#hehe hope you guys like the last part :D
sleepy-bunbun-ace · 1 year
in the prsk white day universe x persona au, there are two main powerhouses in the region.
the kingdom of dahlia and the mages of freedom.
of course there are many other kingdoms, but the kingdom of dahlia is the largest and strongest of them all.
it's a large kingdom with twisting roads and tall buildings. not even those who've lived there their whole lives know their way around outside of the areas they grew up in.
it's a very traditional kingdom where tradition overrules all else. especially during holidays. if you are caught breaking the traditions, you will be arrested by the guards and serve up to two years in the dungeon.
music is especially precious in the kingdom. classical music reigns supreme and none of the nobles, especially king harumichi aoyagi, are merciful whenever they find someone who breaks the rules of music.
the lower-class live in fear of ever being found breaking the rules. families have been separated and broken for many years.
king harumichi rules with an iron fist and it seems his son, crown prince ayumu, will follow in his footsteps. prince fumihito leads the training of the new guards while also being the boss of the white knights. he's also in charge of finding the missing aoyagi prince, toya.
the two major noble families in this story are the otori family and the asahina family.
the otori family is the strongest after the royal family, mostly due to the oldest daughter being married to the crown prince. they are in charge of the entertainment in the kingdom and are usually gone for days, weeks, months at a time, leaving the youngest alone. it is said that she wears a mask for the nobles, doing what they want, yet sneaks out to be with the peasants and be her true self. otori emu with her false brown hair never confirms or deny the rumors
the asahina family are a moderately powerful noble family, but asahina chiyo wants more power. as the story progresses, she becomes closer to the royal family and soon she offers the hand of her young daughter to prince fumihito who agrees. she wants her family name to become the most powerful one in the kingdom. she's so obsessed with her goal that she doesn't notice the marionette she made of her daughter is taking control of her own strings.
the mages of freedom are quite mysterious. nobody knows who is a part of this large group that is against the kingdom.
it's made up of multiple people from a wide variety of backgrounds. from peasants, to merchants, to nobles, to even crown princes and princesses. they all make up the mages of freedom.
their main goal is to destroy the kingdom of dahlia, the center of corruption. many of those who joined the mages of freedom joined because the kingdom ruined their lives in one way or another.
the big five have the most will to enact their revenge no matter what.
kaito- his wife was executed for breaking the rules too many times. he became an assassin to get back at the crown prince who ordered the execution.
miku- her family was a powerful noble family who were imprisoned and exiled for treason, so they say. she was the only one spared. she joined kaito after escaping the kingdom.
kamishiro rui- an alchemist who was once a white knight himself. he's seen the horrors of prince fumihito's orders and what those in the white knights do to the innocent. he'll do anything to stop them.
nobody knows the reasons as to why saki and the dragon tamer joined but everyone knows it's personal.
while they preach for freedom, it does not mean they are free from corruption. far from it, in fact.
they have committed some terrible horrors as well. the slaughtering of villages who didn't (couldn't) break free from the kingdom, the near destruction of many kingdoms, even taking away children from their families.
they are just as bad as those who they hate.
it is a well hidden secret within the kingdom of dahlia. a revolution is imminent. your social links will all be found helping out with the cause. be careful, wildcard, for your
world hasn't even started yet
future you composed with regret
is about to begin.
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seraphinitegames · 3 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles - Update 05/April/2024
A really successful week this week!
After some suggestions about multiple choices on the same screen from a few amazing patrons, I looked into how to do that and if it would work for the character creation.
And it really has! I could cry it feels like there’s finally a solution, lol! :D
It does mean I had to completely start over, but with how it looks now, I think I have found how I want it to be for all the future books. It means I should just be able to copy everything I’m doing to the next book’s character creation screen and then just add the last book’s stats. That’s going to save SO much time in the future!
Starting over also meant I could put in the new body part selection choice for those who want to specify, though there is also the option to pass it. It was a selection suggested by one of my sensitivity readers to help hopefully make intimate scenes much easier to write, as well as much clearer to read for everyone!
That selection will pop up in the actual narrative for those that import characters, so you’ll still have that choice if you want to specify it for your character, but it means for people creating characters they can go into the story already that choice in place for the intimate scenes (if you want the detailed scenes).
Here’s a glimpse at what the character creator screens are looking like now:
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So much cleaner and neater, as well as a WHOLE lot quicker! I’m just not sure how it will pop up on phones yet—hoping not too much scrolling!
The character creation is the last thing I need to finish before the demo section can finally go to the editor and first readers. It’s been worth the time to get it finally sorted though, especially as it means it’s also already set for future books, and I don’t have to spend this much time on it again, or melt my brain with figuring out coding, lol! :D
I’m not keen on the ‘Select a’ bit, but that’s how it shows up automatically, so I’m doing my best to work around that.
So yeah, it was so nice to finally get somewhere on this character creator after so many different tries. I really hope it’ll be so, so much quicker and easier for not just you guys to go through but also me and my readers for testing, hehe!
Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! I’m going to be working this weekend to get this completely finished so the demo section can go to the editor next week, but will be offline as usual, so I'll update you all again next week! <3
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withloveajaxx · 1 year
are you forgetting something?
𓂅 genre: modern! childe, scaramouche, diluc, and xiao x gn! reader fluff
𓂅 warnings: none 
𓂅 summary: how they react when you forget to kiss them or say "i love you" back to them before you leave 
𓂅 notes: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONEE. here's some smol hcs to kick off 2023 hehe. i've never really written for scaramouche before so forgive me if his characterization is a little off for this fic :"D i'm trying to slowly get back into writing for genshin so i'm going with a classic, fluffy crack prompt that i've always felt like writing ^^ hope you guys enjoy and have a wonderful day ahead!! 
he's dropping you off at your friend's house for your little night out and your rushing to belatedly make yourself a little more presentable 
childe can't help but chuckle when you turn to him asking, "what do you think? do i look alright?" 
"you look beautiful as always, love. now go get in there before your late."
he leans his cheek closer to you, expecting a goodbye peck when you open the door to get out. "take care and call me when you need to get picked up, alright?" when you hum in response he adds, "love you!" 
"yup! see you, ajax!" you reply, getting out and shutting the door. at this, childe is offended, jaw dropping at the lack of a reply and a kiss. 
he thinks this is completely unacceptable. mans literally honks his horn aggressively until you come back to the car, brows furrowed in wordless confusion. 
"excuse me?" he questions you, rolling down the window with a faux pout on his lips as he crosses his arms over his chest. "are you forgetting something?" 
cheeky bastard taps his cheek with raised brows in part question and part demand. "i said i love you too, you know?" 
you can't help but laugh at his absurd behaviour, leaning into the window to finally plant a kiss on his awaiting cheek. his charming smile finally makes its way back onto his features when you accompany your gesture with a, "love you too." 
"mhm. now get in there and have fun. i'll see you later, love.". he can't help the slight blush that dusts his freckle filled cheeks when you peck him one last time, just for good measure, before heading inside the house. god he was so whipped for you. 
when you're rushing to leave your shared apartment for a class you were running late for one day, scara is suffering on the couch with his laptop on, research document open and empty. 
he eyes you as you're rushing to gather all your bags and other belongings, making sure you don't trip or hurt yourself in a rush from a distance. 
once you finally have all your things, you turn to see scara, who is already glaring at the blank document on his laptop. 
in usual fashion, he hears you greet him a goodbye with, "i'm heading out now. see you later, kuni." 
in an unusual fashion however, he doesn't hear the familiar and cheerful "i love you!" that escapes your lips once you open the door. 
he coughs loudly and repeatedly when you put even a single foot out the door and levels you with a look that screams "are you stupid?" 
"what?" you ask him obliviously, rechecking all your bags and documents before also asking, "am i forgetting something?"
"yeah. a really important thing," he comments with an unreadably, deadpan face. when a confused silence is all he gets in reply, he sighs, narrowing his eyes at you with a light blush blooming across his cheeks.
"don't make me say it.". it's only then that you realize what you forgot, smiling and laughing lightheartedly with amusement. 
"you're cute kuni." his cheeks flush brighter at the statement. "i love you and take care!". he returns your greeting with an exasparated sigh and a light nod before you go rushing out the door, unable to witness the smallest smile that creeps onto his lips.
it's a daily routine for you guys to get ready for school/work together and greet each other with a goodbye kiss once you part ways. 
on a particular day when you had a really important presentation, the walk to your usual parting point was enveloped in a comfortable silence. 
diluc simply held your hand and let you practice your presentation, muttering unintelligible words and phrases under your breath. 
when you finally get to parting ways, diluc takes a moment to encourage you for your presentation. 
"good luck with your speech today, darling. i know you can do it. i'll see you when i get home alright?"
you nod absentmindedly, smiling before routinely pecking diluc's cheek. "mhm. have a good day, luc." 
when you start to walk away, he grabs your wrist gently and unexpectedly, turning you to face him once more. 
"yes, luc?" you ask curiously, intertwining your fingers with his own gingerly. 
"you're forgetting something, love," he chuckles lightly, squeezing your intertwined hands gently. "i love you." 
a soft smile adorns both your features as you give diluc a lingering kiss before replying with your own "i love you", regrettingly parting ways afterwards. 
both you and xiao are walking into the school's campus. after a mundane lunch, it was time for both of you to part ways and get to classes. 
he accompanies you to your class, walking with you hand in hand in the school's surprisingly free hallways.
the short stroll is accompanied by a comfortable silence, the lack of a crowd of students creating a peaceful atmosphere. 
it's only when you arrive at your lecture hall that xiao loosens his hold on your hand, gesturing for you to go inside. 
your friends are excitedly waving at you from the other side of the hall, thus you hurry to get to them.
"i'll see you later, okay?" you squeeze his hand reassuringly before looking at your friends with a glimmer of excitement. "bye, xiao!" 
the moment you let go of his hand without your usual goodbye kiss or at least an 'i love you', his hand subconsciously reaches out for yours once again. 
thankfully, you take notice of his action and turn to him once more with a quizzical look on your face. "is something wrong?" you ask him.
he wants to say something about you forgetting to give him a kiss but the thought of saying something so sappy makes his face heat up in embarrassment. you can tell he wants to say something by the unsure look in his eyes, but he holds himself back, shaking his head. "nothing. you should head to class." 
the blush gives him off entirely because you can read him like an open book. his heart skips multiple beats when you lean in and plant a brief kiss on his cheek with a wide smile. "there. love you, and see you later, okay?". his cheeks flare up even more as he replies, "mhm. love you too…"
© withloveajaxx 2023. please do not copy, plagarize, or translate in any way.
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writingstoraes · 1 year
Secret trip part two? With like the guests pictures, well wishes and some honeymoon posts from the newly weds 🤞😍
the days after 🏝
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: instagram imagine, social media au (heavier on the ig part hehe)
notes: thank you sm for requesting, lovely! i hope you like this 🤍 reqs are still open! (tho patience is required i have varying levels of productivity lol) posting next would be the part 3 of split! lmk if anyone wants to be tagged hehe
about: after revealing the private wedding you and charles had in italy, here's what came after!
this is the part 2 to secret trip! read it here.
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liked by pierregasly, landonorris, charles_leclerc, and 984,221 others
carlossainz55 Suited up and attended something 🥂
pierregasly What's with the mystery everyone knows Charles and Y/N got married
carlossainz55 Mind your own Insta, thank you very much?
scuderiaferrari Looking sharp, Smooth Operator! ❤️
danielricciardo Okay we see you Mr. Secrecy 😁
carlossainz55 I'm not hiding anything????
landonorris People literally know you attended a wedding
carlossainz55 IT WAS JUST A CAPTION? Can't I post a picture of myself in peace? 55sainzz LMAOOO THEY WONT LET HIM BREATHE 😭
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liked by arthurleclerc, lorenzotl, yourusername, and 564,983 others
pierregasly Somewhere in Italy, two of my greatest friends tied the knot. Congratulations to the two best people I know ❤️ Grateful to be a part of this magical day and I only wish you two the happiest of days. Seems like it was just yesterday when Charles was boasting how you finally texted him back 🤣
estebanocon I am not the best person you know?
landonorris Hurts, right?
charles_leclerc The last part was uncalled for... but yeah I was proud :D
charlesmcqueen hes been whipped for her ever since god i have seen what you have done for others
danielricciardo See carlossainz55 this is how you do a greeting
carlossainz55 I am going to post one can you all wait damn
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liked by lewishamilton, maxverstappen, georgerussell63, and 849,273 others
danielricciardo Almost a year ago, Charles and Y/N asked me to take some pictures of them to commemorate their engagement. Believe it or not, these pictures are outtakes and unplanned. I happened to catch such beautiful moments between the two of them and now I just witnessed them celebrate their love for each other.
Congratulations, yourusername and charles_leclerc!
landonorris Another smashing greeting related to the wedding, carlossainz55 can't relate 🙏
carlossainz55 I am about to block all of you
yourusername melting at your caption aside, why am i only seeing this now, daniel?
danielricciardo Saved it for a second wedding gift 😁
gaslyscar Jesus i am never going to experience this am I 😪
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liked by charles_leclerc, mercedesamgf1, susiewolff, and 1,001,223 others
lewishamilton Was not able to snap some pictures from the wedding but luckily, I have this in my gallery from all the times I have spent third-wheeling with them. I think the smiles on their faces say it all. Congratulations, newlyweds! 🤵👰
charles_leclerc Million thanks for telling me what her name was, mate 😆
lewishamilton You're also welcome for the texts I helped you construct cause you were too afraid to send one britcedesbro sir lewis hamilton professional matchmaker???
carlossainz55 At this point who hasn't third-wheeled with them?
yourusername hey you guys make it seem like it's a bad thing charles_leclerc And we pay the bill to compensate???
