#it's so good!! it's so aesthetically pleasing and funny and cute and oh yoon from homecha plays a joseon king!!
whenthegoldrays · 7 months
I got a Viki subscription so I could watch "Twinkling Watermelon" and instead I've fallen hard for "The Matchmakers"
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miramizar · 4 years
11 questions tag
I was tagged by @achenlove, @milky-waee, @conqueredthemagic and @notasiren21​! Haha this took such a long time to do and I know I’m terribly late but thank you for tagging me! I had lots of fun, even if answering all these combined took both time and energy haha~ 💕
Post the rules Answer the questions given to you by the tagger. Write 11 questions of your own Tag 11 people
My Questions:
1) Sunny days or rainy days?
2) It’s saturday morning, you’ve slept in and you are free the entire day. What do you do?
3) If a book/tv-series you love doesn’t end happily, will you get angry and never read/watch it again?
4) You get to fill a bag with whatever candy you like from your local supermarket! What do you fill it with?
5) Have you ever played an instrument? (Singing also counts~)
6) What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the word “happiness”?
7) Recommend me a book!
8) If you were to start a new hobby, what would you do?
9) Do you have any favourite words? (doesn’t matter which language you choose!)
10) Tell me your favourite movie from Disney, Pixar and Studio Ghibli~
11) What encouraging words do you need to hear right now?
I’d like to tag @xiuminscheeks​, @ladyliliah​, @youngk-hun​, @qtpie1098​, @suhosmilitarywife​, @cottonhyun​​, @iyeolie​​​​, @bloomingyouths​​ and whoever wants to do this! 💞
My answers are under the cut if you want to read them! (^_^)💗
1. What´s a hidden talent of yours?  
Um, can shake my eyes and move my nostrils?
2. What makes you really really angry? 
Whenever things don’t go the way I want to (and I get angry at myself) and when people are being rude
3. If you got one wish, what would you wish for? 
For everybody to be happy~
4. Tell us the reason your bias is your bias! 
I just love everything about Junmyeon - his dorkiness, his big heart, how adorable he is, how thoughtful and stubborn he is, his beautiful smile... Everything really 💖 Jinki is so natural and warm and soft... Leo is a sweetheart, so kind and humble and open with his thoughts, and his smile is so beautiful my heart hurts 💘 for Mark, it’s how cute and hard-working he is, and how easy he finds things interesting and funny~ and Leeteuk is just a big, pretty ball of weird who manages to make me laugh at any time~ 💕
5. If you only could listen to one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose? 
Oh my goodness I can’t answer that (>_<;)
6. If you were able to go on a date with your bias, what would you do and why?
Something calm, like visiting a café or a bookshop would be lovely~ (>///<)💘
7. What makes you happy? 
Seeing the people I love being happy and dorky 💖
8. Name 5 things you wouldn´t be able to live without! 
My family, music, books, candy and nature 💚
9. You´ve just won 1 million dollars, what do you do with them? 
Probably pay off my family’s loans, use a little of it to buy myself books and cute things and such, and then give the rest to charity~
10. Tell us 3 things your followers doesn´t know about you! 
Ahh, well I just started painting with watercolours (I’m truly a beginner but it’s fun so far~), I know enough japanese to understand what’s going on in un-subbed shows, and I really like planning things out but actually doing them is hard (>w<)❣️
11. What is your dream, your goal in life?
I don’t really know... I want to make people happy, of course... I haven’t thought beyond that really, maybe I should do that...
~Next set of questions!~
1 RANDOM QUESTION BUT: what would you name your dog if you had one??? (I need suggestions)
Ahah I do have one and his name is Picasso!
2 Favourite pic/gif/MEME of your bias? 
adhgfaoad I love all pictures of my biases but I love these a lot!!
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3 what would you say to your bias if you had the chance to talk to them (like, you meet them while they’re drinking a coffee and you just pass by and you exchange a few words)
I would say thank you for working so hard and for always thinking of us fans, and that I treasure them a lot 💕
4 Chen’s “Ah waeeeee” or Xiumin’s “marshmallow~ marshmallow~”?
They’re both cute!! In different ways! But I guess “marshmallow~”? (>^<)💞
5 “Yo, nice skirt” or “up and down like a rollercoaster”?
up and down like a rollercoaster 🎶
6.Do you like pineapple on your pizza? Please be honest.
