little-green-lies · 7 months
Can I just say that I never thought I'd be reblogging so much Bubbline content in 2023. Like Obsidian back in 2020 was already a nice little treat. But to think that five years after the finale we'd have not just a revisit but a resurgence of love for Adventure Time. From a fandom that wasn't exactly dead, but was definitely dormant. I mean Bubbline shippers really fucking won. We went from a hypothetical backstory, to a confirmed history, to a slow burn handled with the utmost care. Concluding with confirmation to the audience that they were officially back together. And then they decided to show us their lives post finale and that was already shocking considering how the media treats sapphic relationships. Especially in animation. But then they gave us a spinoff show with the genderbent versions of this amazing ship and that's cool, I love Marshall and Gary. But they didn't just leave us with that, oh no. They ALSO gave us our girls, both in canon and as an au (which was phenomenal). And basically confirmed that they truly are soulmates no matter the universe. Even when they don't fall in love, their destinies are entwined. Like...that's unheard of. We're just barely getting storylines like that in live action. And they gave us that in a cartoon! And they weren't even a background ship. They were THE ship. I just... I've never been so happy. And the creativity that artists have now that we have more design choices and more outfits. It makes me cry every time I see it across ALL of my socials.
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little-green-lies · 11 months
Okay I just went back through the last few Choni reblogs I have on this page and I'm now 100% convinced that anon saw my ONE post, sent me a message and dipped without actually looking at any of my other reblogs. Because in literally every single tag, since this season started, all I've said is how much I love them and how this is Toni's best season. I haven't wavered. And I haven't changed those tags, they were the tags I typed before I hit queue. I only ever fix spelling mistakes but I don't alter my tags once I've typed them.
Not once have I said they're treating Choni bad. I've just said I wish we weren't in the actual 1950s where not only are they at risk for death or imprisonment for being queer, they also couldn't be together anyway because they're interracial. That won't be legalized for another decade. And yeah they're in the north east (I'm assuming since they were always able to drive to NY fairly easily) but it's still illegal. Not to mention, they're in a small town so north east or not, the adults that make the laws have bias.
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little-green-lies · 11 months
TLDR: hopefully you do read that answer whoever you are. I wasn't upset and I'm not arguing with you. I merely stated my reasoning for the original post. I'm more than happy to have discussions about Riverdale. I like hearing other people's interpretations of scenes. To give it some more context. I grew up in a predominantly white environment and I was consistently told to be wary of my friends or that they'd drop me or choose differently if given a life or death choice, and it never made any sense to me. I didn't understand why I couldn't be a black girl with white friends and that be all it is. So I didn't understand why Toni couldn't have a white gf and also want to be true to herself as a black woman. Especially when there's another mixed race couple on the show who has no problems.
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little-green-lies · 11 months
I can't believe you think they're treating Choni badly this season or that they have bad storylines and especially that they painted Toni as a villain in 708 when she was simply finally granted some perspective and they tackled an issue with their own writing that always plagued Choni back in the high school days, to show how much they've matured. Their content this season is nothing short of excellent.
Okay this is the second time I'm typing this because Tumblr glitched and wouldn't post the first one. I probably typed too much but I really wanted to give you a solid answer. I will try to keep this more succint but I have a lot of thoughts on this so hopefully it posts this time.
I apparently also deleted my first paragraph so I've typed this section out three times now. I do not think they are treating Choni bad this season. My issue is and will continue to be the setting for this season. After two seasons of them not being together they've now thrown them into a situation in which they "can't" be together and that irks me. I thought when we got confirmation that they were soulmates, that maybe just maybe they'd let them be fully happy in the final season. And that is the full crux of the issue, it's the LAST season. I discuss Riverdale a lot more on my main page (which I encourage you to check out because I do speak about this a lot more in the tags of a lot of my Riverdale reblogs) but i actually just made a post stating that I think this may be Riverdale's best season. They opened this season with one of the strongest episodes I've seen in television thus far. Especially coming from a CW show. I do think this season is also shaping up to be Choni's second best season. They've had a lot of solid scenes and Vanessa and Madelaine are giving it their ALL. That being said, forgive me for hoping the last season would be spent wrapping up happy endings mixed with the usual Riverdale drama. I did not go into this season expecting SO MUCH new plot. And if it wasn't the last season, I wouldn't complain as much. That's always been my biggest gripe, it's the last season. That's all. If this was season 5 or 6 and I knew we had 7 seasons, then I would have nothing to say. Because yes, it's given us some really good content. I just don't want it for the finale. They could've tackled homophobia back when Kevin came out to his dad or when Cheryl came out to Toni. I don't want to see my favorite character forced back into the closet because they decided to set us in one of the worst eras in American history.