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liked by maxverstappen, charles_leclerc, yourusername, and 678,234 others
carlossainz55 Such an unbelievable experience to witness Charles and Y/N's journey as a couple. A witness since their first date, the first time Charles introduced her to Ferrari team members, the day Charles told me he was out picking a ring, up to being the first to receive the good news that Y/N said yes. I only wish you guys eternal moments of love, happiness, and peace ❤️
And before the entire grid comes at me for this, yes I am capable of doing a proper greeting. Thanks.
yourusername hmm, seems like you're doing this to prove something, carlito
charles_leclerc Totally, out of spite carlossainz55 I cannot catch a break from all of you 😐
landonorris Their faces aren't visible
pierregasly Where are our pictures??? carlossainz55 That's it, hard blocking all of you
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, arthurleclerc, and 341,886 others
yourusername maldives with the man i recently got my last name from 🏖️
pierregasly Enjoy, newlyweds ❤️
landonorris Bring me home some shell necklaces
charles_leclerc When did you take that shot of me
yourusername when you were busy saying the stone formation kinda looks like the rock 🥱
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly, maxverstappen, and 1,290,472 others
charles_leclerc Honeymoon stop 2: Iceland 🏞️ Beautiful place with my beautiful wife.
scuderiaferrari Have fun, Y/N and Charles! ❤️
arthurleclerc Me? An uncle?
yourusername no one said that, arthur 😆
forzacharles i too would wanna travel the world during my honeymoon with my significant other, all i need is a significant other
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liked by carlossainz55, pierregasly, yourbff, and 432,208 others
yourusername various shots from our many stops. adventures with you surely does not stop here. excited to spend forever with you, charles_leclerc 🤍
landonorris I am expecting my shell necklace any moment now
carlossainz55 Can't even wait for them to unpack?
charles_leclerc Pour toujours et à jamais, mon amour 💋 Forever and always, my love.
lovingleclerc MY FAVEEE COUPLE <3
sainzzlecs my parents exactly
tagging: @slytherheign, @honethatty12, @siovhanroy
notes: its actually been so long since i did an imagine that's purely ig lmao i find it hard now to not include twitter panels but anyway! i hope you like this anon <3 lmk what u guys think hehe btw reqs for charles imagines are open hehe (pls lend some patience if u send one tho) thank you for reading 🤍
posting next would be the part 3 of split! lmk if anyone wants to be tagged hehe
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vee-xxo · 1 year
☆☆☆- random Katsuki Bakugou relationship headcanons of mine
Since ppl loved the first, here's more only for u 😍😍😍
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Right so before u guys start dating this bitch does not know how to flirt
Call him "pretty boy" and he just tells you to shut the fuck up 💀
"Hey hot stuff~" "Eat shit and die."
This also doesnt change when ur dating sry
Except maybe he'll look away a lil shy
He does actively like look for u
But he'll be VERY secretive n just so happens to be wherever u go
Not in a stalker kinda way, u know he does it
But god forbid anyone else figure that out
Tbh he's a huge show off
Which is not news at all BUT a big difference for him
Cus when he knows ur watching, in his mind he's all like "😈 muhaha they're losing their shit rn"
& when he's done he'll sideeye the shit outta u just to see if ur blushing or something
Imagine ur just like "🥱🥱"
He explodes
Just falls over & dies lmao
But only emotionally
Outside he'll be like
"Uhh fuckin uh idc uhh I don give a fuck"
But he was lying, he did give a fuck😔😔
He doesnt know shit
When u first kiss hes so fucking worried bro omg
Like it's just a lil peck, but uhh
It's probably rlly short
Unless u can keep him calm somehow, then it might actually be kinda nice
He'd last like 5 secs before quickly pulling away
After that he'll just stare at you like
👁👁 (imagine theres angry brows)
It's up to you to say sth cus his mouth is SHUT
Remember how I said hes private w his relationship?
If not, I said it riiiight here ;D
Yea so eventually ppl will know
ESPECIALLY the Bakusquad :DD
He'll be like "THATS acting like a man, Bakugou!" assuming u guys r healthy together ofc
The other three r also happy ofc
But theres one thing they all got on their mind more
"How tf is he dating someone before us??"
Good question tbh
Well it probably went somewhat like this:
"HEY DUMBASS!" You heard, angry footsteps approaching. "Bwuh?" You made a confused noise, turning to see Bakugou, in all his shitty posture. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, elbows locked and his head lowered, making his choppy bangs fall over his eyes. "You..." He rasped out, one hand rising up, pointing a threatening, naked finger directly at you. It seemed as though even the muscles in his fingers had tensed up entirely. 'Oh shit.' You thought to yourself. What did you do now? Did you say something wrong? Teased him one too many times? But your thoughts halted once his hand switched to show his thumb pointing at Bakugou himself. "I'M TAKING YOU TO THE ARCADE! THIS SATURDAY, TWO PM!" He barked out. You could see his face now. His jaw was clenched shut, his teeth pressing together in tension while his red eyes stared seemingly into your soul. Like he was trying to intimidate you, distracting you from what might be the sound of his heart pounding in his chest, like it was about to explode. "Uh." Was your first reaction. "O- Okay?" Was your second. "GOOD." He yelled. Shoving his hand back in his pocket, he turned around, snapping his head back down into its previous position as the stomped off. "DON'T BE LATE!" He added as he fled the interaction.
"Huh." You thought to yourself.
HIIIII :DDD Thank u guys SO MUCH for all the support on my previous headcanons! I even added a little scenario for you at the end this time! I hope you enjoyed this post as much as the last! If you did, let me know and I might make a third ;))))❤❤❤
ALSO before I leave, I started writing a Bakugou x y/n slow burn, updates take a while, but I hope I can catch your interest enough to check it out! Thank you so much in advance!! <3333
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fanofthelamb · 2 months
Hey just wanted to say about the most recent comic, I hope you dont feel bad or shame about it!! Its very lovely and I will personally fight anyone who says otherwise.
hehe ty,,,,,, this ask has been on my mind for a while tbh. it makes me feel so nice <3 so here's some sketches, new and old!!!!!!!!! ill throw it all under a cut so ppl dont drown in all the pics. enjoy anon!!!!!!! (sketch dump the squeakquel!!!!!!!!!!!!)
i made these like 3 weeks ago but i only really posted a cropped version w/ just the giant kallamr squid , featuring @aychama and @paintpaintpaintman lambs :D
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i've been sitting on them bc i wasnt entirely sure about how everyone felt about each other, and while i still am not I feel like everyone likes each other at least!!!
i also wanted to draw people's lambs reliving a bunch of my childhood memories, but i felt the idea wouldn't be accepted because i don't know how many people would related to em. these sketches are new since all i had was a jpeg of thumbnails, but they are @paintpaintpaintman , @spiderin-space , and my lambs!! the first pic is just them enjoying some honeysuckles, trying to buy some candy at the weekend market, and visiting kids in better looking neighborhoods than they lived in AHHSASHHSA i dont think i care to complete this but it is really fun drawing the lambs being lambs.
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a sketch of heket nd leshy i appearantly NEVER posted because i wasnt happy with how leshy turned out. a shame, really.
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i also wanted to draw all the cultists in different outfits, but it turns out i really was not interested in finishing it at the time. i do think valefar and narinder turned out kinda cute tho !!!!!!!
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some motherfuckers WAY too happy to see a corpse (i still think its hilarious when my whole cult gathers around a corpse and makes googoo eyes at it what is their problem LMAOOOOO)
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i ended up changing how i draw the 3 wives so the wifestack is no longer relevant (also there's 2 more that werent existing when this was drawn) but i still look at it sometimes. i think we should stack every wife on top of each other.
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and the last one is part of me figuring out how i wanted the lamb. ive always known i wanted them JACKED i just cant decide how ripped i want this lil bastard. i think the current lamb is a good fit for me personally.
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anyway that's doodlestack jr,,,,,,,,,,,,, SORRY FOR THE PINGS TO EVERYONE I PINGED I LOVE U GUYS LMFAO <33333333333 and everyone else CHECK OUT EVERYONE I PINGED THEY ALL MAKE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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timidpumpkin · 2 years
Little Light (Stucky x reader)
Part 3: Relent
Pairing: Dark!Stucky x f!reader
Summary: With a rough night behind them, Steve and Bucky hope to focus on what they brought you here for: to be their good little girl.
Warnings for this part: Dark!Stucky, Daddy!Stucky, Forced age regression, Female reader, Manipulation, Implied panic attack, slight noncon(?), Fluff, Comfort.
Warnings for future parts: Dubcon, Stockholm Syndrome. (Will add more as needed)
Let me know if I missed any!!
Notes: Hiiii sooo this and the last two parts I had already written (for the most part)...months ago..hehe. I definitely plan on doing more within this universe! I super hope you guys like it :)) let me know your thoughts please!! I love hearing from you all!! <333333 I can't wait to do more already <3
Word count: 3.8k
As always:
Minors and Ageless blogs DNI or I WILL block you. (THIS INCLUDES LIKES)
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You wake to something cold caressing your face, your whole body is freezing. From your toes to your nose, you feel as though you’re made of ice. As your eyes peel open, you’re met with pale walls in a luminous room. 
It must be morning.
“Wake up babygirl.” you hear Bucky’s voice. You turn to see him, and Steve, looking down at you.
“Are you ready to come out of timeout?” Steve asks. Immediately, tears start streaming down your face as you remember last night. You nod pitifully. Steve kneels beside you. “Did you learn you lesson?” he asks tentatively, wiping the tears from your cheeks,
“Y-yes” you croak out. You can’t help but lean into his warm touch as his large hand holds your face. You’re in so much pain, even more so than when you must have passed out from exhaustion last night.
“Yes, what?” Bucky requests, and you break.
“Yes, dada! Yes, daddy! I’m-I’m sorry! M’sorry I was bad!” you’re sobbing uncontrollably now. “I-I’ve learned my lesson, please-please just let me out!”
Bucky is kneeling on the other side of you now, gently turning your head towards him, hand cupping your face. 
“And what lesson is that doll? What did you learn?” 
“T-t’not run away, I-I won't d-do it again! I-I promise! I-I’ll be good now, I’ll be good, I-j-just please don’t leave me alone again! Please daddy!”
“Okay babygirl, hey, it’s okay now, no more punishment,” he helps wipe away more of your tears, caressing your face now with both hands. You’re too hysterical to notice only one side of your face feels warm.
“We believe you babygirl. We’re going to untie you now. Just sit still while we do okay, angel?” Steve speaks. You can't help but cherish his sweet words to you, as you melt further into their touch.
“Okay dada” you say, tears slowing down. Steve mumbles a good girl and caresses your head one more time before they begin to untie you. You feel relief. Not just because you’re being freed from your binds, but because you know they’re no longer upset with you. They were so mad, so…mean before, and now they’re mumbling praises while freeing you. It makes you feel…content. 
Steve gently picks up your limp form. You have no energy. You barely ate a few bites before you got sent to this room. Steve helps wrap your arms around his neck as your head rests on his shoulder, legs supported around his waist. He carries you downstairs and sits on the couch with you still entangled around him.
He could see how exhausted you were. He hated it. The last thing Steve wanted was for you to be punished on your very first day here, but, what else could they have done? You tried to run away from him, from both of them. You had to learn that it wasn’t acceptable to do that. Soon you'd realize they were doing it to protect you. They could only keep you safe if you're with them, so you have to learn not to run away. 
You hear distant clatter from the kitchen as you sit with Steve. 
He begins rubbing up and down your back. He’s so warm. He wraps a blanket around both of you as he continues tenderly stroking you. He softly kneads at your shoulders and back and rubs the sensitive skin around your arms and ankles. He gently shushes you as some residual tears wet his shirt underneath you. You feel heavy under his touch, but in a good way, as your muscles relax for the first time since you got here. You fall asleep under his touch. 
Steve continues to massage you through your sleep. You feel so delightful on him as tiny huffs of air escape from you. He silently looks forward to the days ahead where you’ll lay atop him and bucky, just like this, all the time. When you’ll wake up to give him soft kisses before asking if you can go play with your dolls. Where you’ll trot through the house showing them your latest drawing. Where you’ll cuddle next to them on this very couch to watch a movie. He knows it’ll take time for you to adjust fully, but he also knows that you easily adapt to them. He knows this because you're perfect for them. 
Steve quietly wakes you from your slumber as breakfast is ready. He places you in the same spot you were just hours ago. Now, there’s a plate full of apples and bananas with a plentiful side of peanut butter and yogurt. Normally, you wouldn’t have picked something as healthy, but you’ll take what you can get. This time, Steve and Bucky eat along with you. It’s quiet while you eat, and after you’ve finished your second cup of milk, Bucky speaks. 
“Feel better babygirl?” 
