#it's not real xia虾
thebananatroll · 2 years
Chapter 3, part 15
十五 . 斯人已逝 Shíwǔ. Sī rén yǐ shì 15 . This person already passed away
[虾饺] 爹...您若是乏了, 就睡吧....虾仔会陪在您身边, 直至..... Diē... Nín ruòshì fále, jiù shuì ba.... Xiā zǎi huì péi zài nín shēnbiān, zhízhì..... Dad….If you’re tired, then sleep…Har Gow will accompany you by your side, until…
[夏老爹] 虾仔…这些年....为难你了.... 虽然你穿小裙子也挺可爱的…但要是想变回男生的装扮… Xiā zǎi…zhèxiē nián.... Wéinán nǐle.... Suīrán nǐ chuān xiǎo qúnzi yě tǐng kě'ài de…dàn yàoshi xiǎng biàn huí nánshēng de zhuāngbàn… Har Gow….these few years….have been difficult for you…. Although you wearing a tiny dress is very cute….but if you want to change back to a boy’s appearance….
[虾饺] 爹您....不怪我了吗… Diē nín.... Bù guàiwǒle ma… Dad you….don’t blame me….?
[夏老爹] 我是老糊涂了....但女儿还是认得的… 可我还是要谢谢你……在我最难过的时刻挺身而出.... Wǒ shì lǎo hútúle.... Dàn nǚ'ér háishì rèndé de… kě wǒ háishì yào xièxiè nǐ……zài wǒ zuì nánguò de shíkè tǐngshēn ér chū.... I am old and muddle-headed….but I can still recognize my own daughter…. But I still want to thank you…for bravely stepping forward during my most difficult moments…
[夏老爹] 坊间人都说...你这么做其实是觊觎我的财产.... 但只有我知道....你的心地如此纯洁....就像晶莹剔透的虾饺.... Fāngjiān rén dōu shuō... Nǐ zhème zuò qíshí shì jìyú wǒ de cáichǎn.... Dàn zhǐyǒu wǒ zhīdào.... Nǐ de xīndì rúcǐ chúnjié.... Jiù xiàng jīngyíng tītòu de xiā jiǎo.... People on the streets have said…that you’re doing this because you were coveting my property… But only I know….that your heart is so pure…just like crystal clear prawn dumplings…
[夏老爹] 你替真正的夏皎完成了举办歌会的心愿… 也替她照顾了我这么多年… Nǐ tì zhēnzhèng de xià jiǎo wánchéngle jǔbàn gēhuì de xīnyuàn… yě tì tā zhàogùle wǒ zhème duōnián… On the real Xia Jiao’s behalf, you accomplished her dream of holding a concert…. And also on her behalf, took care of me for so many years….
[夏老爹] 虾仔啊…其实我毕生经营茶楼… 并不是为了通过它赚多少钱… Xiā zǎi a…qíshí wǒ bìshēng jīngyíng chálóu… bìng bùshì wèile tōngguò tā zhuàn duōshǎo qián… Har Gow….Actually, I’ve been running the teahouse all my life…. But it wasn’t for the purpose of earning money from it…
[夏老爹] 让大家都能用最便宜的价钱, 吃到最美味的点心.... 才是我的心愿啊..... Ràng dàjiā dōu néng yòng zuì piányí de jiàqián, chī dào zuì měiwèi de diǎnxīn.... Cái shì wǒ de xīn yuàn a..... To let everyone at the cheapest price, be able to eat the most delicious dim sum…. That’s my dream…...
[夏老爹] 没能很好地完成这个心愿....我很遗憾...... 所以......我希望虾仔你.....可以完成你自己的心愿..... Méi néng hěn hǎo de wánchéng zhège xīnyuàn.... Wǒ hěn yíhàn...... Suǒyǐ...... Wǒ xīwàng xiā zǎi nǐ..... Kěyǐ wánchéng nǐ zìjǐ de xīnyuàn..... Not accomplishing this dream well…..I’m very regretful…. That’s why…I hope Har Gow you….are able to accomplish your own dreams….
[夏老爹] 你的....歌星....梦.... Nǐ de.... Gēxīng.... Mèng…. Your…singing star…dream….
[虾饺] 爹....不要再说了...... Diē.... Bùyào zàishuōle...... Dad….don’t say anymore….