Yup! 🍍❤️ 🍕~
7 What’s your favourite girl group?
I don’t really like that many girl groups but I’m currently looking into Mamamoo and Brown Eyed Girls~
8 would you let Pcy punch you in the face killing you instantly? (this is important)
Um, If he has to? But preferably not :>
9 You’re in Baek’s room and he’s asleep next to Mongryong. He looks like an angel.Would you rather fall asleep next to him hugging him or steal Mongryong and start running as fast as you can? :=))))
Sleep next to him, definitely! 
10 What’s your favourite MV??
I really like Overdose, For life and Universe~
11 It’s 3 am and you hear strange noises from the apartment in front of yours: it’s Suho dancing to Red Velvet’s Red Flavor. Would you join him or throw a shoe at him?
Join him!! ❤️
~Next set of questions!~
1. Original bias in your ult group?
2. How did you get into kpop?
My youngest sister is into dancing and she found some cool videos on youtube one day, showed me and the rest is history 💫
3. What’s the best way kpop has changed your life?
It gave me friends, let me grow closer to my sisters and inspired me in an otherwise very grey reality 💕
4. If you could start your own group, what concept would you have and what position would you hold?
I’d probably be the exasperated leader (I took a quiz recently so I got proof) for a group that makes music that is both soft and happy, and a bit dark and upbeat~ ❣️ Maybe a little like VIXX’s style?
5. Fave look of your bias? (Era wise)
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6. Fave pet of the members?
All of them! 💓
7. Fave mv of your ultimate group?
I already answered this, but they’re all really nice so it’s hard to just pick one... Maybe Universe, since it’s so aesthetically pleasing and also pretty deep? :> 
8. Favorite fanfic??
That’s something for another post haha but oh well, I really love “Got hands like the ocean” by apaixono, it has me squealing and laughing and crying and everything in between~ 💕
9. Have you seen your bias group live?
Nope - even though they were really close to me when they were in Germany, I didn’t have enough money to go :<
10. Favorite EXO blogs and why?
uh... I think they’re all great? I mean, both the ones creating stuff and those who reblog things... we’re all important to the fandom ❣️
1. Describe yourself with 3 words
Kind, creative, insecure
2. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My self-confidence... if I had more of it I think I would be happier... 
3. What do you do to make yourself happy when you´re sad? 
Look at fun things that my favourite kpop-groups do, Gaki no Tsukai, Yoon Siyoon, reading and being creative (when it works out, if it doesn’t I just get more sad 💘), being with my family and pets~
4. If you could meet your 5-year old self, what would you say to her/him? 
You’re great just the way you are, don’t ever forget that 💝
5. What is you biggest fear? 
Ending up alone... and accidentally hurting people :<
6. When did you start listen to kpop?
In the spring of 2016 I think?
7. If you could meet your bias for a minute, what would you say to him/ her?
Thank you for everything you do and for thinking about your fans, I'm so happy to know you 💓
8. Name 3 people you admire
Apart from all the amazing kpop people ahah (>w<) Well, Itzhak Perlman, Aki (manga artist) and the crown princess of Sweden~
9. What´s the sound you like the most? 
The wind blowing through things; like trees and grass and wind chimes~
10. If you got one wish, what would you wish for? 
Everybody’s happiness~
11. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
Read somewhere in a corner I guess... maybe check out some stores, some are so crowded that I just feel like I’m being in the way if I go inside so I don’t, but if I were invisible I could actually do it... I don’t really know haha 💕
~Next set of questions!~
1. Who is your favourite EXO-CBX member and why?
They’re all amazing, but I choose Xiumin - because he’s so soft and full of surprises! 💜
2. Who in your bias group would you like to be your best friend?
Oh... well I’m very similar to D.O so maybe D.O? (>v<)💖
3. Who is your NCT bias (if you have one)?
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4. What is your favourite food?
