#it's not the first time someone's come to anonymously complain about a choni opinion i had
little-green-lies · 1 year
Okay I just went back through the last few Choni reblogs I have on this page and I'm now 100% convinced that anon saw my ONE post, sent me a message and dipped without actually looking at any of my other reblogs. Because in literally every single tag, since this season started, all I've said is how much I love them and how this is Toni's best season. I haven't wavered. And I haven't changed those tags, they were the tags I typed before I hit queue. I only ever fix spelling mistakes but I don't alter my tags once I've typed them.
Not once have I said they're treating Choni bad. I've just said I wish we weren't in the actual 1950s where not only are they at risk for death or imprisonment for being queer, they also couldn't be together anyway because they're interracial. That won't be legalized for another decade. And yeah they're in the north east (I'm assuming since they were always able to drive to NY fairly easily) but it's still illegal. Not to mention, they're in a small town so north east or not, the adults that make the laws have bias.
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