[Narration] 虾饺扑倒在夏老爹的身上, 嚎啕大哭。 夏老爹用枯槁般的手抚模虾饺的头.... Xiā jiǎo pū dào zài xià lǎo diē de shēnshang, háotáo dà kū. Xià lǎo diē yòng kūgǎo bān de shǒu fǔ mó xiā jiǎo de tóu.... Har Gow throws himself on Papa Xia’s body, bursting out into sobs. Papa Xia uses his withered hands to comfort Har Gow by stroking his head…
[夏老爹] 孩子…人终有一死....何况临行前还有你相送…谢谢… Háizi…rén zhōng yǒu yīsǐ.... Hékuàng lín xíng qián hái yǒu nǐ xiāng sòng…xièxiè… Child….Everyone will die in the end….what’s more before leaving there’s still you to send me off….thank you….
[Narration] 夏老爹的手最终无力地垂落于床侧……… Xià lǎo diē de shǒu zuìzhōng wúlì de chuíluò yú chuáng cè……… Papa Xia’s hand finally loses strength and falls weakly onto the bedside…
[Narration] 窗外响起新春的鞭炮声, 好不热闹。 虾饺将夏老爹的手紧紧攥在手心, 泪如雨下.... Chuāngwài xiǎngqǐ xīnchūn de biānpào shēng, hǎobù rènào. Xiā jiǎo jiāng xià lǎo diē de shǒujǐn jǐn zuàn zài shǒuxīn, lèi rú yǔ xià.... The sound of firecrackers signaling the beginning of spring sounded from outside the window, especially lively. Har Gow grasps tightly onto Papa Xia’s hand into his own, tears pouring like rain…
[Narration] 虾饺放下夏老爹的手, 将他身上的被子好生整理。 仿佛这位慈祥的老人只是刚刚熟睡.... Xiā jiǎo fàngxià xià lǎo diē de shǒu, jiāng tā shēnshang de bèizi hàoshēng zhěnglǐ. Fǎngfú zhè wèi cíxiáng de lǎorén zhǐshì gānggāng shúshuì.... Har Gow lays down Papa Xia’s hand, and tidies up the quilt on his body. As if this kind old man had merely just fallen asleep….
[鹄羹] 我已经来了。出来吧。 Wǒ yǐjīng láile. Chūlái ba. I’m already here. Come out.
[Narration] 林间传来脚步声, 黑暗中走出一人-- Lín jiàn chuán lái jiǎobù shēng, hēi'àn zhōng zǒuchū yīrén— The sound of footsteps came from the forest, from the darkness walks out a person—
[易牙] 鹄羹, 你果真如你哥哥所描述的那样信守诺言。 Gǔ gēng, nǐ guǒzhēn rú nǐ gēgē suǒ miáoshù dì nàyàng xìnshǒu nuòyán. Hu Geng, sure enough as per your older brother’s description, you’re the type keep your promises.
[鹄羹] 你让我答应与你私下会面, 便令歌会上的食魇撒退。 Nǐ ràng wǒ dāyìng yǔ nǐ sīxià huìmiàn, biàn lìng gēhuì shàng de shí yǎn sā tuì. You had me promise you to meet in private, in so that the Food Nightmares on stage would be ordered to retreat.
[鹄羹] 你做到了, 我也来了。开门见山吧, 有何目的。 Nǐ zuò dàole, wǒ yě láile. Kāiménjiànshān ba, yǒu hé mùdì. You’ve done it, I arrived. Let’s get straight to the point (Idiom: To open the doors and see the mountain), what is your purpose.
[易牙] 我只是想在没有空桑少主干涉的情况下, 替你哥哥给你带个话… Wǒ zhǐshì xiǎng zài méiyǒu kòng sāng shǎo zhǔ gānshè de qíngkuàng xià, tì nǐ gēgē gěi nǐ dài gè huà… I only want to have no Kong Sang Shao Zhu to interfere in this circumstance, to pass on a message to you on your older brother’s behalf…
[鹄羹] 我说过多少遍, 是我亲眼看着兄长他-- Wǒ shuōguò duōshǎo biàn, shì wǒ qīnyǎn kànzhe xiōngzhǎng tā— How many times have I said it, with my own eyes, my older brother, he—
[Narration] 易牙忽然向鹄羹掷来一物, 鹄羹眼疾手快, 一把握住-- Yì yá hūrán xiàng gǔ gēng zhì lái yī wù, gǔ gēng yǎnjíshǒukuài, yī bǎwò zhù— Yi Ya suddenly throws an item at Hu Geng, and Hu Geng, with swift eyes and agile hands, catches it—
[鹄羹] 这是-- Zhè shì— This is—
[易牙] 你哥哥的翎羽…… 你也很清楚, 若宿主死亡, 翎羽就该化作灰烬... Nǐ gēgē de líng yǔ…… nǐ yě hěn qīngchǔ, ruò sùzhǔ sǐwáng, líng yǔ jiù gāi huà zuò huījìn… Your older brother’s feather…. You know very well, if the host dies, the feather should turn to ashes…
[易牙] 但这支光洁的翎羽表明, 你哥哥仍在世间呀.... Dàn zhè zhī guāngjié de líng yǔ biǎomíng, nǐ gēgē réng zài shìjiān ya.... But it’s clear with this bright and clean feather, your older brother is still on this earth….