“Yes daddy…thank you.” you say quietly. You probably shouldn’t be thanking them–definitely shouldn't, but…after your much needed massage and full belly, you can’t help but feel…grateful. 
“You want some more milk?” Bucky asks. You look towards your almost empty sipping cup, and shake your head before remembering to reply. 
“I think you’d feel even better getting cleaned up, huh doll?” you look up to him at that. 
A shower. 
Oh how nice that sounded right now. You’ve been in the same clothes since yesterday and you honestly feel gross. 
“I-I’d like that…please.” While Steve cleans up, Bucky leads you to their bathroom. When you walk in you notice some neatly folded feminine-looking clothes laying on top of the counter. You stand in the threshold admiring the spacious bathroom again while Bucky starts running a bath. 
“Uhm…I’m okay with just taking a shower” you offer, hoping he’ll leave soon. He looks over his shoulder at you.
“Come here, sit while I get it ready for you.” he motions towards the cloth-covered toilet seat. Did he not hear you? You hesitantly comply. Guess you are taking a bath. He tests its temperature with his right hand, and after there’s enough water to cover the bottom, he turns to you with open arms.
“Come on, let’s get you undressed,” your stomach drops, eyes wide as you freeze. You glance at the door evaluating your escape route. “Don’t be like that, doll.” he orders, a displeased expression on his face. 
“No, I-I mean I can bathe myself…I-I promise…please.” you fret, beginning to shake. 
He sighs, “Look at me,” he demands, “I’m not going to hurt you. Remember what Dada said? We’re going to take care of you…you know why?” You shake your head. 
“Because you’re our little girl. And little girls like you need help taking baths. Now I’m not going to hurt you, but I'm also not going to ask again.” he warns. “don’t make this harder for yourself.” his inflection alone frightens you. You don’t want to find out how this could be any worse than it already is, but you really don’t want to be naked and vulnerable in front of some scary man–one you barely know, and one who is literally holding you captive. 
“N-no please, I-I understand I’m your…little girl, but I-I really can clean myself, I promise I can.” You reason clumsily.
“You’re not listening to me, doll. I’m helping you take a bath, Either you get in this tub, or you get another punishment,” he threatens, “and don’t think I’ll go as easy on you as Dada let last night.” his abrasive threat scares you to your core. What could be worse than being tied and locked up for more than ten hours? You’re at a complete loss for words, paralyzed as he begins carefully peeling off your clothes–slowly. 
To Bucky, it’s anything but. He waited for this moment for months. He’s going to cherish every moment he can. He revels in every inch of skin that gets revealed as he pulls your sleep gown off–the same one Steve dressed you in the night before last when you were still unconscious and unaware of Steve’s enamored gaze. 
“She’s so beautiful, Buck” he runs his hands along your bare sides, sliding down to your outer thighs, pausing when his eyes meet your naked mound. His pupils are blown, any trace of ultramarine gone as his eyes rake your bare form. Bucky places a hand on Steve’s back, silently agreeing with him as he gives him a smile. 
Steve releases a content–yet shaky–breath, before clasping your ankles and moving your legs up so he could swaddle your bottom half into the princess-decorated pull-up. 
Bucky finds himself thinking the same thing Steve said that night, with the same salacious look in his eye as he rids you of your gown. Goosebumps adorn your skin and Bucky relishes in how upturned your head is, eyes ostensibly focused on the plain white ceiling above. No, you weren’t just beautiful, you were fucking adorable.
Once he’s done, he diligently sets you into the warm water. You curl your knees up, trying to maintain a smidge of modesty.
“You want some bubbles?” he asks. 
“Yes,” You answer quickly, wanting anything that helps cover you. “please.” you add shakily.
Whatever kind he adds smells wonderful, and quickly produces enough to cover the clear water. He lets you sit there for a while, watching even after the water is turned off. You lightly pat at the bubbles around your legs, not daring to meet his attentive gaze. After a bit, a small basket is presented to you. He asks if you’d like to play with any toys. The container has a couple different multicolored rubber duckies, a small turtle, and a whale. You look between him and the toys, before picking out one, its cute face calling to you. You let it float around you. At least you’re not completely alone in the tub anymore. Bucky seems satisfied with your choice, happy that you took his offering. 
“Hey there,” you look towards the door to see Steve peeking around. Great, now they’re both here. He walks besides Bucky’s sitting form and leans down, hands on his knees. “how’s it going?” he asks, noticing your wary manner.
“She’s feeling a little shy, but she’ll get used to it.” Bucky responds.
“No need to be embarrassed angel, daddies always help their little girl take a bath. Would be dangerous if we left you all alone,” he says in that patronizing tone he uses. “Have you washed her yet?”
“No, not yet,” Bucky looks to your idle and unmoving form. “babygirl, if you’re not going to play with your toy then it’s time to wash up.”
“I-I can do it.” you think maybe if Steve hears you, he’ll be on your side. Instead, his face falls, and he addresses you by your name.
“I know that’s not true. You may think it is, but it’s not. Now you need to be a good girl and let Daddy clean you up. Besides, the sooner he starts, the sooner it’ll be over. After that,” Steve postures himself up, “we’ll talk about how you need to listen to Daddy and I, and not talk back. Okay?” he looks at you expectantly. You feel defeated that your small protest only resulted in him being up displeased with you.
“I-okay Dada” he purses a smile at you before letting you both know he’ll be in the living room while you finish up.
Once he’s gone Bucky starts shedding his outer layer. Your heart rate skyrockets, terrified he plans to get in there with you. But after his jacket is off, he proceeds to roll up his sleeves and remove a glove from his left hand. You’re not sure how you’ve never noticed it before, but his arm is quite literally made of metal. Horizontal pleats make up his forearm as far as you can see. Your eyes follow its sleek design to see his hands and fingers contain more fine lines and intricate folds. Its sleekness catches the light on certain parts, and you’re just…staring at it.
You watch it as he lathers up a soft-looking loofa, and holds his arms out to you, silently beckoning you to come closer to his side of the large tub. When you look up into his eyes, you’re met with…concern laced in his. He subtly retracts his metal arm, so that his right one is the only one reaching to you. 
“Come on, Doll. Let’s get you clean.” This time his words don’t feel like a demand, rather…an invitation. You scoot yourself towards him and let him work. He gingerly takes his time running the bubbly white suds over your body. You try not to wince at the iciness of his left hand when it touches you. After a bit, it seems to warm up some due to the water. When he gets to your more private areas, you tense. “It’s okay,” he softly reassures throughout, handing you the tiny toy you picked. It helps, but you can’t help but grow hotter than the water around you from being so exposed.
Once he’s done and begins drying you with a giant towel. You realize you’ve barely lifted a finger, and despite how humiliating it was, you do feel a lot better.
You offer to dress yourself, but that suggestions is only met with a scowl. Again, the clothes are obviously something they bought as it’s nothing you own. It's a light-colored onesie with delicate flowers making up the pattern. Small ruffles decorate the bottom, making it look almost dress-like. You’re pleased regardless when he helps your unsteady legs step into underwear and leggings. Finally, as you hold onto his shoulders for support, he slips on some frilly socks that match your onesie perfectly. 
It felt comfortable and when you catch a glimpse of yourself when leaving the bathroom, you almost think your attire looks…cute.
Once you’re back in the living room, Bucky and Steve take a great deal of time explaining the rules to you. 
And there are a lot of them.
The main ones being about how you shouldn’t run away from your daddies. How you should always listen and do what daddies say. How you must always be polite and keep your manners, especially when talking to them. How you need to remember to call them Daddy and Dada, because that’s what we are princess. 
It’s hard to keep track of everything they’re saying. They must pick up on this because Steve reassures you that he knows you’re still going to need time to learn. They end the discussion by sternly reminding you if you are to break any of these rules, especially intentionally, that you’ll get punished. 
They then decide to give you a proper tour of the house. You’ve seen most of the first floor except an office room they quickly show you. There’s a door with several locks, much like the front door, that leads to what must be a basement, but they tell you it’s off-limits and that you’re never to go down there. 
“Why not?” you ask innocently.
“Because Daddy said so,” Bucky replies sternly.
“And because…” Steve leans down to your level after giving a glare to Bucky. “there are dangerous things down there. Things that could hurt you. Daddy and Dada have stuff down there little girls can’t be around. Okay?” You nod your head.
“Okay Dada.” You say. Steve leans up again to see Bucky now giving him a look.
“What? She needs to know, and we should be honest with her if we expect the same from her.” he defends. Honest? He didn’t even really tell you what was down there. 
Bucky rolls his eyes and grunts at Steve as they begin leading you upstairs. There are two rooms connected by a loft that overlooks the living room, and a small bathroom. 
They show you your “playroom” first. It’s the room you must have been in last night as you notice the haunting chair in the corner. The rest of the room is quite…lively though. They let go of the hold on your hands and let you roam around its expanse. It’s lightly colored with accents of pinks and other pastels. A hexagonal tent is in one of the corners with pillows and blankets stacked on the inside. There are several shelves with neatly placed boxes and a variety of toys peeking through them. There’s a table to the side with coloring books stacked on top and a fluffy rug right in the middle. 
“What do you think, babygirl?” Steve probs.
“It’s…nice.” It’s certainly much more than nice. You’ve secretly always wanted a space like this before. You imagine your childhood self would be running in circles around the room if it were given to you. 
Steve takes your hand again and leads you to your bedroom. It’s even more beautiful than your playroom. The color schemes are similar, but pink stands out even more here. There’s a queen size bed in the middle with ruffles covering the sides of it. It reminds you of your outfit. There’s a couch opposite of the bed also supplied with plenty of fluffy looking pillows. On the other side of the room is a…crib. When you notice it you look up to Steve quizzically.
“That’s just in case you’re feeling extra little,” He explains. “you can pick whichever one you want to sleep in babygirl, I promise,” he beams down at you, then lets go of your hand prompting you forward into the room “go on, look around.” 
You want to jump on the bed. You bet it would be so much fun. You feel as though they probably wouldn't like that though. As you get closer to your bed you notice something familiar. No–it’s more than just familiar. You know exactly what it is. 
It’s your stuffie. 
The same one you’ve cuddled with for as long as you can remember. You quickly pick it up, inspecting it for injuries. When all is good, you clutch it to your chest, hugging it tightly. You missed it. And as you inhale its scent you’re reminded of home…your home…where you’re supposed to be. 
No. Actually, you’re supposed to be at work. Right now. Instead, you’re in a foreign place and you’re surrounded by unfamiliar things and you’ve just been given a list of strict rules to follow and you’re not allowed to leave and and and and-
You turn around rashly and start making for the door. Steve is quick to pick you up, securing you to his side. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks sternly before noticing your crinkled eyebrows. “Hey,” he pets the back of your head. “What’s wrong, angel? Something wrong with the room? Something scare you?” He peers around, looking for any abnormalities. You shake your head hard, beginning to get hysterical. 
“N-No! I-I need to go home! I’m supposed to be home! I-I have to work! I’m supposed to be at work, I-I need-I have-” you’re not really sure what you’re saying and you’re pretty sure you start to not make sense as Steve carries you to the bed and sets you down, firmly holding your arms. You’re not even trying to get away from him, you just feel so…overwhelmed. Everything around you is so new. You don’t really understand anything. You do but you don’t. You’re confused. You’re disoriented. You’re scattered. you’re-
“I-I’m scared!” you finally cry out, tears streaming down your face. You feel like you can’t breathe at all. You must somehow communicate that to Steve as he tenderly tries to get you to look at him, both hands engulfing your wet face. 
“Babygirl,” he calls you by your name gently, “hey, it’s okay. Look at me. You’re okay. Just breathe with me, can you do that for me?” he encourages. He asks you to mimic his breathing. It’s hard at first, but eventually, your synchronized breathing fills the room, though yours is still shaky and you’re still crying. Steve picks you up again, bouncing and shushing you lightly. He whispers how you’re okay, and how we got you babygirl, it’s okay. You’re home now. You don’t have to think about any of that, just focus on breathing in, and breathing out, babygirl. Just like that. There you go. Good girl. You’re doing so good. Just keep breathing, don’t think about anything else. Dada’s got you. You’re okay.
Steve continues talking and bouncing you as you concentrate on his words, breathing in and breathing out. 
You should be pushing him away, attempting to get out of his hold and break for the door again. Yet, his essence is the only thing grounding you. His consoling words are the only thing you hear, his encompassing hug the only thing you can feel. Your body and mind crave his soothing embrace, both tired from fighting the past day. You don’t want to give in, you aren’t–but right now you can’t be burdened with concerns when the only thing that feels right is…
“Dada” you muffle into his neck. Steve hears it’s perfectly clear though.
“Yeah angel,” he continues caressing you. “Dada’s got you. It’s okay. It’s all okay.” he carefully shifts you so he can look at you. Your face is puffy and wet, your lips are quivering and your body is wholly slumped into his hold. “How about we watch a movie?” he suggests tentatively. “anything you want, you choose.” his suggestion seems to work, distracting you from your current thoughts to pick out what you might want to watch. After a moment of diligent selection, you decide. 
Steve smiles, “Beauty and the Beast?” you nod your head. “Okay, babygirl. That’s just perfect, let’s go.” he carries you downstairs where Bucky has a bottle of warm milk ready for you. 