Steak with potatoes, gravy and lingonberry jam~ ❤️
5. Favourite thing about your bias -personality wise?
All of my biases try really hard, they’re very kind and spontaneous and aren’t afraid of being dorky~ 💗
6. What’s your favourite body part of your bias?
Okay this is really embarrassing (/▽\*)。o○♡ I’m not really one to like specific body parts but I kind of love Jinki’s thighs because they look healthy? ajfdaihfba
7. Favourite colour?
Soft and bright ones, like white, light blue and light purple~
8. Who has the best humour in your bias group?
Suho is the funniest in EXO, period. (>w<)💕 but yeah, I find all my biases the most fun in all of my favourite groups~
9. What’s your favourite animal?
Cats ✨
10. Would you rather go on an ice cream date or a coffee-shop date with your bias?
I’m happy to do either, as long as I get to be with my bias (>///<)❣️
11. How do you feel about beans?
...not really a fan. Hide it in other food and I’ll eat it, otherwise I won’t eat it.
~Next set of questions!~
1) Your favorite quote that grounds you to being yourself?
Oh, that’s a good question... maybe “You doubt your value. Don’t run from who you are.” It’s a quote from the Narnia books that I really like, and since I struggle a lot with self-loathing it is very important to me since it makes me remember that I am valuable~ 💫
2) Ultimate ship you’re fond of and love?
This is pretty much impossible to answer because I have wayyyyy to many ships and I can’t choose just one of them adjfbnaidfad
3) Favorite soulmate AU type? (I.e. name on wrist, heterocrhomia eyes of your other half’s, seeing color for the first time)
I like all of them but I haven’t heard of the heterochromia one, that sounds really beautiful!
4) Favorite show of yours that you love that’s not in your first language?
Merlin. I like a lot of shows but Merlin is the one I keep coming back to. ✨
5) Your white noise show? (Go to show you can rewatch countless times and tune in and out of)
SCRUBS. Definitely. It’s such a great show, perfectly balanced between humour and seriousness and almost every episode works well on it’s own so no matter when you decide to watch you’ll have a nice time~
6) Fictional character you wish was real to validate your unnecessary crush?
Oh, I don’t really fall in love with fictional characters? I just ship them with people from their own universe haha (^^;)
7) A weird phobia you have that you can’t explain?
I have phobias, but I don’t know if they’re un-explainable... like my fear of insects can be explained by me getting stung by a bee when I was little...
8) Sweets or Sours?
I like both, but I’’ll say sweets! 🍬
9) Are you an artist, writer, musician, or part of the adoring audience who supports them?
...I’m a bit of them all? I play the violin so I am a musician, and I like to write and I always support other artists 💗
10) Favorite band?
I love a lot of Kpop groups, and apart from that... musically or personality-wise? Because musically I’d say any group made by Alexander Bard, but personality-wise... Westlife? Maybe??
Congratulations for reading all of those messy answers! (>W<) You’re amazing~ Have a nice day! 💖
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kpoptimeout · 6 years
My Top 10 K-Dramas of 2017 - What’s Yours?
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2017 is ending soon and K-Dramaland has once again brought us so many goodies this year. As per our blog’s tradition [For 2016 faves click here] , below are my Top 10 favs of the year (my faves in alphabetical order so it might not be yours so please don’t judge)
My only specific criteria this year is that the show must have had started in 2017 to be considered a 2017 series (Hence, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bookjoo and Goblin were in last year’s list)
Chicago Typewriter (tvN)
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Ever thought of a haunted typewriter that will slowly help you recover stories of your past life? Maybe not but this innovative drama does just that. Featuring talented movie focused actors Yoo Ah In and Im Soojung (HER FIRST DRAMA IN 13 YEARS SINCE THE LEGENDARY “I’m Sorry, I Love You”) as lovers separated from the past life but current bickering duo and rising talent Go Kyung-Po of Reply 1988 fame as their half puppy-half manipulative ghost friend from the past, the drama is one rollercoaster of emotions jumping between two equally interesting timelines of modern South Korea and Japanese occupied South Korea. I really enjoy the combination of working out the characters’ mysterious past life and also the commentary on the modern literary world. If you want an intriguing and fun story-line with revolutionary history shenanigans and early 20th century speakeasies, Chicago Typewriter is the drama to watch!
Duel (OCN)
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Finally, CLONES ARE PART OF K-DRAMALAND. After many dramas on multiple personality disorder and twins switched at birth etc., we see the concept of genetic copies and the ethics of such science finally pursued in this well-written and exciting thriller. Yang Sejong plays the clones in question and as a newcomer who only debuted in 2016, he is one to watch out. He expertly played the two dramatically different clones and honestly got me super freaked out watching the show. OCN continues their amazing run with thrillers and I cannot wait for more new content from them.