[鹄羹] 兄长他到底在何处! My older brother—Where is he!
[易牙] 自然是在宴仙坛了… Zìrán shì zài yàn xiān tánle… Naturally, at Yan Xian Tan….
[易牙] 当年他受了重伤, 是我以食魇精气吊着他的性命…… Dāngnián tā shòule zhòngshāng, shì wǒ yǐ shí yǎn jīng qì diàozhe tā dì xìngmìng…… When he was seriously injured back then, it was me who used Food Nightmare essence to hang onto his life…
[易牙] 若我哪天一个不高兴, 断了他的精气.... Ruò wǒ nǎ tiān yīgè bù gāoxìng, duànle tā de jīng qì.... If one day I’m not happy, his vital essence will be cut off….
[鹄羹] 易牙--! Yì yá--! Yi Ya—!
[易牙] 哎呀? 哈哈哈, 你害怕啦? Āiyā? Hāhā hā, nǐ hàipà la? Aiya? Hahaha, are you scared?
[易牙] 想救你哥哥吗? 我始你两条路, 你仔细听好了... Xiǎng jiù nǐ gēgē ma? Wǒ shǐ nǐ liǎng tiáo lù, nǐ zǐxì tīng hǎole… Want to save your older brother? I’ll give you two paths, so you better listen carefully…
[鹄羹] 你、你说什么! 不可能! 伊挚大人说得没错…..你、果真是个疯子! Nǐ, nǐ shuō shénme! Bù kěnéng! Yī zhì dàrén shuō dé méi cuò….. Nǐ, guǒzhēn shi gè fēngzi! You, what did you say! Impossible! What Master Yi Zhi said was right….you’re, really a madman!
[易牙] 那么你的意思…是要将哥哥置之死地咯? Nàme nǐ de yìsi…shì yào jiāng gēgē zhì zhī sǐdì gē? Then your meaning is….you want to put your brother to death?
[鹄羹] 你-- Nǐ— You—
[易牙] 哈哈哈哈, 鹄羹, 我不逼你现在做决定。 但是为了那空桑少主, 真的值得吗? Hāhāhā hā, gǔ gēng, wǒ bù bī nǐ xiànzài zuò juédìng. Dànshì wèile nà kōng sāng shǎo zhǔ, zhēn de zhídé ma? Hahahaha, Hu Geng, I’m not forcing you to make a decision now. But for that Kong Sang’s Shao Zhu, is it really worth it?
[易牙] 你之所以愿意辅佐空桑少主, 自然是为了伊挚。 可伊挚根本就不管你们两兄弟的死活…… Nǐ zhī suǒyǐ yuànyì fǔzuǒ kōng sāng shǎo zhǔ, zìrán shì wèile yī zhì. Kě yī zhì gēnběn jiù bùguǎn nǐmen liǎng xiōngdì de sǐhuó…… The reason why you’re willing to assist Kong Sang’s Shao Zhu, is naturally because of Yi Zhi. But Yi Zhi does not care about the life or death of you two brothers at all…
[易牙] 鹄羹, 哥哥的命就握在你手中, 你自己回去好好想想。 想通了, 再来找我吧! 哈哈哈哈-- Gǔ gēng, gēgē de mìng jiù wò zài nǐ shǒuzhōng, nǐ zìjǐ huíqù hǎohǎo xiǎng xiǎng. Xiǎng tōngle, zàilái zhǎo wǒ ba! Hāhāhā hā— Hu Geng, your older brother’s life is in your hands, you go back and think about it very carefully. Once you’ve thought it through, come find me again! Hahahaha—
[Narration] 易牙潇洒转身离去, 独留鹄羹一人在清冷的月光中… Yì yá xiāosǎ zhuǎnshēn lí qù, dú liú gǔ gēng yīrén zài qīnglěng de yuèguāng zhōng… Yi Ya turns around and leaves with carefree confidence, leaving Hu Geng alone under the clear cold moonlight….
[Player] 鹄羹, 你昨晚去哪里啦? 你…脸色好像不是很好...难道是病了吗? Gǔ gēng, nǐ zuó wǎn qù nǎlǐ la? Nǐ…liǎnsè hǎoxiàng bùshì hěn hǎo... Nándào shì bìngle ma? Hu Geng, where did you go last night? You….don’t look so good….are you unwell?