This time, you don’t fight Bucky when he delicately moves you onto his lap. The once vulnerable position now feels…welcoming. Bucky does the hard work of holding the heavy bottle up, and when he presses the tip of it to your lips, your mouth opens almost naturally. In the present moment, it’s as if your mind has almost no say in your actions. You feel fuzzy. Not…cloudy, like when you first awoke to that unfamiliar dark room, terrified and confused. No, now you feel as though your mind has no other responsibility than to succumb to the demands of your…daddies. And currently, all that consisted of was suckling on the soft tip pressed gently on your tongue, and remaining nestled in Bucky’s lap. 
Your weary eyes take in the colorful animations, and the songs you know by heart encapsulate all your focus. The warm drink helps calm your insides, while the steady weight of Bucky swaddling you makes you feel engulfed in safety. For the second time today, you fall asleep on the couch. Yet this time, it’s…daddy…who is caressing you to slumber.
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kairiscorner · 10 months
your lil miguel bodyguard fic gave a lil idea for a request, if its okay!! instead of a spoiled reader, she's a singer??-- with spider noir,, ft. the garbage boyfriend:tm:
OH OFC !!! i love this spin on the idea HEHE, sorry if it's shorter than the miggy one, but I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS !!
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
you deserve so much more. – bodyguard!spider noir x singer!reader
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content warnings! mentions and depictions of toxic relationships and gaslighting. if you are uncomfortable with these topics, please don't read further ahead ^^
"come in." you called out to the person who was knocking on your door, and soon enough, the door was opened and in came your bodyguard–peter parker. he handed you a big bouquet of pink and miscolored flowers that seemed to clash with each other; the flowers were all of different sizes and kinds, it was like the person who arranged this bouquet arranged it on impulse, or were colorblind, or... probably both.
you stared at the bouquet as he looked at you with his classic, stoic look that appeared to be statuesque. "to you, from... your admirer." he said as you soon broke out into a smile and took the bouquet from him. you sniffed at the flowers and sighed, holding them close to your chest as you murmured a 'he remembered...' all dreamily and a bit giggly.
peter awkwardly shifted to the side and began to walk out of the room, but you reached out for his hand and pleaded for him to wait. "um, pete, could you... tell him that i said thank you, and to, um, well... to say sorry i couldn't buy him that watch he asked me to last night?" you asked him with a small voice, which was uncommon of you–you always spoke in a more clear manner, in a more confident air when speaking to anyone. but when it came to your boyfriend, it felt like you just had to bite your tongue, hold your breath, and tread lightly around him, even if he was supposed to be the sole person you could trust the most in your life.
peter's eyes were locked on your hand wrapping around his arm, and he turned to look at your doe-eyed, pleading face. he nodded in response as he soon headed out of your dressing room as your telephone rang, and you answered it in the sweetest voice you could muster as you heard your boyfriend speak on the other end. 'looks like i don't have to make it awkward then, they've got this.' peter thought to himself as he exited your dressing room.
after a while, peter had heard sobbing from inside your dressing room and your voice–all shaky and frightened–apologizing repeatedly over to the person on the other end of the phone. he listened in through the door and heard your muffled voice saying sorry over and over as your boyfriend screamed at you from the other end. he was growing a little more ticked off, infuriated, even, at your boyfriend for yelling at you so loudly over the phone that even he could hear his shitty voice from this distance. and the worst part of it all was he was yelling at you all because you didn't buy him that stupid watch.
"what a bastard." peter muttered to himself as he heard your cries get even louder, with your boyfriend over the other end yelling at you to shut up, to stop crying–that you're annoying when you cry when he's just pointing out you 'don't keep your promises'. peter's hands clenched into fists, he had to hold himself back from making a dent in the wall or on your door to release his anger.
he wanted to beat the hell out of your crappy boyfriend, to console you, protect you from him and never let you get hurt or invalidated for how you felt ever again. but he's nobody to you, he's just your bodyguard; that's all you two are, bodyguard and client–that's all he has to be. but he'll go beyond that, just this once–he tells himself, as he opens the door to your dressing room once you put the phone down. he peeked his head in and saw you bawling your eyes out, muttering to yourself how foolish you had been for opening your big mouth and telling him the truth, that you couldn't give him what he wanted right away.
peter walked over to you and asked you what happened, if you were okay, if he could do anything to help. "no! no, you... you can't do a thing..." you shouted at him, your voice faltering as you felt utterly helpless right then and there. peter stepped back a little and rubbed at the back of his head, thinking if he should tell you the truth right then and there. he pulled up a chair and sat down next to you and sighed, handing you a handkerchief from his breast pocket.
"with all due respect, i understand my position as your bodyguard does not entitle me to be told everything that's happened, but... as someone who sincerely cares about you, i'd listen to you at least." he said as he placed his black gloved hand over your own tear-stained ones. you looked at him and the tears halted from rolling down your face a bit at his attempt to comfort you.
you sighed as you soon began to open up to peter about why you were crying, why your boyfriend was shouting at you over the phone... and peter just felt the urge to wrap his arms around you and hold you close, tell you that everything that horrible man who dares call himself your boyfriend is wrong, they're lies; that you...
"you deserve so much better." he muttered as he looked up at your teary face, wondering just how much of his lies and torment you had to endure for the sake of you loving him, or you fooling yourself into believing that you love him. "you deserve... the whole damn world, please don't believe him that... that you don't deserve any more than what you're getting now." he said in a sad voice as he looked at you and back at the bouquet he gave you.
you took the bouquet and as you felt over the flowers again, you sobbed once more. "i don't know why he'd do something like this for me now..." you mutter as peter places a hand on your shoulder, biting his tongue still from telling you the truth. "well one thing you should know is... i'm here for you. i'm... i'm gonna help you, any way i can. we can skip visiting him this time. come on, you deserve better than to come home to a bastard who doesn't appreciate you for who you are."
you watched him as he got up and extended his hand towards you and gave you a shy smile. "would you... like to go to the park, take a breather? i know a good spot for birdwatching there, um..." "o-okay." you said as you clutched the bouquet in your hands, getting up from your seat and gazing into his eyes. you took peter's hand as you put the bouquet down, with you not noticing the card inside of it; it read: 'from the man who loves you the most, you deserve the whole world, and nothing less.'
you knew the person who gifted you those flowers wasn't your boyfriend, he had no clue what you were talking about when you thanked him over the phone. you weren't sure who it was, really, but whoever it was... you wanted to thank them. and they wanted to save you from all this pain you were so used to and give you the whole world, just like what you deserve, as they said.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @luvstarrstruck @fiannee @fictarian @yuridopted0 @maxoloqy @thee-fantastic-mrfox @ophanimgold @arachnoia
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
Would you mind if I tried to make a pass at it?
a/n: omg it's here slay! i wasn't sure how to end this but i think it's cute hehe i rly hope y'all enjoy it :D also you can read part one here ig you don't have to read part one first pero if u enjoy angst i recommend it! let me know what y'all think and don't hesitate to send me prompts! my little brain can only think of so many ideas <3
credit to whoever made the gif! tw: just a mention of eddie smoking and some bad words cause i have the mouth of a sailor
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It's been weeks since Steve last saw you, and to say he was dying would be an understatement. Robin let out a scoff as she watched him sulk in the corner of the store watching some lame movie.
“Hey,” she said, nudging him. “What are you watching?”
“Doctor Zhivago,” he said dully.
“Thought you didn't do double VHS?” she mumbled.
“But it's about doomed love.”
Robin glared at him and flicked him on the forehead.
“Ow! The hell was that for?”
“When I mentioned doomed love you rolled your eyes at me!”
No! I said it was relatable,” he said pushing himself off of the wall and walking towards the counter.
“You know,” she followed. “Your love wouldn't be doomed if you had just confessed.”
“I was working up to it!”
Robin scoffed while grabbing a tape that was in the wrong section. “Well, you sucked at the build-up.”
Steve's eyebrows furrowed and he shook his head a little bit. “No I didn't-”
“Yeah, you did dingus. She probably thought you liked someone else.”
“No, no, why would she think that?”
Robin placed the tape back and crossed her arms. “Cause you sounded all like yeah I'm Steve and I'm soooo in love with someone, but I won't say who cause I try to be mysterious when really I don't ever shut up,” she said in a mocking tone.
Steve scoffed. “First off, I don't sound like that.”
“Yes, you do. I hang out with you all the time and that's exactly how you sound.”
They were both so caught up in their arguing that they didn't hear the bell above the door ring.
“You had one mission Steve, confess to the girl of your dreams and get together! That's all you had to do!”
“You make it sound so easy-”
“Are you talking about y/n?” Dustin said while walking past them muttering an “excuse me”
“Yes,” they said at the same time.
Dustin let out a hum and grabbed the nearest stool while going on their computer and grabbing the phone.
“Hey, you can't just come in here and get on our stuff like it's your house,” Steve said while walking over to him.
“My mom grounded me because my latin teacher talked to her about my grade, now i have to get suzie to fix it.”
“Who the hell takes Latin?” Robin asked while standing next to him watching him do his magic on the computer.
Dustin shrugged his shoulders. “Thought it’d be fun but it's just a pain in my ass.” Dustin turned to look at Steve with a smile and pointed at him. “Kinda like you!”
“You're a real mean kid, you know that?” Steve muttered picking at the best he was wearing. “So, have you heard from y/n?”
Dustin hummed and typed on the computer. “She's been seeing Eddie a lot.”
Eddie? Eddie Munson? Eddie “the freak” Munson?!
“Awe,” said Robin. “I like Eddie, he's nice.”
Dustin snorted. “Nice? Please, he almost killed me, and Mike last week.”
“Why is she hanging out with Eddie?” Steve asked in a bitter voice.
Dustin shrugged his shoulders and smirked at his older friend. “Why? Are you, dare I say…jealous?”
Steve laughed a loud boisterous laugh. “Me? Jealous? Of Eddie the freak Munson?”
“He does have nice hair,” Robin mentioned.
“Okay, but did he get voted ‘best hair’ in the yearbook?”
Steve was met with silence and he clapped his hands. “That's what I thought.”
“Dude, only you would brag about that,” Dustin said with a shake of his head.
“It's bragging worthy!”
Robin shook her head. “Bragging worthy? Absolutely not. Sad? That sounds about right.”
“You guys suck.”
Dustin and Robin laughed while Steve rolled his eyes. “You better make a move soon Romeo, y/n is actually seeing Eddie tonight.”
Tonight? Steve thought. “Like, like as soon as the sun sets?”
Dustin made a confused face “no idiot like she's getting ready to see him right now.”
“But it's not even night.”
Robin groaned and threw her head back. “Steve just go drive to her house before Eddie gets her!”
Steve let out a string of curses as he fumbled around looking for his keys.
“Thanks, Robin! I owe-”
“Yeah yeah at this point you owe me a spot standing next to you at your wedding.”
Steve stopped in his tracks and felt heat rise to his cheeks as he looked back at his best friend.
“You think we'll get married?”
“Jesus Christ Steve, GO!” Dustin shouted and threw a stress ball at him.
“I won't let you guys down!” he shouted while pointing at them and then running out of the store.
Dustin and Robin sat in silence for a minute before he asked a question.
“He's gonna let us down isn't he?”
“Oh yeah,” she said, nodding her head. “Definitely.”
Steve must've broken every traffic law to get to your place in five minutes tops. He stumbled out of his car, ran to your front door, and knocked on it like a mad man.
Please be home. Please be home. He silently prayed to the universe.
A breath of relief rushed out of him when he saw you open the door. Gosh, you looked so pretty. Your hair was nicely done, a few flyaways here and there but you still looked beautiful. Your cheeks were slightly pink due to the Hawkins heat, not even air conditioning can beat it. You stared at Steve with wide eyes, mouth slightly open.
“Steve? What are you-”
“Please don't go out with Eddie tonight.” He rushed out.
You tilted your head to the side confused by what he said. Go out with Eddie? “What-”
Steve shook his head and put his hand over your mouth. “No talking. Just, hear me out. Please.”
“What? Ew! Why'd you lick my hand?!”
“I was telling you to move!” You sighed. “Come in.”
Steve sent you a small smile and moved past you into your house. He was so nervous he started pacing the room. “No talking. Remember?”
You nodded your head and sat on the couch watching him pace back and forth. What the hell had him so nervous?
“Okay,” he started. “Remember a couple of weeks ago, when we were talking about how people find that special person, and then you ran out of my car like I had the plague?”
You sat in silence and just stared at him. He stopped pacing and looked at you with stress written on his face. “Say something!”
“You said no talking!”
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He looked defeated as he crossed his arms over his chest. “This is stupid. Maybe I shouldn't have come here.”
“No! I'm sorry, yes. Yes, I remember that conversation,” your hands were getting clammy and your heart was beating out of your chest.
He nodded his head. “Okay, well you know how you asked me if I found that person?”
You nodded signaling for him to go on. The nerves made their way to Steve's body once again and he started nervously swaying back and forth.
“I- the person is, fuck how is this so easy in the movies?” he nervously chuckled out.
He looked up at you with wide wild eyes.
“Whatever happens,” you started. “we'll still be friends.”
Friends. Steve swears he's never hated a word so much.
“Yeah but, I don't want to be your friend,” he said in a low voice.