Fight My Way (KBS2)
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Every year there is one bomb slice of life drama and this year it’s “Fight My Way”! Inspired by the real-life romance of mixed martial artist Choo Sunghoon and his wife Shiho Yano, this rom-com about a UFC fighter and his childhood love is sweet, funny, and poignant, touching on realistic experiences of everyday couples. Park Seojoon excels as the fighter Ko Dongman and I think he honestly does the best when acting in these common man roles like in “She Was Pretty” and “Witch’s Romance” versus the over the top hero ones like in “Hwarang.” Kim Jiwon proves she is no one-hit wonder and here to stay after her “Descendants of the Sun” fame in this relatable role of a girl who has to abandon her dreams due to practicalities of the real world and Ahn Jaehong continues to be a pure delight after “Reply 1988”.
Hwayugi (tvN)
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Only 2 episodes in, the Hong Sisters already prove that once again they are the producing queens of K-Dramaland and Hwayugi is going to be scoring home runs like their earlier supernatural dramas “My Girlfriend Is a Nine-Tailed Fox” and “Master’s Sun”, whilst riding the wave of another widely popular mythical tvN drama “Goblin.” Reinterpreting the Chinese fantasy story “Journey to the West”, this drama plays with characters already well-known in Asian folklore and throws in interesting ghost/demon/monster fighting side stories along the way. Having worked with the Hong Sisters many times, Lee Seung Gi shines in his first role back from the military, playing the mischevious Monkey King Son Oh Gong. The other castings are also great - with Cha Seungwon fittingly being the eccentric and mercurial Bull Demon King, FT Island’s Hongki as the super flirt Zhu Bajie, and Oh Yeon Seo as the pure but strong-willed reincarnation of Xuanzang. If you need a fix after “Goblin”, just watch this already.
My Secret Romance (OCN)
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OCN’s first ever rom-com is a fan favorite locally and internationally and for good reason. It is one of those expected rom-com plots with chaebol male lead, awkward grassroots female lead, BFF with a crush on her, etc. but just done very well. It does do something innovative - going around all the awkward will they kiss or not KDrama stuff to a male and female lead who meet three years later after an awkward one-night stand. Additionally, the chemistry between Sung Hoon and Secret’s main vocalist Jieun is great and made the drama all the more fun, cute and entertaining. Also, THE OSTs ARE AMAZING BECAUSE BOTH LEADS ARE GOOD SINGERS.
Ruler: Master of the Mask (MBC)
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One of the K-Dramas I looked forward to the most this year was “Ruler: Master of the Mask” because of the amazing cast of Yoo Seungho, INFINITE’s L, Kim Sohyun, and Yoon Sohee and boy I was not disappointed. Going with a Prince and the Pauper-esque plot in Joseon Korea, Yoo Seungho and L did a great job in the delivering the two roles respectively. While some people complained the show was kind of slow, I rather the PDs slowly build up the story than rush a lot in the first few episodes then drag on forever at the end.
Strong Woman Do Bong-soon (jTBC)
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Following the popularity of another tough female lead drama “Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo”, “Strong Woman Do Bong-soon” also made a strong impression on viewers. The story surrounding a cute and petite girl with supernatural human strength, played by popular actress Park Boyoung, made for a lot of laughs and also led to some fun romantic moments with male leads ZE:A’s Hyungsik and Ji Soo. The pairing of Park Boyoung as Hyungsik’s bodyguard was a well-done flip of normal K-Drama gender roles and I am excited about more female empowerment in K-Dramaland! 
Tunnel (OCN)
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After tvN’s “Signal”, I was not sure if I can find another amazing time-travelling thriller of that quality to watch. But OMG OCN is back at it again with their thriller generating machine and they delivered me with “Tunnel.” The male lead, played by the honestly still underrated talent Choi Jinhyuk, is a detective from 1986 who finds himself in 2016 after traveling through a tunnel. Discovering the case he was working on is still unsolved, he joins forces with a modern police officer played by Yoon Hyunmin and a criminal psychologist played by Lee Yooyoung. This show inspired by the Hwaseong serial murders is very good and deserved to be the major hit it was in South Korea, being the most viewed OCN drama of all time. 
