the second impact always being significantly stronger than the first helps make up for it) and Kuroiro's black (you can move around very fast and it's fun :) )
quirks he does not like copying Honenuki's softening (fun, but quite difficult to control and avoiding collateral damage with such a destructive quirk is a pain in the ass. Honenuki understands that perfectly) and Shishida's beast (just... really not his thing lol)
for some reason i see a lot of people headcanon that he has pet ferrets, and you know what? i agree. he does seem like a ferret person
prefers smart clothing, a polo shirt is the most casual he'll go. he only ever wears tshirts for exercise (which he hates doing lol) and probably doesn't own a single hoodie
in general i think he has a good eye for elegant design... his dorm room is very stylish and nicely coordinated too. i think one of the light novels also describes it as "vaguely french" and yeah that fits
while he tries to keep his room neat and tidy on the outside, all his drawers and cabinets are horribly messy
he's that one kid who has like 17 different allergies and is completely useless if he forgets his meds on a spring day (spring is his least favorite season due to this. i think winter would be his fave)
luckily he is not allergic to dairy so he can eat as much stinky french cheese as he wants 👍
speaking of food i think he's a pretty good cook actually
prefers listening to older (and mostly foreign) music and is a huge snob about it
honestly he probably acts the same about movies and books too
arguing with people on the internet is one of his favorite ways to spend his free time. if there are no 1-A students around, you can always show off your impressive vocabulary by bullying random internet strangers with bad taste in movies!
almost everyone in 1-B considers him a friend despite his... anti-1a bullshit, because he's just really nice and helpful to people he likes + he's a great leader! however he's closest to Kuroiro (friendly drama king rivals! they're constantly arguing about dumb shit using the fanciest words they can think of and they're always trying to outperform each other in the drama club meetings they both attend, but they love each other trust me <3 also Monoma helps Kuroiro with studying because he sucks at school), Pony (when he's not trying to trick her into insulting 1-A he can be pretty helpful with japanese, he also likes listening to her talk about her home country), Honenuki (he's Pony's best friend, so you usually befriend them both at once, but Monoma thinks he's also interesting to talk to by himself) and Tetsutetsu (they don't share many interests but Monoma hates exercising so he has Tetsutetsu force him to do it. his positive energy certainly helps a lot)
ever since they got to know each other during their joint training fight, Monoma's been using 100% of his persuasion skills to convince Shinso to join 1-B instead of 1-A. Shinso is conflicted to say the least
aaand that's all i have for him! hope you enjoyed these!!
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dramionediscussion · 3 months
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Sorry for taking a while to get back to you. Also, I had to block some titles and names from this post since we don't allow hate towards specific people and their work, we can discuss things in general about fics, but calling out names and specifying why you don't like a person's work is not allowed.
Here is the thing, art is subjective. Just because you do not like a thing, doesn't mean others feel the same. You cannot understand how people like these very popular stories? Well, those people can't understand how you cannot like them.
Not every story needs to be well written, or has character development, is plot-driven etc. A story can be simple, basic characters, easy plot, no drama etc. There are indeed so many great fics out there, and yes some of them are better than others, some have better world-building, and you wonder why hasn't this blown up? But just because they haven't gotten as much attention as others, doesn't mean the popular fics are bad.
I am one of those people who suggest you read the classics when you enter the fandom. The Dramione fandom started in the early 2000s, but mid 00 to late 00, there was an explosion of fanfiction and for a lot of us still here after all these years, these are the fics that pulled us in. Those are the fics that we first read, and that we have nostalgia for. Those are the ones we have read a few times. So when new people come and ask for recs, we tell them read those. Read those earlier stories to get an idea of how the fandom evolved. Read the most popular fics so you can get a feel of the fandom. Those stories were the ones that created some of the fandom's headcanons, those are the ones that later authors ended up taking inspiration from. Were they the best-written ones? No. Did they have a of spelling and grammatical errors? Yes. Was it incredible OOC at times? Of course. But they still shaped the Dramione community.