Your heart dropped into your stomach as you cleared your throat letting out a soft “oh.”
You stood up from the couch slowly and made your way to the door. “Steve, maybe it's best if you left for today.”
Steve grabbed your hand and let out a frustrated sigh. “No! That's not what I'm trying to say.”
“Steve, you're being confusing what's going on?”
It's never been hard for Steve to talk to a girl and ask her to be his girlfriend. Yet, for some reason, he just couldn't get the words out for you. It's like everything he knew flew out the window the minute he's in your presence.
“Please don't go out with Eddie tonight.”
“No. No talking,” he nervously bites on his bottom lip trying to think of the right words. Fuck it. He thinks. It's now or never.
“My whole life, I've felt so lost. I was king Steve in high school, then Billy strolls into town and steals my thunder, and I thought hey, that's okay. I still know who I am.” he takes a shaky breath and continues. “Then, I get dumped by Nance, and it wasn't even a proper breakup. No, sorry, this isn't working out. I would've even been okay with her saying she lost feelings for me, but instead she calls me bullshit. Called the whole relationship bullshit.”
You feel your heart break for him. You remember him talking about the breakup and how it shook his whole world.
“Ever since that happened I've been lost. I can't get into any college so I'm stuck in this stupid crazy possessed town, working a stupid nine-to-five job, and taking mean teenagers to the arcade every week!”
A beat of silence passed. “Dustin is kinda mean.” Steve chuckles.
“Yeah, the kid needs an ego check.”
“Steve…what are you trying to say?”
Steve felt frustrated, how is he saying everything yet nothing at all? He understands why you're so lost and confused. Hell, if he was in your shoes he'd probably tune out everything by now.
“My whole life, I feel like I’ve been blindfolded. Everything was dark, I couldn't see, and I would trip and fall and end up hurt.”
You shake your head a little bit still not understanding what he's trying to say.
“Then I met you. Y/n, you took off my blindfold. You picked me up when I fell and would help clean my wounds. Literally. When Billy kicked my ass you tried so hard to clean up my cuts.”
You let out a laugh at the memory. “It was hard to do, Max is a crazy driver.”
Steve chuckled, not listening to what you said. “I can't believe the first person I asked for was Nance when it was you the entire time.”
“To be fair we did have the same top that day.”
“I'm not talking about that day, I'm talking about in general.”
The familiar feeling of heat danced across your cheeks. “What?”
“It's you, and I think it's always been you. It's always going to be you.”
Oh? Oh. Is he saying what you think he's saying?
“Yeah?” he asked quietly while pulling you towards him.
“If you're saying what I think you're saying-”
“I am.”
For some reason, you feel tears starting to form in your eyes. You shook your head and placed both hands on his chest, looking down at your shoes. “I need you to say it, Steve. Cause if we're both feeling and thinking the same thing, I need you to be sure.”
His arm finds itself wrapped around your waist while he sneaks a hand under your chin making you look at him.
“Don't go out with Eddie tonight. Go out with me. Not just tonight, but for as long as you want.”
“What if I want forever?” You whispered. “Are you still gonna want to go out with me?”
Steve smiled and started to lean in. “Y/n, I've followed you to the upside down how many times now?”
You let out a giggle as both of his hands made their way to your warm cheeks. He was also close to you. If one of you moved just an inch your lips would be on his. “What's that have to do with anything?”
“I'm trying to say that wherever you go, whatever you do, for however long you want, I'll be yours.”
You didn't even try to fight the smile that made its way to your face. “It's about damn time,” you said before you pulled him in to meet your lips.
You've kissed boys before, but this? This was different. This was a boy you loved, and this boy loved you back. He wasn't using you, he didn't want just one thing from you, he wanted you. All of you. It sounds cleché, you know it does, but you swear you feel fireworks going off in your stomach.
Steve is so gentle with you. The way his thumbs are rubbing your cheeks and the way you can feel his smile in the kiss makes your heart melt. He lets out a hum when you pull away his mouth instantly following yours as you pull away.
“Steve,” kiss. “Steve we need,” another kiss. “We need to breathe.”
Steve lets out a grunt and pulls you closer to him. “Don't need oxygen anymore,” he says while kissing all over your face. “I have you now, so much better than oxygen, god you're perfect.”
You let out a squeal when he picks you up and sits you on top of him when he gets comfy on the couch.
“In case the kiss wasn't clear enough I want you to be my girlfriend.”
“Steve, i’m the one who pulled you in for the kiss.”
“Yeah, but I was the one who initiated it. Also no more seeing Munson.”
You let out a gasp and checked the time shouting out curses when you saw how late you were.
“Shit, shit, shit! I'm so late!” you shouted running around and grabbing your things. You look out the window and see Eddie standing outside of his van kicking rocks around and smoking either a joint, or a cigarette.
“Amazing. You tell her she's your girlfriend then she runs off with another guy,” Steve mumbled. “You know what? I'm gonna talk with him.”
Steve walked out the door and stood there with his arms crossed. This all felt a little too familiar.
“Fucking finally Harrington!” Eddie shouted while blowing smoke out of his mouth. “Can I have my tutor back or what?”
Tutor? “What?”
You brushed past Steve but not before kissing him on the cheek and giggling. You turned your back toward Eddie and gave Steve a confusing look. “I’m tutoring Eddie! Hey, how did you even know we were hanging out?”
“I have eyes all over Hawkins babe, I know everything!”
“Dustin?” you and Eddie asked at the same time.
“Yeah, it was Dustin,” Steve said while walking over to you and pulling you into a kiss. Eddie made a gagging sound and laughed when Steve flipped him off.
“Go give the kid an ego check,” you said while giving him a peck. “And pick me up from the library!” you shouted while hopping in the passenger seat of Eddie's van.
Eddie let out a low whistle and gave Steve a firm pat on the back. “Congrats on finally getting the girl big boy,” he said with a wink before jogging to his van and driving off.
Steve looked around your neighborhood before shouting “YOU HEAR THAT HAWKINS? KING STEVE GOT THE GIRL OF HIS DREAMS!”
“Sorry, Mrs. H!” he shouted. “Now, I need to have a word with Dustin.”
taglist <3 :
@thestarsandtheircoffee @rainbows-dreams @kiki17483 @jazminecatalan27 @fumeifairy
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Wait I did that wrong-
Can I request 57. “you can’t escape my love.”
With Blue please?
Sorry I asked twice-
Here you go! I hope you had fun :D
Uhhh so I guess there is some kidnapping in this, hints of murder. It's a yandere thing, what do you expect? Lol. I had fun writing it! It got to a little over 1000 words.
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"You can't escape my love." was the last thing that you heard before you felt pain on the side of your head and before everything went dark around you.
But that was getting pretty far ahead in the story, wasn't it? I'm sure you want to know exactly what led you up to this point, right? Yeah! Okay, so it started a long time ago, when you first met Berry. At first, he was really sweet! He loved to spend time with you, but he didn't try to force you to spend time with him. He said that he understood that you had other friends, but then those friends suddenly started to avoid you? You weren't sure why, and you spoke to Berry about it, honestly feeling a little hurt that they would just start avoiding you out of nowhere.
Berry comforted you during that time, telling you that those guys didn't know what they were missing! But hey, at least you still had him, right? You smiled and agreed since, yeah, he was right; you still had him!
Then weird things started to happen.
Whenever you two were together, people seemed almost afraid to talk to you, and one time when you looked at Berry, you were sure that you saw that his sockets were empty and he was glaring at the person you were trying to talk to, but when you blinked, he looked normal and was smiling at you. Maybe you were seeing things?
And another thing was that whenever you went out with anyone, Berry would call and ask what you were up to! It was like he knew that you were with someone else, and... you felt guilty. It was the strangest feeling, to feel guilty about just spending time with someone other than him. It isn't like he was even your boyfriend! Or datemate, like monsters used. You two were just friends... right?
Then it happened.
You decided to see what Berry was doing, and you went to his house! His brother, Stretch, wasn't home because he was hanging out with Oscar. You heard faint sounds coming from inside, and without thinking too much, you went in. You figured that, hey, Berry came into your house without knocking, so you should be able to do the same, right?
The noises were coming from the basement! Hey, you know what? You never even remembered that they had a basement... you've never been down there before, so you slowly walk towards the door and touch the doorknob, but jolt when you feel your soul shiver and a voice says from behind you, "Y/n! You're here; what are you doing?" You yelp and turn quickly to see that it was Berry who was smiling at you.
His eyeshines weren't in the normal star shapes, but instead just circles. You two stared at each other until he turned his head slightly to the side, and you realized that, hey, you needed to say something! So you laugh and rub your neck, saying, "Sorry, I thought you were down there... do you have something down there? I heard sounds." He chuckles, shaking his head, and reaches over to take your hand. "Nope!" He says, "Just some old dusty machines. Let's go to my room." He starts to drag you up the stairs, but you look over your shoulder.
Why did you feel like you were in danger?
What was going on? It really did feel like you were in danger, but that didn't make sense! It was just Berry, right? Berry was... Berry was your friend.
You two spent time together, with him telling you about what Stretch was doing and how he was happy to be out of the underground, but not being able to be part of the royal guard was so lame! You laughed, telling him that you thought he was an awesome guard. He hummed happily at that, his tail swishing, and you saw the eyeshines go into star shapes. Hehe cute... 
Then his phone started to ring. "Oh! It's the queen. I have to take this; I'll be right back, Y/n." He nudges his skull against yours, humming happily, then hops up and hurries out. You heard footsteps, then what you thought was the front door shutting. You were thinking about the basement now, wondering what kind of machines would be down there.
While thinking, you decided to just go for it. The worst thing that could happen is that he would get upset with you for going down there, but he would forgive you! You knew that. With a breath, you stood up and headed down. The second you touched the knob, your heart started pounding... it was like everything was telling you to go back; however, you wouldn't do that. You opened the door and started to go down the stairs slowly, your eyes scanning around. It was dark, and there was a weird, rusty smell.
When you got down and started to feel along the wall for the light switch, your hand felt wet. What the heck? Then you flicked the light and pulled your hand back to look at it, and a deep red covered your fingers, causing your eyes to widen and you lift your head.
Along the walls were a lot of pictures, almost all of them of you. They were spread out, and a lot of them looked like they had taken you without your knowing that he was there. The only machine in there was what you touched before—the cold metal covered in the red liquid that now stained your fingers. It smelled strange down here.
"What the hell?" You whisper to yourself, holding your hands close to your chest. You felt sick to your stomach, so you mumbled, "I need to get the hell out of here." Even if Berry wasn't dangerous, something about this seemed wrong. Then you heard the voice and felt the pain before you got knocked out.
Welp... he did tell you not to go down there! I feel like you only have yourself to blame.
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minminho0 · 1 year
◈Anything Please◈
<Kazuha x Reader>
⏤͟͟͞͞ Part 2 - The one
Summary: He always leaves you to venture the world but during those times, he met someone new, someone better than you and thus he left you.
Reader: female
Warnings: --
A/n: feel free to correct my grammar
I hope you enjoy~!
"I'll come back to you soon, dont worry!"
You waved at him good bye as he grew smaller and smaller until he left your vision.
You always been a lucky girl, always getting what you wanted and so you hoped that he will become yours.
You went back at your abode wondering when he will come back.
You two met not to long ago, he saved you when you were being attacked by some treasure hoarders on the way home. To repay him you let him rest at your house whenever he wants and he gladly took it. During those times he visits, you two grew to know eachother.
You always tried your best to enjoy the moment his here with you because you always think about the day he will leave again.
You two werent official or anything just some friends that kind of act like a couple but not really?
But youre okay with anything aslong as you can still see him but your heart still yearned more.
Going to the shower with a heavy heart.
The thing that you feared the most is him finding someone new, someone to love and he wont come here anymore.
You wanted to confess to him, you tried to confess to him but every time you always get interrupted or your confidence just dissapears causing you to be a stuttering mess.
"Oh! Kazuha welcome, its been a while!" You greeted him.
Its been a year and a half since his last visit and you dearly miss him.
"Hehe, sorry i didn't inform you about my whereabouts, i forgot" he said while scratching the back of his head.
'You forgot about me?' Is what you wanted to say.
"Haha its ok!"
"Anyways come in!" You said before you can step aside, you noticed someone behind him.
"Oh? Who's that behind you, Kazuha?"
"Oh! Yes i came here because i wanted you to meet my girlfriend!"
You heart fell into pieces
All your hope just dissapeared
You knew that once he had a girlfriend your position in his life will become lower and his visits will become rarer.
Your fear came true, thats what you get for not confessing soon, now youre too late.
"Hello, you just be y/n, i heard alot about you" she said smiling.
Oh how you want to be introduced like that by him 'this is my girlfriend, y/n!' But you were simply to late and thought he'll come back to you, single.
"Oh- hello! Nice to meet you" you faked a smile.
"You too"
"And im sorry, y/n! We cant stay here for too long, were meeting her parents, hehe, just wanted to stop by and introduce her to you so next time you two wont be that much of a stranger!"
"Oh its ok! And good luck at your guys relationship, hope it last long" you chuckled but deep down you wanted them to break up this instant.
"Haha thank you!"
"Thank you"
"Lets go now, love"
"Mhm, bye y/n, hope we meet again soon"she waved.
I waved back beading them good bye.