[鹄羹] 少主, 让你担心了。我……没事。 Shǎo zhǔ, ràng nǐ dānxīnle. Wǒ……méishì. Shao Zhu, I’ve let you worry. I’m….fine.
[Player] 等回到空桑得找医师给你瞧瞧才行。既然大家都到齐了, 我们便出发吧! 回空桑-- Děng huí dào kōng sāng dé zhǎo yīshī gěi nǐ qiáo qiáo cái xíng. Jìrán dàjiā dōu dào qíle, wǒmen biàn chūfā ba! Huí kōng sāng— Wait until we return to Kong Sang and we can have a doctor take a look at you. Since everyone’s here, let us set off! Back to Kong Sang—
[虾饺] 等等-- Děng děng— Wait—
[虾饺] 呼! 差点就赶不上啦! Hū! Chàdiǎn jiù gǎnbushàng la! Phew! Almost didn’t make it!
[Player] 虾饺!? 你也要到空桑来吗? Xiā jiǎo!? Nǐ yě yào dào kōng sāng lái ma? Har Gow! Do you also want to come to Kong Sang?
[虾饺] 嗯! 我思前想后, 为了能够完成心愿, 最好的选���, 就是去空桑啦! Ń! Wǒ sīqiánxiǎnghòu, wèile nénggòu wánchéng xīnyuàn, zuì hǎo de xuǎnzé, jiùshì qù kōng sāng la! Nn! I’ve thought about it over and over, in order to achieve my dream, the best choice, is to go to Kong Sang!
[Player] 虾饺的心愿? 是成为歌星吗? Xiā jiǎo de xīnyuàn? Shì chéngwéi gēxīng ma? Har Gow’s dream? Is it to become a singing star?
[虾饺] 没错! 我要让空桑, 成为虾饺最闪亮的舞台! Méi cuò! Wǒ yào ràng kōng sāng, chéngwéi xiā jiǎo zuì shǎn liàng de wǔtái! That’s right! I want to have Kong Sang, become Har Gow’s most brilliant stage!
[虾饺] 但虾饺的心愿, 不止这一个。我的另外一个心愿, 也是夏老爹的心愿..... Dàn xiā jiǎo de xīnyuàn, bùzhǐ zhè yīgè. Wǒ de lìngwài yī ge xīnyuàn, yěshì xiàlǎo diē de xīnyuàn..... But Har Gow’s dream, is not limited to just this one. My one additional dream, is also Papa Xia’s dream…
[虾饺] 你说……这样会不会显得我很贪心啊.... Nǐ shuō……zhèyàng huì bù huì xiǎndé wǒ hěn tānxīn a.... Say…..would this make me look really greedy….
[Player] 傻孩子, 怎么会? 这些你想要实现的心愿, 都会成为助你前进的动力呀! Shǎ háizi, zěnme huì? Zhèxiē nǐ xiǎng yào shíxiàn de xīnyuàn, dūhuì chéngwéi zhù nǐ qiánjìn de dònglì ya! Silly child, how could that be? These dreams that you want to achieve, will be the driving force to help you push forward!
[Player] 我相信你一定能在空桑完成心愿, 我也会好好帮助你的! Wǒ xiāngxìn nǐ yīdìng néng zài kōng sāng wánchéng xīnyuàn, wǒ yě huì hǎohǎo bāngzhù nǐ de! I believe that you’ll definitely achieve your dreams in Kong Sang, I will also properly help you!
[虾饺] 谢谢你! 空桑少主~ Xièxiè nǐ! Kōng sāng shǎo zhǔ ~ Thank you! Kong Sang Shao Zhu~
[烤乳猪] 空桑吗? 真是让人期待啊……… 就让我诸帝来守护这一方净土吧-- Kōng sāng ma? Zhēnshi ràng rén qídài a……… jiù ràng wǒ zhū dì lái shǒuhù zhè yīfāng jìngtǔ ba— Kong Sang, is it? It’s rather exciting………Then let my Collective Emperors guard this pure Land—
[煲仔饭] 赶紧去泡个热水澡, 然后睡个好觉.... Gǎnjǐn qù pào gè rè shuǐ zǎo, ránhòu shuì gè hǎo jué.... Let’s hurry to go soak in a hot bath, then have a nice sleep…
[蜜汁叉烧] 猪兜唛! 我们出发咯-- Zhū dōu mà! Wǒmen chūfā gē-- Silly Piggy! We’re setting off—
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