#it's not surprising to me at all that hannigram is more popular than Johnlock is these days
mizumonohomo · 2 years
Hannigram beating Johnlock on the most iconic yaoi couples poll on Twitter is like. okay on one hand. I don't think hannigram is 'more iconic' but I do think that they're better in every single regard including being actually fucking canon lmao
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vulpesmellifera · 4 years
Author Interview Tag Game
I was tagged by @discordantwords. Thanks so much for tagging me!
Name: Vulpesmellifera
Fandoms: BBC Sherlock, Hannibal, The Witcher, and Good Omens
Where you post: AO3
Most popular multi-chapter fic: Taking Flight (Mystrade), though I think that’s because it is 51 chapters long, and that gets you a lot of hits. When it comes to kudos or bookmarks, it’s Hand Me Your Armour (Mystrade). 
Favourite story you’ve written so far: WHYYYYYY is this a question? Jeez. Okay, I suppose I really, really love the fic I’m currently posting, The Ghost in the Graphite (Mystrade). It has romance, mystery, and ghosts. But I also love Written in Skin (Mystrade). I wasn’t a fan of it when I first posted it, but the reader response allowed me to see it at other angles, and I grew to love it. It has surprised me. 
Fic you were nervous to post: My very first fic, To Capture Light (Mystrade), was nerve-wracking to post. I had nothing to worry about, because the Mystrade fandom is amazingly kind and warm. And any time I post a fic for a new pairing, so I was very nervous before posting Haunted (Johnlock), The Slippery Dark (The Witcher), and The Thing in the House (Hannigram), which I haven’t finished posting yet. (Okay, so I wrote two other Hannigrams before The Thing in the House, but they were both very short, and I figured would get very little attention.)
How you choose your titles: The titles normally rise up in my brain with the birth of the fic. Sometimes they change. They’re usually based on the overarching theme of the fic. “Haunted” refers to more than actual ghosts, “The Thing the House” is very Bluebeard-esque, “Hand Me Your Armour” is about letting your guard down and being vulnerable with another person. 
Do you outline: Yes. I made the mistake of not really outlining the first fic I ever wrote, the never-been-posted “A Field of Stars.” It’s 200,000 words of a lot of meandering, and I could never bring myself to edit it and post it. Sometimes I think about that Greg or that Mycroft, and an ache of longing prickles between my ribs. But I promise you, it’s a mess. I’ve outlined every story since then and oh boy, does that make it easier for me. 
Complete: I have 32 completed works, but that includes like five drabbles.
In progress: The Thing in the House and The Ghost in the Graphite are being posted. The Killing Principle (Johnlock) and The Pull of You (Johnlock) are being edited.  And The Skin-Eater’s Bible (Hannigram) is being written. 
Coming soon/not yet started: I’ve got six fics chasing their tails in my mind. One is a Johnlock AU with a forbidden forest, another is a Johnlock canon-divergence after the morgue scene, the third is a Mystrade English Murder Village, the fourth is a Hannigram AU with Will as a horror writer, the fifth is a Mystrade continuation of Craquelure, and the sixth is a Sherlock and Hannibal crossover. I wish I could just write fic all day. Not sure what order I’ll end up writing these. 
Do you accept prompts: I’m open to prompts, but I don’t always get to them. I have about five unfinished WIPs that are prompts from other people, but I write them basically when I have a little time to add to them. 
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: The Johnlock AU with the forbidden forest has some scenes that I CANNOT WAIT to write. 
Upcoming story you are most excited about: I am excited about posting The Killing Principle...it’s a Johnlock AU with serial killers and assassins, and a Johnlock pairing that are super sweet together until the shit hits the fan. I think people will like it.
Tagging: @hippocrates460, @mottlemoth , @lavenderandvanilla , @merindab , @oneblueumbrella, @meansgirlwrites and absolutely anyone else who sees this and wants to play along!
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