While You Were Sleeping (SBS)
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Suzy and Lee Jong Suk is one drama already sounds like aesthetic goals but this drama also had good writing and plot to carry itself well. With Suzy playing a journalist who can dream of future deaths and Lee Jong Suk being a prosecutor who acquires her ability after moving into her neighborhood, the two form a likable team and really took us on a roller-coaster ride of emotions. While I am not the biggest fan of Suzy’s acting in the past, she has definitely improved a lot and I think people who are avoiding the drama just because of her should really give it a try.
Whisper (SBS)
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Legal dramas with strong female leads are always fun to watch, be it tvN’s “Good Wife” or SBS’s “Punch.” Another such drama is “Whisper”, which is supposedly set in the same universe as “Punch” according to some eagle-eyed fans, and it follows the alliance between Lee Bo-young’s charismatic but debt-ridden female section chief police officer and Lee Sang-yoon’s virtuous elite judge in their journey to uncover defense industry corruption at Taebaek, the nation's biggest law firm. These two top actors of course delivered great performances and Kwon Yul continues to rise on my list of second male leads to watch out for.
Honorable Mentions:
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Circle (tvN): An ambitious exploration of dystopian futures by tvN featuring a talented cast including Yeo Jingoo, Kim Kangwoo, Gong Seungyeon and HIGHLIGHT’s Kikwang.
I’m Not a Robot (MBC): Yoo Seungho aka #BAE? Count me in and ready to watch all the episodes. Also, the robot thing is a newer drama trope that has lots of potential.
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The Liar and His Lover (tvN): While the storyline is the expected K-Drama rom-com fare, this was a solid debut performance from Red Velvet’s Joy and damn the OSTs were great. Crude Play needs to debut as a real band real quick.
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Mad Dog (KBS2): Another amazing action-packed K-Drama thriller starring the amazing actor Yoo Jitae of legendary movie “Oldboy” fame. Also, K-Drama fans need to watch out for Woo Dohwan as this young actor is very talented and has huge potential.
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Suspicious Partner (SBS): The final drama of Ji Chang Wook before his enlistment, this is a feel-good rom-com with a great cast of Nam Jihyun, Choi Taejoon, and Nara.
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What’s your Top 10 K-Dramas of the Year? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below and may the drama sharing begin (and the road to more excuse for holiday procrastination!)
Also, if you want to check out underrated K-Pop songs of 2017, here are the lists for idol songs, artist songs, and OSTs!
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thecleverkorean · 7 years
Wanna One As Teachers
A/N: Hello! This is my first writing so I hope everyone enjoys it! i plan to write more in the future. Also for this I made them high school teachers.^.^
Yoon Jisung 
Subject: English 
Always enters the classroom with a bright smile on his face ^_^
“mr yoon...its raining outside...”
Not afraid to shows his passion for the subject and wanting to see his students succeed 
would talk to students after class who seems like they are struggling
even set up times either before, after school, and lunch to tutor
students sees him more as a mom rather than a teacher 
doesn’t have the heart to scold his students when they are misbehaving
makes an effort to memorize all of his students’ names 
Every student in the school wants him to be their teacher for at least one semester 
students are in the office demanding to have mr yoon
Tries fun method of teaching to help students learn better 
uses memes of his face
Ha Sungwoon
subject: math
sometimes mistaken as a student due to his height (sorry not sorry)
becomes salty seeing some of the students (especially the basketball team) being taller than him
before class starts his jokes around with students while sitting down on the edge of his desk
if a lesson end earlier than planned he would talk with the talk about random topics
but during class he becomes SeriOus
his face becomes very serious and u can from his eyes that gaze tho
goes into deep details with each problem 
once he starts on a problem nothing can stop him
and is always prepared for class
oh u don’t have a calculator for the test? thats fine he already has a briefcase full of them 
forgot ur textbook at home? well lucky for u mr ha has a drawer full them them
during work days he would play so songs and he would sing along
  Hwang Minhyun
subject: home ec
female students fight to the death to grab a spot in his class
in all of his classes u see that the front row are female
but he is really passionate about his job
his life goal is to successfully teach his students how to be clean
during the cooking course girls goes nuts seeing him wearing an apron 
caNnot you nOT
just seeing him wearing an apron while cooking makes him look so husband material
seeing him smile when hes done demonstrating makes everyone melt
even some of the guys 
Feels proud teaching students these skills because they are important for life 
seems cold but is actually a very soft teacher who is willingly to help anyone 
is patient with his students 
becomes shy with all of the female attention
tries to convince teacher jaehwan to join his class
Ong Seongwu
subject: history 
teacher who is really the class clown
goofs around in class 
students feel like they’re the adult sometimes 
“mr ong....please...”
but hes actually an amazing teacher
uses humor, and playful tactics in his teaching so students would memorize content better 
sometimes he would dress up as historical figures 
“hey kids look! im cosplaying!”