Onto your next point, you shouldn't get angry at fanfiction authors trying to rewrite their work to remove the HP references from their novels. You should be angry at the publishing houses for making them rewrite fanfiction instead of an original story. So many authors are getting book deals based on their fanfiction and the publishing houses want that, not original ideas, they want a novelization of the already popular fanfic. That fanfic has a built-in audience who will pay for the new version, and the publishing industry knows this.
A lot of people in general have some negative thoughts on fanfiction, so when they hear that a book was written by someone who wrote fanfiction, or that this new novel was once fanfic, they get turned off. The new Anne Hathaway movie is said to be based on fanfiction, the author said it is not, but she does take inspiration from modern celebrities. But people didn't listen to the author and listened to what the internet had to say and joked about the movie before it came out. (After it came out people really liked it and no one is mentioning the fanfiction thing anymore).
A good author can take a story based in another world and rework it. Having not read those Dramione authors turned novelists' work before, I cannot judge whether they accomplished that or not. And I rather read it myself than listen to Goodreads reviewers. (I use Goodreads a lot, but many times find myself disagreeing with the most liked reviews.)
Also I actually read a very popular published romance book that was once a Reylo fanfic, and I didn't know it was fanfic nor do I know anything about that fandom, but I still loved it.
Your last point about authors getting a lot of praise and not enough criticism. I kinda agree to a point. They have the ability to block or delete negative comments. There has been an instance where someone left a comment that was perceived as negative and the author complained about it publically and the fans went to harass the commenter! That is horrible. But I don't think it is because everyone is "sensitive now", there are loads of people who ask for criticism, they welcome it. Just because you have noticed a handful of people acting this way, doesn't mean everyone is the same.
And again if they "publish actual novels that in reality have flat characters, chaotic development of events and in general are objectively bad", blame the publishing industry who allow this to happen so they can put out stuff quicker and make money faster. Because for them and many other industries, that's all that matters, money, not quality.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Howdy again Charity! Hope you’re doing well. I would like your opinion on a character (just a brief overview, not a full typing) as I’m torn between 3 or 7 as his core enneagram.
The character in question comes off very assertive, unafraid of people’s judgement or criticisms, and mostly does his own thing. He’s actually great with making connections with others, but most of the time, he’s not super interested in that. In the words of the authors, “he is not out to impress anybody but himself”. Seems very 3 from first impressions, probably 3w4.
Even if he isn't out to impress anybody but himself? ;)
3s being image type are all ABOUT impressing people, adapting themselves to the situation, and appearances; since you said he's an ENTP, look at PT Barnum from The Greatest Showman as a 3 comparison -- ambitious, self-confident, self-promoting, but all secretly to get attention, praise, and make up for his impoverished upbringing; 3 characters have a desperate need to impress and succeed -- are those his central motivations?
[...] Throughout this story, the character takes a much more “7” approach to things— some hedonistic tendencies (excessive drinking and smoking), risk-taking, using intense energy to leverage people into doing what he wants, avoiding and lying about problems (outright lies to the protagonist by defaulting to common ground as soldiers, but the protagonist tells him to shut up and tell the truth… which is in essence their bond), needing intellectual stimulation otherwise he’ll crash, etc. etc. When I first got into the media, I was certain he was a 7, but now after rewatching it, not so much.
This could be 7w8, especially if he's not a Se-dom.
The ending has said-character shooting a government official over discovering that said official killed the president (historical fiction, am I right?), and though his motivations there were VERY 1w2- won’t delve into it, it’s long- there seemed to be a lot of 3-ish ambition and a need to “take care of things”. As well as this, he blames himself for the assassination, as he was in a different country at the time, but he couldn’t have done anything even if in the states— also seems 3-ish, or 1, but minimal if any 7.
Neither 3s nor 7s like to blame themselves for bad things happening; they will re-frame and evade and try to make what bad thing unfolded part of a 'learning experience' to make me 'better for the future.' That being said, it could be 7 going down the line to 1. Needing to take care of things can be 3 or 8. I'm afraid without knowing who this character is, I can't really offer much more.
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