Now for my villain comment. I stand by that. I do think that scene framed Toni in a really bad light and here's why: Everything she said was valid and yes, it's an issue I've been wanting them to tackle for YEARS. What she said is not what made her the villain. It was the way they framed the scene that I knew would be misconstrued by the people that watch this show and always have a bone to pick about whatever she says or does. Up until that scene, we were led to believe that Toni's biggest issue with Choni is that she lost herself. But all they show that as, is she's given up writing for cheer. Okay fine, drop cheer and go back to writing. Cheryl wants to see her gf but she's not gonna stop her from doing what she loves. However, Toni breaking up with her felt out of left field to me because she's allowed to be her own person AND still date Cheryl. So I figured maybe they were setting it up for the fact that she doesn't like commitment and the other greaser got in her head about Cheryl being a rich girl too scared to come out of the closet. Also a valid reason. But that's not the scene they gave us. What they gave us was Cheryl asking if the issue was because she was white and Toni saying yes. Nothing up until that point had given us any indication THAT was the issue. What frustrated me even further was that they don't even give them room to have a discussion about it. Toni says her peace and leaves and all we get is a shot of Cheryl crying. She clearly cares about Cheryl enough to have pursued her for that long and then she drops her without even having a discussion?? And so soon after they got together? If we had gotten a scene where the difference of their skin was brought up before that (and that could've have been anything from an offhanded comment to Cheryl laughing about something someone says in their presence she didn't know was meant to be a dig) and we see that register with Toni, it wouldn't have felt off balance. Especially since her and Betty get along and she's white. Her and KEVIN get along and he's white. Kevin and Clay are dating and there seems to be no problem THERE. So they can be okay but she can't date Cheryl because of it? It just felt like after they gave us such a strong opening ep regarding race, to then have her drop that with no nuance didn't sit right with me. All of the digs against Toni that we had seen had been because she was bi or at least "queer adjacent" as far as Evelyn was concerned. The only time we see anyone being racist, is when she's dealing with the adults, never the teens. And I knew someone was gonna watch that and say "oh of course the black girl has an issue with her white gf blah blah blah". That's why I said they set her up to be the villain. Not that she was one. Purely based on how that scene was framed. It just felt like it was missing context. And who knows, maybe they filmed a scene and then cut it but either way, it felt off to me and having it not get brought up again until the Black Athena ep just left me feeling unmoored.
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little-green-lies · 1 year
Why I thought watching Riverdale would make me feel better after Yellowjackets, i don't know. This episode was a rollercoaster of emotions. I really thought they hated us for a minute there cause I'm getting real tired of seeing Cheryl cry. Especially when once again, they try to paint Toni as a villain. Like have we not exhausted that enough? They were happy, why couldn't we just leave them be and move on for the rest of the season. It's the LAST season. Is that really too much to ask?!?
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little-green-lies · 11 months
I noticed you reblogged my post (it is mine, that blog is my stimboard sideblog) and read your tags, and I’m just here to say yes, be openly demi! There’s no shame in it, you are valid and the haters can die mad about it.
!!!! It's so pretty! I'm a sucker for any kind of moodboard and this one was just too perfect not to post. All of yours are. And thank you!! I had the revelation towards the end of high school and I went into college surrounded by nothing but allos. Which isn't a bad thing but it was very isolating. So I just never discussed anything regarding my sexuality. And it was around the same time there was a lot of discourse on Tumblr and irl. Back when people kept leaving the A out of lgbta. Then it was lgbtq and they had dropped it completely. Now at least the a is back in lgbtqia+ but people still just short hand to the other one so I just stayed in my little corner. But I've seen so much more community and support lately in a lot of queer circles so I don't feel like it's something I need to hide as often so thank you!!
