#it's so gd invasive feeling and it just adds insult to injury
pastafossa · 1 year
Is there anything that we (your readers) can do about the fic thief? I had an art thief steal a selfie of a cosplay I did and claimed they came up with the picture. People can be real shitty sometimes
They really can be. Like, this is someone who's clearly read so much of TRT, and she's borderline quoting me on her own blog as if this is all stuff she's come up with herself, or talking about how hard it is to create an original character and how you should never, ever base yours on another character. And I realize now she's saying that because she knows she took my characters, but the audacity is breathtaking.
And honestly? If she doesn't take her work down soon or apologize to the message I sent (I know she's active rn since she blocked me, so I have a feeling I know which way this is gonna go), then I'll make a callout post with evidence. What I'd want then is not hate mail or death threats, because I'm not looking to form a pitchfork mob, as satisfying as that would be.
Mostly what I want is pressure for her to take down her fic and the posts where she's claiming all these characters, and for her not to be able to do this to another author. I'd love an apology but I doubt that'll happen. If we get to the point of a callout post (something I'm currently making so I'll be ready to post it), I'd ask you reblog the callout post, and tell your DD author friends about it so they can block her from following them or potentially stealing her content (I've also got her wattpad account now, so if you're a fic author, you'll be able to check if she's stolen something from you for her wattpad fic). If you can, send her firm but not insulting asks or messages, requesting she take the fic down, since I can no longer do so. If you see someone talking about the fic, tell them it's stolen. I won't be able to see what she's saying since she blocked me, but I've got friends keeping an eye on her blog now, so I'll know if she takes it all down.
That's literally all I want. I just want it down, and for her to stop pretending that all of the work and blood and life I've poured into this story is hers. And I don't think that's too much to ask.
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