“mr ong....please...”
goes off topic alot
knows how to get the class pumped up for history
mr ong and mr kang were voted favorited otp of the school
Kim Jaehwan
subject: choir
has a beautiful voice student admire 
students wonder why hes a teacher and not an artist 
he wonders the same thing too kids
ofc he uses his own voice as a demonstration aND ITS FUCKIN PERFECT
wants everyone to be perfect because he wants each and everyone to shine on stage
but he can be cocky about his talent
“it will take a lot of determination and talent to reach my level kids”
ends up getting locked out of the room as a joke
learned his lesson
offers private vocal lessons to students who wishes to improve
becomes a proud mother when seeing his students perform
likes to harass mr hwang 
Kang Daniel
subject: gym
that one hot gym teacher who look GOOD in sweats (boiiii)
always in a cheerful mood with a bright smile 
“alright lets run 2 miles today since its a beautiful day!” ^_^
his bright aura motivates students to actually enjoy gym class
would join the class when they playing games like dodgeball or kickball
tries to be tough but ends up giving his students As or Bs because hes a softie (ahhh so cute)
becomes a cheerleader 
especially when students have to run a mile
wants students to enjoying gym so they can be healthy 
and wants gym class to be the class where they can forget their worries about classes 
always seen hanging out with mr ong
ongneil 4ever da real otp
Park Jihoon
subject: art
because he is a work of art 
but really he has an eye for aesthetic 
encourages students to express themselves 
and let them take risks with art 
but if u show him a painting of something adorable he’ll give u extra credit
“mr park i painted u a picture of a fluffy puppy with a bow”
“this picture nae maeum soge jeojang~”
wants his class to create beautiful art work to make the world a beautiful place
“today for life drawing ill be your model”
girls take his class so they can stare at his face
admire his face 
Park Woojin
subject: gym
also the gym teacher 
but he teaches dance and cardio workouts
loves to show off his dance skills in front of the students 
dreads the square dancing until (i had it in my high school *triGGer)
wants to see his students have the same passion and excitement he has 
seems cold and scary 
but once people actually talk to him and see him during class hes actually really nice and funny
likes to joke around from time to time 
get reALLy into cardio workouts
*everyone dying*
declares a dance battle with daniel’s class during different periods
knows he can win 
is shook when daniel starts b-boying 
Bae Jinyoung
subject: science 
face is smaller than the hot plate
seems like a calm and collected teacher 
experiment days makes him anxiOus as f*** 
me with college chem (pray for me child)
worries if today is the day were something explodes
even though the experiment is just them comparing the different density of different forms of liquids  
watches everyone with major caution 
but during lecture days hes calm 
is shy still with public speaking so he avoids looking up
but as the year passes he become comfortable 
female students fawns over his adorable small face
second opt with mr lee (daehwi)
Lee Daehwi
subject: music composition
his class would be the non vocal class in terms of music
teaches students different instruments such as the recorder and piano
how write music by studying music notes 
in the halls or before class starts he is a little child
goofing around with students 
but once class starts HELLO MR LEE
becomes serious, stoic face, and stern voice
a tough teacher 
only because he wants his students to become the best 
would push his students to the edge 
so they will become stronger and evolve as the best 
but is seen clinging onto Jinyoung 
brought flower petals to school one day and blew them infront of his class
“now thats what i call effects!”
“mr lee..u okay??”
Lai Guanlin
subject: language (Mandarin) 
freakin tall teacher
everyone literally has to look during class
students loves his class tho
they actually learn 
since his pronunciations are perfect
the students follow along to perfect it 
 isnt the type of teachers who jokes with the students 
instead likes to listen to students joking around and laughs with them
becomes so proud seeing his students communicating in Mandarin
“im proud of my children” 
looks clueless but is actually very intelligent 
helps students who seem like they are struggling
 babied by the other teachers 
adores mr jihoon
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