They turned at their back and their figure become smaller smaller.
Oh how familiar this scene is
Where you seen him go but this time hes with someone
Someone he love
and that someone will never ever be you.
You sat there at your bed, praying to whoever to please let him come back to you and look at you with that loving gaze he held for her.
Youll do anything! Anything please! Just to suit this ache and be with him.
But this time the gods didn't let you have your way and you continued to have a heavy heart.
Its been a while since my last post.
Im currently working on a fanfic but my brain keeps skiping to the main part so idk how to start it and stuff💀my brain rn
I wrote this short fic at school, so its a bit uncreative-ishbut i do hope you enjoyed it! :D
-February 27, 2023
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despitethecold · 11 months
My contribution to the GTA summer fest!! Thank you @gtafest for the event (and for proofreading hehe) <33
Being the dumbass I am, I forgot we were supposed to be inspired by a song and I was inspired by a picture instead, but I think parts of Taylor Swift's august might be the song for this fic :D Especially when she says "Your back beneath the sun, wishing I could write my name on it"
Anyway, I hope you enjoy :3
. . .
It’s yet another typical Yankton summer for Michael. In his mid-twenties, the only real bond he has is his best friend and partner-in-more-things-than-crime, and that’s all he really needs. He can drink and be stupid and fuck off to wherever his heart desires with Trevor, do reckless shit without explaining himself to anyone. It’s freedom like he’s never experienced before; it’s like a dream come true, and even though it can feel a little aimless and gloomy sometimes, it never gets lonely. Not as long as he has Trevor by his side. He admits Trevor can be too much, especially when he gets high and acts like an absolute lunatic with zero boundaries and does the most deranged things Michael has ever witnessed. He’s a wild card, maybe even a liability at times.
But the Trevor before his eyes looks the opposite of that.  He’s calm in his state of unconsciousness, his face serene and free of all worries, body naked and cheap motel sheets twisted around it. Almost like he’s pure and harmless, and the thought makes Michael want to laugh until he can’t breathe, but he doesn’t because seeing Trevor like this has already taken his breath away.
He had complained about the blinds not working at night when the streetlights battled their way inside the room and chased away his sleep, but he couldn’t get upset at the early sunrise — not when it bestowed him the heavenly sight of Trevor sleeping soundly on his chest, snoring lightly, unfazed by his surroundings. His skin is deliciously tanned, alluring in the orange glow, and although the color reminds Michael of caramel, he knows perfectly well that it tastes much too salty to be that. The brightness accentuates the hairs on his uncovered legs and ass, but despite being a generally hairy guy, his back seems surprisingly smoother to Michael’s tired eyes — that is, if he ignores the scars. 
He absentmindedly reaches out a hand and touches the small of Trevor’s back. Warm. His touch slides down to his perfectly shaped ass, and he wants to bite into the flesh so badly, but manages to keep the urge under control. A thin sheen of sweat is visible on the back of his neck, and his long hair is spread messily on the pillow. It’s not soft and shiny like the girls Michael had slept with before, which isn’t a surprise considering Trevor probably doesn’t even use shampoo, but it’s still strangely attractive.
Shuffling closer, Michael presses a light kiss on his shoulder blade, checks to see if it woke Trevor up, and since he doesn’t detect any movement, he shifts to his neck. His lips stay there for a long minute, burning the texture and the taste of Trevor’s skin into his memory. It’s like he’s lost control of his body; all he wants to do is kiss Trevor all over, touch every inch of his skin. He’s usually very high or drunk or horny when he gets sentimental like this, and he’s none of those things at that moment, but for some unknown reason he’s so peaceful that the fondness he feels for Trevor that he normally keeps carefully under wraps doesn’t even bother him much.
After another set of kisses, Trevor eventually stirs and groans in protest, obviously wanting to be left alone and go back to sleep, but how can Michael let the moment pass like it’s nothing? At that second, he is convinced Trevor is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, and some of him knows the feeling won’t last forever, so he intends to make it last. “You’re gorgeous, Trev,” he whispers in his ear, caressing his side, his palm flat against the sweat damp skin. 
Trevor lets out a drowsy scoff. “Very funny,” he murmurs against the pillow. “Now fuck off.” His voice cracks from sleep, and it’s low in a very masculine way. Michael has a tent in his boxers just from hearing it.
“It wasn’t a joke.”
Michael can practically sense the way Trevor assesses his words, weighs them in his head, and makes a decision. With a beat of silence, Trevor rolls onto his back, kicking the covers off of himself. Michael’s mouth goes dry at the sight; Trevor’s cock and balls are also real pretty in that light, not that he’s ever thought about another guy’s junk like that before. His eyes meet Trevor’s devoted ones, the honey-colored flecks in his hazel eyes daring him to do something, anything, and so he does. He gets on top of Trevor, slotting between his legs, their awakening cocks in complete contact while he takes Trevor’s mouth and tastes him. It makes Trevor whimper quietly, and Michael deepens the kiss to draw more of those needy moans out. He succeeds, and he soaks up all the little sounds Trevor makes. Each and every one of them goes straight to his cock, raising the urge to own Trevor, make him his and his only. The feeling is so strong that he doesn’t even dare fight it.
There’s no draft in the room, and they sweat even more with the union of their bodies, but neither of them care. Trevor’s arms wind around Michael’s shoulders, pulling him impossibly close, and Michael feels feverish from the sun’s rays and Trevor’s innate fire. It takes over his entire being, igniting the kind of flame within that only Trevor manages to stoke, making him feel like this, whatever it is they have, would be his end, and he welcomes that with open arms in his hormone-driven state. Trevor’s cock and balls feel so fucking nice against his own, and Trevor’s precum lubricates them deliciously as they rut against each other like wild animals.
Michael always lasts longer than Trevor, but for the first time, he comes first, biting into Trevor’s shoulder and leaving yet another mark that will remind him in post nut clarity to stop doing this and also why he does it in the first place. 
It doesn’t take Trevor long to follow Michael and make the mess between them even stickier, the pleasure so prominent in his tightly shut eyes, flushed cheeks, and fisted hands that Michael can’t help being enchanted by it. He refuses rolling away yet, just kisses Trevor again and again until Trevor comes down from his high enough to properly kiss him back, and after a long moment of making out, he finally pulls back, admiring how satisfied Trevor looks.
The sun is fully up by then. Trevor throws him a small, tired grin, wipes his crotch and stomach with the sheets before snuggling against Michael’s arm, holding him tight. Soon, he’s snoring again. 
Michael closes his eyes and tries to convince himself he’ll be fine, that this is okay. He pretends they’re living in a world where loving another man is not wrong, where they can keep robbing and having fun for the rest of their lives. A world where it’s always sunny.
If only.
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kpopscruggles · 6 months
i just saw the first anton pic LIKE OOOH FUCK ME anyways so i thought of this trope - 🏳️‍🌈 (sungchan dont get angry pls baby) ALSO DIDNT PROOFREAD THIS IS ALL BRAIN FART AND IMPORPER RNGLISH SORRY IDK WHAT TO DO W PRONOUNS
i was listening to underwater by red velvet and lucid dream by aespa while listening so i recommend listening to that while reading
"its senior year y/n, and you're still watching his swim meet? you really lost it huh. that man is obvi straight/he obvi not into you."
"NO. you gotta stop being dumb, i heard his dating this wonyoung girl anyways. like, i get that he's like one of the ten men in the whole university not making you feel like shit for liking them but its been a year? all he did was look st you every time he wins" Your friend leaves dissapointed at you in the school gym watching another swim meet where your crush, anton is playing, but this time will be your last, you hope.
You spaced out during the whole competition, even after anton inevitably wins first place again. You even try to pass anton looking at you then losing his smile as him knowing how you feel but you subconsciously know it was just your delusion.
Everyone left, the gym lights are closed, and the only thing illuminating is the pool itself. You walk towards the edge and put your feet in it. "Is there going to be a man whos gonna love me? I swear i'm getting tired of me being single, why would i even be dumb enough to think that anton would even look at me like that i swear i gotta be d-"
"FUCK. BITCH?!/&:" You fell in the pool but you realized that it was the DEEPEST part of the pool and your ass cant swim
"I HATE THIS SM WHY IS IT SO SLIPPERY ANTON COULD LITERALLY STAND HERE WHY IS IT ACTUALLY SO DEEP" You say trying to save yourself from drowning but great at least youre not leaving college single, you'll end it with a black and white picture and a whole section of you in the yearbook.
You felt an angel holding you and raising yourself out of your misery. you didnt knew you were going to heaven with how much shit you did but- oh wait you're alive.
As you open your eyes you realized the guy that saved you was ANTON LEE ?/&,&,&,&?@?&??
and two things might happen:
one. anton is actually a hot buff merman (stfu 😘)
"h-hi" yn said to anton shyly "hi cutie what are you doing here, yk drowning in the pool hehe" anton laughed pulling himself closer to you. the two of you stared at each other with just a few inches away from each other. anton is strong enough to keep you and him standing afloat as he goes nearer to your face and caressing your cheeks. "You don't know how much i wanted to do this to you" Yn said getting their body closer. "Oh trust me, I saw how you looked at me everytime we see each other" Anton pulled you nearer to him and the both of you started touching each other. You held his body and felt his toned arms, abs, and TAIL??
"WOAH! Yeah this is a wet dream, yeah waking up now" Yn said out loud "Huh?" Anton said laughing "No Like, I love every moment of this like literally I had a similar dream where you're this hot merman and im this cute pretty merman hunter and you fucked me an-"
"OUC-Ohh" You didn't realize that Anton went behind you and pulled you towards him as he went to the end of the pool and started to suck your neck. "You still sure its just a dream?" Anton asked before sucking your neck more and leaving love bites on your neck "An-Anton- Ygh- Stop pls calm down"
"No, I've been wanting to be with you, love you, hold you, carress you, taste you for three years and you just say its a dream? I'm as real as i could be" Anton said sternly removing your clothes and throwing it off the pool. He hugged you from behind pulling you to his body as he placed his dick in your hole. "Anto- Babe" You kissed Anton while he keeps thrusting you in the edge of the pool. You can't handle the pace and you came before him.
"Pretty Baby already made a mess huh" He kisses your head "Don't worry i'm close too" You moaned when he played with you while thrusting deep inside you. you were overstimulated you dont remember much after that other than the pleasure that he was giving you and the kisses he keep laying on your face. The both of you cum in the same time.
"Woah, we need to do this with my human form" That statememnt waked you up from your high "YOUR WHAT" Anton just laughed before He carried you on the edge of the pool and pulled himself right after. And you swore you could make out him right then and there. So you did.

The two of you made out for god knows how long before he broke the kiss. "Babe. I'm strong but you holding my abs like that really hurt" Anton smirks before kissing you again "Wanna move this to the showers?" But you were busy being insecure with what he said before "Babe, I didnt say I dont like you holding me like that, I wished for you to hold me like that" He said and you smirked while laying on his chest "Can we stay like this for a minute?" You asked. He played with your hair "Ok" He answered and the both of you held each other's prescence for the next hour.
two. hes just a little shy baby
Anton just looked at you not muttering a word as he saved you from drowning
"Th-Thank You" You said shyly as you try to stand up to go to your seat while anton is just seated on the edge of the pool. "I have extra clothes if you do-" "No its okay" Yn quickly shutted the idea out.
"No its fine i insist" "Its okay, really wouldn't your girlfriend be weird-" Anton got visibly shocked when he heard that from yn. "Girlfriend?? First of all i dont have a girlfriend, second of all why are you interested in my love life" "Uh- Uhm well you're really cute and I-i think youre fine uhm sorry i'll just leave you alone now" you were scared (and kinda turned on) with how anton looked at you but you werent sure if it was because of how scary anton is or because of how embarrassed you were or if it was the cold but you started tearing up which was not anton's intention, he quickly went to you and started comforting you
"I'm sorry u-uh did i scare you I didn't mean it" Anton began rambling trying to calm you down "Its just that i was just surprised that people think me and my bestfriend who is obviously into women and has a girlfriend are dating and especially because you think were dating when i only had eyes for you, i like you okay, i like your glances at me, i like how you smile back when you look at me thats why i was surprised you didnt even look at me when i won, i like your little rambles when we see each other, i like the photos you send to me and the little storytimes you say to keep our conversation going, i like the way you look, i like your flustered fsce right now, Ugh" He went silent with the water from his body dripping as the only noise in the whole gym before screaming (but its anton his scream is probably like 4 decibles) "I liked you okay" He rolled his eyes before saying "And its really annoying that he keeps being oblivious on my feelings for him for three years just called me cute then saying he'll leave me alone because he thinks im dating this random ass girl"
Yn just laughed after the revelation. "PFft. Well here I am thinking im the one whos gonna ramble on how much I crushed on you since last year and how my friend keeps saying you and wonyoung were dating making me think i have no chance with you" Yn smiled before hugging Anton "I love you" yn said burying your head on his chest "Gimme a kiss" Anton said "No" You said looking at him. He pouted "Gimme a kiss" He said more whiny than the last time. You pecked his right cheek "Thats not what I mean" Anton rolled his eyes before looking straight at you "Say pleaseeee" You said teasingly. "UGH. Please Gimme a kiss" He received a peck on his lips and he was opening his mouth to yap about some nonsense when you shutted him up with a deep kiss he groaned before kissing you back.