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little-green-lies · 11 months
I really love when I type a long answer and Tumblr decides to delete it. I KNEW i should've save it before clicking post. That's on me. And it's always when I've typed something I don't feel like typing again. It was such a good response too I'm low-key pissed
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little-green-lies · 1 year
Decided to do some archival spring cleaning so I can get rid of all the HP stuff on here. Which proved a daunting task not because there's a lot, but because I used to mostly reblog those aesthetic collages. So just going off archive thumbnails, I had to look and try and determine if it was a regular aesthetic post, or a mAgIcAl one. There are probably some I've missed but I've had this blog for 8yrs so I wouldn't be surprised if I missed some. However, going all the way back through my archive also reminded me what the structure of this blog used to be. It was very much "aesthetically nsfw". Which makes sense considering this was mostly a private blog for a long while. Then I dialed it back when I knew it would be passing my friends dashboards. But I kinda miss it. My main blog is generally pretty wholesome if not a little dark cause I like horror. But for the most part, pretty tame. I think I may make this one...not as tame again. But we'll see....
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little-green-lies · 3 years
(1/2) Hello! I stumbled onto your post and I have a couple blogs recs for you if you'd like b/c I'm into a lot of the same stuff! If you're into fics, @trufreak89 has amazing Motherland fics and @novelconcepts has an insane amount of amazing bly manor analysis and fics. Also, @love-jesus-but-i-drink-a-little makes gorgeous art and reblogs lots of bly manor stuff and @katbrownish makes awesome Motherland and Bly Manor edits too, their "Dani & Jamie | forever in time" edit on youtube is...
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I am a sucker for fics and I'm always at a loss for how to find them on here. Which is why I just keep rereading on AO3 🙃 I will be checking these out and I figured I'd respond to this incase anyone else wanted these recs!
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little-green-lies · 5 years
I'm getting real annoyed with people in the community trying to tell me about my sexuality as if they know better than me. Especially when it's not their SAME sexuality!
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little-green-lies · 7 years
The only difference between my last job and the job I have now, is that I used to cry before going into my old job. Now I cry after work and it’s usually when I get in my car or the second I’m safely in my room. The saddest part is that I really love my job, but it takes so much out of me that I don’t know how much longer I can handle it. 
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little-green-lies · 6 years
There's no one I spend more time with and yet the second I'm away from you, if only for a minute, I miss you more than anyone else. I'm always thinking about the next time I'm going to see you.
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little-green-lies · 7 years
I like you. I actually really like you. Definitely moreso than I've liked any of my other crushes. I don't know if it's because I've actually gotten to know you or just because you're you, but I do. I just don't know if I should feel bad for liking you. Some people say I should, some people say I shouldn't and I have no clue what you think! But I also got my cards read and the person I'm currently attracted to/the next person I shall date, is supposedly horrible for me and completely crazy. So I'm also hesitant to expand on this crush for fear that you're the crazy person. Because the person after the crazy person is my true love and at this point, I kind of want that to be you. I'm so lost on what to do.
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little-green-lies · 7 years
Questions I need answered like now: 1. Do you like me? 2. Do you know that I like you? 3. Can we go on a Disney date because I would just die! 4. How do I get you to understand that I like you without explicitly telling you because that gives me anxiety. That is all.
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little-green-lies · 7 years
When a cute guy tries to talk to you and catch up during a party, but you’re too high to act like a normal human fucking being. This is why I’m going to die alone. I can’t talk to anyone unless I know them really well, because then I won’t feel so bad when I’m awkward.
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little-green-lies · 7 years
I've been contemplating going back to school, wracking my brain about whether or not it'll just be another wasted effort. Knowing how much it'll cost me not just financially but in time as well. Will I even be happy once I've gotten a second degree? And then I think about one of my best friends, who made this same decision, at the same age. Is 22 just the age in which we buckle down on our life decisions now? In a time where "the younger you are, the better". Twenty-two is a pretty old age to still not know what you want to do in life. I've already made so many commitments and I'd hate to go back on them now. But I'm not happy where I am, and although it's late, I think a change of pace will be good. Sorry for the vent session, I just needed to get this out. At least a little of it anyway.
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