#it's not mentioned but mafuyu has black hair in this au
sleepy-bunbun-ace · 2 years
in the prsk white day universe x persona au, there are two main powerhouses in the region.
the kingdom of dahlia and the mages of freedom.
of course there are many other kingdoms, but the kingdom of dahlia is the largest and strongest of them all.
it's a large kingdom with twisting roads and tall buildings. not even those who've lived there their whole lives know their way around outside of the areas they grew up in.
it's a very traditional kingdom where tradition overrules all else. especially during holidays. if you are caught breaking the traditions, you will be arrested by the guards and serve up to two years in the dungeon.
music is especially precious in the kingdom. classical music reigns supreme and none of the nobles, especially king harumichi aoyagi, are merciful whenever they find someone who breaks the rules of music.
the lower-class live in fear of ever being found breaking the rules. families have been separated and broken for many years.
king harumichi rules with an iron fist and it seems his son, crown prince ayumu, will follow in his footsteps. prince fumihito leads the training of the new guards while also being the boss of the white knights. he's also in charge of finding the missing aoyagi prince, toya.
the two major noble families in this story are the otori family and the asahina family.
the otori family is the strongest after the royal family, mostly due to the oldest daughter being married to the crown prince. they are in charge of the entertainment in the kingdom and are usually gone for days, weeks, months at a time, leaving the youngest alone. it is said that she wears a mask for the nobles, doing what they want, yet sneaks out to be with the peasants and be her true self. otori emu with her false brown hair never confirms or deny the rumors
the asahina family are a moderately powerful noble family, but asahina chiyo wants more power. as the story progresses, she becomes closer to the royal family and soon she offers the hand of her young daughter to prince fumihito who agrees. she wants her family name to become the most powerful one in the kingdom. she's so obsessed with her goal that she doesn't notice the marionette she made of her daughter is taking control of her own strings.
the mages of freedom are quite mysterious. nobody knows who is a part of this large group that is against the kingdom.
it's made up of multiple people from a wide variety of backgrounds. from peasants, to merchants, to nobles, to even crown princes and princesses. they all make up the mages of freedom.
their main goal is to destroy the kingdom of dahlia, the center of corruption. many of those who joined the mages of freedom joined because the kingdom ruined their lives in one way or another.
the big five have the most will to enact their revenge no matter what.
kaito- his wife was executed for breaking the rules too many times. he became an assassin to get back at the crown prince who ordered the execution.
miku- her family was a powerful noble family who were imprisoned and exiled for treason, so they say. she was the only one spared. she joined kaito after escaping the kingdom.
kamishiro rui- an alchemist who was once a white knight himself. he's seen the horrors of prince fumihito's orders and what those in the white knights do to the innocent. he'll do anything to stop them.
nobody knows the reasons as to why saki and the dragon tamer joined but everyone knows it's personal.
while they preach for freedom, it does not mean they are free from corruption. far from it, in fact.
they have committed some terrible horrors as well. the slaughtering of villages who didn't (couldn't) break free from the kingdom, the near destruction of many kingdoms, even taking away children from their families.
they are just as bad as those who they hate.
it is a well hidden secret within the kingdom of dahlia. a revolution is imminent. your social links will all be found helping out with the cause. be careful, wildcard, for your
world hasn't even started yet
future you composed with regret
is about to begin.
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