You weren't shy to put your tongue in and as he moaned he put his tongue in too and the both of you started making out. Anton broke the kiss "I love you, I wanna be yours" He said albeit really randomly. "Don't worry i'm all yours"
The both of you went to shower and because theres no smut yet here it is
"You sure you wanna shower together? The cubicle is really small" Anton said "And you think i dont wanna be all up close to your body" he rolled his eyes trying to hide his blush.
"You can't keep your hands off me? I just opened the door" He said laughing at your horniness you just rolled your eyes then entered in the cubicle. Anton is really shy, REALLY shy, and it honestly turned you on. He faced away from you while he was busy showering so you wont see how red he is looking at you but that just turned you on more.
You held his face making him face you and kissed him. He was obviously stunned and his cute face made you squish his cheeks. "Let me show you what I'm all yours means babe" You kiss anton's lips, then kiss his adam's apple, marked his chest leaving hickeys on it, tracing his abs with your tongue and finally planting a kiss on his dick
Looking up was a sight to see, a flustered anton looking at you so lovingly but also so sexually. "Yn. I'm a virgin" He said pouting. "Don't worry I'm a virgin too" You said before trying to fit his dick in your mouth. You had a hard time pushing all in so you opted to teasing him by licking his shaft and kissing his tip and jerking him off but you gathered enough courage to suck it all in.
Anton was livid with what you're doing with him. He could hardly keep himself standing with him playing with your hair as a way to keep himself in reality. Moaning at every action you did to him. So when you finally put his dick in your mouth he felt estatic he moaned really hard before cumming
"Oh Fuck. Sorry, Shit. I told you its my first time and you did all that to me I thought you were a vo- Oh woah Ughh Yn what are you- UGH" To his surprise you didnt stop sucking even though you just had a load of cum that he kept for 2 weeks in your face.
"Yn. Ugh Yn. Ynnnn. UGH. I love you I love you" He kept on repeating these words while you were busy sucking him off again. He felt really good, He leaned on the wall and put his thighs on each side of your face and forced you to keep sucking while pushing his dick deeper in your head. It wasn't long before he came again.
"Yn, Oh fuck I'm sorry" He said but you just stood up giggled before swallowing every seed he released in your mouth. "I love you" He hugged you slowly and kissed your head over and over.
He saw how tired he looked and he cleaned you up and made you wear his clothes.
"You look good wearing my clothes" Anton said giggly. "I'll look even better if you take it off-" He kissed you "Yeah next time when your voice is not super hoarse cause of my dick" He kissed you again and it took all his might to not make it another makeout session
JBDBDNENSNDND OKAY BUT HEAR ME OUT!!! What if you think he’s a little shy boy but deep down he’s fooling you and he is a siren that’s like living on earth because he hates the ocean and wants too see the world (lil sprinkle of Ariel scenario) !!! (So scenario b for a moment)
After your guys little moment he starts watching you from Afar but slowly luring you into him and becomes addicted to your taste and smell. Almost to the point where when you get close he just has to put his lips on yours…nibbling slightly in your bottom lip
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mioified · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could request a movie night with Cater, maybe sappy 2000s movies or even horror movies (your pick!)
It's not much, but I like the idea of it ^^'
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SHORT HC's of watching horror movies with: Cater, Floyd and Jade!
CW: none! enjoy!
thanks for requesting!!! Hope you don't mind i threw in the tweels in there ^_^' Chose the horror movies since halloween wasnt TOO... long ago....(it was very long ago;;) on another note sorry for being sosososos inactive for like suchhh a long time ermmm.. also threw in the tweels for fun!!! enjoy!!
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Would be scrolling through magicam and sees a video of horror movie recommendations.. he immediately sends the video to you, texting you something like:
" We gotta watch ALL of these... NOW!!! im on my way to ramshackle xoxo! <3 "
he'd bring some of the sweets trey baked + some blankets for the both of you... build a blanket fort or two!
once you guys get all set up for the movie, Cater would act all scared as an excuse to snuggle up next to you.. ^_^;;
" O-M-G.! Prefect...! I'm seriously trembling in fear.. Hold me! I'm sooo scared!!"
"Cater? It hasn't even started?"
He's actually not scared at all, quite unfazed, actually!! He just wants an excuse to get all snuggly with his favourite prefect!..
If you're not a fan of jumpscares or anything, Cater would cover your eyes for you when he feels one coming.. (°_°)
Would accidentally choke on a tart or something because a jumpscare popped up while he was eating it ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ poor Cater. Make sure to hand him some water....
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bought a stack of horror movies from sam's shop for the both of you.. Why? He doesn't know why he just felt like it..
well, better put his thaumarks to good use and watch all of them? (_ _).。o○
honestly the last person you'd wanna watch horror movies with if you're easily scared... He is NOT gonna spare you're fragile heart.. run while you still can!!
Just kidding he'd never let you run. You already agreed!!
At the most dramatic or eerie parts he'd just yell "BOO!!" to scare you, laughs if you genuinely gets scared.. If you don't like it give him a good death glare and tell him to knock it off ^^;;; might work, might not.. it's a test of luck really!
"Floyd, cut that out or I will seriously kill you!
You guys bicker like siblings.. Started off with you going "Look it's you Floyd!" When an ugly character appeared on the screen.. Now it's an ongoing battle on who can say "It's you!" first when an ugly character pops up.
If he actually gets startled by a scare, He WILL let out the loudest yell ever.. Make sure to cover his mouth when he does this or else you'll face the wrath of Azul!!
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The.. somewhat normal option to watch horror movies with!
Would rent out a horror movie to get into the spooky spirit!!! Invites you over and has popcorn and some other snacks prepared!!
Like Cater, Jade Would also feign fear..
"Ah, I'm so afraid! Even my voice is trembling."
"??? You sound normal though?"
Just don't mind him and hold him .. its the best for the both of you.. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
Would comfort you if you get easily scared! Would pat you on the back if he see's you trembling.. a little reminder that Jade's here to protect you!! ^^
So unfazed by the movie.. It's like he's immune to getting scared. It's really impressive.
He giggles softly at the scariest parts.. You ask him about it and he gives you a smile as an answer... just don't worry about it I suppose?
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A/N: Sooososososos short... sorry about that!!! Will try to write longer next time^^ hope u guys still enjoyed!!
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mysteriawrites · 11 months
Matchup requests forda gooooo (Niji en pls uwu)
So first i'll describe myself ig-
I am a very empathetic person, always putting others before me :) I am the type of person to befriend all types of people too! I like to chexk up on my friends and fam a lot, I tend to just pop in and ask how they are hehe
My form of love language, both platonic and romantic, is physical touch, quality time and words of affirmation <3
My friends say I am VERY expressive, though im the type to try to hide my feelings a lot, especially when irs negative, i tend to just push that back to not kill the mood or to please people- However, according to my friends, they can already tell by just looking at me ;3;
As for my hobbies and passions. I am an artist! I can sit all day and draw if i want to! I also live writing stories and coming up wit a lot of character lore for my many ocs :D
Well thats all from me :) cant wait to see what you got!
Hello thank you for the request! Had to think on this one for a bit (you had two really great guys fighting over you) but I hath decided. DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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The man of sex-/j
I think you and Ike would be good together. You two have a lot in common. You’re both emotional and empathetic people. You look out for others while still pursuing your passions.
You and Ike met when you went to a book signing of his. He was your favorite author every book he wrote was better than the last. When you found out he was doing book signings at your local library as part of a charity event you couldn’t pass up the chance. So you gather as much money as your could and your favorite book from him and went off on your journey.
The line was super long, so long it made you squirm even more in anticipation and nervousness. Finally it was your turn, and he was every bit and beautiful as he was in his pictures if not more. He smiled at you as you handed him your book.
Much to your pleasure (and the displeasure of the people behind you) you and Ike hit it off. You two were talking about the book he was signing for you and what you enjoyed about as well as what was going through his mind that inspired him to write it. Unfortunately your time was cut short as his manager told him they had to keep it moving. So you said your goodbyes and assumed that was that.
Except it wasn’t, because a few hours later when you went to your favorite cafe for lunch you saw him again. He was on lunch break from the signing and almost took your order by mistake. When you two made eye contact again Ike’s eyes lit up like a chrismas tree. Despite being in a hurry and his shy nature he wanted to continue your conversation, so he gave you his number.
Since that day you two have had very avid discussions about all sorts of topics: favorite books, favorite hobbies, hopes, dreams, and eventually romance. He confessed that despite writing all about love he had yet to experience much of it himself and wished he could experience the fantasies he’s only dreamed about.
As he ranted off about the romantic and gentlemanly things he would do with his partner, you couldn’t help but with that you could be the person in those fantasies with him. That’s when it hit you: you were in love with the sweet novelist Ike Eveland.
You couldn’t get your mind off him after that. You so desperately wanted to be his lover, but you were too shy, too nervous to confess to him. You tried to ignore your feelings hoping they would go away, but they only got stronger.
One day you got a knock on the door. You open the door to be greeted with the man of (sex) the hour himself holding what looked to be a gift basket filled with flowers, your favorite snacks and candies, your favorite movies, and a few books.
You asked what it all was for and he responds that he noticed how you had been a bit down lately and he wanted to try and cheer you up. That was the last straw you couldn’t contain it anymore.
You jumped up, hugged him, and told him how much you loved him only for your eyes to widen as you realized what you said. You look up nervously at the novelist only to see him stunned, eyes wide, and a bright red blush on his face. After a moment of awkward silence he regains his composure and asks if you really ment what you said.
You respond and his face breaks out into a small smile. He admits that he had feelings for you too, since day one in fact, and he had been too shy to tell you. The his eyes light up with realization and he says he’ll be right back. He returns with what he says is a special book he wants you to read.
You open the book to the booked marked page and there in red letters and cursive writing it says “will you be mine? ❤️” of course you say yes.
And the rest is history. You two became a couple and you couldn’t be happier. Since you also like to write you help him with his novels from time to time. Your dates usually consist of just cuddling and reading together or karaoke nights. Sometimes you two will have a contest on who can be the most romantic and think of different romantic scenarios together, different kinds of dates and presents, and what your future could hold.
In short you guys are really cute.
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This took me a bit to figure out it was a tie between Ike and Hex, but gut said Ike so I went with him. It was also kind awkward because they’re both my oshies and writing for your oshi can be quite awkward lol. Anyway sorry about how late this is hope you enjoy.
Runners Up: Hex Haywire
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youmarin · 2 years
Now Recruiting! ft Inarizaki VB Boys - Part 5: Manager Extra Duties / Cloudy Skies
Summary: Before training camp, there’s finals to worry about. Concentration didn’t come easy, skies don’t seem clear and exhaustion catches up to you. There’s a peculiar meeting. Atsumu’s not great with kids but he’s trying his best.
Word count: +2.0K (+ Extra 6, 7, 8, 9 [858 words])
A/N: I wrote this on Saturday the 2nd and it started raining after weeks of no rain and hot days - we’re in a drought here, like during any other summer-, so that might’ve influenced a scene on this part hehe. Also I was feeling like shit emotionally so of course I would use this for my own comfort. And yeah if you’re getting this it means things are working out for part 6.
previous, series masterlist
You’re in your classroom, self-studying, when the twins, Ginjima and Suna came over. 
“Hey, boys.” you greet, “Aren’t you supposed to be studying?” 
They answer by pulling some of the empty desks of the students that chose to use the time to do anything else but study, placing them around you. When they’re accomodated, Atsumu speaks, “That’s why we’re here for.”  You frowned but then look at them, stressed. 
“Don’t tell me you’re failing a class.” The blonde haired twin winced. You stare at the rest “All of you?” 
“We’re almost failing. There’s still hope.” Ginjima said with a positive attitude. “We can get our grades up with finals.” 
“Or totally sink.” Suna adds, looking through his phone. You smack his legs for him to get them off the top of the desk in front of him. You see the mischievous glint of his eye as he smiles at you but does as you instruct. 
“You’re failing social studies so I don't know why you’re acting so laid back.” Osamu counters back. 
“I’ve got a C+. It’s not that bad, I can pass.” 
“Then why are you here?” 
“Better safe than sorry.” He shrugged. Also, he was scared of the team captain. Training camp was close. And last but not least important, he was right there with you now. 
“Is that the only one?” He nods at you. Suna was a smart guy, his grades ranged between A’s and B’s. It’s just that social studies covered a lot of different things and sometimes sleep seemed like a better way to use his time. “What about the rest of you?” 
“Japanese literature.” ‘Tsumu 
“English.”  ‘Samu
“Math.”  Gin. 
“God, why didn’t ya’ll agree to fail the same class?” 
“We’re not failing. Yet.” 
“Fine, whatever.” you rolled your eyes. “Identify the things you don’t get and I’ll explain them to ya.” 
“You’re a lifesaver!” 
“Keep it down.” you scolded trying to hide your amusement. “We’re starting today after practice. Club room. Now go on, off you go.” 
While you explained as simply yet as thoroughly as you could to one of the boys, the other three stared. Right now, you were giving Ginjima your undivided attention, doing your best to help him through the practice exercises while the wing spiker nodded furiously, determined on not letting your time go to waste while tutoring him, a faint blush on the apple of his cheeks and a slight waver in his voice when he asked you something. Your gaze as you stared at people while talking to them was often considered as intense, which made it hard for Ginjima to not get distracted or nervous by it. The third years that were still around watched the whole scene in amusement. 
“Having a hard time with your homework, Atsumu?” Akagi teased, and you turned to look at the setter, who seemed to get out of his trance along with the other two, finally going back to their respective notebooks in front of them. 
“What? No!” He denied profusely when the question got through, looking back at you. 
You stared at him with squinted eyes, unsuspecting, gesturing for him to hand you his workbook.  “Let me see.” Your eyes roamed the page, looking over the blank space where the answers to the questions about the texts were supposed to be. “Where are the answers to the exercises?” you finally gave up, making the rest of the team laugh. “You didn’t understand something?” 
“It’s... It's not that. I’m just tired.” He excused and you nodded. Now he felt bad since he was the one who asked for your help and you’ve been nothing but caring with them. 
Looking over at Suna, he did seem bored and about to fall asleep sitting right there on the small table. But the dark haired boy slid his notebook towards you and you grabbed it, seeing that he had finished. He just needed to go over his notes again and highlight the important parts (you’d seen some of his books and he marked about everything so you told him you’d help him with that). And as you corrected Osamu’s spelling and Gin’s exercises, telling them they did mostly alright and breaking down what they've gotten wrong, you concluded that maybe it was time to wrap it up. “Okay, guys. I think we should leave it here. Good job today.” They thanked you too, starting to put away their things in their bags. 
“Hey Atsumu.” You called, making him stop from getting out of the room. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, of course. Why?” he asked, stranged. 
“It’s just… You said you were tired.” you shrugged. Were you seriously worrying about him right now? He felt his heart thumping on his chest. “Just get some proper rest tonight, okay?” you gave him a small smile as you finished and walked over to the door. 
“Right. Will do.” he mumbled, staring at you. 
‘Hurry up, ‘Tsumu. It looks like it will rain.” 
“See you tomorrow, guys.” 
“See ya.” 
As you took the opposite direction to head home, you were nearly scared to death by someone standing there leaning on the wall.
“Hey. Long time no see.” Suna smirked while one of your hands reached to your chest as if to calm your rapidly beating heart. 
“I told you to stop doing that, Suna.” 
“Back to last names?” 
you rolled your eyes, “What are you doing here?” 
“What does it look like?”  
“It’s going to rain.” 
“The more reason to make sure you get home safe. Unless you want to stay over again. That would be easier if you ask me.” After walking you home several times when practice ran late or something else had come up, he had insisted a couple of times that you should stay and that it would be safer like that. So that effectively confirmed you didn’t make him uncomfortable that day. 
“That’s not allowed.” 
“You already did once.” 
“The situation was different.” 
“What if rain makes you sick?” 
“I’m going to start my way back and stop losing  time here, and maybe I can make it before it pours down.” You turned your back to him, starting to walk. Suna got off from the wall, hurrying to fall in step by your side. “Suna Rintaro, just go home.” 
“I won’t be able to sleep if I let you walk alone right now.” you sighed, giving up. Getting further away from the school and closer to your house, you felt a drop fall into your forehead, making you blink a few times. “If I get sick, I am totally blaming you for not taking my offer.” you looked over at him who was already looking at you. Your look of protest was washed down with the heavy rain that suddenly started to fall. 
Your small umbrella didn’t do much to cover you both, and in the end a gust of wind broke it. Pulling your jerseys over your head, you both made a run for it. “Let’s take cover here until it lets down a bit.” He said over the rain, pointing at a nearby storefront roof. You both panted, catching your breaths as you got under it.
“That was fun.” you chuckled, making him do so too.
“Yeah, especially the part when you chased down your umbrella.” You looked down at the broken umbrella in your hands. 
“At least I bring one with me.” you countered
“I basically live on campus. I don’t need to carry one.” 
“You still have to walk a bit.” 
“Whatever. I think we can keep going now-” and then he slipped.
“Holy shit.” you stared at him, wide eyed. “You okay?”
“Yeah totally.” he groaned out, eyes slitted as he grimaced. He would be mortified for the fact that he just fell in front of you if it didn't hurt like it did. You stiffled a laugh but as you walked over to help him you slipped too, letting out a shriek that made him open his eyes before you fell on top of him, knocking the air out of his lungs for a moment. 
“Ow.” he protested. 
“I’m so sorry.” you rushed out apologies moving to get off him but you stopped, seeing him staring up at you. He looked stunned which made you worry and unconsciously get closer to inspect his face, a hand shooting up to cup his cheek. “You’re not hurt?” 
He still didn’t answer, thoughts fuzzy as he stared up at your face, the lampost behind you both casting an orange glow over your head, light rain now falling around you, and noticing how close you were, your hand caressing his face. He looked from your eyes to your lips, and it finally clicked to you too but instead of moving you froze. It wasn’t until he looked back into your eyes that you finally got off him, completely flustered. 
He followed you, getting back to his feet, and you had to force yourself to look back at him and keep calm. Inspecting him again, you repeated your question. “I’m okay.” He brought his own hand to his head and you noticed how he tried to hold back a wince. “I’ll probably get a small bump.” Your own hand brushed through his hair moving his away. He was right. 
“I’ll fix you up when we get home.” 
“Take my hand.” he spoke as you took a step.
“Wha- What?” 
“Take my hand. In case you trip.” You looked over at his outstretched hand, inviting you to take it. In any other moment, you would’ve teased him but right now after what just happened, you still were too flustered to try that. But you took his hand anyway. It was as cold as yours due to the rain. 
Days were as busy as ever. The boys did great on their exams, with scores high enough to pass the class and better, so did you, freeing you all of the prospect of taking summer class. There was no practice in the afternoon to let them rest their tired minds. You knew Atsumu would probably head to the gym anyway, dragging his brother and whoever else he could, and even though you used to do the same, today you didn’t feel like it. You had been feeling off for a while now, so you planned to walk home now that you were done. 
“Y/N!!!” you grimaced at Atsumu’s loudness, just as someone from the student  council passed by and scolded him for screaming in the hallways. “Look!” He held the paper to your face, a bright red 83 B- on the top corner. 
“Congratulations, ‘Tsumu.” you smiled at him. “You did a good job.” 
You saw the deep blush on his cheeks at your praise, and he looked away, a hand brushing his hair back getting it all messy, “It was thanks to ya.” he cleared his throat, “You’re going to the gym? ‘Samu and Suna are coming too.” 
“I don’t know, I’m a little tired.” you answered. Somehow saying it out loud made it feel worse. Your breath felt heavy and the chills all over your body were definitely off for a warm summer day. Seeing him frown, you didn’t want to worry him, so you added, “Well I still have a few things about training camp to sort out.” And at that he beamed. You trudged behind him, but as you neared the gym doors, you stumbled over your own feet, colliding with Atsumu’s back. 
He tensed, “y/n?” any rest of nerves washed off him as he turned, catching you in his arms before you fell to the ground. “Holy shit, y/n!”  The other two boys heard Atsumu’s panicked screaming and ran out the gym to meet you. 
“What happened?” Osamu asked, crouching beside his twin. 
“Hey, hey, y/n.” Suna called, doing the same, trying to get you to stare at him but your vision was blurry. He held a hand to your forehead. “Damn it, she’s burning.”
 Osamu suggested they should take you to the nurse’s office and call your parents and so that’s what they did. Atsumu carried you, Suna and his twin following close behind. The nurse asked them a few questions and told them you probably had burned yourself out and needed some rest. Since you didn’t give yourself a break, your body gave out on you. She put a damp cloth to your forehead to cool you down and went to call your parents. 
The little boy opened the front door to find three boys in front of him, one he recognized. “You’re my sister’s boyfriend, right?” He frowned at Suna and the twins mimicked him. ‘But who are you?” They ignored the kid momentarily.
“Boyfriend?” Suna shrugged. 
“I never said that. Maybe y/n did.” he smirked, annoying the other two.
“No way she did.” Osamu squinted at him and looked back at the boy. “He’s not your brother-in-law, he-” he was cut off. 
“Then why were they holding hands?” That shut Osamu up, again staring at the yellow eyed boy. 
“Look, kid. I can hold this asshole’s hand too. Is he my boyfriend now?” Atsumu spoke up while Suna pulled his hand away, glaring at him. Your brother went to close the door. “Wait, wait! We came to see how’s y/n doing.” 
He peeked through the half-closed door, “You still haven’t told me your names. Also, your hair looks like a banana peel.” the other two failed to stifle their laughter, cackling at the stunned expression of the fake blonde. 
“It kinda does.” Suna said between laughs
"Okay, that was totally uncalled for, you little-"
“Honey, who’s at the door?” Your mom walked over, stepping into the hallway that lead to the front door. “Who are these boys?”
“They won’t tell me.” 
“I’m Miya Atsumu.” Atsumu didn’t miss a beat to answer, smiling at your mother and throwing a look to your brother. Who would’ve thought someone as sweet as you had such a menace of a brother. Osamu introduced himself. “We’re y/n’s friends.” 
Extra 6: Teach Me, Miss Manager! (In which the boys just don’t get it)
“Why do they never speak clearly?” Atsumu stressed, gesturing at the workbook in front of him. 
“The message is right there, Atsumu. You just have to keep in mind the context and writing techniques.” 
“How the hell does that word sound like that when it’s spelled like this? There’s way too many extra letters for me.” That was Osamu. And honestly, he... He had a point. 
“I… I don’t know. But that’s how it goes.” 
“Why do I need to know so much about triangles and circles?” 
“Circles are important. Take a volleyball, for example.” That was Atsumu.
“That’s a sphere, you idiot.” his brother corrected. 
“And that’s exactly why geometry’s important, Gin.” Suna mocked. 
“Highlighting the whole page does not do the trick, Rintaro.” 
“You highlight the important parts, right?” 
“Well, the whole thing must be important. Otherwise why are they teaching it?” You just stared at him, words failing to leave your mouth. Sometimes they could be too much. 
Extra 7: I'm Home!
You entered the house, announcing your arrival as you guided Suna inside and to your bathroom, still holding hands. He had hesitated, not wanting to intrude at this hour and on top of that get the floor all wet. That’s when your little brother stepped in. 
“Hey, why aren’t you in bed?” 
“Who is he?” He ignored you, glaring at Suna, making the latter raise an eyebrow. He resisted the urge to glare back. 
“He’s from the volleyball team. And a friend of mine.” You smiled at Suna. 
“I’m Suna Rintaro.” 
“Are you a cool player or do you suck?” 
“Oh he totally sucks.” You said to make fun of him, making your brother giggle. Now Suna was glaring at you but it wasn’t serious. “I’m kidding. He’s one of the coolest.” You couldn’t see now, but Suna was blushing a little. 
The kid, noticing Suna’s behaviour, asked him curiously, “Do you like my sister?” Taking both of you off guard.
 Now, hyper aware of your hand in his, you let go of it, “Okay if you go to bed now I’ll read you a bedtime story when we’re done, yeah?” Your brother cheered, forgetting about his question right away, and disappeared down the hallway. 
Suna waited for you in the bathroom as you fetched something from your room. When you came back, you handed him the clothes he had lent you before for him to change into. When he was done changing, he opened the door again so you could check him for any sign of injuries. 
“Are you still walking back to school?” You said as your hands brushed away his hair.
 He hummed in response, “The rain’s letting up so it should be fine.” 
“I’ll lend you an umbrella just in case.” he nodded and hissed when your fingers grazed over the bump in his head, “Sorry.” 
“Don’t be, it was my fault for moving.” He chuckled nervously. 
“Okay, it’s done. You should put some ice on it later though.” You moved back. 
“Thanks.” He gave you a small smile and you gave him one back. After a moment you both snapped back. “I should get going.” He brushed his wet hair away from his face just for it to fall back to where it previously was. 
“I’ll walk you to the door.”  You led him out of the house, not before fetching the umbrella you promised to give him. “Let me know when you get back?” 
“Sure. Have a good night.” 
“Wait- Rintaro.” he turned to you again, and felt your lips brush lightly over his cheek in a kiss. “Thanks again for walking me home. Again.” you said nervously, avoiding eye contact while he stared at you with wide eyes. 
“You-you’re welcome.” 
He willed himself to start walking, suddenly feeling his feet cemented on the ground while a light feeling settled on his chest at the same time. 
You kept looking at him walk away from your place at the door until he disappeared in the distance. 
Extra 8: Picture 
His eyes landed on a picture frame showing a little girl making bubbles on the front yard of a house. It was a picture of you, wearing your signature two ponytail style from when you were little. He grabbed it, smiling. And suddenly it was like he remembered something, and he was turning to look at you with a newfound knowledge. 
You were chatting with Osamu and Suna, sitting on your bed while hugging a pillow to your chest, a mask covering the lower half of your face. He didn’t realize he was smiling while looking at you until you turned to look at him, and saw how your eyes crinkled as you smiled under the mask. 
Extra 9: Social Media Presence ft. Suna Rintaro Pt.2:
suna.rin posted on his story.
It was a picture of Atsumu, his hair edited like a banana peel.
The caption read: 
suna.rin: can’t take credit for this one. 
miya_atsumu replied to your story: DELETE THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW. 
Suna snickered at his phone screen.
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